My boyfriend [M] used a vibrator on me [F] TESSA UPDATE #2 to getting eaten out for the first time ❤️

Hi guys!!
This is my third time posting here and the feedback and comments have been so so nice and I love them all!!! I’ve been a bit busy with uni so I couldn’t post this yesterday when it happened but here it is anyway :)

Again, I’m not trying to be an erotic writer, I know it’s not amazing like other ones on here but y’all wanted an update so here it is!!! This is just real life and it’s not super glam but I like it that way :)

If this is your first time reading one of my things, hi!! My name starts with a T so I just call myself Tessa for these purposes. I’m at uni and have a boyfriend, I’m 5’5 and he’s 6’6. He is very experienced, like very very experienced, whereas I’m a virgin and everything I’ve done so far is with him. So todaaaaay I’m writing about what happened with us yesterday :)!!

I was in my dorm room around lunchtime. I had finished up with an English lit class and was reading on my bed.
I had a rough day; class was hard, I was dealing with some family things and I just hadn’t felt on top of everything like I normally do.

He knocked on my door and after all the fun we’ve been having lately I just get more and more excited every time to see him. So I opened the door and practically jumped on him and he laughed so hard, telling me to

“Slow down kitten”.
(He’s recently been calling me names like Kitten and it makes me realllllyyy happyyy!!)

He sat on my bed and I gave him some water and we just relaxed on my bed for a while. I was reading Tolstoy for my class so he picked it up and read it out loud for a while. My beds only a king single, so there’s not much room with him being 6’6 so I curled up under his arm on his chest and it made me feel so much more relaxed. We talked about our days cause I hadn’t seen him since last night (that post is on here too!) and I told him how anxious I was about class and my family. He can tell when I’ve been overworking myself, I’m pretty type A and don’t let myself relax a lot when I have things to worry about.

He doesn’t have class today so he sat on my bed watching a movie and hung out in my room while I had to go to a tutorial for about 45 minutes before coming back.

I had been up since 5:45am (I know I get up early but I like it) and I don’t drink coffee so I was sleepy and stressed and wanted to just cuddle up with him in my dorm. I came back to the building after class and he let me back into my room and made me a cup of tea while I put some music on and unpacked my bag from school. I was tidying up my desk when he sat back down on my bed and just looked at me smiling while I was cleaning. I ended up asking him to stop looking at me because it made me giggle, to which he said

“Come here.” And patted the bed.

I sat down next to him and he reached around to his back pocket and pulled something out that made me stand up and almost leave. He pulled out my vibrator.
At this point I was bright red and couldn’t even speak, finally managing to say
“You went through my stuff?”
He looked at me and said
“I was trying to find a face mask or something for you to use when you got back to make you relaxed, and I found it under your bed in a box with shampoo and stuff”
Even though I’m very shy talking about sex stuff, he knows that I use a vibrator because I find it really hard to get off by myself with just my hands, but I was so embarrassed. Usually he has to coax talking about sex out of me as he is very open and crude about sex. I tried snatching it out of his hands and he laughed and said

“Tess, it’s okay. Don’t blush, because even though it’s very cute when you do, you don’t have to blush.”

I stood away from the bed still and looked at him with it in his hands, which looked teeny tiny because he has big hands and this is just a little pink thing. I was embarrassed, yes, but looking at him hold it made me excited for some reason. He reached his hands out and I grabbed them, and he pulled me onto his lap. I couldn’t look at him in the eyes but said

“Can we pleaseee just put it away, you’re making me blushy and embarrassed”

He tilted his head and kissed my neck and said into my ear

“Of course. We can do that. Only if, however, you realise that this is completely and utterly okay to use, and also that my mental image of you using this on yourself, cumming in your bed and all over your fingers and toy with little moans and whimpers, has been played over in my mind hundreds of times and it always gets me hard.”

Well shit. I don’t normally go in for the kiss first, and I could tell that he was hesitant to do anything and was waiting for my move, but when a guy whispers stuff like that into your ear you don’t not kiss him.
So I kissed him. Over and over and over again before he was lying down and I was on top of him. He pushed my hips down to move over his lap and he was pressing into me through his jeans. He stopped the kiss,

“I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I only want to do things at your pace, it was my bad.”

