[FFMM] [TEACHER STUDENT] A new kind of sexual education Chapter 0.75

This contains the first post I made as well as additions. I am hoping to finish the whole first chapter before the end of March. It’s still very rough, but at least it get to so more action.

As always, feedback is appreciated.

Hellena: Teacher’s Log 1:

I can’t believe i said yes to this job, the contract is insane. I’ve read it at least 50 time, and I can’t believe i said yes to this. An interactive sexual and biological sciences professor. Good God I really think i’ve lost my mind. I mean i guess it could be worse, they are college students so presumably they will be at least a little more mature about the whole, thing, and really jobs are hard to come by these days, especially tenured positions at colleges. But…God, it’s going to be so demeaning.

The biggest sticking point for me it the caveat that says i can no longer be on any form of birth control, and frankly it reads like i am supposed to get knocked up… I think the idea is that I would be demonstrating copulation, the stages and biological transformation of pregnancy, birth, and early infant care, specifically lactation and breastfeeding/milking. In fact it seems like the school wants to down play the whole baby part, most of the language is centered around the lactation and changes in the female body.

My other issue is with the idea of teaching kinks. I’m pretty open but this contract makes is sound like i am supposed to basically indulge any student who comes to me with a particular fetish and wants to practice it. There are 25-30 students in my class each semester, at least one of them is going to be a freak, or worse, dangerously sadistic.

But what’s worse, as i am writing this i can feel myself getting wet. Fuck, I am getting off to the idea of getting knocked up by a random student and getting used as some sort of teaching sex toy…. What the fuck is wrong with me.


Hellena stood at the front of the empty classroom, looking at the seats that would be full shortly. Her hands rested on the modest podium at the front of the class. To her right was a table, it had a soft cover on it making it look like a flat massage table. Above the table was a camera on a flexible arm. The camera was off currently, but would display what ever was on the table on the large screen at the front of the room. It could be adjusted to nearly infinite angles and distances to show whatever educational aid was on the table in the necessary detail.

Hellena gripped the podium, she could hear the beat of her heart in her ears as she stood waiting for the class to file in. She had defied the lesson plan provided to her, as she was wearing a sports bra and spandex shorts, they were in no way modest, her round butt stretching the shorts, always making them prone to showing off her rather open vulva, the lack of underwear not helping that regard. And the used to fit sports bra causing her breasts to spill over the edges, which only distracting slightly from the fact that the pads were missing from the cups, revealing slightly the shape of her nipples.

The lesson plan had suggested that she simply start the class completely nude. As the first couple of students arrived, a thin white college freshmen, a mixed girl with tightly curled dark hair, and an obvious jock, she regretted her decision to wear anything at all, realizing that now, she would have to strip in front of the class, instead of just being naked and exposed. “Fuck” she breathed as the thought caused her nipples to harden. A few more students filed in, as she tried not to look down to see how obvious her nipples were. The class was beginning to fill about, and she would begin her lesson in a few minutes.

“Welcome class!” Hellena said from the front of the room. “Welcome to the first of its kind, Interactive sexual education, and Biological Sciences course.” Hellena stepped out from behind the podium, she could feel all of the eye in the room on her, sliding up and down her body. “In this course we will be covering a wide rando of topics, Starting with basic anatomy” she awkwardly motion toward her own body with her hands “anatomical responses to stimuli, intercourse, copulation, pregnancy, lactation, and so much more”

Hellena picked up a stack of syllabi and walked toward the front row of the class. Her nipples were still hard and as she walked her shorts began to shift revealing clearly the outline of her vulva to the students in the front row. She noticed the 3 students who were first to arrive in the front row and approached them, handing them the syllabi.

“Please pass these around.” she said her voice more sultry than she had intended. She turned walking back to the podium.

“I don’t really believe in going through the syllabus item by item, i’ll give you all a moment to look through it and answer any question you have.”

Hellena scanned the room looking for question, slowly a boy in the back raised his hand, pointing she said


Sheepishly the boy began ”This mentions kinks and fetishes…?” he trailed off, but Hellena was already answering.

“Yes, as part of this class if you have an fetishes, fantasies, or kinks, you are encouraged to bring them to me. I will do my best to describe or demonstrate the acts involved. If you already have a particular thing you know you like, but you just want to practice, you are encouraged to come to my office to discuss it, be mindful though, that it’s likely the class will benefit from discussing or practicing as a whole.” She smiled continuing to scan the room.

