Breakfast is Served [mF][gentle Femdom][chastity][tease]

Today is the day; the day you promised; the day I have spent these months waiting for; the day which has filled my every waking moment ever since That Day…

…That Day, yes. I suppose that’s the place to start; the Day everything changed.

I’m a successful businessman, running a small property agency with a few branches across the country. From the one property I started with, I now manage a portfolio of over a thousand properties, worth over a hundred million, and turning over more than ten million a year, as well as sales and rentals on behalf of clients. I don’t say this to boast, at least not anymore, merely to give you an idea of me, and how easy it is for me to have anything I want. I live well, play hard, and fuck; or at least I did.

On That Day I was in my office just as any other. Business was good, there was little for me to do these days; I was preparing to head home for the afternoon. There came a knock at my door, my assistant stuck her head in; “there’s someone here to see you, Sir. I know you weren’t expecting anyone, but she insisted.”

She? Well of course that was plenty to pique my interest, I didn’t have any particular plans for the evening… yet.

In you strode, barely waiting for my assistant to move from the doorway, with an air of complete confidence. The summer dress showed everything and nothing; accentuating your long legs and figure without actually revealing anything at all. Apparently you wanted to sell your property, and you wondered if I would be interested to take a look.

Usually I’d pass such work off to one of my employees, of course; but given that I could barely take my eyes off you as it was, the invitation to come back to your place seemed very promising indeed. I remained professional as we made the arrangements, but watching you turn to leave certainly caused a reaction in my pants.

I remember knocking on the door of your small property, thinking little of its chances of a good sale. Even so I was prepared to use every salesman’s trick to big it up and seal the right deal for me. You answered in a provocative, semi-transparent, white, lacy negligee which hung from your shoulders barely covering your hips. I tried my best to keep eye contact, but as you turned away to lead me inside, my eyes drank in the view of your body.

To my extreme frustration you were all business, talking only of the property and it’s features. I forced myself to maintain eye contact, the whole time my cock attempting to burst out of my pants. As we entered your bedroom I was certain that now would be the time – you’d lay back on your bed and invite me to fuck you; but no!

The tour of the property finished and we were back at the front door, already open for me to leave. I felt rather awkward from the mixed signals I was receiving, unsure if asking you out now would be appropriate. Luckily you broke the silence, handing me a small box; “A gift”, you said, “for being such a gentleman”. With a small kiss on my cheek you bade me farewell and closed the door.

I stood there dazed and confused for a few moments, processing what just happened. The box felt fairly heavy and clinked slightly as I shook it, I dropped it onto the passenger seat as I drove home, my cock hard and frustrated.

My cum was pumping into a towel as I lay on my bed and my mind turned back to the box. I realise that I probably should have opened it sooner, but that’s just not who I was. When I saw the contents my heart skipped a beat; even now I’m not sure if it was more shock or excitement. On top of a handwritten note lay a shiny chastity cock cage and padlock.

“Hello there. I’m so glad you came to see me, and I would be delighted to see more of you. However, you will have seen my condition. Should you desire my company, I require total monogamy; this includes your hands ;-) I’ll come and see you again at work tomorrow, and don’t worry; I have the keys.”

Under the note was an instant photograph of you in the outfit you were wearing when you visited my office. On the back it said “If you haven’t already (though I’m sure you have) feel free to relieve that frustration so you’ll fit x”

I could feel myself blushing bright red, not taking this whole thing seriously. You couldn’t really mean this… could you? At the same time I found myself so enthralled that I realised I could never take the chance; you wanting me all to yourself was a small price to pay.

I waited until morning to put it on, the weight feeling strange, but overall quite comfortable. Even as my cock swelled up a little in excitement and stimulation through the day, the feeling of slight restriction felt quite good. I told my assistant to reschedule all of my appointments so nothing would clash with your arrival, then struggled to keep myself occupied. Usually I’d enjoy some porn to pass the time, but that would have been a risky thing.

