Based on a true story

My wife Anna and I have an unusual relationship that’s a little different than most. We are able to communicate with each other at an intimate level and talk about each other’s fantasies. We both have a very high sex drive and talk to each other about what works in the bedroom and what don’t.


It seems like every time we have sex, we talk about how hot it would be to have a threesome with a friend, a ‘menage a trois’ if you will. We never mention any names when we talk about it, but I’m sure she has a little crush on my best friend Joe. When he comes around I’ve noticed how she loses her cool and how her complexion changes. I went to college with Joe so we have known each other for a long time. There was one time in the past that we had shared a girlfriend together, but that was a long time ago and we have both settled down since then. He came over one day while Anna was gone shopping so I thought I’d pick his brain a little. If we were going to do this then I’d rather it be with a friend I trust than a complete stranger. I brought up the time in college when we had that threesome with Cindy, just to use that as an icebreaker for what I really wanted to ask. We talked about it for a little bit and how cool it was. Then I mentioned how me and Anna had been discussing having a threesome, and asked him if he might be interested in joining us. He hesitated for a moment and had this really nervous look on his face, and then said “But dude…that’s your wife. Are you sure you want to do that?”. I said, “ You’re my friend and I trust you, and I’d rather it be you than a stranger”. He thought on it for a moment and then said with a low voice “Okay”. I told him about how I’ve noticed her looking at him when he comes around and that I wasn’t mad or jealous. He said “Yeah I’ve noticed that too but I was just too afraid to say anything”. I said “Well don’t worry about it. I just feel this makes you the right candidate and we go way back so I trust you”. It was then we discussed in detail how we would plan this event. We decided to take a little weekend trip so I booked a two bedroom cottage in the mountains.
Later that night after Anna got home, I mentioned the trip to her and she thought it was a great idea. Then I asked, “Do you think it would be alright if Joe tagged along and slept in the bedroom downstairs?. That look of excitement on her face changed to a nervous look and I could almost hear her say within herself “OMG”. But she pulled herself together quickly and said “Well, I guess that would be ok”. So I said “Okay then, cool. I’ll let him know he’s welcome to come”. Later that night we made love, but we didn’t talk about fantasies like we usually did. I could tell what was on her mind and I think she came about eight times. It was normal for her to cum about four or five times, but eight?


Friday rolled around finally so we loaded up the car and set out for the mountains. Joe drove separately and planned on meeting up with us later that night. After about a four hour drive we arrived and unpacked. The two story cottage had a wrap around porch and an inside/outside fireplace, it was so nice! We were within walking distance of the hotel where we registered so we went over there to the bar to have a few drinks. Joe met up with us there soon after and we hung out there for a little over an hour. We left and went back to the cottage and helped Joe settle into the bedroom downstairs. After dark the three of us jumped into the hot tub out on the side porch deck. Me and Joe had our swim trunks on and Anna wore her string bikini. Going in naked wasn’t an option at that time because there were other cottages within sight and people were walking all up and down the street. It was about 35 degrees outside and Anna’s nipples were very hard and showing through her bikini top. But she didn’t mind because she knew I fantasized about other men looking at my hot wife. Although I couldn’t see it through the bubbly hot water, I knew that she was touching Joe with those pretty little feet of hers. She probably wasn’t directly touching him, but in a ‘Woops I didn’t mean to do that’ kind of way. We stayed out there in the water for a little while laughing, joking, and sipping on our drinks, and then decided it was time to go in. I went upstairs with Anna to change out of our wet clothes. I could tell that she was a little hot and bothered but she tried not to let it show. Although we both discussed our fantasies with each other, neither of us had acted on any of them. She probably felt as though my friend Joe was off limits anyway because after all, he was my best friend. She was not aware of what we had planned for her but I know my Anna. I could tell by the blotchy red places along her chest and neck that she was feeling a little randy. She walked over to me before she put on her dry clothes with that all too familiar look on her face, as if to say “fuck me”. I knew she was horny and it took every ounce of strength within me to say, “Let’s wait till later, after Joe’s asleep”. “Okay” she said. She needed me to relieve her because I knew what was on her mind. But that would have spoiled our plan so I lovingly shunned her away, yet stayed close by her side to keep her from secretly relieving herself. Our plan was for me to leave for a while to go and get take out food, to give Joe time to seduce her and work his magic. I had coached him on how to approach her, her likes and dislikes, and what kind of cologne to wear. So he was well prepped and knew what to do. Then we all agreed on what we wanted to eat and I left so Joe could work his magic. And so it all began…


