Handjob at the movie theater [MF]

Long time lurker, first time posting. I want to share one of my first sexual experiences. Names have been altered to protect the not so innocent.

Courtney and I were dating for a few months in high school. We were both 18, seniors. She was my first ever girlfriend. She was short, asian, with small but a perfect handful breasts. Since we both lived with our parents, we didn’t have a lot of places to be intimate. Only sometimes in the car, or you guessed it, in the movies.

Me being inexperienced, all I ever did was some groping and I would get over the pants handjobs in my jeans. She would rub my cock in a weird way. She would only use her fingers and move it back and forth. Either way I would come. However, I got an idea to wear sweat pants one day when to the movies.

We went to see a summer blockbuster. The theater was packed. I was a little worried, because Courtney obviously didn’t want anyone to see what we were doing.

The lights went down. Some occasional kissing, but she would brush my hands down if she tried to grab her breasts. I was getting a chubby. She noticed and she whispered “calm down.”

Her hand rested on my thigh. I would nudge at her elbow to make her hand go to my steadily growing member, but she didn’t budge. A little frustrated, a whispered in her ear “come on baby, I’m leaving in a few weeks.” Which was true, I was going to europe for an exchange program. She just giggled and winked at me.

Disappointed, I gave up on my dream handjob and began to focus on the movie. It was getting towards the climax of the movie, so the action was getting louder and more intense. I feel Courtney’s hand move slightly to the left of my thigh. The movie gets louder with more explosions. She moves again, a little bit more. My cock is starting to get hard. Sensing what’s going on, I take my jacket on my legs and move it a bit closer to cover my lap, but not entirely. BAM! The protagonist in the movie shoot down an alien ship. I move my jacket over my lap the same time Courtney’s hand land on my rock hard cock.

This time it’s different. With jeans on I couldn’t feel anything, with only a thin layer of fabric separating my penis from her hands. I’m in heaven. She again, uses her fingers to go a slowly up and down,up and down. I try groping her but she puts my hands down. Not wanting to risk her stopping I don’t go any further. I smile and whisiper to her “faster.”

She increased her speed, slighlty but noticeable. Up and down up and down. My breathing was getting faster and faster. I snuggled my head into her hair, and she enjoyed hearing me breathe.

She kept going and going until I cummed. She kept stroking even after I was done so I pulled her hand away. She whispered in my ear “feel better?”

I sure did.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/an31bj/handjob_at_the_movie_theater_mf

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