Fucking [M]y dorm crush [F]

Hey all! Standard long time lurker, first time poster. I enjoy reading everyone’s stories, specially because they remind me of a few of my own. I honestly have a lot of stories, this is just one of them. If the responses are good, I might share a few more.

After writing this I realize how long it is. So if you want to skip to the sexy part, I’ve marked it down below. The beginning is just background/intro so you can understand more.

So I a bit of background. I’m a hispanic guy, 6’1″, caramel skin with dark hair and brown eyes. At the time I was 19 in my sophomore year of college. I lived in a dorm occupied by 60% freshmen 40% sophomores or upperclassmen. The dorm I lived in was 7 stories, each floor was segregated into males or females.

Anyhow, onto my story. The start of my sophomore year of college was extremely exciting for me. Hell, it was almost like starting college for the first time. Why? Well, I spent fall semester of freshman year pledging a fraternity and spring semester trying to make up for all my academic blunders during my pledge semester. Between those two things freshman year had come and gone, and although I did enjoy it, I was looking forward to now being an upperclassman. Sophomore year brought with it an infinite amount of possibilities. I now understood the lay of the land, I was not a newbie freshman, but a seasoned sophomore ready to meet those doe-eyed freshmen cuties. To make things even better, I was rooming with my best friend. Together we were ready to party, meet girls, and ofcourse succeed in our academics.

Moving into my dorm was a breeze, within a couple hours my bestfriend and I were completely done. As we finished unpacking and setting up our entertainment system, we decided to tour around the dorm. Meeting a few of our neighbors, and maybe heading down to other floors to see if we could spot any freshmen talent. Going around the dorm we definitely noticed a few cuties along the way, and ofcourse made conversation with a few of them. Eventually, we made our way to the ground floor and decided to go have dinner at the dining halls.

That’s when I saw her. As we were exiting the dorm, she was walking in, pushing a cart full of clothes and other items. I had seen a lot of cute girls in the dorm, but holy shit. This girl took the top spot. This girl was unbelievable. Fuck, I get turned on just thinking about her. Let me describe her for you. This girl is tall, about 5′ 8″. The best way to describe her is.. foreign. And I loved that. She had beautiful, dark, wavy hair about shoulder length. Full, plump, pink lips.. the kind other girls would die for.. the kind that makes you want to kiss them. She had very fair skin, not white, but very light with a slight glow to it. Sun-kissed. She also had big, round but almost almond shaped brown eyes. Now I know everyone loves light colored eyes, but for me, brown always does it. Especially this girls’ eyes. She had that hourglass figure.. big, round, and beautiful breasts followed by a small (not toned but no tummy) waist, and finally a wide set of hips. And that’s where my eyes really got stuck.. her hips were wide, her thighs were thicc, and her ass.. so fucking fat. Her ass was huge, and although it was fat, it wasn’t fat. It was a perfect mix between worked-out toned and never-skip-a-meal thicc. Jesus, I was in love with her and I didn’t even know her name. So what did my hormone driven, impulsive, thirsty ass, sophomore self do? Go and try to talk to her, ofcourse! Without a moment of hesitation I introduced myself to her, and asked if she needed any help. To my disappointment she said she was okay and would wait for her parents who were parking the car. My social anxiety started to creep up and fearing I would miss my chance with this girl, I asked her if she had any plans for that night. She replied she didn’t have any plans and wanted to get a good night’s rest for the first day of classes. Damn.. two strikes. In a desperate attempt I asked for her number, I told her maybe we can hang out sometime. To my surprise she smiled and said yes reaching out for my phone to put her number in. I walked away from the whole interaction with my head held high, so freaking proud of myself and excited to have this girl in my contacts. For anonymity sake, we will call her Aishlyn.

About halfway through syllabus week (first week of classes, it was usually laid back as teachers mostly went over the syllabus) I decided to text her and see what she was up to. After some back and forth I invited her out to a party at my fraternity, knowing she was just a freshman, I was completely sure she would be ecstatic to go. Welp, I was wrong. Night of the party came and she texted me saying she didn’t want to go and instead decided to hang out with some friends in the dorms. She tried to make it up by telling me she would text me to hang out before the end of the week. Damn. She totally curved me. Don’t get me wrong, I understood I was just some random guy and she maybe didn’t feel comfortable. I get it, still sucked. So I go on about my night. Before I knew it syllabus week was over, and Aishlyn never texted me. A couple of weeks went by and I saw her a couple of times inside the dorm, on the elevator or in the study rooms. Everytime I would always say hi and maybe strike up some conversation. She would always be polite, but I could tell she wasn’t much into it. Okay, well that was an L for me. The rest of fall semester was fun as hell, full of debauchery, girls, and exams.

