[MFF] Just Fuck Her!

In the early days of my awakening, before I got married and so on, I had a couple of years of random sexual activities. I’m not the best looking of people nor the best endowed, and yet here we are. I’ve also been called “handsome” repeatedly, but being handsome is like the “nice guy” of lovers. I hate that label.

I’d been “dating” Marisa (not her real name), and I use dating in sarcastic air quotes because Marisa wasn’t into introducing me to her friends and/or family. I knew what was going on. I was 30 and she was 21. I want to stress that I’ve never been the kind of guy who sleeps with women specifically because they are younger. Until I met my wife I was all about picking spots and finding women who were into me. I’m 100% sure there was nothing wrong with my approach.

Marisa and I had met on craigslist and we had exchanged photos (this was long ago, think 15 years ago or more, before craigslist’s reluctance to allow people to meet up in real time for a casual encounter). At first I was incredulous that she’d wanted to keep in touch. I wasn’t hot (by her standards) and she was hot, or maybe she still is. I have no idea. We’d made a date and she obliged. After dinner we ended up fucking many, many times. To this day I wonder why she had wanted to fuck so much, and raw on top of it all. I came in her multiple times and in retrospect this was all very, very dumb on my part. We carried on for several months and then I fucked her roomie. And her as well. Wow, thank goodness I still have my health, right?!

This story is about my first and only mff. You see this stuff on various internet porn sites and then you kind of wonder if these kinds of things ever happen. I’m here to tell you that they can happen, and that they have happened for me. Sometimes I guess that you just get lucky enough. Who knows? I don’t want to question what happened back then, and I think my lucky stars that for 15 years or more I haven’t had to deal with STDS or what not. I’m an educated person but back then I went with gut, and gut is highly stoopid by the way.

Marisa and I had a series of random arguments over instant messenger and then we ended up fucking solid for 6 weeks. I’ll never forget that time and I’d never thought that I was her boyfriend, in large part because she’d send me instant messages that told me about how much she had relished our friendship. Between a sexually charged ex-girlfriend and Marisa I had my hands full. Sure, they both hated me on some level, but at the same time they were both also down to fuck. How could I disagree? My parents to my knowledge hadn’t been into fucking or whatever so having this absolutely animalistic bent in my own life was devious. Highly devious. I get that this story seems like a stretch, but it happened. For realz.

Marisa and I had been in a period of silence. She always contacted me when she was in need, and as an admirer of a tall and blonde female form would totally oblige her whims. On this night I’d been driving home from work during an ice storm. This is before you had Bluetooth, fancy car stereos, etc. Marisa had called my cell and since traffic out of Chicago had been going consistently at 5mph I picked up the phone.

She’d been doing post grad at a university in Chicagoland and lived in a house with a female student of her’s. She’d told me that she “missed me” (yeah, right?!) and asked me to come over. I told her that I would. I navigated through the snow and ice and after a few turnarounds off the highway I got back in the direction of her house.

I met Marisa and Val (not her real name) in the kitchen of the house that they rented in the southern burbs of Chicago. I’d never met Val before and she told me how much she’d heard about me (wait, what?!) and that she was happy that I’d been dating Marisa. Marisa had apparently been dating the same dude since undergrad and once they broke up Marisa had been on a tear. Val was happy that we’d hooked up.

What was surprising is that since it was the dead of winter, Val, who was as tall as Marisa, was wearing a house dress and no shoes, and as I came to realize it looked like she was completely bare underneath. Val was a bigger girl and I really don’t give a shit about one’s physical stature, but I did make note of how odd it was that I was stepping into the house that they both shared and that Val was barely dressed. Marisa had been dressed in her typical jeans and t-shirt, but she was always like that.

After some pleasantries with Val, Marisa retreated to her bedroom and we fucked. A lot. She told me repeatedly to put a baby in her and she was loud about it. After three rounds of such activities she asked me if I’d wanted to try something new. Of course I told her that I was interested. Marisa exited her room, naked, and I heard whispering and laughing in their kitchen.

When she returned Marisa reiterated that she had wanted to fuck some more, but… she asked again if I was into trying something new. After she fluffed me she put a blindfold on me and asked if I was still game for trying something new. I told her that I was and told her once again that I was willing to try something new. A bigger body straddled my legs and I could hear giggling in the background. When she impaled herself on my dick she was tight. She proceeded to fuck and fuck and fuck.

Marisa removed my blindfold and as it turned out I was fucking Val raw. Val’s enormous tits splashed against my chest and my face and soon I was ready to cum. I warned her, but when I told her I was ready to cum Val planted her Valness deep on my groin and told me to fuck her hard until I came. Which I did.

I’d had my eyes closed after the blindfold was removed and I caught Val kissing Msarisa right before Val demanded that I take her doggy style. I’ve always been a multiple cummer so when Val told me to go again I was more than ready. I fucked Val from her back end, sticking my thumb into her starfish without having asked for permission, and it was like time was not time. Time was pleasure, and Val thrust her wide hips and fat ass against my finger and my dick. I have no idea how long that this specifically went on but at some point her cum juices had soaked the sheets from where we’d been coupling and I was ready. I told her that I was going to cum again and she thrust her hips back against me. I told you before how it’s stoopid how I’d been going bare with not one but two women, but…? Here we were.

I totally busted a nut in Val, and that’s when it happened. Marisa pushed me away from Val and licked my cum out of Val’s pussy. I fucked Marisa again but couldn’t cum. OMG, what was happening?! I fucked Val a third time and pulled out before jerking into her mouth. Marisa and Val made this amazing girl kiss. Seriously you can’t ever replicate two women kissing. Try as you may but you can’t.

Eventually we all dosed off on Marisa’s bed and I suppose that at some point in the night Val went back to her own bed. Marisa and I fucked before dawn and she told me that she loved me. I told her that she was pretty awesome and that I’d hoped we could do it again soon.

Two days later Marisa broke up with me. Oops! She didn’t really say why but that was fine. I enjoyed what took place here and kudos to the both of them for not having propagated STDs or what not!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/am6ghm/mff_just_fuck_her


  1. You know it really happend cuz he said it did FOR REALZ with a Z you only say it with a Z when its true

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