Trigger warning: rape. (consensual rape) Satisfying her rape fantasy…

I went through a phase. My manwhore phase. Sex was a single minded goal for a couple years and there’s a whoooole lot to write about. This story begins a series of fantastic, destructive, mind-blowing, pornstar-like adventures with my friend Karen. These are all from 2011-2012, so my memory is a bit fuzzy but I am writing it all as best I can remember. There was a blog we both chronicled things in as we played, but when we imploded (as any relationship as intense and wild as this is bound to do) she held the admin keys and locked it up.

All events are written as best I can recall, slight embellishment aside, and are true as can be. Feel free to ask questions, or comments, or encourage the next in the series if I forget to update with a new story periodically. Maybe I can give u/Ironman2000 a run for his money on here! ;)

I traveled 6 months a year up and down the west coast working on various land management contracts. The jobs were generally in very small towns and I didn’t have much contact with other people since I was out in the woods all day. As an extrovert I generally need more simulation than I was getting so I reached out on craigslist casual encounters after a while, getting over my initial fear of potential creepers/murderers. After a couple months of brief hookups which went pretty well (some were downright mind blowing) I saw an ad asking for something special, unique, bold, and very risqué. She wanted to carry out a rape fantasy. Dangerous, I know. The potential for epic fail, arrest, or worse was all there but I threw caution to the wind and responded.

Now, I am not a violent guy AT ALL and would never in a million years consider raping or harming someone in real life. I am really quite disgusted by anyone low enough to resort to anything non-consensual. …But craigslist is a place where every fantasy can be satisfied if you look hard enough. She was looking and I had the desire for something totally new. I admit, I was really nervous as I headed to meet Karen. Being unfamiliar with Seattle I picked a random sports bar to meet at which almost spelled disaster when her phone died and both of us missed the other inside and nearly left thinking we had each gotten stood up. Luckily I spotted her after a bit and came over to introduce myself.

She was a decent looking Korean gal (raised in Europe), about 25, who I quickly found out was exceedingly smart (mensa smart, spoke 5 languages, programmer) and very type A/dominant in her public life (but not at the other end of the spectrum when it came to the bedroom). She was a manager at a large tech company and made waaay more than I did even though I was several years ahead of her in the workforce. But I digress.
We shared some drinks together for a couple hours and after a good bit of getting to know you chit-chat, covered all the basics that we needed to, safeword, boundaries, the reasons for doing this (I needed to make sure this is not reenacting some sort of horrible sexual trauma she had already been through). I was very nervous at this point because I realized how deep down the rabbit hole I was about to go. I had to throw away my entire “nice guy” sexual persona and invent a new one. One that was emotionless, cruel, unyielding, and willing to threaten someone to the best of my ability. What a crazy challenge.

She abruptly decided I would suffice and told me to go get a hotel room. I had already gotten one fairly close since I was traveling and gave her the address come by.

The setup was: we had met in a bar, she had gotten a little tipsy and went home with me but then decided against my advances when I got her to the hotel room. When she rejects me I get angry and force myself on her.

As we get to the room both of us are very nervous and I have trouble transitioning from Mr. nice guy to Mr. rapist. After a brief casual talk on the bed I get up and go to the bathroom. Staring in the mirror I get in character, feel the emotion leave me, and then walk back out a different person. I sit and lay a hand on her upper thigh, just at the edge of her tight jeans. She is quiet and uncomfortable. I ask what’s wrong in a teasing, unconcerned voice and slide my hand slightly higher up her smooth thigh. As I lean in to kiss her she shys away and leans back a bit which I use as an opening to push my weight onto her a little more. She turns her head to the side and mumbles “No,” in a quivering voice.
“Oh, so you’re going to lead me on all night and then not even give me a kiss after buying your drinks all night?” I reply, frustration clear in my voice.

She turns to reach her purse and I assume try and leave but I grab her cheeks firmly with two hands, turn her head, and plant a forceful kiss on her unyielding lips. They are pursed tightly but still oh so soft and plump. I take another kiss for myself and slide my hand from her thigh straight up to her crotch before my hand is pushed away quickly. She tries again to get up but I lean into her, pushing back onto the bed. Her struggles intensify, as do my efforts to restrain her. To this point she has let out little squeaks of, “No, stop, and why are you doing this?”

