Alicia’s sexting shower confession [f/m] [NSFW]

This a real transcript of a WhatsApp conversation that has been slightly edited for reasons of privacy. The eroticism in it comes from knowing that it is a real conversation that the participants are having for the purpose of sexual pleasure; there is little description so the imagination has to be used. In fact both Alicia and Jules do re-read conversations for pleasure when they are alone.

Alicia (not her real name) is Spanish, in her mid twenties. She has long dark hair and brown eyes. She thinks she is overweight but in fact she is simply not skinny. She lives and works in London. Jules (also not his (my?) real name) is English and more than twice Alicia’s age, something which Alicia finds attractive. He is one of those lucky men that carries his age well. Originally from London he now lives and works in Huddersfield, which is where they first met. Whilst they were friends in Huddersfield they were not lovers; they developed their relationship after Alicia moved to London and now they have a good friendship in which a sexual element has been developing – only the sexual element is shown here but their conversations are not always about sex. Both are single and both enjoy sexting; they both enjoy masturbating and knowing that the other is masturbating, it is a big turn-on for both, and neither really wants a partner in their lives. At the moment they are still finding out about each other sexually, but they are becoming comfortable with each other. Alicia shares a flat with a man (whom she doesn’t fancy) and Jules lives alone.

It is Saturday night and Alicia’s flatmate has gone away for the weekend and Alicia is lying on the sofa in her pyjamas. She has just got out of the bath, where she masturbated. Now she and Jules are messaging. Jules doesn’t know that she has just cum, but he has been thinking about her all day and he is feeling very horny and wants to masturbate with Alicia. As I said sex isn’t the only thing they talk about and Jules has been looking for a new flat, and aside from being horny he wants to discuss that with Alicia.

Jules: Hey

Alicia: Hey

Jules: What are you doing?

Alicia: Lying on the sofa. You?

Jules: Sitting at my desk, flat-searching

Jules: Do you prefer a bathroom with a bath, or don’t you mind?

Alicia: That’s a weird question haha

Alicia: Anyway, I much prefer a bathroom to have a bath as well

Alicia: I mean a shower is nice

Alicia: But is is also nice to be able to have a nice long bath

Jules: Mm, I guess

Alicia: And there are things you can do in the bath that you can’t do in the shower

Jules: Oh yeah?

Jules: Like what?

Alicia: Well lots of things

Alicia: Anyway none of your business

Jules: You mean lady things haha

Jules: Shaving your legs

Alicia: Well yes since you mention it

Alicia: But other things too

Jules: You shave other things?

Alicia: Haha yes :p

Alicia: But that isn’t what I meant

Jules: Do you mean masturbate?

Alicia: Wow that was a bit sudden

Alicia: And gave me a shock haha but yes!

Jules: So you masturbate in the bath?

Alicia: Of course

Alicia: Don’t you?

Jules: Well I never have baths

Jules: And I don’t do it in the shower either

Jules: I prefer to do it sitting at my desk haha

Alicia: Haha well I do it in the shower too

Jules: But you are always so quick in the shower

Jules: I know cos you are always laughing at me for taking so long

Jules: How do you manage it?

Alicia: Yes well I can cum really quickly in the shower

Alicia: Do you want to know a secret?

Jules: Ooh yes please

Alicia: That is how I did it first

Jules: Did what?

Alicia: Blimey I can’t believe I am telling you this

Jules: Go on… I think I know what you mean and I am interested now

Jules: It is having a big effect

Jules: He is looking over the edge of the desk now haha

Alicia: Are you naked?

Jules: Not completely – just taken off my trousers and pants

Jules: I am sitting on my chair with my knees apart

Jules: You could straddle me

Alicia: Blimey that is rude

Jules: So tell me…

Alicia: I can’t I am all shy now haha

Jules: Please 

Jules: He is all interested and you will make him harder

Jules: I want to cum now

Jules: I want to play while you tell me…

Alicia: Okay, well

Alicia: The first time it happened

Jules: What?

Alicia: Orgasm

Jules: Ah right yes sorry

Alicia: I was in the shower

Alicia: And I must have been feeling horny although I didn’t really know what that was in those days

Alicia: Anyway I was washing myself down there

Alicia: Soap was making it all slippery

Alicia: I was rubbing to wash myself

Alicia: And it felt nice

Alicia: So I carried on rubbing

Alicia: And the more I rubbed the nicer it felt

Alicia: And then I started to cum

Alicia: It was so nice I nearly fell over haha

Alicia: And my knees were all weak

Alicia: And when I came out I was sure that everyone could see what I had been doing so I was a bit embarrassed haha

Alicia: Anyway I obviously overcame that because since then I often do it in the shower

Jules: Wow. What were you rubbing?

Alicia: Well you know…

Jules: Your clitoris?

Alicia: Yes silly

Jules: Describe what you did

Alicia: I remember it was like a hard little lump

Alicia: I didn’t remember feeling it before

Alicia: But it felt nice to touch

Alicia: And I was rubbing the tip with my fingers

Jules: Crikey

Jules: I am so hard right now

Jules: I am masturbating thinking about that

Alicia: And I am masturbating thinking about you masturbating haha

Jules: So you cum really quickly in the shower?

Alicia: Yes, just a few rubs

Alicia: It only takes a minute usually and it’s a nice way to start the day

Alicia: I guess I am already feeling sexy when I go in

Jules: Crikey I will never hear you say that you are in the shower again without thinking about that

Alicia: Well If I have a shower then I probably cum haha

Jules: Crikey! That’s something to think about

Jules: I could watch you shower all day

Jules: So was that the only place you did it? I mean I know not these days

Alicia: No of course not

Jules: Haha yes silly question I suppose

Jules: Where else then?

Alicia: In bed of course

Alicia: And in the bath, or on the sofa

Alicia: Like I am here :p

Alicia: But I can take my time in the bath rather than the shower

Alicia: And in bed of course

Jules: Yes of course

Alicia: I explore more in bed and in the bath ;)

Alicia: I can take my time

Alicia: Really enjoy myself

Alicia: Although I do think it is naughty

Jules: My cock is so hard

Jules: And my balls are really tight

Jules: How are you doing?

Alicia: Nearly there

Jules: I am starting to cum now

Alicia: Me too

Alicia: Now!

Alicia: Blimey that was so nice

Jules: Mine too

Jules: He really aches now

Alicia: I had a bath tonight actually

Jules: Really?

Alicia: :P

Jules: Do you mean that you have already done it?

Alicia: Yes

Jules: In the bath?

Alicia: Yes

Jules: Crikey

Jules: You are so naughty

Alicia: I am!

Jules: I am getting hard again thinking about that

Jules: I would love to talk about that

Alicia: Well I am not going to cum again

Jules: Maybe another time

Alicia: Haha yes maybe 

Edited: formatting
