True Story – I wake up early in the morning just after sunrise. I reach over and feel your warm half naked body next to me. You’re still asleep and I’m barely awake myself. You know how my hormones peak throughout the night when I sleep and how incredible my erection is first thing. I look at you as you sleep and how beautiful you are, but I must wake you my dear because I feel as though I’m about to explode! I spoon with you from behind for a bit and strategically press against your panties with my incredibly hard cock. I purposely make it throb against you, sort of like knocking on the door and asking for permission to enter. Your eyes slowly open and you become aware of the situation at hand. I know you’re not a morning person but you love me and want to satisfy me, and I love you so much for that. You know that I will take care of you later on this evening when your hormones peak, but for now…this is for me. I roll you over with your eyes still closed and slowly pull down your panties. But just as I begin to penetrate you, you say “Hold on just a minute…I’ve got to pee”. Inwardly I say to myself “Oh for crying out loud” but outwardly I say “Okay sweetie, hurry up”. ? You hurry back to the warmth of our bed and climb under the sheets, and without further ado…I climb on you. Both our eyes are closed because we’re still sleepy but something else down there is very much awake! My well lubed cock finds its way to your pretty little sleepy vagina like a laser guided bunker buster missile, then slowly finds it’s way in. You gasp suddenly and the expression on your face changes, and you say “omg….have you grown since last time? I just grin a little with my eyes still closed and say “no baby it’s not me…it’s just that your coochie is so tiny”. I like it slow in the mornings so I press all the way inside of you, all the way to the back, and I pause and hold myself there and savor the moment. I retract slowly until I almost come out but then thrust hard and deep once more, and pause again at the back to slowly feel the warm and tight sensation you give me. You say “easy baby…you’re too big”, and though I’m flattered by what you say, it’s really just you that’s so small…we fit! Little by little I pick up the pace, with my big hands behind your shoulder blades holding you close to me, kissing your pretty face and neck, building and building until I feel like I’m ready. I place my hands under your butt cheeks to hold you firmly as I press deeply into you those last few times. You know I’m at the edge because you can feel me swell thicker right before I ejaculate. You say “Oh yes baby…I can feel it coming…yes”, just before I moan loudly from the pleasure you give me. I hold that position with your butt cheeks in my hands and my cock pressed deeply inside you, until the sensation is bearable again. I slowly continue to make love to you until I’m limp and no longer able to keep it in. We clean ourselves up and go back to bed, your head is on my chest and my hand caresses your hair. We fall asleep and dream of the next encounter.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ax66e7/early_this_morning