I just grunt and allow her to realize the futility of trying to reason with me and the inevitability of where this will lead. She pushes me hard, enough to put me off balance and send me back onto the bed. I reach out, grab her wrist very tightly and bring my palm down on her whimpering face with a loud slap. The reality of that put her into overdrive and she struggled for real for several minutes, kicking and scratching. In the struggle she hits her head on the nightstand and I see a wave of real pain cross her face for a moment. I can’t help it and stop what I am doing to make sure she is ok. She uses that lul to try and break free, say she is fine and call me a dumbass for breaking character. So that’s how it’s gonna be, eh Then the struggle is back on. As she is on her back kicking at me I get a wonderful glimpse of her dark purple satin panties. Simple and smooth.

I grab a leg, pull her off the bed to the floor with a heavy thump and then jump on her, straddling her torso and one arm with my legs which makes managing her resistance much easier from there on. I know she can feel my hard-on as it presses into her stomach and tents my pants …and I think I may have even caught her giving it a quick glance. While one hand hold her arm still and my other hand covers squeezes her throat shut I pull my face an inch from hers, stare into her eyes with fire in mine and as scary/calmly, matter-of-factly say, “Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” And she does much to my surprise.

When I release my hand slightly there is a sucking, guttural, broken gasp for air that actually kind of disturbed me in how deeply arousing it was. I’d never choked someone before and was suddenly spinning with lust because of it. I ask her quietly if she is ok and she chastised me for not staying in character. That is the encouragement I need. My hand closes on her neck again and my other hand puts another firm slap across her cheek. It is instantly rosy. “Don’t fucking make another sound. If you move I will cut your throat.” I emphasize this by placing a kitchen knife I produce from nowhere across her throat, hoping she saw the several layers of silver duct tape protecting the sharp edge. It has the intended effect and she is still.

“What are you going to do?” she asks meekly.

“I am going to use you tonight you little cock-tease. Did you think you could drag this on all night and not give me what you have?! Your cunt is mine. Besides, I know you want it.”

Her mouth opens to protest but I roughly grab her cheeks and shove my tongue into her mouth, savoring the warmth and wetness for several seconds as my hand grabs a handful of her very plentiful breasts through her shirt. I hadn’t realized how large they were until now. DD for sure on her taller, average weight frame. An elbow suddenly comes down HARD on my thigh; my hand goes to her throat again with the knife hovering over it. I say nothing and spit onto her face, daring her to try that again. As the knife rests against her throat I reach for the roll of duct tape I have nearby. In a couple short seconds her mouth is silenced and wrists are bound, poorly, but enough to buy me some time to figure out what to do next.

I look at my prize on the floor, curled up, unwilling to look up at me, and have a twinge of fear that I am actually, really, truly doing this. It feels real. It is real. A wave of disgust passes over me thinking this is the disturbing, sad, terrifying reality for some women. What monster would actually do this?! But this is a game I remind myself, a twisted one, but approved and encouraged nevertheless.

The coffee table in the room is short and sturdy looking so I half drag her by her arms and her long black hair to it. I straighten up the tape on her wrists and then pull her up and laying across the coffee table, appendages draped over either side. She has become surprisingly resigned and compliant, thus, taping her wrists to a leg of the table is easy. Mind you, I have not the least idea about what she hides under her clothes aside from that flash of purple, so I begin to peel up her shirt allowing her big breasts to spill out from underneath onto the table top. I caress and kiss them trying to be as creepy as I can, and include a chuckle and a compliment. They are very perky for being so full; the beauty of youth I guess. Large dark brown nipples adorn medium sized brown areola, with the whole package sloping evenly upwards even as she lays on her back.

She whispers a quiet, “Please stop, please let me go, you don’t have to do this.” to which I don’t respond. After a moment of composing myself and deciding my next move I just decide to sit on her back as she lays face down on the table so I can address her backside. That was my one disappointment; she had no ass whatsoever. Flat. I slap it hard in frustration. I wanted a big booty! Oh well, I can’t always have everything I want. Another slap, then I roughly yank her pants down baring her ass.

The lighting is dim but I can see the darkened flesh of her asshole and pussy lips. And I believe…yes, a glistening of wetness. My hand runs down her ass and I dip a finger in her warm cunt to confirm that she is secretly enjoying this. Although there is no reaction from her I am sure she is enjoying it. “Why the FUCK is your slutty fuck hole wet?!” I ask, not caring about her answer. I hop up, flip around and sit back down on her, grab her ponytail, or at least what’s left of it, jerk her head back and slap her cheek. I can tell it stung; her face says so. I can tell she is NOT used to being disrespected like that and it makes me smile. Head back, I watch for a reaction from her as I unceremoniously plunge two fingers into her wet little hole. It isn’t quite wet enough yet for my dry fingers to easily slide in and I see a slight cringe from her. I explore her insides; warm, moist, with tender pliable skin. I’ve felt plenty of cunts but this one is mine for the night.