He kissed my forehead and squeezed the tips of my thighs.

“I wasn’t looking for it, and I know today’s been rough. I just want to make you relax a little, and if that means just kissing for the next twenty minutes I’m very okay with that. We do things at your speed, okay? Your speed.”

I blushed again and looked at him,

“I liked it.” Which by the look on his face, he was not expecting.

He grinned and flipped me over on to my back and we kissed and kissed for what seems like ages. I didn’t realise I was doing it, but soon my hips were moving up towards his to feel him against me. He looked down at them and winked at me.

“You’re looking a bit needy this afternoon, aren’t you?”

This made me squirm and nod my head. He pulled his hips off of me,


“What do you mean?”

“Ask for me to play with you.”

At this point my skirt was bunched up around my waist and I could definitely feel my undies getting wet.

“But asking you embarrass me a bit” I told him. It made me blush, to which he replied

“Good. I like seeing you squirm. Now if you want something, Tessa, ask me”


“Please what?”

He smiled harder and harder, watching my cheeks turn pink.

“I don’t wanna sayyy” I told him, feeling flustered.

“Say it, or we stop.”

I didn’t want him to stop.

“Please touch me down there”

He kissed me, and between kisses said


My eyes closed and I felt him take off my skirt and undies.
He looked down at me, down there, and kissed my thighs. He kissed around my stomach and knees and kissed my neck before taking my sweater and my bra off.

“I wanna see you, too” I told him.

He sat up, taking off his shirt and stood to take off his pants. He left his boxers on, and I pouted at him. He moved from the end of my bed to right by my chest and face, looking down at me naked on my bed. I wanted to turn the attention off of me, so I reached up and played with the waistband of his boxers and looked up at him. He swore and he looked up at the ceiling before he knelt down so we were face to face.

“I want you to keep doing that, and more than that, but we haven’t talked about that yet and I know you want to talk before you make me feel good.”
I nodded and played with his hair and he started kissing my neck.

“It makes me nervous, I wanna do it right and be good” I replied. I wanted to do something to him, but I was also really nervous. I didn’t want to mess up or be bad.

“Tess, fuck, anything that you do will be more than good.” He looked at me.

“It’s been stressful today. And I wanna take care of you, I don’t want to freak you out any more than you are already.”

I nodded again.

“I want to do something to you too, really really I want to. And soon.” I said shyly.

He smiled and kissed me.

“I know. We’ve got this, and we’ll get there. But let me take care of you first.”

He stood back up and walked to the end of the bed, pulling my legs so I slid down my sheets a little. I had kept my legs closed and my knees up, but he opened them slowly.

“Christ” he said. I put my hands over my face as I felt him looking at me down there, at what I was sure was a lot of wetness.

“I’m going to make you feel so good”, and with that he started kissing the inside of my thighs, up and down on both leg until he got to the outside of my crotch. I think I have what’s called an “innie?” So he used his hands and pulled my lips apart and swore again. He made tiny tiny little kisses, everywhere but where I wanted him to kiss the most. Finally, he kissed my clit, making my hands fall into his hair and he started sucking and licking and I couldn’t even talk it felt so good.

“You. Taste. So. Fucking. Sweet.” He said between licking.

After about 5 minutes, I could feel his fingers creep up on my thigh and I looked down to see him looking up at me. I nodded my head, and he pushed one slowly in. I can usually only fit one finger of my own in (I’m very tight) so his finger which was a lot bigger than mine felt amazing. He pumped in and out before flicking his finger up and found my g spot, which made me say his name out loud. He repeated the motion and I pulled on his hair tighter and tighter. He stopped and looked up at me, making me whine. He sat up a bit, took his finger up to my mouth.

“Taste what I taste”

I opened my mouth, stunned at what I was doing, and sucked on his finger. He swore like a sailor and reached down and started rubbing over his boxers. I kept sucking, looking at him straight in the eyes, batting my lashes and using my tongue and when I saw him moving his hand even more I let out tiny moans.

He pulled his finger out and my head fell back, eyes closed, before I heard the buzzing. He had returned to the end of the bed and was holding my vibrator, looking at me and smiling. I was pressing my legs together to get some sort of friction, moving my hand between my legs to try and feel good again.

