[F] Memoirs of a sushi girl (#4)

This story is about some of the things that went on in the private rooms in the club I worked at in Hong Kong as a sushi hostess. The private rooms in the back were for those that wanted extra money and didn’t mind catering to some of the more…exotic tastes of the members. Although they were billed as nothing more than private KTV (karaoke) rooms for guests to enjoy, back there just about anything went, and what went on back there was technically illegal. The management turned a blind eye to anything that happened in there as long as the member was satisfied, the girl was OK with whatever happened (and he made it pretty clear that unless there was a problem big enough to get the bouncers involved – and it had better be a *big* problem – she was OK with whatever happened) and the exorbitant fee the restaurant charged for the room was paid.

Most of the women who volunteered for the rooms (and they *were* all volunteer, as far as I know. Not because the manager was in any way a saint – far from it – but he wanted to make sure the guests were satisfied. A woman forced to do things against her will was a poor guest experience) were into roleplay or domination. The student. The dominatrix. The teacher. The mousy assistant was a “facilitator”; she was never one to have sex with a member but she would act in the role management for a guest in their play (“Oh, you can’t pay your bill? I *see*. Well, let’s see how you can work it off, then!”). Two women, though, stick in my mind as they were more specialists.

One woman, Kris had come to Hong Kong from the Philippines looking to earn money to send back to her family. She had a thing for pee, loved being in and catering to those into piss play; she discovered she was into piss early on her term there when another girl acting as the table accidentally peed on her when a guest put an unfortunately heavy plate on her unfortunately full bladder while Kris was licking soy sauce off her. The other, Michelle, was from Hong Kong and was into pain. Unfortunately into pain, in an unhealthy way. She was constantly covering up bruises and applying salve to cuts and burns on her skin. There was something just…*broken* in her head; she told me that she couldn’t feel anything at all in any way sexual unless she was being hurt, badly. She scared me a little back then; now, I just feel sad for her, and wonder why she was the way she was.

This story is one about Kris.

One night, I was asked if I would be a hostess for one of the private rooms. I immediately said something along the lines of “*Hell*, no” but after being told by the mousy assistant that they requested Kris for something specific and I would *not* be expected to have sex with anyone but would be there only to serve drinks, I agreed.

The room the member had booked was the only room that was tiled, both walls and floor. The room was plain; a couple of couches, a plain wooden chair with a wooden back, a footstool and stepladder along one wall, and a large movie screen along the back for the projector. The two of us got the room ready, cleaning the couches, starting the KTV projector, and sweeping the floor. Kris placed a plastic cone – like one a pet would wear after surgery, only made of glass – with a rubber piece around the base on the low table in front of the couches. A half hour before he was scheduled to arrive, the mousy assistant outlined what our duties would be for the evening. Kris was to sit in the chair and, well, basically get peed on by the member and his guests. My job was to keep them well-hydrated, and shuttle drinks in to them whenever they ran low. Mouse told me that I wasn’t expected to do any more than that, but she would leave things to my discretion.

When the guests arrived, Kris led them into the room, followed by Mouse. I was waiting by the door, holding a tray full of water, wine, and coffees. Mouse checked that the room was ready, that the guest and his wife had everyone they was expecting with them, verified the food and drink order for the night, wished the member and his guests a good evening, left the room and closed the door behind her. While his guests took drinks from my tray, the member sat Kris in the chair. He took a roll of plastic wrap from his briefcase, which he then used to wrap Kris to the chair until she couldn’t move. He wrapped her chest to the back and each of her ankles to one side of a chair leg, leaving only her breasts free and her legs spread. He fitted the cone around her head and secured the rubber seal to make it watertight. Then the night began.

Each guest started drinking whatever I had on my tray, and I rarely saw one without a drink in their hand. They talked, occasionally sang some karaoke, and kept drinking. As my tray emptied I collected the empyt glasses and mugs and brought them to the kitchen, bringing in fresh drinks. It didn’t take long for the effects of the drinks to kick in, and before long the first of the guests had to pee.

I knew what Kris’ specialty was, but I expected them to just pee on her; I mean, wasn’t that why we were in the tiled room and she was covered in plastic? But no, what he did was climb on the footstool and pee in her face, so the pee ran down and collected around her neck. He then zipped his pants, got another glass of water, and went back to the conversation.

Each guest did the same; the women in the group using the stepladder to climb up, hike their dress and pee on her as well. As more and more people did, the liquid level rose higher and higher, and it wasn’t long before Kris was having to hold her head back in order to breathe. She tried to move and would struggle a bit as pee would get up her nose, but the plastic held her tight. And still people peed in the cone.

Soon, Kris had no choice but to start drinking or drown. So she did. She drank, and she drank, and people continued to get drinks off my tray and continued to pee in the cone and she drank and drank some more. When she eventually had also had to pee herself, she just let go. The member ran over with his cup as soon as he heard the sound of it hitting the floor and collected what he could in his water glass, which he then poured back into the cone for her to drink again. And every time that evening, whenever she peed, he’d go and do the same thing.

After a couple of hours, the floor around her was wet and slick, and she was also covered in urine, as people got drunker and their aim got worse…not to mention the women who, after awhile, got tired of climbing the ladder and decided to just hover over Kris’ legs and pee *on* her, wherever they wanted to. A couple of the drunker guys wanted me to go off with them but I begged off, saying I was needed there to keep the drinks coming. They didn’t push too hard; they’d been there before and knew how things worked.

Just after midnight, the member’s guests started to leave. By 1am, him and his wife were the last ones there. He finished his wine, tossed back another glass of water, and another. He sang one last song on the karaoke machine, then staggered over to his wife and bent her over the couch. He hiked up her dress and she got this long-suffering look on her face as he pulled aside her panties and started first peeing *on* her, then slid in and started peeing *in* her, thrusting and squirting as he did so. She kind of sighed but let him; pretty obvious that although she didn’t *like* it this wasn’t the first time she’d had this done to her. After he came, I ran to the kitchen for a wet cloth so they could clean themselves off, and he left a *massive* tip on the table (about $40,000HKD). While he gathered his things, she took her cloth to wipe off Kris’ breasts and between her legs (which I though was nice of her) and they left for the night.

I got a utility knife from Mouse, and freed Kris from the plastic wrap. She undid the cone, let the rest of the pee run down her body, and I swear she actually rubbed it into her skin as she stood up and stretched. She took the money from the table, handed me $5000HKD for my part in the evening, and had me get her a towel from the employee bathroom to wrap in. She went for a shower, and I started cleaning the room.

Next night, I was back in the dining room, and Kris was entertaining another group of KTV enthusiasts.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/atlupn/f_memoirs_of_a_sushi_girl_4

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