Previously we talked about how rough the night could get and I was incredibly surprised basically have carte blanche for the night with the safeword “Orange.” I’ve set safeword before with girls but never gotten close to them actually needing them. Karen, on the other hand, said to take it as close to the safeword as I was willing. She wasn’t looking for a fantasy, she was looking for a true immersion, and I promised I’d try to give it to her. Throughout the night I recall having to repeatedly fight my better judgment and emotions to keep the charade going. Pain, fear, and domination was all welcome and encouraged tonight.

My fingers continue their probing and I hear a feigned sniffle and cry from her. “Please, my family has money, if you let me go…” My slippery fingers quickly are removed and whip her face and breast to silence her, eliciting a cry and then silence. I push her head down to the floor, an uncomfortable position I am sure, and when she hears the jingle of my belt buckle a flurry of no’s and whimpering commences. She struggles again as I keep hold of her hair but I’ve got enough control now to stop her quickly this time with a couple painful jerks of her hair. My cock comes out and is ready to go. I think wrapping my fingers around her throat earlier did it. Her head is back as she lays on her stomach, and my cock is pressing on her lips, but she won’t open. Each attempt is met with a turn off the head and a murmur of resistance. With my free hand I squeeze her cheeks into her teeth until the pain forces her jaw open and she accepts my offering, not unlike giving a pill to a dog. God, she feels good. I inform her that she is going to suck me or I will end her right then and there.
Thus commences several minutes of total pleasure on my part. She knows what she is doing and pays ample attention to the head. She is able to generate a wonderful amount of pressure with her mouth and has me rhythmically pushing into her within minutes. I want more of her. I push past the back of her throat and feel it tighten momentarily around my cock before she jerks back in a natural reflex. That seems like a good segue into the next round of activity.

I want her to be naked and exposed in front of me. I want her to feel little. Helpless. I flip her over on the table. She’s wearing a fairly simple shirt which doesn’t provide me with a real great option for removal, which I planned on so I pull out a real knife, sharpened for the occasion, and inform her that she needed to be still or this one would leave a deep cut, ensuring she saw the bare blade. It quickly and cleanly slices through the thicker collar fabric of her shirt and then I set it aside to roughly rip the rest down her front (harder than Arnold makes it look in the movies!!) I don’t think she expected this and i could see real concern about her clothing being ruined, “Hey! That was expensive!” “Get your rich mommy and daddy to buy you another one then!” I retort. I think she is secretly entertained by that response, and liked that I planned ahead in bringing the tools (I confirmed this after), but that’s not the only planning I did…

Her bra is wisely a front clasp and with a quick pinch her glorious breasts are free in front of me! Oh happyday! I almost forget my role as a bad-guy as I reach in to feel them. My hands quickly switch from tender caresses to suddenly rough squeezes until I get a pained response from her. Her bra is wisely a front clasp and with a quick pinch her glorious breasts are free in front of me! God she has great tits I think to myself. They are firm with youth, full and perky, and are topped with brown nipples slightly larger than a pencil eraser, centered in 5 cm areolas. My hands tease then for a while, as her head is turned to the side in feigned disgust. I pinch her nipples hard in unison and she yelps in pain. I flash her a devious smile and do it again. She starts trying to roll off the coffee table, expecting me to to restrain her but I just sit back and watch her roll right off the table and face plant onto the carpet. That’s good for a laugh from me but I think it knocked the wind out of her a bit because I get no resistance as I then drag her a few feet to the couch. I prop her up to a sitting position and shove my cock back into her mouth. Her head is against the couch, and at this angle I know my upward curved shaft won’t let me get down her throat with this firm of an erection, so I face fuck her hard without remorse. I feel my cock head pressing into the back of her mouth each thrust and it is great. I give her accolades for not scraping me with her teeth as I use her, and openly consider letting her go if she keeps up the good behavior. I know she won’t though.
Drool is coating her tits now and more spills out every time I pull away to let her have another breath. Eventually I want to see her struggle so I just keep thrusting. I simultaneously start feeling those little tingles deep within my groin, and she runs out of air. She rolls her body to the side and gasps. Expecting this I hoist her up and bend her over the armrest which presents her absolutely perfectly. Her pants are loose and they come down to her knees without much effort. This effectively immobilize her, wrists and knees bound now. And that pussy was staring me in the face. Licking a wet pussy is perhaps my favorite part of sex aside from an orgasm and rapist or not I was going to sit down to this freshly opened buffet in front to me! Her protests hardly registered as I placed a hand on each thigh and parted them. If she was wet before, I don’t even know what to call this now. The sides of her leg were slimy and her bare vulva were puffy, gooey, and just…wow! The moment my tongue touched her she started fighting again, determined not to make it easy for me. I grabbed her long black hair again and pulled her head back until I could hear her raspy breath strained by a bent esophagus. “Stop. Just…try to enjoy this. It’s going to happen either way.” This seems to pacify her. I bet she’s secretly enjoying it for a bit and I let her. She’s freshly showered and her feminine odors are mild and welcoming as I bury my face in her.

