this happened to me over Christmas break. had to share it [m/f] (completely true)

Okay… so heres the story. I had been texting this girl, we will call her Emily, for a week or so. I’ve known Emily for a good year now. Basically I use to date a friend of hers last winter. Mind you it was only for a few months. But me and Emily have ALWAYS had some tension between us. By that I mean sexual tension since we first met. I believe she wanted to fuck me as much as I wanted to fuck her Not a big deal. It happens. Anyways Emily is freshly 18. A freshmen in college, 5’10 and about 120 pounds, she has the most beautiful long, black hair, nice tight body… she is in no question a strong 10. Now me… I’m 21 years old and a diesel mechanic by trade and work my full 40 hours a week. I’m also about 6’3 200 pounds and I’ve trained mixed martial arts my whole life, so I’m in great shape with a broad muscular frame. Basically a swimmers body with some buff to it. And I have blonde medium length curly hair and brown eyes. Long story short im not a bad looking guy.

Anyways, I was sitting in my apartment not really doing much. Had just got done training and was relaxing, smoking some weed as I did not have to work for the next few days due to Christmas. About 8:30pm my phone lights up. And its her! Wanting to finally hang out. We kinda played dumb and made small talk about what we wanted to due… i.e watch movies… drive around… whatever. I knew what was up and so did she. So we made plans to meet at 9:30. So at 9:30 I picked her up at our local coffee shop… we drove around and I made sure she was comfortable with me before I took her home. So I got a coffee and drove around town for a bit and chatted. So finally I I asked if she would like to watch a movie back at my place. She said yes immediately. So not wasting anytime I drove to my apartment. We got there and I popped in a ronch com. Something funny and down to earth that was not too thought provoking.

We made it about 15 mins into the movie when she said “wow I’m tired…” basically I knew I had to make my move soon or she was going to lose interest. So I said “Hmm.. I could help you out with that…” so I then got on top of her. And started full on making out with her. She loved every minute of it. Her taste was amazing as well. A little hint of gum and coffee. After that I began rubbing her pussy over her jeans. She started moaning and our eyes connected in the midst of all this. That was it for me. I told Emily to take her pants off. Which she did with no hesitation. Panties and all. Now I’m the type of guy who is a lot of things. But being selfish in bed isn’t one. So of course being the “pleaser” I am, I went down on her freshly shaved, 18 year old juicy, tight little pussy. She moaned and said my name repeatedly. Her moan sounded like something that would come out of a goddess, No word of a lie. Sexiest thing I’ve ever heard, so after about 10 mins of this I figured I had annoyed my neighbors’ enough. So I picked her up and walked her to my bedroom not even missing a beat. I was in my boxers before we hit the bedroom down the hall and she was completely undressed. I laid her down on the bed and continued eating her out like it was the first meal I had had in months. She ferociously started cumming. Screaming my name and moaning uncontrollably. I made her cum about 2 times in a 20 min span. I mean, this girl fucking offered to pay me for how good of a job I did eating her out…

I went up for air shortly after her 2nd organism, now before I could ever pull my dick out she started shoving my very erect cock down her throat… all the way down to my balls… which is pretty impressive considering I’m about 7 inches in length and have a pretty fat cock. How I didn’t cum right there and then is a miracle. But I managed to keep myself in check. This went on for about 5 mins. After that I couldn’t wait any longer to fuck her. After all… I was pretty close to cumming 30 seconds into the blowjob :P. anyways I laid her down on the bed and shoved my cock deep and hard into her juicy, tight pussy, and began slamming my cock in and out. She screamed in pleasure and made noises I never knew someone could make. Sexiest thing ever. I switched periodically between doggie and me on top. Just to keep it fresh and to keep me from busting to quick. She also got on top a few times to which was nice but I think it hurt her when she was on top due to my size and her small frame. We fucked for about 2 hours. Just none stop fucking and not just soft fucking. I mean I really gave it to her, I mean I had her eyes rolling in the back of her head. I was soaked with sweat. She was as well. There was squirt all over the bed. Finally I ready to give her a load.

Now you might be wondering. Was I wearing a condom? The answer is no. why you might ask? Basically I get caught up in the moment sometimes and don’t think about it and I’m a 21 year old man so I can be stupid sometimes. So giving her a cream pie was out of the question. So I asked Emily where she wanted it. Exhausted from everything all she could do was point to her face. So I told her to get on her knees and face me. I got up and started jerking off well she was sucking and licking the end of my cock. I blew the biggest load I’ve ever seen. It streamed across her face, on her chest, all through her hair and in her mouth, Which she gladly swallowed. Now I had came so hard that basically the elevator door started closing (I was about to pass out) so I sat down on the edge of the bed with my hands holding my head up. All I could do is reach for a towel and just smile at her. And she had the naughtiest yet most beautiful look on her face anyone could ever have. I helped her get cleaned up and began to kiss her again.

Now, if you for a second think we didn’t go for a few more rounds. You are sadly mistaken. This went on alllll night. She didn’t leave til 7:00am the next morning. With 0 hours of sleep. My legs were shaky. My head hurt and so did my dick. But it was by far the best sex and one of the best nights I’ve ever had with a complete random person. The best part was. There was no awkwardness at all. During or after. She was so cool and chill. We just had the best time, even if it was just a one time thing I’m glad it happened. Btw go easy on me as this is my first post. But I had to share this story.


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