Joe knew how close me and Anna were and how much we loved each other, so he worried a little about doing something that might come between us. He expressed his concerns to me the day before we left so we talked in depth about it. I told him about our lovelife and how open we were to talk about our fantasies, and about how we’ve talked about having a ‘menage a trois’ for a long time. But like I’ve said before, I know my Anna. I know she wants to do this but she would never preemptively agree to it because she worries too much and she’s way too shy. I’m sure that surprising her with this is the best option. But that being said though, we should still be careful to respect what the lady wants. If either one of us gets a bad vibe about this at any point then we should definitely abort because I will not do anything to hurt her. Anna’s my wife and not a whore, because if she’s a whore then that means we are too! He agreed with me and everything I said. He knows how passionate I am about respecting all women and treating them like I would want to be treated. I’m sure she would go along with it but I’m wise enough to know how these kinds of things can go south really quick! So after a really long discussion with Joe I was confident that we were on the same page.


I told Anna I was going out for take out food. Anna and Joe were sitting in the living room by the fireplace just before I left. I kissed Anna goodbye and told her it might be awhile before I got back because of the Friday night traffic. She said, “Okay, just be careful then”. I said to Joe, “Why don’t you show Anna some of our old college photos while I’m gone”. I got in the car and drove off as Anna and Joe watched from the cottage window. That was one little important detail we planned, that she could see the car leave and return from a window in the cottage. I drove two blocks down the road and parked in a public parking area and then walked back to the cottage. Joe said to Anna, “My computer is set up on the table in my room, so let’s go in there and I’ll show you those photo’s”. Without hesitation, Anna said “Okay…sure”. The table was next to a window with full view of the driveway. Joe and Anna were both only wearing a bathrobe and Joe had splashed on a little bit of the cologne I told him to wear. So they sat there for a while, laughing and giggling about the old photos, and then Joe pretended to accidentally click on a porn folder with threesome couples. Joe said, “OMG Anna, I’m so sorry…I thought I had deleted that”. Anna just busted out laughing and said “It’s ok…no worries Joe. Me and Larry look at a little porn together from time to time”. Then she hesitated for a moment before saying “Can I see it?”. Her question brought about a really awkward silence as they looked at each other strangely. Joe looked a little confused as to what she meant as his eyes glanced quickly down towards his crotch and then back up at her. Then it hit Anna like a ton of bricks what she had just said so she quickly corrected herself, “The porn…I meant the porn”! They both just busted out laughing and even though that’s what she really meant she couldn’t help but notice bulge in his robe and how well he smelled. Joe said, “Well if you think Larry wouldn’t mind then I guess it would be ok”. Anna replied, “Oh don’t be silly now”, and she moved a little closer to Joe and placed left her hand on his right leg. The mood changed as they sat there together looking at FMF and MFM couples photos. The porn folder was another strategy of ours to seduce Anna as I hand picked all those photos myself. Anna was aroused by what she saw and occasionally said stuff like “Oh my…oh my…that is so hot…look at that…I’ve always wanted to do that”. Without really thinking about what she was saying she suddenly found herself a little embarrassed when she noticed Joe looking at her. She glanced quickly at the window and then promptly removed her hand from his leg. She noticed that Joe had loosened his robe in the front and his big bulge was barely covered. Anna said, “I am soo…”, but before she finished Joe put his finger gently on her lip and said “shhh…it’s ok Anna. It’s only natural to be aroused by stuff like this. Nothing to be embarrassed about”. She then began to talk a little bit about her lovelife and how her and Larry had always wanted to try a ‘menage a trois’. Her stomach was full of butterflies, her neck and chest was broke out with blotchy red spots. She could feel how wet she was underneath her robe and along parts of her inner thighs, and her legs began to quiver a little uncontrollably. Joe wasn’t nervous at all and had a look of confidence and passion on his face. He took Anna’s left hand gently and placed it back on his right leg. Anna glanced quickly over to the window and then back at Joe, and then moved her tiny little hand over to that mysterious bulge. When she found that which she was looking for, Joe’s robe seemed to magically open like a curtain being taken away to reveal a secret prize. When she finally got to see what she had taken in her hand, she said “Whoa…you are huge!”. Joe just smiled and then leaned in to kiss her. I always envied Joe because his cock was so big, about 9” long and pretty damned thick too! But Anna never complained about my average size cock and she always came at least three time when we had sex.

