[MF] Surprisingly Intimate Times with a Tinder Date

This wasn’t some life changing three-way with my boss and my best friend in a parking garage, but it was still, in my opinion, a nice experience worth sharing.

I got Tinder a little while back to give it a try. Admittedly, the sex life had been pretty slow lately. I’d like to blame being overworked, but, I realized the amount of time I was spending at home when I wasn’t at work. So, I followed what all the cool kids were doing and installed Tinder with the hopes of meeting more people and, maybe, striking it lucky.

After about two weeks, I had a few matches and had been chatting with some people and even met up for a bike ride with one of the girls. But, nothing too intense. One of the girls that I had been striking up quite the rousing conversation with was Kenzie. Kenzie was a wild-seeming free-spirit with a laser-sharp wit and a roaming imagination. She is an artist by trade and that creativity and openness seems to bleed out into her attitude and demeanor.

So we’d be chatting on and off for about a week. Frankly, I’d forgotten that meeting was even an option since our conversations were so enjoyable. But, we got to talking about her studio one day and she offered to have me by to show me her work. Obviously, I agreed. I knew it wasn’t a date, so, I curbed my expectations, but I was, nonetheless, stoked to meet her.

That night, I met at her studio building and rang up to her. Up to that point I hadn’t really been nervous, but when she picked up and I actually talked to her, it suddenly dawned on me that I was really going to meet her and I could feel the terror crawl into my system, making my hands shake and my knees fluctuate. 

After what felt like a much longer time than I’m sure actually expired, Kenzie emerged down the stairs and unlocked the door for me. Kenzie has medium-length, cool silver hair, green eyes and was about a foot shorter than me (I’m pretty tall though, so that’s not difficult). That night she had on some black jean shorts and a sweatshirt that looked like it was specifically for painting. It was hard to tell, and I’m embarrassed to say I definitely was looking, but it seemed like her figure was pretty slim, too. In short, she was really cute.

I followed her up to her studio and she showed me around. The space was raw, with exposed brick, piping all out in the open above our heads and hardwood floors everywhere. She had a myriad of paintings leaning against the wall, or laying on desks, some even tucked behind her bookshelf. It was sort of what you’d expect from an artist studio, paint and brushes everywhere, a littering of sketchbooks strewn about. I gave her some crap for all the food wrappers she had thrown about the place. It was cool though. It’s interesting to see the things that other people get so passionate about. I’ve always enjoyed witnessing that spark, that sudden surge of energy that seems to erupt in a person when you get them on a topic they love.

And here, in her studio, Kenzie was in her element. I’m not much of an artist, though, I do think things out through sketching, mapping and taking notes, so, I brought a sketchbook, she cranked up the music and we had a creative session for a few hours.

We both got hungry, so she suggested this all-night cafe just across the street. We went and got drinks and some late dinner, but she insisted that we go back to the studio to eat. And thus, we sat around her couch, eating Mac n’ cheese and just chatting. Before I knew it, we were both sitting on the floor, really getting existential, almost 3 hours of just talking behind us. We’d kept drifting closer and closer each time we’d adjust to get comfortable, and I could feel the tense reality of a kiss. The evening’s playlist had run out, so we sat in the quiet talking close and making more eye contact that you do when you don’t want to kiss someone.

She brushed my arm after laughing at something I said and that was indication enough for me to make the move. I was slow, but she didn’t go anywhere. It was a nice, all-around very pleasant kiss. I’d almost describe it as fun. It sort of felt like laughing, it was cleansing and light. It was also brief. A smile lapsed onto her lips when we pulled apart. 

“C’mere,” she said with a low rasp, pulling me in for another kiss. I rested a hand on her side to catch our shifting center of gravity, getting the indication of her body beneath her sweatshirt. Her arms tightened around me as the kiss deepened. It’s the most lighthearted feeling kissing I’ve ever done. I wanted to continue and it certainly felt good, but it had this air of slow connection, rather than the often horny release that comes with such exchanges. 

Because we both wanted to keep kissing, we did for a while until a flash of lightning interrupted us.

“Shit, I rode my bike here,” she said, getting up and looking out the window as the rain began.

“My place is only 3 blocks from here, if that’s closer for you,” she gave me a skeptical smirk, leaning against the windowsill. Laughing, I added, “I have a guest bed!” giving a little wave of the arms in a gesture of no harm. I realized how that probably looked to her, though. Can’t blame her for the skepticism.

She laughed, and shook her head. “Hm. Okay,” was all she said as she headed to her backpack and laptop, bundling the power cable up and plopping the whole grouping into her bag.

“Okay?” I wasn’t entirely crystal on what that meant.

Looking up from her bag, she nodded, a smile breaking on her lips. “Okay. Let’s go before the rain gets any worse.” Her cheeks were still a little flushed from our kissing, a sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose highlighting the color. I smiled, arranging all of my stuff as well, before she finally turned the lights off, locked up and we were on our way.

It was a brief, uneventful walk back to my place. As we stood outside my door, I fumbled with the keys, looking at her. “You can bring the bike inside if you don’t have a lock or you can probably fasten it to the railing there,” I paused when I got the right key, “also, I, uhm, I wasn’t planning on having anybody over, so, I don’t know what state this place is in. I’m sorry,” I gave her a sort of ‘eek’ face and she laughed.

“In some sense that’s really comforting,” we smiled together as the door crept open, revealing an apartment in a state of not-total disrepair. It, honestly, wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be, but it was clearly not in a state that indicated the expectation of company. We tossed our belongings about and I gave her the brief tour of the place, covering all of the essentials, like cups, water sources and the restroom.

“Well, want to watch a movie?” I asked.

She nodded. “Sure.”

“What do you want to watch?” I inquired, grabbing the remote.

