Immortalizing my [m]an’s [f]at cock….with pictures and a video. xpost from /r/hastories

/u/highavailability wrote very eloquently about [our trip to the sex shop]( and subsequent purchase of [this gem](

I’ve mentioned before that I’m not a big fan of toys or masturbation. Typically, I can’t get myself off at all, or if I do, it’s not incredibly satisfying. This is most definitely a double edged sword. On the plus side, I love that HA can do things to me that I can’t possibly do to myself and that he makes me cum so much harder than anybody ever has before. Unfortunately, though, it makes the time when we’re apart that much worse. I can’t remember which one of us initially suggested it first, but we joked for a long time about me needing an HA dildo. As is typically the case with us, ridiculous ideas have a way of becoming realities.

So I ordered the “Make your own dildo” kit with one day shipping. It arrived, and the instructions are more complicated than you might expect. I don’t think this is a project that you should undertake solo. Basically, you have exactly 2 minutes to add the mold powder to water (at precisely 90 degrees), mix it for 45-60 seconds, get a raging hard-on, pour the mixture into the casing, and [insert your hard cock.](
Basically, HA said “you suck, I’ll mix.” That’s exactly what we did, and spoiler alert: it worked beautifully.

We should’ve taken more pictures of the process but there’s a large tube for the penis along with a “scrotum cup” so that the whole package is immortalized. The rubber dildo mix is poured into the mold and has to dry at a very precise angle for 24 hours. Being the clever kids that we are, we [placed and immobilized the vibrator using a large plastic spoon and situated the mold at the perfect angle with a case of water.](

Sadly, I had to take HA back to the airport yesterday morning (before the end of the 24 hour setting period), but last night I got to remove the finished product from the mold, and let me tell you….[absolute perfection, right down to the vasculature.](

Naturally, I wanted to take HA 2.0 for an immediate test drive. [I wanted to include 1.0](, but it became quickly apparent that i would need both hands to operate the monster. I managed to snap a [few more pictures]( before cumming really super hard on 2.0. It’s not HA, but damn, it’s by far the closest 2nd I’ve found. He and I will likely be going for round two tonight…



  1. That’s cool you got it cloned lol.I’ve been following your sub for awhile. I think it’s awesome that you’re living out your fantasies together!

  2. I agree with everyone else. U guys are a pretty awesome story, and ive been happy to be able to watch the story unfold from the beginning of you 2 posting about it.

  3. “Clone-a-willy” – love it! It would be easy to mock this but there’s real value in the way it lets you have your partner with you, even when they’re not with you. The mind boggles slightly at some of the technicalities – how long do you have to stay hard inside the gloop? Are you also trapped until you go soft?! But clearly the end result is worth it.

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