[M/F] [incest] [masturbation] The limbo of thoughts (Part 2)

*This is the follow-up to https://old.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/aob3zc/mf_incest_masturbation_the_limbo_of_thoughts_part/ and, once again, a brain dump of my thoughts (but see below for credits :-)*

“Hi” I said, my voice trembling with anticipation.

“Hi dad”, not a hint in hers. She barely even turned around. She was washing a cup. I think I mentioned that before.

Anyway, it was as anticlimactic as one could imagine. She said she would be out most of the day. I tried my best to act normal. Or however normal one can act after doing what I had done previous night.

Do I want some coffee? Yes please.

I could have sat there drinking coffee all day. It’s not like I had much else to do. I mostly liked to keep myself busy around the house.

I had moved out of my small hometown, looking for luck and success out west. And I had found small amounts of both.

And then about a decade ago I lucked out. I was an early employee of a startup that ended up on the radar of big pharma. We worked our asses off for several years, and then payday came. We were all suddenly millionaires. I was ready to go back home, to the small town life, in the biggest nicest house money could buy. And so was my wife. With Lisa bound for college, it was a no-brainer. And now, fours year later, here we were. She was saving money staying with us. Planning her life. And me, I had the boring yet safe life of a middle-aged retiree in the Midwest.

I was at that point in life where some men buy Corvettes. Me? I masturbated to the sound of my daughter’s pleasure. Or at least I had done it once. Just this once, right? It could never happen again. And yet, as she stopped by the kitchen to say goodbye on her way out, I felt like even that degree of perversion would not be enough to appease my lust, to satiate my indecent appetite. She was beautiful. She probably didn’t feel that way, women always feel like their flaws are incurable and their qualities minor, but to me, her black curly hair floating free and wild, it was the spark of thoughts too taboo to even type them out.

What I did that day was wrong. It would have been wrong if she had been a teenager. It was especially more wrong now that she was an adult. But I did it. I grabbed her iPad. And went through it. First the photos. If there was any chance that I could see her naked, even just as tiny pixels on a screen, I had to have it. Then her messages. She was texting a guy, I believe she had mentioned him. Texting a lot. I couldn’t even understand how somebody could text so much. And then suddenly the texts stopped a few days before she moved back home. He didn’t want to wait for her? FaceTime sex not enough to replace the real deal for months? Fair enough. Is this how one seduces their daughter? “I’m sorry your boyfriend left you. Here, fuck daddy instead”. I didn’t have too much time to find out, my wife would be back in just a couple days. If I was going to act, it would have to be on that very night. “Sure”, I thought to myself, “I could do it tomorrow. But then I’ll chicken out and it will be too late. It needs to be tonight.”

No, it wasn’t going to be your stereotypical Internet porn. She wasn’t going to walk in on dad naked jerking off with whipped cream on his crotch and decide – oh why not join in? I was going to be on the couch. In normal human clothes. Comfy house clothes, but normal clothes.

I was watching a movie and drinking a beer when she walked in. That’s normal, right? It would probably be the last normal thing I did, I thought to myself.

We exchanged a few trivialities and then I asked her if she wanted to grab a beer and join. She agreed. She sat next to me. A cold beer in her hand.

“So, what’s the plan? Any luck with jobs?”
“No, not much so far. I may have to stay a few more weeks”
“That’s fine”, I told her. “This is as much your house as it is mine. I hope you’re not too bored”
“No, no. I am hanging out with my school friends a lot. It’s fun. I don’t think I can live here forever, but I can handle till the fall”
“Well, we have warm blankets if it comes to that. You won’t freeze”

Yes, I could chit chat and hold a conversation. But it turns out dad jokes about the weather don’t get you laid.