“It says that one core aspect of the class with be reproduction, are you going to get pregnant?” The Skinny freshman in the front row blurted out

“Yes…” Hellena said pausing for the students name.

“Anthony,” he said “how is that supposed to work, will it be a…” he paused “by product of practicing?”

“ Yes.” Hellena repeated, “In order to give a complete overview of the reproductive process you will need to participate in it. We have all be tested for STDs and fertility and everyone in this room is in top health. I should also mention that no sexual contact with anyone outside of the class will be permitted.”

Hellena Scanned the class again, seeing no hands and hearing no questions she said

“Shall we begin?”

Hellena moved over to the table reaching up and flipping the switch on the camera to Broadcast. She didn’t realize at the time, that this would broadcast the image to all of the screens on the network, but even if she had, it was the intention that anyone on campus would be able to log in and watch the class as it proceeded. With the camera focused on her body she reached up crossing her arms and grasping the bottom of the bra, pulling up and out, allowing her large breast to drop free from the bra. The bounced slightly from the drop, her largish nipples now full exposed and completely hard.

The students all stared, in particular she could feel the eyes of the three students in the front, Anthony, the mixed girl, and the jock, she could feel their eyes on her body taking it in. many of the other students looking at the screen. She cupped her breasts, just brushing her nipples before sliding her hands down her sides. Sliding then down over her shorts, she slid her thumbs under the waist of her shorts sliding them down her legs, bending at the waist, her breasts hanging, completely removing her shorts. Finally she stands, her body completely exposed to the class, the way it will likely be fore the rest of the year, maybe even the rest of her career.

Hellena climbs onto the table, laying flat on her back, pulling the camera closer to her, cropping the image so that it is filled primarily with her breasts. They were magnificent breasts. Large and full, only sliding of to the sides slightly as she lay back.

“So we will start with the breasts” she said her voice magnified now by the microphone on the camera. “The breasts are made largely of fatty tissue” she said grasping her right breast and squeezing it slightly. “They contain the mammary glands which is where the milk is made and are generally soft and pleasant to the touch.” as she says this she massages her breast slightly. “Normally breasts are capped with nipples” she said sliding her hand up and pinching her nipple. “This is where the milk comes out when a woman is lactating, and around the nipple is the areola. Though biologically for breastfeeding, the nipples are also usually sensative and fairly secually stimulating.” She says this as she continues to massage her breast and pinch her nipple. “You can sometimes tell if a woman is aroused by her nipples hardening, though this can also be caused by any number of stimuli including temperature change.”

“Any questions so far?” hellena asks scanning the students. This time the jock has his hand up.

“Yes Mr…?” Hellena asks

“Uh, Marcus, But not all women’s bodies look the same do they? For example your breasts are, i think, probably fairly unique.”

“Yes, of course, all bodies are different, though there are a few archetypes of breast shape. Mine are very round,” she rubs the orbs of her breasts again. “But some women have teardrop shaped breasts, or oval breasts. There is quite a lot of variety. In fact it might be best to have a volunteer.” Hellena points to the mixed girl sitting next to the Jock, Marcus. “How about you, miss…?”

“Carmela.” the girl answers.

“Would you be willing to come up to the front for a demonstration?”

The girl hesitates. “I guess so.” she says rising slowly from her seat and walking towards the front of the room. She is 19 with an athletic build, the swell of her breast is moderate, with a thin waist and wide hips. Hellena hops off of the table, her breasts bouncing merrily.

“Do you mind removing your top? Actually perhaps you should just strip completely. I think some contrast in the further demonstrations for the day will be useful also.” Hellena smiles “Please only if you are comfortable.”

The girl begins quietly to strip. Removing layers of clothes, it becomes clear that she has a very different body type from Hellena. She has smaller teardrop breasts, the amber skin is tight and topped with upturned chocolate colored nipples, surrounded by very small areolas. Her outer labia are thick giving her vulva a closed appearance, in contrast to Hellena’s rather open vulva, she is a very good counterpoint.

“If you’ll please Carmela, hop onto the table.” Hellena says motioning to the table. “Just lay back here under the camera.”

Carmela hesitates briefly before climbing onto the table and laying back. Hellena Grabs the camera moving it down towards Carmela’s feet and closer to her so that her body fills most of the frame.