“I *don’t* care” a weight hung on “don’t” that indicated that the movie was going to be backdrop. So, I picked something unoffensive and found my spot on the couch. She quickly met me there after getting a drink of water and a beer. It wasn’t five minutes later that she was laying over me, our lips meshed, our hands exploring one another more freely.

I’m not intending to withhold this information, but, honestly, I’m not here to tell you guys about the first time we had sex. The sex was good, but, it was later that the surprising sex really struck. So, to give you the quick rundown of the evening after that, we made out on the couch until we’d both had enough with the heavy petting, kissing and sucking. We moved to my bedroom where she did a sort of parody striptease that was altogether way sexier than it should have been. She was slender as I had expected, except in her hips and bottom. Her breasts had a nice natural shape to them and were very soft. We had some fun sex, the kind where you kind of laugh and chat during. It was a lot of fun and one hell of a way to break myself out of my dry spell.

So, later that night, after we’d passed into the post-coital coma, I got up, having to pee. I made my way to the restroom, intending to relieve this need and head back to sleep. I washed my hands and, when I turned off the water, I could hear the rain. It had been raining all night, so, that wasn’t that strange, but I couldn’t just hear the dull patter of drops breaking on the rooftop, I could hear that quiet static of rain in the distance, the high-pitch sort of sound you can only hear with an open door or window. I exited the restroom to investigate, figuring I’d just forgotten to close a window or something similarly stupid. Instead, I found Kenzie, cloaked in my bed sheet, with the sliding glass door open, her silhouette framed by the open door as rain poured over the balcony. She was stood safely inside my apartment, but had the door and the screen wide open, letting the smells and sounds from the downpour waft inside.

I approached her, wrapping my arms around her and kissing her cheek. I could feel her smile against my lips.

“Hey,” I quietly greeted.

“Hey,” she rasped, nestling into my arms.

“I hope I didn’t wake you.”

She shook her head, “I’ve been up for a minute. When I heard you get up, I figured I might as well, too,” she turned around in my arms, letting the blanket hang on her shoulders, a window of her pale, naked frame appearing between the curtains. I kissed her, letting my hands slide up her sides, thumbs tracing her pelvic crest as I slipped up. A sigh escaped her mouth, breaking from our lips as her hand pinned to my abs, slowly tracing down my body. My thumbs and palms breached over her rib cage, finally slipping over her breasts, her nipples hard with anticipation. I slowly kneaded her breasts as her fingers wrapped around my cock, slowly stroking me. I rested one hand against the side of her neck, feeling the tight architecture there, mixed with the soft flow of her skin. Her free hand brushed over my cheek, her thumb toying periodically with my bottom lip when we’d pull out of a kiss. The blanket fell away and we stood there, both exposed to the elements, lost in this moment of contact between us. Her strokes hastened gradually, my touches becoming hotter and more forceful. I pulled her in toward me and let my hands roll in over her round ass. She cooed at the touch, wiggling her bottom slightly in appreciation. We both laughed a little as she broke out of the kiss, resting her head against my chest and emitting another mild sigh.

I looked down at our bodies, feeling calm for a moment as I toyed with her hair. Her strokes slowed and she kissed my chest. She rested a cheek against me and looked up at me, her eyes as wide as the sky, choosing, in the myriad of all things to see, to look at me.

“Hi there,” she whispered, laughing with a contented grin. “You want to do it again, here?” she weathered her bottom lip, her eyelids hanging low. I didn’t bother responding and instead headed to my condom basket, returning with a rubber on. When I emerged from the bedroom, I found her stood against the wall beside the sliding glass door, watching me. I moved to her and lifted her up, pinning her against the wall, with the length of my cock pressed to her opening. Her arms reached over my shoulders as she clung to me, our chests embraced. I swayed my hips, feeling my cock rubbing against her, provoking a small sigh from her, barely audible over the falling rain. Her hips moved as she let out more cries, trying to maneuver onto me.

I reached down, guiding myself inside of her warm pussy, feeling her open to me while her legs wrapped around my waist. I pushed into her, the wall giving me greater leverage. I found my rhythm inside of her, moving surprisingly slowly. It felt incredible to savor each touch. Feeling the subtle ways she opened to me as I thrust, her fingers scraping up my back, her ankles clinging to my sides. Her breast heaved softly against my own chest, her cool breath moaned onto my skin with each touch. It was incredible to feel like my whole body was involved, not just clashing genitals.

Her fingers explored the back of my hair, venturing the forest of hair there. Surges of electric pleasure travelled my spine, provoked by the touches on my scalp. I supported her weight by the ass, my palms greedily feasting on her soft behind. I spread her ass cheeks, giving myself greater access to her.

She tightened around my cock as my pace increased. I couldn’t help it. No matter how much I wanted to savor it, I was getting too excited. Her calls were loud near my ear as I kissed her neck, feeling the pleasure in my body nearing the peak. She gripped onto my head like it was the only thing between her and a 100 ft drop, arching her head back to give me greater access of her neck.

And then all at once, wrapped up in every inch of her, chest-to-chest, hip-to-hip, arms wrapped in erotic desperation, I came. Thrusting as deep as I could, I let myself spill out onto the condom, hearing her heaving moans rattle in my ear. With a few final pushes, I slowly let her down, pulling out of her.

We collapsed on the couch, leaving the door open. She rested her head on my chest, playing with my chest hair and listening to my heart. I let my eyes close and drifted off to the sound of her gentle breathing and the calming rain.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/auw6xq/mf_surprisingly_intimate_times_with_a_tinder_date


  1. Your descriptive writing style and attention to the sensual details really made this story, I look forward to reading your future posts!

  2. Well this is one of the best stories I’ve ever read on this site. Thank you so much for sharing.

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