Joe and Anna stood up by the table and Joe removed Anna’s robe. He took her hand and led her away from the window over to the wall. He then removed his own robe and placed both hands on her face, gently kissing her forehead, her cheeks, her neck, her nose, and then finally her lips. After a minute of intense kissing she gently pushed him away and said “This is crazy…Larry will be back here soon”. She had no sooner said that when she looked up and saw me standing there at Joe’s bedroom door. I had parked just down the street in public parking and walked back to the cottage. I had quietly sneaked back in so I could observe and watch how it all played out. I didn’t even tell Joe that I was going to do that because I needed to see if I was ready for all this and I would have the first chance to call it all off if need be. Anna just stood there with fear and embarrassment in her eyes, speechless and not knowing what to do. I walked over to her slowly with a neutral look on my face, and Anna feared for the worst.


I had ironed out all the details with Joe beforehand but I hadn’t told him how I would make my entrance. The look on his face wasn’t too different from that of Anna’s. I’m sure he worried a little about me and how I would feel about him sleeping with my wife. Deep down I did worry about how this might affect mine and Anna’s relationship, because after all, this would be taking it to a whole new level. I walked over to Anna slowly from across the room with a neutral look on my face, a look that she had never seen before. I stood directly in front of her with both hands pressed gently against the side of her head, with my hazel eyes staring deeply into her gorgeous brown eyes.

I said “Baby, you know that I love you more than life itself, and I knew that you would never agree to this preemptively. But this is what we’ve talked about for more than a year now, this is our fantasy. I’ve been watching how you act when Joe comes around so I know that you’re attracted to him. I’m not mad or jealous, well maybe a little jealous, but if we’re going to do this then I’d rather it be with someone like him than a total stranger. But this is no longer just a fantasy now, this is the real deal. If you don’t want to do this or if you’re not sure you’re ready, then just say so and we won’t. I promise I won’t be mad, in fact I’m a little scared that it’s you that’ll be mad at me. So tell now sweetie, what do you want to do”?

We never broke eye contact the whole time I said that and I noticed some little crocodile tears began to form in her eyes. She thought about it for a few seconds before she spoke although it seemed like a few minutes to me.

She said “Larry, I love you too more than life itself, I always have and I always will. And yes it’s true we’ve talked about doing this for a long time, but I’m so scared of what it might mean. I don’t want to lose you and what we have together. But it’s possible that this could change things between us, it’s risky…you know that…right? It’s one thing to think about it and talk about it, and that’s fun”. She said that with a slight giggle that quickly diminished and then “But you know, life is all about the experiences and risks and adventures. We’ve both said that many times. So do I trust you…yes I do”. Then she looked over at Joe and said “Do I trust Joe…I trust your judgement about him”. Then she looked back at me with a different look, a straight seductive look and said “Do I want to do this…Hell yeah I want to do this!! But first I want you to do something for me. I want you to sit right over there in that chair and watch. You think you can handle that…Loverboy”?