“Relax.” Hellena says quietly pushing the girls feet apart slightly. “I want everyone to get a good overview before we go in depth.”

Hellena begins to slowly move the camera up along her body, making a slow pan so that everyone has plenty of time to take in the girls body. She moves the camera until the frame is centered on Carmela’s perky breasts, her nipple point directly up at the camera.

“As you can see Carmela has much smaller breasts than I do,” Hellena presses several buttons on the camera and the screen behind her switches to show a captured image of Hellena’s breasts next to the live view of Carmela’s.

“They are very perky, and overy all a different shape, with smaller areolas, and smaller nipples. You can really see how firm her breast are if you give them a little squeeze.” Hellena says as she grabs Carmel’s breast at the base and gives them a gentle squeeze, shaking them a little as well. Carmela’s breast bulge slightly under the pressure and when Hellena shakes them they barely jiggle at all.

“In contrast.” Hellena says as she swings the camera up to focus on her own chest, “mine are much softer and less firm.” Hellena grips her breasts, her fingers sinking in deeply, and then she gives them a little shake, sending them bouncing wildly. “This is often due to differences in things like age and breast size, and really one isn’t better than the other.” As Hellena says this she rotates the camera back down to focus on Carmela.

“Another stark difference.” Hellena says. “Is the difference in our nipples.” Hellena’s finger reaches out and begins circling the outer edge of Carmela’s areola.

“Carmela has well defined areolas that are much smaller than mine. This can be related to breast size but isn’t always. You can see that my areolas sort of fade into the pale color of my breasts, where as Carmels have a well defined edge.”

As hellena says this, her finger continues to circle Carmela’s nipple, the tip of which is beginning to harden visibly on screen.

“As I mentioned before hard nipples can be a sign of arousal, and because i am actively stimulating Carmela’s nipples it’s a pretty safe bet that that is the cause.” At that Carmela blushes slightly. Hellena Glances down, her own nipples rock hard. “But who am I to talk?” she finishes

“Alright, I think it’s time we move on to the more complicated bits!” Hellena says enthusiastically, “If i could just have you sit up quick Carmela,” Hellena says as she moves the camera up and out the way, walking around the table. She reaches under the table pulling out two pairs of stiups from the edge of the table.

“Please place your feet here” Hellena motions to the stirrups, Carmela hesitantly putting her feet into the cups, he vulva now quite exposed.

Once Carmela was situated Hellena hopps up on the table next to her, also placing her feet into the stirrups. For Carmela, he relatively closed vulva keeps her modest, but Hellena with a more open set of labia is fairly exposed. This is highlighted by the fact that she is very aroused, her entire sex filled with blood and glistening, the wetness visible even before she brings the camera in closer.

“Alright” Hellena says, her voice slightly shaky “This is an example of a female’s vulva.” the backs of her hands slide along the insides of her thigh guestering to crotch.

“The largest, and most visible part of most women’s vulva is the outer labia.” As Hellena Says this she slides her fingers along the outside edge of her labia pushing them closer together, and allowing them to separate as he fingers slide higher. “The outer labia are the main protection for the more sensitive interior parts. Just inside of the outer labia are the inner labia, or the labia minora. The function of the labia minora is to protect the much more sensitive opening to the vagina. They also do a wonderful job of holding moisture to help with lubrication during more friction intense activities.”

As hellena says this, she slides her fingers along her inner labia, she can feel the moisture on her fingertips as she moves them towards he clit. She grabs each of them between her forefinger and thumb, pulling them up and outward gently to show them to the class better. As she separates them, a thing string of lubrication stretches between the folds. “Does everyone follow so far?”

Hellena scans the room, looking out at students who are mostly completely rapped with the image of her vulva open to them, she sees more than a few, male and female, touching themselves lightly. They are trying to be subtle, but they are clearly aroused by what they are seeing.

“It’s alright to feel aroused, it’s a very natural response to seeing aroused genitals, and i want to make sure everyone is comfortable as we move deeper into the anatomy and some of the mechanical and physiological actions of the body.” Hellena says still scanning the classroom.

“Alright, so starting at the top, we have the cliteral hood.” Hellena places a finger on her cliteral hood, pressing it down just slightly. “The cliteral hood covers the shaft of the cliterous, and is designed to protect the cliterous from uncomfortable mechanical friction. It is important to point out that once lubricated, the cliteral hood can be very useful for gental none direct stimulation of the cliterous.” As she says this she begins to slide her finger up and down the shaft of her cliterous, pulling the hood back and then pushing it back down.