Christmas break came and went and spring semester was right around the corner. A couple of days before school started I was browsing instagram.. just pursuing through popular posts. Somehow I found a picture of her, so naturally I clicked on her profile. Instantly my heart fluttered and I was reminded of my crush on her. A wave of sadness also hit realizing I had no shot hit her. Oh well, I gave her a follow anyway and like two of her pictures… why not right? Well.. a couple of hours later I get a notification saying she followed me back AND liked my most recent picture. My johnson instantly became erect. Haha it sounds stupid, but somehow this gave me hope.

Back at school spring syllabus week was starting, and as usually, my roommate and I were preparing ourselves for another week of partying and dozing off in classes. This syllabus week was special, my fraternity had events planned wednesday through saturday. Saturday was the grand finale with a huge party planned. My roomie and I, ( he had pledged my fraternity that fall semester) invited every girl in our phones to come to the party saturday. Somehow, that thursday before the party I ran into Aishlyn in the elevator. Seeing her made my heart jump, she was wearing a big, puffy jacket with fur on the hoodie, a pair of black yoga pants, and some cute timberland boots. My god she looked amazing, even with that big jacket on, you could see the outline of he perfect figure. She looked like a cute eskimo. My hands started sweating and my heart racing as she walked into the elevator. Her perfume filled the small space.. I still remember that sweet, intoxicating smell.

“Hi Aishlyn, how was your break?”

“Hi! It was good, much needed. But ready to be back. And yours?” She asked.

“It was great! But yeah, I’m glad to be back. I’m especially excited for this weekend.” I said, trying to not sound too eager.

“Oh, what’s going on this weekend? Any big parties?”

She gave this sweet smile. I almost fainted.

“Yeah, actually there’s a huge party on saturday. You should come, bring your friends”

Shit, the elevator stopped as we reached her floor.

“That sounds fun, I’m down. Text me.”

As she walked out, she turned to me, gave me one last smile, and continued on. I got a perfect view of her ass bouncing with each step. Her sweet scent lingered in the elevator. I was beyond excited.

Thursday and friday went by, everything was normal and I had no further contact with Ashlyn. On saturday I woke up around noon, already eager for the night to start. I went on normally about my day, relaxing, doing some homework, and hitting the gym. Around 5 pm I texted Aishlyn.

“Hi! Party starts tonight around 11 pm, but feel free to come by earlier to pregame.”

My eyes reading, then re-reading my message. I didn’t know what else to say. I wanted to tell her I’m excited to see her but that seems too pushy. I sent it.

A few minutes later my phone vibrates, and my heart skips a beat. Could it be her? As I pull out my phone and inspect the notification, disappointment washes over me. It was a message from my roomate. I open up the message and read it. Apparently he had a run-in with one of Aishlyn’s friends, he invited her to the party to which she replied that her and Aishlyn were definately going. Success! Kinda. It was better than not knowing if she was going to show up, but I still wished it was direct confirmation from her.

The afternoon goes by quickly, and by 8 my roommate and I are getting ready to go out. We reach the house around 9 and immediately start pregaming with everyone. We’re taking shots of vodka, doing shotguns, playing pong and flip cup. Needless to day, by 10 pm I was lit. Like way too lit for 10 pm. So my roommate and I have the bright idea to smoke some weed to mellow us out, we go upstairs and rip a bong. Fuck, now I’m drunk AND high. So my roommate and I get another bright idea, lets crush up some adderall and snort it. You know, balance ourselves out a bit. You can probably guess we were watching too much Wolf of Wall Street at the time. So we do just that, rail a couple lines of addy and head back down. By the time we make our way downstairs my heart is pumping because the adderall, im wobbling because im drunk, and yet I’m relaxed and happy because of the weed. Was I doing too much? Maybe. But who cares? It was a big party and I’d stick to beer the rest of the night. I’d be finee. No problem.

By 10:30, people start flooding the house. When I say the house I mean the fraternity house. The party was in the main hall, the biggest room in the house. It could accomodate 100 people comfortably, but by now there must have been 150+. It was getting packed.

Im dancing, having a great drunk time, when my phone buzzes. Who could it be..?

“Hi, we’re outside, can you get us in?”

Fuck it was her. I immediately chugged the rest of my beer, and darted for the front door. As I open it I see a massive line forming outside. A couple of the brothers are working the door letting people with invites in. Everyone else either knows a brother, or isn’t getting in. I search for her. But in my drunken state I can’t see very much. I text her, telling her to meet me by the side door.

I race back inside and head towards the back door. On my way there someone taps me on the shoulder, I turn around expecting one of the brothers. To my delight, it was Aishlyn. My heart stopped and started again. Holy shit. I didn’t think this girl could get any more attractive. But I was wrong. So, so, so wrong. She stood there with a smile. She was wearing a pair of skin-tight light wash jeans, a pink, lace, low cut tank top that showed just enough of her breasts to make my member wake up, and a pair of timberland boots. Her hair was fully straightened. God, she looked amazing. I was mesmerized.