I am instantly covered in wetness and am in heaven! Clit to asshole and back again, long slow licks with a wide spread out tongue, covering as much of her lips as I can. Then I focus my energy on her oversized, engorged clit. I like to create a little suction first with my lips, pulling her flesh into my mouth, and then flick it as fast as my tongue can. Still no audible reaction from her but her hips and legs open up ever so slightly more, encouraging me on. My hands each grip an asscheek which positions my thumbs wonderfully close to her dark asshole, and being slightly obsessed with asses I begin to massage the skin right along the edge of the dark ring, stretching it left then right, just in front of the tip of my nose as my tongue continued running up and down her pussy. With the mess of saliva and her copious wetness in my mouth I drool some of it slowly onto her asshole and my thumb massages it in circles. One of her stated boundaries was no anal sex but said she’d done some ass play in the past so I didn’t hesitate to push that boundary a bit by toying with her ass.
She started another round of resistance with some flopping about and wild kicks. A few kicks found their mark, so I did what I hesitated to several times previously but was assured earlier was ok and actually expected; I sucker punched her in the stomach/side. Not too hard but enough to cause an immediate cessation of her struggling. She wheezed a bit and was clearly in a bit of discomfort. I broke character immediately again asking if she was ok and I got chided for not staying in character. Okaaayy…Another decently hard punch to her thigh got a yelp.

What the fuck. I just punched a girl. Because she literally asked for it. This is some weird shit.

So I figure I better get down to business then. I move on to attaching her wrists to the corners of the table. She is bent over it again and her breathing has mellowed a bit. Good. I walk away and sit in the chair in front of her, get rid of my pants entirely and pour far too much lube over my cock. My hand starts working up and down the shaft lazily, unhurried, enjoying the view. She looks up and pleads again but I cut her off before she’s done, “Shut up.” After a few more minutes of this I am starting to really enjoy myself and not wanting to ruin myself I stop abruptly, and walk around behind her. She can’t see but she can hear me rustling around with the condom package. I consider how to begin and figure it should be done as unceremoniously as possible. After rolling the condom on my extremely excited organ I step up behind her and just slam myself right in without any warning. She starts fighting again and gets an arm free from my shoddy binding attempt quickly, and just as quickly I have it held tightly behind her back and laugh derisively at her again. “Nice try hun, but I’m not even close to done with you yet.
I’m not gigantic, but I am above average length and girth, and have gotten regular complaints if I really try to bury myself in a girl. Apparently a cock banging against a cervix isn’t the most comfortable thing. But damn, does it feel good to go balls deep. So I went all the way with Karen, trying to elicit that groan, trying to put her enjoyment aside, but the groan I got was more pleasure than discomfort I think. Fuck, I get to go deep with her; awesome! As she moans and gives a token struggle I start pounding her wet little cunt as fast and hard as I can. I know the condom dulls sensation a bit but she felt absolutely amazing. I put my full body weight on her and just humped and humped and humped. Her little 24 yr old pussy was heaven. After a while my balls were dripping with her excitement, no joke.
Continuing to hold her hand to her back I rotate myself around and jerk her head back by her hair. Her eyes are a mix of pleading for me to stop and pleading for me to never stop. I slap her cheek roughly, “Open up.” She hesitates then complies and I push myself far enough down her throat to make her recoil and cough violently. I give her a breath or two then keep still while jerk in her head up and down on my cock as fast as I can man-handle her head. She makes that “guh-guh-guh-guh sound each time she comes up and drool is absolutely everywhere, and my favorite, the ring of pussy cream that she made on the base of my cock is now smeared all over her lips and face. “Good girl,” I say, “I’ll be done with you soon and then you can go home.”
I walk back around behind her again and slap her pussy a couple times which makes her jump each slap. Her groan is a pleasurable one. And I like how her body involuntarily reacts at each strike, so I continue, slowly upping the tempo and firmness of the slaps. Eventually it becomes a bit much for her. Her pleasure noises give way to focused silence, then her hips squirm a bit to escape the abuse. My other hand releases my cock for a moment and leaves a stinging slap on her ass then moves back to stroking my shaft. She seems to have gotten the message about keeping still. But I am now bored of this slapping. I roughly inspect and probe her now tender and puffy outer lips. She is SO wet. My slapping has smeared it all over.
It’s time.