“So”, I asked, trying to move where I wanted to, “how’s the boyfriend situation panning out? We want grandchildren, you know”
“Daaad!” she screeched, “not happening any time soon. I don’t even have a boyfriend anymore. Luke broke up with me when I moved out of California”
“Oh, no”, I feigned surprise, “that sucks. Why?”
I don’t know if she was always that open and I never noticed, or if the beer and the loneliness were taking a toll on her, but she blurted out “He didn’t want to go months without sex, he said”
And as the last word left her mouth, she blushed. I would have blushed too, if all the blood in my body hadn’t been claimed by an overpowering erection. She couldn’t not notice, I thought to myself as I tried to come up with some kind of a useful father answer.. “Oh, well”, “Jeez, that sucks”.

Even in the dark of the room at night, I could catch her glance. And then move her eyes away. And then glance some more. My throat felt dry. My voice raspy. I drank some. So did she.

“Sex is important”, I told her. “I can understand. Yes, it sucks. But he was honest. And it’s important to find someone who can be. Honest. With what they want. You are a beautiful woman and it would be absurd for a man not to want you”. I didn’t think I could be any clearer without straight up buying a neon sign that said “fuck me” and wearing it around my neck. I am sure those exist. Maybe even on Amazon. And I don’t think she missed the hint either. For she glanced again at my hard cock and said “thanks dad, I think I will go to bed now”.

There was a 1 in a 1000 chance that the fantasies of my depraved mind were right. And only one way to find out. I said “yeah I think I will too” and walked out after her. “Goodnight dad”, “Goodnight Lisa”.

I sat in bed. The silence eerie. The anticipation killing me. I would give it 20 minutes. And then I would chalk it all up to the alcohol and forget it. 5 minutes. 10. 11. 11 minutes 20 seconds. 11 minutes 45 seconds. Every electronic tick of the clock a torture. And then, that sounds. Again. “Mmmm”

I didn’t remember a man could get so hard so fast. But I could. “Mmm” “aaah”. She was a bit louder than last night even. As if trying to make sure I would hear. It was my cue. But it was crazy. But was it really that crazy?

I grabbed my cock. And started stroking it. The bed creaked. I let out a deep sigh. “Mmmm”. I kept stroking. She kept moaning. I kept moaning. And then as sudden as it had started, it stopped. Had she come ever so silently? Possible. But out of character. She had kept moaning louder and louder. As if to ensure I could hear. And now, footsteps. The door opening. A shadow.

I heard something thumping against the door to my bedroom. A shadow under the door. And then that sound again. “Mmmm”. I couldn’t believe it. I was one cholesterol filled meal from a heart attack right then and there. Lisa was leaning against my door. Touching herself. “Mmmm”. “Aaaah”. We had never spoken about it. Never a word. And yet I felt I knew what the deal was. I would lean against the door myself. But nothing more. No words. No opening. Just a man and his beautiful daughter separated by a door, sharing their pleasure with each other.

I stroked. And stroked. Slow. Fast. Hard. Gentle. It felt like forever. My moans and hers mixed. I wanted to call her name. I wanted to see her face. I wanted to lose myself in her deep green eyes. I wanted to feel her skin. Caress it. But that would have broken the spell. This was a night for moans and fantasies. I felt a thump against the door. A hard thump. A loud deep sigh. She was coming. I couldn’t see it. But it was as if I could. I came too. With a grunt. She understood, I am sure of that.

And as quietly as she had come at the door, she left, just a shadow in the night. I waited a few minutes, went to the bathroom to clean up. And then fell asleep. It was truly happening. Unbelievable as it may sound, my daughter and I had shared our masturbation with each other, nothing but a thin door between us.

*I must thank u/Pm_ur_fav_nude for the door idea, it is a good one and if anyone has nudes to PM them, do so on my behalf please :)*

*I still don’t know what the finale is going to be, but it’s quite clear that I will need a Part 3 to figure it out*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/aowf6r/mf_incest_masturbation_the_limbo_of_thoughts_part


  1. This story builds very well. I could have done without the sidetrack about the narrator’s job and big pharma. That sort of detail is more useful in a novella than a short story like this one.

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