Business Trip Surprise

Business Trip Surprise

I always encouraged my wife to enjoy herself when I was on the road a lot. We were young and liked to have fun. One trip I was gone for 2 weeks and halfway through the first week I got an email from a guy that said he knew my wife. He said his name was Bill. We exchanged a couple of emails and he explained he worked with her and they had become good friends. It was mostly small talk about guy things and some questions about her. He wanted to know if he could take her to eat sometime. I told him it was up to her.

The next day I saw that my wife had sent an email saying that this friend of her had wanted to take her to lunch and wanted to be sure I was good with it. I wrote her back telling her of course I was good with it and to have a good time doing whatever made her happy. I knew she was lonely while I was gone so I wanted to be encouraging when something fun to do came to her.

The following day I got an email from Bill saying that he enjoyed lunch with my wife and was hoping to do it again soon. I told him that it was fine with me if it was good for her. I didn’t think anything of it the rest of the day and got busy that night so went to bed tired without checking the email.

When I got up the next morning and got to work I was checking my business email and noticed an email from Bill and one from my wife. I checked my wife’s first and she told me that she had gone to lunch with friends and had a good time. She also said not to be mad but she had done something and she wondered how I would feel about it. I wrote her back and told her that she was free to do whatever she wanted but if she spent very more money than we agreed she needed to let me know first. Otherwise I might be mad but trusted her to do the right things for her happiness while I was gone.

I got busy and forgot about Bill’s email until after lunch when another one showed up in my inbox. I opened the first one and started reading. He told me what a sweet woman she was and that he had enjoyed dinner with her and was planning more while I was away. He said that she had wanted him to come by after work for a drink and he had accepted her invitation along with a friend of his. They had a couple of drinks and one thing led to another when she made some suggestions and he wanted me to know so it wasn’t like he was doing it behind my back.
Attached to the email were a couple of photos which he explained were taken by him and his friend.

Friends Photo session 1

He explained that she said she had wanted him to take some photos for her and for him to send them to me. These were some of the first. He said that after drinks she had told them about her desire to send me some photos. When they didn’t protest, she didn’t waste much time stripping down to nothing for the session. Though she was pretty enthusiastic, Bill said that he was slow to react as he hadn’t figured on this but then took his phone and took some pics along with his friend. He said she really got into showing off her body to him and that is was very sexy taking photos of her because she was hot and naked but also because she was another man’s wife. He said they took a few photos and would share them as he could.

I started to get pretty excited after looking that the photos of my naked wife, taken by another guy, or actually 2 guys. The photos were pretty hot.

I opened the second email from Bill and saw that he said these were more of the photos from that evening.

Friends Photo session 2

She was almost naked in these photos and looked like she was having fun. I told him these were great and hoped he could send me more of her.

As I was getting ready to leave work I heard the email beep and when to see. It was another email from him and more photos of my wife were attached. This time she was completely naked and posing for them. I have to admit it was pretty hot and was looking forward to talking with her later that evening.

Friends Photo session 3

He said that she was telling him how hot it was making her and he was getting pretty excited as well. He had never done anything like this and neither had his friend. They started giving her some instructions on what they thought I would like to see and she was doing what they wanted.

I could hardly wait to hear and see more in the next email.

I will continue this if you want to know where this went.



  1. I’d love to hear/see more. Any chance you can get her to verify your username so we know it’s real?

  2. Very nice would like to hear more. My second wife was a “share wife” and it was some hot times just seeing her making other men hot

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