I spit on my fingers and smear a little extra around her pussy and then step up behind her. She instantly senses what I am about to do and starts thrashing for all she’s worth and pleading for me to leave her alone and stop. I audibly chuckle, making sure she hears it, then push into her. She can’t see behind her and hasn’t been able to verify whether I put a condom on (absolutely did, this is absolutely a classic case of sticking my dick in crazy) and I hope that thought is also going through her mind to add some real fear to the night. God, it’s not been long since my last encounter but it feels so damn good to feel a pussy engulfing my rod again, despite the sensation-dulling condom. Her resistance is causing all sorts of fun tugs and contractions around my cock as well. I grab the “safe” knife and hold it to her neck again and growl into her ear, “quiet, or I’ll be testing my potential necrophiliac fetish out tonight.” Twisted, I know, but I was getting into it.

With her finally quiet, I can enjoy that lovely little pussy in peace. And enjoy it I do. I quickly realize that she doesn’t complain at all when she receives the full 7.5″ I’ve got. It’s not huge but I’ve definitely gotten complaints before about being able to push too deep. She doesn’t seem to mind at all, so I really start pushing as far as I can. The edge of the condom passes deep into her and I can feel the lowest 2″ or so of my exposed shaft get kissed by her warm silky skin on each deep thrust. My balls feel sticky as they slap her clit on each thrust. “Mmmmm, you feel good honey.” She starts to whimper and cry at that comment. I get tired after a bit and lay my full body weight on her, my chest to her smooth, soft back. Her long black hair smells wonderfully perfumey and I breathe deep with every slow thrust now. Each thrust makes her whole body jump forward as my pubic bone connects with her ass and I notice her big tits are have worked themselves out from under her torso. My wandering hands grip reach forward and cup and fondle the exposed sides of each breasts with lust.
“If I untie you, will you behave?” I ask.

“Yes, please just get it over with and let me go.” I release her wrists and her pants finally drop to the floor, leaving her standing there completely exposed for the first time that evening. She sees my gaze and tries to cover herself as best she can, to no avail really.

“Get on the bed.” She complies silently. “Lay on your back.”

I crawl up the bed to her and force her thighs apart then bury my tongue in her pussy. Her odor is heavy and musky now that she’s been aroused and fucked. My tongue focuses on her clit while two fingers push in and out of her. My lips apply suction drawing out her ample sized love nub into my mouth. Holding it I flick it hard and fast with the tip of my tongue for several minutes until I tire. When I stop I notice she is breathing very hard, lips pursed, eyes scrunched shut, back is slightly arched, and her hands are squeezed tightly around bunched up sheets. I must have been doing something right…

I work my way up her body kissing slowly and spending lots of time on her big, dark nipples. (Who says rapists can’t be a little sensual). When I get to her face I kiss her and in a moment of weakness she kisses back passionately and deeply before seeming to remember her role as a victim. Her head snaps to the side and she says something about just getting it over with.