I was astonished by her answer because up until now I thought I had seen every side of her. This was new territory for me and I felt this strange mix of emotions deep down within. On one hand I was very turned on by what she said but on the other I was scared to death. It was almost like an out of body experience where I was looking down at everything happening, but I knew I was still there because of the throbbing erection I felt between my legs. Joe walked up from the left side and placed his hand on the side of her face. She lovingly leaned into his hand and began kissing it slowly. Then she turn to him and they both began kissing each other passionately, french kissing each other right there in front of me. It was if I know longer existed anymore so I slowly backed away and sat down in the chair. They kissed for a little longer and then Anna pulled away and slowly began kissing her way down Joe’s chest. Her right hand went wherever she wanted it to go and her left hand guided her mouth, as she would gentle feel his skin at every point just before kissing it. Joe’s hand’s never left Anna’s head as he softly caressed her as she kissed her way down his body. When she had finally made it to her knees she ran her fingers slowly up and down his huge erect penis while gently taking the right side of his scrotum in her mouth. She switched over to the left side and then licked her way all around it from left to right and from the bottom to the top. She continued on up with her tongue from the base of his shaft to the tip. When her tongue touched the pointed tip of his erect shaft, Joe flinched really hard and his cock throbbed violently upward towards its maximum upward position. She teased his tip for a little while with her skillful curly tongue at the most sensitive spots. Joe would look down at her and then back up towards the ceiling when her tongue hit those sensitive spots. I could tell the way she was teasing him was almost more than he could bare, I know because I’ve been there. I’ve stood right there in his place many times so I knew what was coming next. She grasp Joe’s right butt cheek in her left hand and ran her right hand up and down his left cheek, while simultaneously taking his cock deep in her mouth. But she miscalculated the gravity of her situation because she could easily go all the way down on me. She only made it about three fourths of the way down on Joe and it caused her to gag a little. Nevertheless she gave it all she had with the skill and technique we both acquired together. Our motto together was the same, to do it right or don’t do it at all. I could tell from Joe’s body language and by the look on his face that he’d never had a blow job like that before! Anna had this unique ability to sense when a man was about to cum. She could tell not only by a man’s body language but also by the extra swelling that happens right before ejaculation. She sensed this about Joe and took his cock out of her mouth. She looked up at him and said “nuh-uh…you’re not cumming yet”. Joe reached for his cock but Anna quickly stopped his hand with hers. Joe just stood there not knowing what to do, in a pleasantly tortured state and with his cock throbbing uncontrollably right at its outer edge. She looked up at Joe and said “shh…calm down now…save it for me ok”, then Joe nodded ok. Anna took Joe by the hand and led him over to the bed. Anna laid down there on her back and Joe preceded to get on top of her, but Anna shook her head in disapproval and gently guided his head down to her breast. Her breast were firm and her nipples fully erect, and Joe took his time sucking and nibbling on each one equally taking care as not to play favorites. He remembered how Anna tortured him and would not let him cum, so now it was time for his playful revenge. He slowly kissed his way down her belly and past her navel, and then from her pubic area down to her right inner thigh, barely missing her clitoris as he passed by. All the way down her right leg he kissed very slowly and passionately, stopping only briefly to suck gently on her sexy toes. And then back up her left foot and ankle all the way up to her left inner thigh. He paused to look at her beautiful vagina and then leaned in slowly towards her clitoris to take it in his mouth. But he looked up and saw Anna giving her nod of approval so he detoured on around her most sensitive spot, and began kissing in little circles around her navel. Anna’s nod of approval changed to one of disapproval as the anticipation, and expectation, and pleasurable torture built up within her. He circled her navel with his tongue and lips and then slowly began kissing his way down her pubic area. And when his mouth finally found Anna’s wet clitoris, she gasped deeply and flinched hard!. He sucked gently on her clitoris while simultaneously circling it with his tongue. Anna began to breath deeply, her eyes were closed and her head was moving slowly from side to side, her legs and upper torso shook and quivered from the pleasure given by Joe’s hot and skillful mouth. Joe never took his eyes off of her the entire time he was down there. He had never seen a woman shake and quiver so much from the pleasure he gave. He was a quick learner in that he would adapt his technique to match the response of her body language, input equals output so what comes in is what goes out. Joe was on his knees at the foot of the bed. Anna’s restless legs alternated back and forth from resting on his shoulders, and then back to her own hands spread eagle, and then to the mattress where she’d press herself up firmly into his face. Joe pulled his mouth away gently from Anna’s clitoris and stuck his tongue deep into her vagina, circling her inner walls while still stimulating her most sensitive spot with side to side movement from his upper lip. Anna looked down at Joe and warned him saying, “omg you’re going to make me cum”, thinking that Joe wouldn’t want her too yet because of the way she tortured him. That was Joe’s intentions but he was so turned on by by Anna’s body language that he could not stop himself. Anna saw that he was not going to stop so she threw her head back into the mattress and said “omg…omg…omg” and then began to moan loudly “oh” for as long as every breath lasted. Joe looked up and saw her breast and belly shaking and quivering even faster than it was before with her nipples still fully erect. Anna slapped the mattress a couple of times with her left hand just before grabbing Joe’s hair. With curled toes and both feet planted near the end of the mattress, she pressed herself hard into Joe’s face, pulling at his hair to ensure he did not stop. Her clitoris never left the warmth of Joe’s mouth and his tongue never stopped orbiting around it. Anna came so hard that tears ran from her eyes and she broke out in a slight sweat. When it was over she locked her thighs firmly around Joe’s head and cried, “stop…stop…stop…stop…stop” because of the extreme sensitivity brought on by her orgasm. She unlocked her legs and rested them comfortably on the bed. Joe stopped but still proceeded to gently kiss all around her labia. When he would kiss her clitoris she would flinch really hard because she was still so sensitive. The bed was soaking wet from Anna’s lubricity and Joe’s saliva.

