[MFM] Revenge plan for being raped Fun personal Story. Part 6

[Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/anmbjq/mm_revenge_plan_for_being_raped_fun_personal/) For part 5

Hello everyone again.

In this part i will reveal my Grand plan to take my revenge for being raped. :)

So like i said in part 5, if Sara found out, all hell would break lose. So we the sessions happened less and less. The last session happened couple of months ago. It was a risky session, me and Frank were in his garage while Sara was watching her Drama show that happened at 11pm. Frank wanted to do something for the session because we haven’t done anything for months. He just said we needed to be quiet. Since the door from the garage to the house wasn’t lockable. Frank got my shorts down and started stroking my dick trying to get me hard, once i was hard he started to suck me and OMG, i almost forgot how good it feels to receive blowjobs. When i came close to cum he stopped and dropped his pants and told me to insert my dick in his ass while he was bent over on some couch. I did as he said. I slowly pushed my dick inside his ass and it was so tight but somehow it entered easily, i guess he had some kind of lube inside of him already, and my dick was dripping with his saliva. I started to fuck his ass and 2 minutes later i told him, that , thats it i cant hold it anymore and that i will have to cum. With one last thrust i cummed inside his ass, and his ass was dripping with cum, that actually looked kind of hot, i kind of had a small urge to lick that, but i didn’t. Than he wanted me to suck his dick, but i told him no, and the session ended there.

The reason i told him no, is because i want his wife to be in it too. I told him that i don’t feel right doing this behind her back. If she is not in, than i am out. He got sad at that news. So we started to come up with plans of how we should get her to participate.1 detail about Sara that i forgot to mention, is that she cant drive, and she requires me to drive her to stores and malls, because she is afraid to drive. I love driving her places. It gives me the perfect opportunity to put my plan in effect. Plus she is has a hot a body for a person in her 30’s. perky boobs, a nice body, pretty fit for her age and nice legs. Black hair and kind of round face type of person.

Now back to the plans. This were are all the plans we thought of, and Frank was aware of all the plans.

1) We should let her catch us, while we were in the act. [This plan was turned down, because the chances of her losing her shit was to great.]

2)I should explain to Sara what i and Frank have done with words that she will understand. [This was plan was thrown out, because you just cant explain this and get a normal reaction from a person].

3)Frank should seduce her in bed and propose the idea of a threesome. [Plan failed, she is not interested].

4)I make a move on her by my self. [ Failed, I don’t know how to proceed with this]

And after couple of months of failing.

I secretly came up with a plan that Frank is not aware of it. This plan has been in action for the past 2 months or so.

The plan is for me to become more open with her about sex and everything. The psychology is that if you share a secret about you, than the person will be more willing to share one of theirs. And over this 2 months iv’e started asking her questions about her sex life, and she wasn’t shy to answer, but of course she didn’t go into details about it. So i started to share my fake secrets about my sex life. I started to talk about the girls that i was talking at the time, and how i feel about them. Every time i saw Sara i would become more graphic about my details that i would give her. Every time i would manipulate the conversion into a sexual one. I would start talking about my process how i would please a girl, how i would suck on her nipples and lick them and squeeze them and give the nipples a small bite. mmmm. I got graphic explaining how i would give a sexual massage to a girl, like Frank did to me. I would pay special attention to the vagina area. How i would slowly start from the edges of the vagina and get closer to the middle until i reach the clit. By the time i reach the clit the girl would be dripping wet. While focusing on the pussy i would massage her breasts and pelvis area with my other hand and lick her belly. This plan was working, because every time i talked about sexual stuff she wouldn’t react in a bad way that would throw the plan out. She actually seemed interested to some degree.