This was the first full day I’d spent in the office in years – you didn’t arrive until quarter past five. By this point my cock was starting to strain against the cage somewhat uncomfortably and I couldn’t wait for you to release me for your fun. I had let my assistant go home at five, so you took me by surprise when you strode in and immediately demanded “show me”.

I blushed once again, slightly nervous but not hesitating to stand and drop my pants and boxers, my cock swelling further in anticipation. You glanced, smiled, then sat down across my desk, waiting. After an awkward silence you looked at my face condescendingly, “well, put it away; we have things to discuss”. As I sheepishly pulled them back up you began discussing the sale of your property in a totally businesslike fashion; I had no choice but to continue, my cock painfully confined in the cage.

Business concluded you got up to leave. “I’d love it if you’d take me out tonight, what do you say?” You smiled at me sweetly just as though nothing had happened. It took me a moment to process, but I quickly accepted and we made arrangements to meet.

That was the start of our relationship, and I’ve been entirely yours since that day. I would take you out once a week, and every time would end in nothing but a kiss in the car when I dropped you home. Unsurprisingly your house sat on the market with little attention, giving you plenty of opportunity to turn up at my office to talk. Now, of course, I know that you really only came to torture me with sexy outfit after outfit; especially since you dresses so conservatively for our dates.

The frustration was becoming excruciating even just within the first couple of weeks; my cock regularly straining against my cage, leaking wet spots of precum into my boxers, and then it happened – my first wet dream ever. I felt so embarrassed and humiliated that you’d pushed me to this, I determined to stand up to you about all of this.

Almost as if you knew exactly what had happened, you caught me off guard; turning up at my office first thing the next morning. I was completely unprepared, stumbling over my words, and ended up saying nothing at all. Instead I found myself agreeing to let you take a copy of my house key, and that was when things really changed.

You were already there waiting for me when I arrived home, sitting powerfully in my armchair, legs crossed, feet bare, wearing an anklet with keys (to my cage, I assume) attached. The fact you had brought the keys made me hopeful, and more than a little excited as I stammered over my words. “Uh… h… hi” I said nervously, unsure what to make of this development.

“Is that any way to address me, pet? No, no, no; Miss would be most appropriate, I think.”

I was like a deer in the headlights. Never before had I been in the submissive role, and even with my cock locked I hadn’t really thought of it that way. Of course it sounds foolish to say that, but it’s simply the truth. Only at this moment did I realise just what I had let myself into, and how little choice I had over the matter.

I nodded slowly, “Yes… Miss” I whispered, the words catching in my throat, though my cock swelling painfully and twitching in excitement – something else for which I was entirely unprepared.

“Good boy”, my cock twitching again as you spoke, “now, let me see”.

While still very much soft and sensuous there was a clear note of command in your tone, and no doubt as to what you were referring. I quickly dropped my trousers and boxers, revealing my restricted semi-hard cock and tight balls. Your smile instantly made me forget my embarrassment and discomfort, a bizarre feeling of pride swelling inside me.

“And the rest,” a dismissive wave of your hand carrying the meaning: I should be naked, and soon it was so. “That’s a good puppy, now come! Join me”.

I followed your gesture, taking a place on the floor beside your legs and looking up at you, struggling to resist the urge to try for a peek up your skirt, the realisation becoming ever more strong that you’ve seen so much of me, but I haven’t yet seen you naked even once.

It was that evening, while stroking my head as I kissed your feet, that you told me today would be my release date from the cage, that you expected me to be naked at all times while here at home, and that you’d be dropping in to check from time to time.

Drop in you did, quite regularly; giving me tasks, requiring back rubs & foot worship, checking that all of my household chores were up to date but never once allowing me to see you in less than a summer dress. We continued to date the whole time too, a bizarre juxtaposition between the sweet way you treated me in public, and the humiliation of my submission in private. Despite myself, though, my cock continuously gave away my excitement at the whole situation, leaking precum almost non stop.