Joe stood up at the foot of the bed and Anna’s legs went around him. Anna looked down at his thick nine inch cock and gave Joe a nod of approval saying “fuck me baby…please fuck me”, and no sooner than she had said that she felt his penetration. She gasped deeply and her head came up from off the mattress, she said “omg…feels so good…omg”, but Joe kept silent and never said a word. I had never been so turned on nor seen anything so erotic in my entire life. To watch my best friend fuck my wife with that huge cock of his and to watch Anna enjoy herself so much all the while. Her hands were dug deeply into Joe’s buttocks as he thrust his cock in and out of her, and her pretty little feet dangled just below his shoulders. His hands were locked behind her upper legs so her could pull her all the way into him hard and fast. Anna came a second time and cried “oh…oh…omg… I’m cumming…ah…please don’t stop” but she couldn’t have stopped him even if she wanted too. She reached up to him and placed her right hand behind behind his head and her left behind back and said “kiss me baby”. Joe slowed down his pace and picked Anna up from off bed with her long sexy legs lock around him. He stood there holding her with his hands planted firmly into Anna’s buttocks, french kissing her and penetrating her slowly. Then he moved over to the wall and gently placed her against it. Anna’s hands were around Joe’s neck and her buttocks rested in his hands.


All the way up until this point I had been highly aroused by everything I’d seen. But suddenly this feeling of fear and jealousy came upon me. I began to think to myself “omg, that’s my wife there…my beautiful Anna…all over my best friend…and with him inside her”, and though I felt sick at heart about it I still never lost my arousal. A big part of me wanted to stop the whole thing right then and there, but I couldn’t have even if I’d wanted too because seeing them together was so hot! That sickening feeling deep down in my stomach remained as I thought “omg…omg..what have I done…nothing is ever going to be the same again… what if she likes him more than me now…omg…I don’t know what to do”. And then my concentration was interrupted by Anna’s moans as Joe pressed her into the wall mercilessly. She cried “omg, you’re making me cum again…ah”, and Anna had her third orgasm. Her eyes were closed, her fingernails were dug deep into Joe’s back, and the look on her face was that of intense pleasure, Joe cried “ah…easy baby…easy with the fingernails” but Anna was so caught up in the moment that she didn’t care. Anna said “take me over to the bed…let’s do it dog style”, so Joe carried her over to the bed and she moved to that position. Joe got up on his knees behind Anna and buried his face between her cheeks, licking her clitoris and then her rectum. And when he penetrated her he went all the way in until he bottomed out against the back of Anna’s vagina. Anna cried “Easy now baby. I’m not used to one this big! You go in a lot farther in this position. Don’t move ok…just let me do it”. Joe kept still and Anna leaned back into him, pushing and pulling on his cock with every stroke with slow controlled movements. It was part of her strategy to reach her fourth orgasm and it worked. She said “omg…go baby… fuck me…fuck me…ah…yes…yes…don’t stop…fuck me hard” so Joe took over then and gave it all he had. Anna was soaking wet and dripping all over the bed sheets. How he kept from cumming I do not know, because I almost came just watching. When Anna had finished she pulled away from Joe and fell over on the bed, robbing Joe of his chance to finish. Anna said “omg, that one almost wiped me out”, and then turned her head to look at me. I think for a little while she forgot I was even in the room. She said to me “Come here baby”, so I went over to the bed and undressed. I laid there beside her for a while, kissing her and caressing her head. She said to me “Thank you for this. I’m having so much fun”. I said “Your welcome. Is this what you wanted”, and she replied “yes, this is what we both wanted. Are you ok”. I didn’t let on like anything had bothered me earlier so I said “Oh yeah, I’m great. That was so hot watching you perform like that”. She looked at me with those sexy brown eyes of hers and smiled, and then she grabbed my cock. I moved over to a comfortable position in front of her and she went down on me, all the way down on me. Joe moved in closer behind her and penetrated her again. It was a strange feeling to look up and see him back there, knowing he was inside her and with his hands all over her ass, but I liked it. She took my cock out of her mouth and went down on my scrotum, while still stroking me with her right hand. She paused once to look up to me and say “Do you like watching Joe fuck me”, and I said “Oh yeess”! Then she said “It hurts a little cause he’s so big…but it feels so good”, and I said “but you can take it can’t you baby”, and she said “oh yeah…Damn right I can”. Then suddenly she pulled away from Joe again as if to rob him of his chance to cum again. Anna was focused on me this time as she sat on my cock and rode me slowly. With hand in hand we stared deeply into each other’s eyes with love and affection, and just like that all my worries I’d experienced earlier were gone, and I knew she was still mine. I said “I love you so much Anna” and she replied “I love you too Larry, even more than life itself”.