Sara thinks i am very funny. I do make a lot of jokes around her. She laughs all the time. I love the attention lol

But back to the plan. Last week i when i picked her up at her house. i was browsing on reddit Nudes of girls. And oh damn those nudes were jaw dropping hot :D. Frank saw that i was watching nudes, but he didn’t say anything. He didn’t know what i was doing. I was preparing my self to show those nudes to Sara. When we left the car i left one nude open on my phone. And when we got into the car i opened the phone to put the address and the nude popped up. Sara saw it, and asked me” what are you looking at in a curious, serious voice??”

Me:” At nude girls, i think she is hot, she has a nice body, some nice pair of tits. What do you think?”

Sara:”Yea she does have a nice body. Do you like her?”

Me:” Oh yea. i just love all nude girls, what about you, which girl do you like more? [scrolling through some pics].

Sara:”This one, and this one” she has a nice ass, and the other one has nice perky boobs, and a nice vagina”.

Me:” yes, i would lick them so hard, MMM soo goood”

Sara:” you would do that, hahaha, gross (she said that in a cute way).”

Than we went to the store, and i just kept showing her nude pics of chicks. I started to get more bold, and i would describe more and more what i would do to those girls. First i would see how she would react, and if no red flags from her reaction i just kept going and going.

Than i showed her a picture of a girl that her fingers covered with her pussy juice, and he pussy was visible of being super wet. I showed the picture to Sara, and told her that i would sooo eat her. She said, “gross, but she looks hot”.

While analyzing her behavior over this past years when it came to sex talks and stuff like that, is that she would always say something like “gross, or eww” in order to appear normal and appear as like she is the adult in the conversation. Kind of a mask in order to cover her other comments.

I told Sara that i am open towards experimentation with both sexes. But i didn’t go into detail about it. I left as a seed to grow in her mind, until the time was right. She said something about it, but i don’t remember what exactly.

When we got to her home. we unloaded the car and i sat down on the couch where she would have to cross by me every time she would go to the kitchen. I opened my reddit and kept browsing through nudes.

And Sara said” look at what he is looking at.” Frank said” i know, he is at that age”. Frank still didn’t get why i am doing this. I am trying to normalize sex talks and sexual behavior around them. And over a period of time, it will allow me to progress. Before i left their place. I made a lot of jokes, about trying sex in three. And i asked them if they would be interested, while laughing. Sara said, that i am crazy lol, and Frank said “no”. But we all know now that Frank was LYING!!!!! I asked in a joking way if they had room for me in their room lol. But we all started laughing. Just like i expected. I didn’t need answers for any of those questions. Just throwing the seeds in the ground where they will grow, if i keep nurturing them.

Now in the present time. I spoke with Sara today, and i asked her when she wants to go shopping this week. She said tomorrow. And my plan for tomorrow is this.

1)Ask her if i can tell her a secret that i haven’t told anyone. She will say yes. And i am planning to tell her that i want to experiment really badly with the idea of giving hand jobs to someone, but i don’t know who. And ask her very shyly if i can give Frank a hand job. If she says yes, than i will give Frank a hand job, that he wont expect, right in front of Sara when we get to their place. And to be more crazy, i will actually give Frank a blowjob instead while Sara is watching. This should shock Sara completely when she will be in the room. But everything will be fine because she allowed me to do that. Than i will perform this blowjobs every time i would see Frank, whether Sara is there or not. This after a while will become normal and i will push further until it become complete sex. Than at that point.

The beauty of this plan is that its both a black mail and complete manipulation. :D HEHEHE. Once i give Frank the first Blowjob, she wont be able to tell anyone because everyone will judge her for allowing me to do such things to her husband, and that will make her look bad. And that is enough to keep us safe.

Now the Revenge itself has 2 possible outcomes. They divorce and Frank will be on the streets. Win for me. :D And 2nd outcome is that Sara is part of the sex group and I get to fuck both genders, definitely win in my book.

If anyone has a better plan. Now is the time to suggest. :)

I will update you guys tomorrow night, of how it went.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/anmxie/mfm_revenge_plan_for_being_raped_fun_personal

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