Pixie: Day 64 ‘The wife plays rough with my pet’ [Lesbian, Reluct]

*I’m the muse for a famous author writing his next great novel about a man who keeps a collared woman as a pet for one hundred days. I entered his world on my eighteenth birthday and have been here ever since. He treats me well, punishes me when I’m bad and I inspire his art. Everything was great until his wife, that I didn’t know he had, and her girlfriend showed up.*

Day 64. Though my room may’ve been my refuge whenever Donovan was away, Bianca and her girlfriend violated it whenever they wanted. They’d stare at me from my doorway, speak to each other in French, then dash away giggling like ten year olds spying on their big sister.

I was relaxing in my room, reading and listening to music, waiting for Donovan to return from the grocery store when Renata and Bianca appeared in the doorway, slithering into my room like snakes. I sat up on the edge of the bed as the two sat on either side of me. The way they had me sandwiched so closely in between them, their thighs touching mine, I became nervous and kind of scared like I was cornered by schoolyard bullies.

Renata asked “You’re Everly Graham, aren’t you?”

I said nothing as I stared down at my knees, my face hidden by my fallen hair.

“See,” Bianca said. “I told you she doesn’t speak.”

I went to stand but Renata’s hand caught my shoulder and sat me back down.

Bianca said, stroking my hair. “Pretty. Very Pretty.”

“I bet we can get her to say something.”

I tried to rise again but Renata’s grasp forced me down. Renata leaned in to kiss me. I reared away from her lips but Bianca grabbed my collar from behind and held my head in place as Renata’s pillowy lips mashed onto mine.

I struggled against the two as Bianca’s free hand grabbed my tit, squeezing it like a toy. Renata grabbed my arms, pinning them behind me as Bianca got up and grabbed my legs. The petite Brazilian spun me fully onto the bed, forcing me to nestle against Renata who threw her arm tightly around my chest to hold me in place.

I cried out, “No, stop!”

Renata’s free hand slammed over my mouth, stifling my scream.

She said, “I told you we could make kitty talk.”

Her lips brushed my ear as she whispered, “Bianca thinks you taste like lemon cream. I say you taste like a late summer peach.”

My eyes darted from the door to the window to Bianca’s smiling face. Her nails scratched my hips as she clawed to remove my panties from my twisting. She laughed at the sport of ripping them off me as I screamed into Renata’s palm.

Renata said, “Shhhh, kitty. This is going to feel good. You are a virgin to women, no? This is going to feel real good.”

Bianca laughed as she dodged my kicks. Renata finally threw one of her long legs over one of mine, locking it down in place. Bianca’s hand caught my free leg as she crawled in between my legs.

“Pretty pussy,” she said.


Bianca parted my pussy lips with her fingers before her mouth went down on me. I arched against Renata from the sensation of Bianca’s velvet tongue circling my clit before kissing it with a little suck. I quit struggling and she eased up on the claws as she licked my twitching clit. I kept looking at the window, trying not to succumb to the forced pleasure from her tongue. Renata lovingly kissed my cheek and I looked down to see Bianca delighting herself on me. Our eyes met and she stopped, looking at me with the evil content of a sadist. She licked one of her fingers and eased it up inside me, watching my face screw up. She removed her finger, stuck it in her mouth, and sucked my juice from it.

“Mmm,” she said. “I told you. Lemon cream.”

She placed her hands firmly upon my upper thighs before her mouth clamped onto my pussy. My clit betrayed me as I became wetter, my face now lost in Renata’s sweet smelling blond hair as she held me tightly against her chest.

We all heard the front door slam close and they stopped. With a burst of strength, I broke away from Renata, knocking Bianca off the bed, and ran out the room.

Donovan saw the panic in my face as I ran towards him in a t-shirt and no panties. I threw my arms around him, hiding my face against his chest.

“What, Everly? What’s wrong?”

He set down the grocery bag to peel me off, holding me by my shaking arms. The terror in my eyes, Bianca’s perfume on my skin, his eyes narrowed as he watched my tormentors stroll out of my room.

“What’s going on? Bianca, what did you do?”

“Nothing,” she said, as she and Renata walked past him and into the kitchen where she poured Renata a glass of wine.

He looked into my eyes until I flung myself against him, hugging him tight.

He scowled at Bianca before looking at me.

“Go to your room,” he said. “I’ll be there in a second.”

I sat on my bed, waiting, but not too long. I stood when he entered, still naked from the waist down, and he closed the door behind him. He walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of cotton panties before sitting on the bed. He held them out for me and I placed my hand on his shoulder to steady myself as I stepped into them. He pulled them up over my ass. His hands lingered on my hips, gently holding me in place as he examined the marks on my thighs left by Bianca’s nails.

He looked up at me and asked, “Did she hurt you? Speak.”

It was so weird, him looking up at me when it’s been the other way around for so long now.

In a very small voice I said, “She stuck her finger in my pussy.”

He tugged my hips towards him until my panty clad pussy was inches from his nose. He gently kissed it.

He said, “Did she hurt your pussy?”

“She hurt my pussy.”

“Let me kiss it and make all better.”

He kissed it again.

He said, “Better?”

I wanted to melt. “Better.”

From [Pixie: Secrets of a Collared Pet](http://www.amazon.com/Pixie-Secrets-Collared-Julian-Delacourt-ebook/dp/B019YF2DB0/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1451424559&sr=1-1&keywords=pixie+secrets+of+a+collared+pet). On Kindle and iBooks!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/443yhu/pixie_day_64_the_wife_plays_rough_with_my_pet