Anna certainly wasn’t expecting what was to happen next. Larry looked down at me to signal me he was ready to act on the final phase of our fantasy, and without Anna noticing I gave a nod of approval to him. I looked at Anna and said “kiss me”, so she leaned in to kiss me and placed her hands on the pillow. So we were kissing and then all of a sudden Anna’s eyes got really big and the expression on her face changed. Joe had quietly moved up behind Anna and was gently pressing against her rectum with the tip of his penis. She quickly turned to Joe and planted her right hand into Joe’s waist and said “whoa…whoa…whoa…whoa…what do you think you’re doing. You’re not putting that huge thing in my ass”! Joe immediately stopped and looked over at me. I said to Anna “baby…please look at me. Don’t you remember us talking about this all those nights we made love? This is part of our fantasy”. Anna said, “omg…you’re right…I forgot about that part. But I don’t know if I’m ready for that part, and besides that…Joe’s a stallion…he’s huge”! I said “baby we’ve done anal before and I’m just as thick as Joe, just not as long. Joe’s not going to hurt you. Tell her Joe”, and Joe said “I’m not going to hurt you Anna, I’ll be very gentle and go slow”. I put both my hands on the side of Anna’s face and pressed my nose gently against hers, and said “This part of the fantasy is for me. Almost every time you’re on top of me I think about another man back there, and I can’t get it out of my mind. It’s your call baby, we don’t have to do this and I promise I won’t get mad if you say no”. I could tell she was skeptical and a little nervous about trying, but she was overtaken by the love and compassion she saw in my eyes. She said “Ok baby…if this is what you want…then ok let’s try”. I said, “Are you sure, cause if you’re not into it then I would rather wait”. Then suddenly the expression on her face changed, and became as it was earlier when it all first started. The look of skepticism and nervousness in her eyes was replaced with one of lust and confidence. Anna said, “Hell yea loverboy, you’re damned right I want to do this…and this is not just for you, it’s for both of us…our fantasy…so I’m not going to miss out on this”. She looked back at Joe and said “Go slow, okay”, and then turned back to me and we french kiss very slowly. Joe lubed up and then moved in closer and started pressing against her rectum gently with the pointed tip of his penis. Once the tip was in she began to feel Joe’s full girth, then quickly threw her right hand back to his waist and said “Hold up just a minute…don’t pull out…I just need a minute”. The look on her face was one of slight discomfort yet strong will and determination. I said, “You ok baby”, and then she closed her eyes and took two slow deep breaths and said “I got this…I can take it”. I can’t explain why but that tough confident look on her face was such a turn on to me, and I felt my cock swell thicker and harder inside of her vagina. She turn to Joe and said “Just hold still and let me do it…don’t move”, then Anna began to move back on Joe’s cock slowly and with deep concentration. We had done anal enough in the past to master the technique, so Anna knew exactly what to do. Anna and I communicated exceptionally well in the bedroom and were committed to pleasing each other. I never took my eyes off of her, on one part as her protector, and on another part because that look on her face was so so hot! After a minute or so, the look of discomfort was completely gone and replaced with one of eros and deep ecstasy. If fact, all three of us had that look on our face. We were overtaken by the lust of concupiscence as nothing else mattered then except for the passion of that moment. She looked back once more at Joe and said “I’m good now…just go slow…and not all the way in”, and then leaned back in to kiss me. Joe went about halfway in and moved slowly and in sync with me. Anna’s sphincter though relaxed now squeezed tightly against Joe’s girth, as if to prevent his cock from escaping. I could feel my friend inside her and he could feel me. But their was no sexual vibe between us as we both kept our focus only on her and making the experience as good for her as it was with us. Anna remained still for a few minutes letting me and Joe do the work, but then suddenly took control. She began to move in sync with us, moving down on me and a little farther back on Joe, moving faster and faster saying “omg, that feels so good…it feels so good…I knew it would be this way…fuck me boys…fuck me boys…omg…yes…yes”. I had never seen her so turned on like the way she was at that moment, and I felt her vagina become very wet, and it wasn’t long before she was ready to cum again. But this time the look on her face was one in which I had never seen before. It was almost like when one braces for impact just before a car wreck. I knew she was cumming because I felt the lubricity in her vagina and Joe felt the contractions of her sphincter. The look on her face was intense but she could not speak at first because of the extreme intensity of the beginning of her orgasm. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, and then gritted her teeth together for a few seconds. Then her eyes opened and she began to breath heavily through her mouth and tears streamed from both eyes. She never stopped pushing herself back into Joe and down onto me the whole time and finally became able to speak saying “omg…omg…ah…ah…ah…ah…ah..ah…yes…yes…so strong I can’t hardly stand it…so good…don’t stop…please don’t stop”! Anna’s intense moans of pleasure sealed the deal for me and Joe as we both began to cum at the same time. I could feel Joe’s cock through Anna, as it began to contract violently as he filled his condom with semen. And that brought on my orgasm and I came much harder than I normally do, and I filled Anna’s vagina with my semen. We all finished about the same time and Joe pulled out first and very slowly. Anna then fell over on me and I stayed inside her until I went limp. We wrapped our arms around each other and held each other tightly, quietly embracing the moment. It was Anna who broke the silence finally saying “that was incredible…so amazing…thank you”, and I replied “the pleasure was all mine”, and we both began to laugh. The three of us got in the shower together with Anna in the middle, with Joe washing Anna’s back and me washing her front side, that seemed appropriate. We took our time, flirting and kissing as we washed each other. Joe would kiss the back side of Anna’s neck as her washed her backside and I kissed her face and lips as I washed her frontside. When she lathered up the soap and washed my cock, I got hard again. Joe was hard again too and he was teasing her by sliding his cock gently along the upper part of her butt cheeks. I gave her the look as if I was fixing to ask for round two. She knew what I was thinking and said “Oh no, not today. I’m way too sore for round two. Some other time, okay”? I said “Okay baby, that’s cool…no regrets”, and without hesitation she said “No regrets…absolutely not”. Then she turned to Joe and said “no regrets Joe”, and he replied “no regrets Anna”, and she gave him a quick kiss on the mouth. We finished our shower and went up stairs and went to bed, but Joe slept downstairs in his room.