“No touching. Only I’m touching you right now.” He said leaning back down.

My boyfriend was at the end of my bed, watching me and holding a vibrator in his hands.

I could see the top of his dick sticking up out of his boxers, clear stuff slowly coming out of the top of it.

“Open up again, let me see my girls’ little needy clit”.

I went bright red and opened my legs, and he pushed a finger in once again. He moved the toy up to my clit and held it against it, and I almost screamed out loud. He chuckled and moved it around and around.

“Someone’s not going to last long.” He said, pushing up against my gspot.

I remember saying please about a billion times, I was so incredibly close and I wanted to cum. Last time he didn’t let me cum until he said, so I was waiting for permission, I guess.

“Aw, are you holding on for me to say that you can pop, princess?”

All I could do was nod and whine, which just made him smile even more. I was so close that I couldn’t do anything besides grip onto the bed sheets and let out a cry sort of sound.

“Look at you, all pretty and pink and soaked and needy.”

That set me off. I couldn’t wait and I felt my legs start to tingle and I could feel myself clenching onto his finger. I closed my eyes and heard him swear, keeping the pace of his finger steady and the toy on my clit. You guys, I came so freaking hard. All of a sudden I opened my eyes

“It’s not stopping, it’s keeping going, what’s happening help help” I said to him. I was cumming and cumming and usually I cum for maybe 10 seconds, but it had been more.

“You’re okay, it’s okay, come on, keep coming for me, let it all out of you”.

By the time I’d stopped cumming he had turned the vibe off and come up besides me. My eyes were shut and I could feel him touch my nipples, so oversensitive that it made me jerk my body. He kissed me and stroked my cheek with his thumb. I opened my eyes and giggled, kissing his face and saying Thankyou over and over again.

He got up and grabbed my towel off of its hanger and body wash out of my bathroom caddy (yes, I live in a dorm and have communal showers).

“I’ll be back, yea? Just have to deal with, well, something.” He moved his hand around the front of his pants and smirked at me. He came over to my exhausted self and gave me a kiss.

“Next time, you’re watching me cum. Now, make sure you can walk when I come back and I’ll take you to lunch.” he walked out the door and I was left on my bed, sticky, spent and 100% wanting to join him in the shower.

And that was my Thursday ?



  1. > I know it’s not amazing like other ones on here

    I hope you’re trying to say “It’s a different kind of amazing”, because trust me – it is incredibly wonderful to read your stories.

    They feel so wonderfully intimate, so real, so loving and caring.

    And your boyfriend is a real man, a true gent; I admire him for the patient and loving way he’s introducing you to the fun two people can have together.

    > my mental image of you using this on yourself, cumming in your bed and all over your fingers and toy with little moans and whimpers, has been played over in my mind hundreds of times and it always gets me hard

    Well, if you had any doubts at all, I think that line makes it pretty clear that if you *can* get past the embarrassment of letting him watch you use your toy, (and I really recommend you do :) ), you could do amazing things for him mentally by letting him watch. Perhaps have him sit naked in a chair in front of you, and tell him that he’s not to touch himself before you’ve cum, just to watch you as you get yourself off. And see just how hard *you* make him.

    Since make no mistake – as amazing as he is for you, there’s something really special about you for him too. You make such a glorious pair together :)

  2. Oh, and btw: the mental image of you right on the edge, trying to hold off from cumming before he gave permission and not quite managing?

    Hot. As. Fuck.

    Just FYI. :)

  3. Sounds like you got a great guy there. He’s willing to go your pace. Looking forward to reading more.

    I envy you. You’re at the beginning of a fantastic adventure

  4. Another amazing story! Keep them coming! I can’t wait to see what happens next.

    It sounds like you two are really into each other and are in this for the long haul. I hope for many, many years of happiness and intimacy.

    So…Kitten, huh? I bet you even purr when he touches you!

  5. Pls don’t ever stop writing, lol this is some of the best content I’ve seen on Reddit thus far. Also, all of us are vv jealous of you guys.

  6. Next time he says he need to shower to take care of himself, you should tell him to masturbate in front of you so you can see what he likes.

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