[FM] First date with a US Marine since becoming single (Long Story)

Hello everyone. I’m going to be the first to admit that I’m not as good at writing as some people so please don’t judge me for how good/bad this ends up reading.

A little about me. I’m a 35 year old woman from Orange County, California. I am currently in the process of divorce and this situation is quite literally the first dating experience I have had with a man that wasn’t my husband. Him and I met as Freshmen in college and he was my first and only sexual partner until recently.

Due to me going through a divorce, it has been difficult for me to start dating. It seems foreign to me and honestly my self esteem hasn’t been very high. My friends have tried to get me into dating websites and I have refused. My thinking was I would jump in with two feet when I’m ready but not until then. At this point, as of today I regret not jumping sooner.

I was at work and all was fairly normal and in walks a very good looking black man in his Marine Corps uniform. Men in uniform are actually pretty common so I didn’t think much about it. I helped him out and then out of the blue he asked me if I was busy that evening and whether I’d like to go to dinner with him. My jaw was on the floor. He was frankly gorgeous and obviously in good shape and I didn’t think he was serious. I just laughed. He told me he was serious and hoped I would say yes. He slid me his phone number and told me to text him if I decided it sounded like fun and then left. Immediately everyone I work with started getting on my case saying I needed to go. After about an hour I finally text him and told him dinner would be good. He said he would pick me up at 6:30 pm. I immediately started sweating from being nervous.

The girls I work with considered it such a big deal they followed me home to do my hair and make up for me. I got ready and was waiting for him to arrive to pick me up so I drank about a half a glass of wine just to calm me a little bit. Smartest decision I’ve ever made.

I was wearing a maroon dress and heels. If it was up to the girls that would have been all I would have worn. He rang my doorbell and I let him in. He was wearing slacks, a button down and looked amazing. It wasn’t until he walked in my door that I realized how much taller than me he really was. Even in heels he was 6-8 inches taller than me. I also realized how absolutely muscular he was after seeing his arms struggle under that shirt.

The girls gathered their things and we followed them out. We got into his truck and we headed to dinner. While we were at the restaurant we talked about everything from sports to work to the military. It was a really good conversation overall. I had to go freshen up so I excused myself and went to the restroom. I was feeling good about the date overall and wasn’t sure I wanted it to end but I decided this was a good first date and to be happy with that.

I got to the table and he had paid already and we walked out and on the way to the truck asked if I wanted to do anything else. I told him honestly, I have had a blast but don’t want to ruin how good it has gone. He said he understood and offered to drive me home. For some odd reason I told him we can go do something else for a little while. His suggestion was a dance club I knew and I agreed. We got a booth, which probably looked terrible since it was just us two. I asked him to dance I he said he was terrible. I tried to get him to go out on the dance floor but he fought me over it. Finally he joined me. We danced and he wasn’t nearly as bad as he made it seem. We ended up dancing for a little bit, paying and then leaving. It was fun overall. He asked if I was ready to go home and I jokingly asked who’s home were we headed. Turns out he lives three blocks away and has a pool. Sadly it was rainy so the pool wasn’t going to happen.

We ended up at his door and I was completely calm, which shocked me. We went in, he led me to the living room and then poured me a glass of wine. He sat down and leaned in to kiss me. I half hesitated and then decided to do it. He is an amazing kisser.

He started wrestling around a bit and I stopped kissing him to see what was going on. He was adjusting himself because he started getting hard and his belt was making it uncomfortable. I told him I thought he was fighting to pull his dick out and he laughed and said that isn’t his job, and if I wanted it I would pull it out.

He kissed me again and I jumped across his lap straddling him. My dress was basically hiked up over my butt, and his hands found some butt to grab on to. At this point I’m having several problems. First off I’m mindblowingly horny. Secondly this is supposed to be a first date and I didn’t want to be that woman. Finally I’m so turned on I’m about to explode and he reaches back and swats my ass. That single action ended all questioning I had.

I slide back onto my knees between his spread legs and fumbled with his belt like an awkward teenager. He helps a bit and I pull the belt out, unzip his pants pull them down and BAM!!! Biggest damn dick I’ve ever seen. It’s not totally hard yet, it’s thicker than anything I’ve ever seen (and for those that I know are going to ask, it’s way bigger than my soon to be ex husband). I can still remember the shock I had at how heavy it was and Jesus Christ it’s long. And finally, monster balls. Heavy,large,shaved clean balls. I could feel myself leaking down my leg and my entire body felt like it was pulsing.

I sat back and just looked at his whole body. This was the first time I’ve ever seen a black man naked. Muscular, hairless, and gorgeous. After a moment I started giving him head. I USED to think I gave great blowjobs. With him I’m not nearly as confident but one thing I maintained was enthusiasm. Eventually it was him with my hair in a ponytail helping me bob up and down. I have never had the much fun failing in my life.

I decided sex was going to happen so I should just get to it. As I was trying to get up and return to straddling his lap he stood up, moved arms back so he was behind me holding my elbows. I felt his dick under me and instinctively arched my lower back towards him. He crouched down and rubbed the tip on me and then started pushing himself into me. For the first couple seconds it hurt because he was so much bigger than I’m used to. That would quickly be replaced with a massive orgasm that was caused 100% from his girth. I almost couldn’t stand up I was quivering so hard. Then he pulled back and pushed in a little deeper. And a little deeper. Until he was finally reaching the back of my insides. And then a hard thrust. And another. I don’t remember moving but suddenly I was bent over the couch doggy style while he was maintaining a long, strong and deep rhythm. I tried to tell him how good it felt but what left my mouth only resembled animalistic grunts and whines (it was mostly grunts). A few things I learned in this short amount of time. First, this guy was made for fucking. Secondly, I’m a squirter. Thirdly, if you rub my asshole while giving me dick like that I turn into mush.

I’ve heard women say they go braindead from amazing sex. I can attest that I have been there. The only thing that brought me out of it was when I realized a mistake was made. He was going steady and then his dick got much much harder and I felt him start cumming inside me. I was so ready that the word condom never crossed my mind. I’m actually happy we didn’t use one because it felt so good when it happened that it caused me to orgasm again.

I laid flat on the floor exhausted. It had been a long time since sex period. I had never had sex like this before ever. My head was spinning and I was in a happy zone for a long time before my world started to come back into focus.

Not much longer I told him I should go home. He got dressed and took me home. We didn’t talk much on the way which probably came off terribly. In reality I was just tired and my head was full of happy thoughts. We missed for a few minutes when we got to my place when he walked me to my door. Then he left and I text him the next morning I had a great time.

The girls at work harassed me the next day for details. I told them we went to dinner and that was it. They still don’t believe me but that’s ok.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/aoi78h/fm_first_date_with_a_us_marine_since_becoming


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