The next morning when I awoke, Anna was lying there on her side facing me. She said “Good morning Loverboy” and then kissed me. I smiled at her and replied “Good morning Lovergirl…you sleep good baby”? She smiled really big and said “yeah..and you” and I answered “yeah…pretty good”. I turned over on my left side to face her, gently kissing her face, caressing her head, and telling her how much I loved her. We laid there for a little while longer talking about anything and everything except what had happened the previous night. I looked at Anna and said “about last night…you ok”? She looked away for a second and then back up to me, and with an unsure look said “yeah…(long pause)…yeah…I’m fine”, but I knew she wasn’t. And then came an awkward silence between us for a few minutes that seemed to last for hours. I sensed that now was not the time to talk about it so I said no more. We went downstairs to get some breakfast and Anna noticed that Joe had already packed up and left. She seemed concerned about him, a little too concerned I think and said “I wonder why he left…he didn’t even say goodbye…do you think he’s ok”? A couple of hours later we packed up our things and headed back home. The four hour drive back home was a little uncomfortable to say the least. We didn’t say too much to each other and Anna stared out the side window most of the way or down at the floor. We were now in uncharted territory and had taken our relationship to a whole new level. I couldn’t help but feel like a storm was coming and I knew that things would never be the same again between us. Perhaps we should have left our fantasies as just that, ‘our fantasies’, and never have let them become reality. Only time will tell what consequences we must face together for our actions.



  1. This is a very well written story. Great job on it. I just finished writing something very similar to this over to r/erotica.

    You should go read what I posted and tell me your thoughts.

  2. Great job with your story! I love reading about wife sharing and fantasies.

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