I saw the porn once about where porn stars get turned on by men pee on them. I knew it was not something I wanted to do because number one, it smell bad. I hate smell bad. I don’t want to be peed on. However, fanastize about it is different story which turn me on which is weird because at first, I was told it was insult to women. What about women pee and men drink it too? Women on Women’s face? What is different? Nothing and I don’t have anything against that. I only know I don’t want to be pee on. Talk about pee definility turn me on because it was something my friends and I did do to bond together.

It was first night I got drunk and my friend wouldn’t give me my key back to dorm so only way to get in bathroom is to ask my roommate for key but I was too drunk to walk there on my own. She carried me and put me in bathroom booth. I left it open and sit on dirty toilet which I knew I would regret in the morning. I peed with the bathroom booth door open to her and tried to talk to her to keep myself company. She wasn’t but was taking it as me pee front of her was the sign that I was in closet lesbian and asked me if it was okay for me to come out. That day I realized pee defined my sexuality awakening.

It was from defining my sexuality to the subject in the conversation with friends and partners.

Do you hold pee before having sex?



I can

I am sorry, I can’t get hard after pee, he said as just as like that.

I held pee and got UTI. I peed right after sex but that would be happening only when I get home or when they were asleep. I like to hold pee when I fuck because they give me more than one orasgm. I tried not to do that often and don’t share with anyone include partner expect you. Also, I do admit that watching guys pee turn me on because of the way they stand and how their back get me hard because once I think about it, I am thinking about how they would ride me like a dog during heat.

When my friend texted me about he was pee but it was actually incorrect type, he was in the town which has a name sound like pee. I was trying to tease him about it and told him pee jokes turn me on somehow but doing it is not my thing. Hold pee while fuck without pee on my partner is my thing.

Drop me your shit or suggestions! I will be glad to work on improving my cliterature!


1 comment

  1. You might want to get a beta reader. A lot of this doesn’t really make sense. Is English not your fist language or did you translate from a different one? Because if so you could always get a translator to help you or just publish it in your first language. If English is your first language then you might what to reread this, it reads as if you maybe typed it out to fast and maybe didn’t go back through it.

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