And so it has continued for these past months, my frustration growing more and more unbearable, keeping me up at night, changing my whole perspective on life, porn and women. Surprisingly I slept quite well last night, waking up as excited as I had been since Christmases as a child. I get up, shower and make my way downstairs naked as always.

As I enter the kitchen I stop short, stunned. There you are, draped across my counter totally naked, the keys to my cage hanging enticingly from your belly button piercing. I quickly stop my eyes from wandering and focus on your face, my cock straining against my cage and leaking more than ever before.

You smile deviously, “It’s OK, sugar, today’s the day after all. Now, why don’t you come”, you giggle, “over here… breakfast is served.” At the same time you shuffle forward so your pussy hangs just off the edge, your dangling leg moving further out of the way as I quickly kneel in front of you.

Eager to ensure you are entirely satisfied with me I look up at you as I slowly start to kiss your soft, damp lips. Against my usual impulses (on the few occasions I ever bothered to reciprocate like this) I take my time kissing your thighs, your lips, your trimmed bush. Only when I feel your fingers through my hair do I begin to trace my tongue along the meeting of your lips softly.

I continue slowly sliding my tongue deeper and deeper between your lips, your scent filling my nose, your taste coating my tastebuds as your pussy gets wetter and wetter. The combination of the past few months, the situation, and the overload of my senses is incredible and drives me on. Still looking up and watching your face I begin to probe deeper between your lips, feeling first your soft thighs and then your slick lips spreading around my cheeks. Every noise you make is music to my ears, making my cock twitch and leak even more; I’m kneeling over a small puddle already. Accompanying each is a subtle and delightful clench of your pussy around my face.

Seeing your eyes start to roll back, I think you’re starting to need more. Wanting to keep you in the best of mood and not tease I focus my tongue on your clit. Lightly at first but getting firmer I flick the tip of my tongue up and down across your swollen bud, relishing the way your hands grip my hair, and your leg wraps around my back, keeping me held close.

I alternate between sucking softly and flicking firmly, gradually increasing the speed as you pant, moan, and grip at me. My own need practically forgotten in my eagerness to provide yours. My efforts are soon rewarded as your pussy quivers against me, your legs clenching and head thrown back in ecstasy.

I don’t stop, continuing to suck and lap at your delicious folds throughout your orgasm, savoring every sound you make. Inexperienced as I am at this, I begin to wonder if just one will satisfy you, and determine that I will go the distance no matter what.

Your high seems to go on and on, your body shaking, voice moaning and screaming over and over. I don’t relent until I feel your hands release my hair and softly nudge me away. I plant a single kiss on your clit before rocking back on my heels. I look down between my legs, astonished by the pool of liquid I’ve produced and feeling the discomfort and frustration of months of pent up sexual tension.

“A promise is a promise, darling” you breathe, sliding off the counter and standing in front of me, unfastening the keys from your piercing. “come, let’s get you out”. You lead me into the living room and sit me down in my armchair, kneeling in front of me and unlocking the cage. The pressure of my constrained cock instantly pushes the cage open, and grows to the largest I’ve ever seen as you remove the metal device.

Precum flows freely down my shaft, all over your fingers and between my ass as you begin to softly stroke up and down, looking up at me with a smile. “so, I was thinking…” you start, softly, “… these past months have been so amazing, don’t you think?”

I nod almost mindlessly, my cock ready to explode but you keeping me expertly right on the edge.

“soooo… I wanted to give you a choice.” Your voice soft and soothing, “I could let you release now, here, on my hand… or…” my cock twitches, thoughts of your mouth around me – or your tight, wet pussy – flying through my head. “… we could wait, and let you earn the chance to feel my lips around you, wouldn’t you like that?”

I groan, unable to form words, my aching cock and balls taking over my whole mind.

“It would only be a few more months, sweetie, I know you can! You understand that if you choose to cum now then I’ll be gone.”

I gasp in disbelief at the choice presented; choose to forgo this release I’ve waited so long for, or lose you altogether.

You move closer, opening your lips seductively as if to take me into your mouth, taking the tiniest taste of my river of precum. “so… which will it be?”


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