“The cliterous is extremely sensative, having more nerve ending density than almost any other part of any human body, and this is an extremely important tool in arousal for women. The highest concentration is in the cliteral glans, or what most people refer to as the clit.” Hellena pulls back her labia and hood, revealing the massively engorged nub of he cliterous to the camera.

“The labia and cliterous engorge with blood when a woman is aroused, making them even more sensitive, and as they fill some of the plasma in the blood will pass through the skin, which is what causes the lubrication. As you can likely tell from how hard and large my clit is, as well as the clear fluid making me shiny,” as hellena speaks, she runs a finger through her labia, collecting some of her fluids before pressing them into her clit, a low sigh escaping her lips” i am currently highly aroused, making my clit extremely sensitive.” Helena’s finger continues to circle her clit for a few moments before breaking off, several of the boys, and at least two of the girls in the class now clearly masturbating.

“The vulva also has two openings, the urethra, which is here.” Hellena pulls her labia wide open with one hand revealing the glistening opening to her vagina and then with the other points to a fleshy protrusion at the opening of her vagina, moving it with her fingertip so that the small opening is visible.

“The Urethra is where urine is excreted, and doesn’t play a huge role in ‘vanilla sex’ but is the center of some fetishes and kinks. The urethra is at the opening of the other orifice, the vagina. The vagina is what most people think of then they are considering the female genitals, it is where the penis is inserted and where the secondary pleasure center of the female genitalia is. It is important to understand the anatomy of the vagina as well as the vulva” Hellena leans forward as she is talking disconnecting a separate endoscopic camera from the main camera body.

Hellena grips the thick camera, she can’t even close her hand all the way around it. She is very wet, but the camera is large, so she squirts a small pump of lubricant into her hand, applies it to the lense and surrounding camera shaft.

“It is important to make sure that things are well lubricated, it almost always make things more fun.” with this she places the lense of the camera against to opening to her vagina, mixing the lube with her own juices to make sure everything is good and slippery and because her clit is begging to be touch she slides the end of the camera up between her labia. As she slides the camera she accidentally moves a sliding switch, causing the whole camera to begin vibrating, the image goes blurry for a second before stabilizing. The edge of the camera is right on her clit when the switch turns the vibration on and low moan escapes from her lips.

“Ohh, fuck. Oops.” Hellena says as she turns the vibration off. “Good to know.” she says quietly to herself.

Hellena places the Camera back at the opening of her vagina, and begins to press in. As her body blocks off the light, a ring of LEDs come to life, illuminating the inside of her vagina, and causing a slight red, warm glow to appear on her pubic mound above the flashlight. Hellena catches her breath slightly as the large camera slides into her.

“Mmmm, that is nice.” she says to the class as she slides the camera a little deeper before sliding it back so that it is just inside of her. The camera is clearly quite large for her as it has pulled the skin tight around her vagina and is holding her open a decent ways in front of lense

“Not that we are inside of me you can see more of the musculature which make up the body of the urethra, as well as the vaginal walls. The Vagina is a muscular tube which is involved in both orgasm and childbirth.” Hellena presses the Camera further into herself, clearly restraining her hips from bucking along the large shaft stretching her open. As the camera slides further in there is swollen area with subtly different texture.

“At the top of the screen you can see my G spot. This is a bundle of nerves that are extremely important to intercourse. For a lot of women, myself included, this area will swell and cause pleasure when stimulated. I will demonstrate this in a moment, but first let’s finish with the vagina.” Hellena has only pushed about 2 inches of the camera into herself, leaving almost a whole foot of camera outside of her. As she presses it in she has to keep resetting it, sliding it in and out to keep it lubricated. She takes a few extra strokes as she moves past her G spot, angling the camera up to add pressure. As she presses the camera deeper she starts to breath heavier, little moans and whimpers escaping with each quarter inch she buries.

After nearly 4 inches of the camera have disappeared into her, her cervix comes into view, a small fleshy doughnut. Hellena keeps pushing the camera in,moaning outright now, as the lense of the camera makes contact with her cervix.