I position myself between her legs again in an upright missionary, place a hand on her breast and the other guides my lovely curved cock back into her. I get no response from her initially as I start fucking her catatonic body. I know she’s enjoying it but trying to look like she isn’t. After a bit she tries some resistance again but I’m not having any of it and my big hand wraps around her neck and squeezes very firmly. Before coming to meet her I tested various grips on myself a bit to find the perfect way to choke someone and I’ve found that with the webbing of my thumb and finger pressed right into the crease of the neck I can cut off breathing while leaving circulation clear and keeping actual pain on the windpipe to a minimum. I held this grip on her until she looked up at me, eyes reddening a puffing out with every second, I had the thought that it’d probably be about time to let go, then waited another while longer. She bucked and I released long enough to let her suck some air before closing my hand again with about half the pressure so that she could breathe but only just barely. The rasping, sucking noises urged me on and for about 30 seconds or so I was an animal pounding her as hard and fast as I could. My eyes never left hers for a moment. I scowled at her, expressing my best disgust at how she let a stranger fuck her like that. I slapped her face just to punctuate my last few thrusts before my glistening body fell onto her in exhaustion.
Wow, I really liked that. Like, REEEALLY liked that animalistic feeling. (This scenario of hard fucking with my hand on a girl’s neck has stayed with me to this day and is one of my “go-to” things that’ll get me cumming in 30 seconds flat.)

I drag her back over so she’s face down half off the bed, bent over the edge, and start fucking again. Nothing special, just enjoying her powerlessness and my dominance. I spread her meager ass cheeks as best I can and spit on her asshole before probing it with my thumb. I’m love the look, feel, (and sometimes taste even) of a sexy girl’s clean asshole but for whatever reason I was slightly less enthralled by her’s that day. With my thumb inside her I keep pounding away until I can feel an orgasm welling up inside. As I get close I pull away, shove her roughly to the floor, and slide my condom off. I spit a huge amount of saliva into my hand, and slather it onto my dick to finish the job. A goodly thread of it drips and hangs off, and in a stroke of derision I reach down and smear it on her face before going back to pleasuring myself standing over her. She rolls over and tries to slowly crawl away, looking truly sore and broken. I half heartedly kick her thigh to let her know I’m not done with her yet and she ceases movement, looking back up to me with sad puppy eyes. I think she is broken enough now so I squeeze myself hard, pump my shaft a couple more times, then blast a couple streams of warm cum onto her body and face. Some of it hits her, some goes onto the floor. I could care less. I’m done with this slut. I flop onto the bed breathing hard and see a few articles of clothing beside my face. I bundle it up, toss it on her, and say, “Get out.” before walking into the bathroom and closing the door.

I immediately open it again amend rush to her side to check up on her. Before doing anything I and I ask if can hug her. She nods with a smile and we sit for a long while silently embracing. There was much tenderness in the hours afterwards. Lots of asking how she felt, what was too far, what was great. Transitioning back into her alpha – female personality she informs me with a smirk that I did “pretty well” but I screwed up the whole thing early on by breaking character and that we needed to do it again soon, “right.”

My eyes damn near bugged out of my head at that. But I said I would do it better next time. And I did. A little too well. I won’t tell the whole ordeal about that second time because it was cut a little short; while tossing her onto a hotel couch while bound she landed on the edge and broke a rib. After a bunch of, “Oh shit, I am going to prison, or her husband is going to fucking kill me,” she insisted I finish the job, pump her full of cum, then take her to the hospital. The ER doc (bless his soul) immediately saw the bruises on her wrists and various other places on her body and had a spousal abuse counselor talk with her. After I think some awkward excuses trying to convince them she slipped and fell in the shower she explained the whole situation and they believed her. I can’t imagine how awkward that was.

Yes, she was married as well. You did catch her a little ways down the line and after a rough couple weeks they started going to a therapist who specialized in open relationships and he eventually gave the OK for her to visit with me occasionally. Thus began the most tumultuous, crazy, sexually evolving. Of my life for the next 9 months. Definitely more stories to come….

At one point we kept a blog of our adventures which actually got several thousand subscribers, as she was a very good writer, but I was not given approval post any of that here so I am writing from scratch.

Next we can talk about the swingers club with 3 cute noob Asians and I, the swingers club with my favorite couple there, any of 3 shows we put on in the porn store theater/backroom, the one where I took her to a stud’s house to get fucked, the one where the guy in the next room over at our hotel tried to join (short, funny), her bugging on molly after a show when I got her ass the first time, or when I almost got caught by coworkers with her in my room. What’s next you horny bastards?



  1. Very well written.

    I had a strange experience. Got a semi at best while reading this but I could not stop reading.

    I know this is not for me and without concent I can’t get going, but I understand that some people do fantasize about it. Very good story dude.

  2. There’s no such thing as “consensual rape”. “Consunsual rape” is just aggressive but consensual sex.

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