“The cervix is the gatekeeper of the womb. It separates the vagina from the uterus, and is the passage that the sperm must swim through to reach an egg. It is where an IUD can be inserted, and it can be used to know if a woman is ovulating. When a woman is approaching ovulation and peak fertility, the cervix will become soft and pliable.” Hellena pressing the camera against her cervix, the flesh giving way easily. “As you can see I am quite pliable, and from tracking my cycle i know that I should be ovulating right around now, and will reach peak fertility some time this week.”

“Another note about the vagina, on average the vaginal canal is about 4 inches deep” she says, “but the vagina is very elastic and can be very accomodating.” She pulls the camera all the way out marking where it disappeared originally into her. “Without pushing too hard, my vagina is about 5 inches deep.”she say showing the class on the other camera where her finger falls on the small ruler etched into the side of the cameras housing. “But i bet that i could get nearly all of this camera into my vagina with a little effort.”

“Do it then.” Carmella says resting on one elbow looking at Hellena.

“Alright.” Hellena says placing the now well lubricated camera back against her now slightly gaped pussy. The Camera begins to slide back in easily, and as it disappears into her the light flares back on, making her lower belly glow. “Fuck this feels good” Hellena says as the lense touches against her cervix gently. “ how deep do you think i’ll be able to get it then?” hellena asks carmella.

“10 inches max.” carmella says grinning a little as she looks down at Hellena’s stretched vagina.

“If i get all of it in you’ll owe me a favor this semester, If i don’t and you can get it deeper, you’ll get extra credit. How does that sound?” hellena asks.

“Deal” Carmella responds, absentmindedly playing with her nipple.

Hellena begins thrusting the camera in small motions as first. Her breathing beginning to keep time with the thrusts. Each thrust she pushed the camera a little further, small gains at first, but slowly the strokes she is taking lengthen. She is panting now, as she slams the camera deep and deeper into her body. The bottom of each stroke finding her G spot as she angles the camera up, and thrust it back into her. She is moaning loudly and panting now, but the camera is nearly completely inside of her at the top of each thrust. Finally, she pushes it into herself one last time pressing hard, her breath catching. “OH FUCK, IT’S SO FUCKING DEEP” she lets go of the camera and it start to slide back out of her on it’s own.

“Well there you have it, all of it inside of me. The Vagina is an amazing organ.” Carmella’s eyes are wide. “We’ll get to you.” Hellena says, “but first, i think it’s important that everyone be able to recognize a female orgasm. So i am going to give myself an orgasm, and then, with her permission i am going to try to give Carmella one also.” hellena’s fingers have already found her clit as she finishes.

“The key to the female orgasm really is the clit, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore vaginal stimulation either.” with this Hellena clicks on the vibration on the camera. “Oh fuck” she says, as the vibrator comes on inside of her. “I’ve also been stimulation myself throughout the whole tour of my genitals, so, Oh god, this might not take too long. MMM.” Hellena is making little circles around her clit with the fingers on her left hand while sliding the end of the camera against her G spot. “Oh god, I’m so close.” she blurts through her breaths. The camera is stretching her vagina too much to see the pulses starting there with each thrust.

Hellena’s right hand is pumping the camera in and out of her, while her left fingers slide over her slick clit. Her pace has become nearly frantic as she is approaching climax, the motion of her arms causing her breast to bounce and jiggle. “I’m about to cum, about to cum, ohhhhhh, I’m cumming.” Hellena says, trying and failing to keep her voice clinical. As she tips over the edge she pulls the camera out of her vagina quickly, the last impulse on her G spot causing a small jet of liquid to shoot out of her urethra. At the same time she removes her fingers from her clit, sliding them down and spreading her labia to give the class a better view.

“Oh, oh, oh.” Hellena breaths as she fights her hips to stay in place, the orgasm rolling through her, her vagina opening and closing rapidly, trying to grip something that’s not there. The pulses move her whole vulva he clit bobbing and the muscles clench shut and open again. A small dribble of creamy fluid begins to leak from her slightly gaping vagina. Slowly her breathing slows, as the class looks on.

“And that, is a female orgasm, well actually, it was a ruined orgasm, but i wanted to make sure everyone could see everything that was happening, the pulsing of the muscles, and the fluid ejections. Keep in mind, not all women will have the same kind of orgasm as me, but know that it also won’t be all that different. Also, don’t worry about the fact that i ruined it, one of the upsides to a ruined orgasm is that it increases arousal in the long run. Oh, that was good too, it would have been intense if i had rode it out.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/aq1npb/ffmm_teacher_student_a_new_kind_of_sexual