I quickly hug her and say hi. I get a drink for her and her friend, and we go to the dance floor. There we spot my roomate, who quickly comes over and starts dancing with her friend. Shouts out to you man, always the best wingman.

So there I am, dancing alongside my crush. The music is loud and the place is bumping. The DJ is playing a mix of EDM and hip-hop. I’m mesmerized by how Aishlyn is moving her hips to the music. She’s definitely got rhythm, but more than that she has flare. Latinas have this, black girls also have it. This unique rhythm in the way they move their hips, and their body in general. I think Aishlyn’s friend, lets call her T, noticed I was almost doorling. T stops dancing with my roommate and comes up to me.

“What are you doing? She wants you! Dance with her! You’re the reason she wanted to come tonight, make a move.”

Whaaaaat? Meee? Realllyy?

“Okay, bet. Say less.” Drunk me cockily responded.

I grab Aishlyn by her hips and pull her in closer to me. She immediately backs up and starts grinding that fat ass on me. I *almost* lost it. I was in heaven. Holy fuck. She was throwing that ass back ALL types of crazy. I don’t think she missed one beat. I was just along for the ride. Trying to hang on for dear life as she bounced that ass up and down. Like the gentleman I am, I grab he hand and offer her support so she can really back up into me. She uses this newfound support to move her hips with such speed and precision I cannot help but get hard. She’s not rubbing her fat ass up and down my semi-hard cock. I’m in heaven. I could have died right there, with a smile.

These next moments I remember very vividly. As were dancing I hear one of my favorite songs at the time come on. Freak Hoe by Future. If you ever heard it you know it bangs, the base is heavy and it’s perfect for grinding with a bad bitch. And I was with my bad Bitch.

The hook for the song goes something like this: ” Freak hoes, freak hoes, bounce that ass, make your knees touch your elbows.” Pretty deep stuff right? Haha when you’re in the moment it bangs, so don’t judge. Anyhow, at that very moment, when the hook plays, Aishlyin grabs both my hands. She presses her as even closer to my groin (didn’t think it was possible to get closer) and well.. makes her knees touch her elbows. Holy fuck, this girl was bent over, ass to the room head to the floor. She’s shaking her ass like her life depends on it. Something broke inside of me that moment. I couldn’t control myself, I NEEDED her.

When she came up I turned her around to face me, and kissed her. I kissed her with every ounce of passion I had for her. I kissed her like it was the first and last time I could ever kiss her. I grabbed her hips and pulled them closer to me. I playfully bit her lip while my right hand found the back of her head, gently but firmly holding her. She tasted too good. There was a certain sweetness in her lips. Her kiss was so soft, yet passionate. Her tongue found mine. Her lips complimented mine and together we found this perfect rhythm. The kiss felt like an eternity, but it wasn’t long. I wanted more. As we slowly pull away, she’s smiling. A pinkish glow to her cheeks. My heart racing and my cock stiff. I lean in, close to her ear.

“Do you want to get out of here?” I ask, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“Yeah, lets go.” She said.

I grab her ass and give her one more kiss before grabbing her hand, and guiding our way to the exit. On the way to our dorm we stopped a couple of times to make out. The sexual tension was incredibly high. My cock throbbing with each step as we got close to our dorm. Finally we get there. I swipe us in, open the door, and call the elevator.

Seeing her in regular light I now truly admire her beauty. Her skin glowing in the fluorescent light. Her smile warming me up. Her deep, beautiful, brown eyes playful yet sensual. I can feel her vibe, she wants to fuck me as badly as I want to fuck her. And in this moment, waiting for the elevator, I start to get nervous. What if I’m not good enough for her? What if I can’t please her? Performance anxiety had never really affected me, but this time it was consuming me. Or perhaps it was the combination of uppers and downers in my system.. that too. We get on the elevator, and as the door closes we start to make out again. We soon reach my floor, and bolt to my room, avoiding any of my floormates. I close the door behind us and lock it.

**[Sexy stuff begins here]**

I turn around to see her on my bed, taking her top off to reveal a sexy black lace bra. Her tits her even more amazing. Jesus. Perfect. If I had to guess they were somewhere between a large C cup and a small D cup. Perfect. The perfect handful. I jump on top of her, making out, taking my time to feel her body. With my left hand I grab her breast and slowly play with it, her breathing intensifies. I playfully bit her bottom lip, sucking on it. She lets out a small, gentle moan. I take off her bra to reveal two perfect breasts. Her nipples were a light brown, perky, and encircled by small areolas. I suck on them. I can taste the sweetness of her skin. She lets out a louder moan, and tells me to suck on both of them. I do as I’m told. I’m here to please. I gently follow the outline of her niples with my tounge while my right hand explores her thighs. Her body moving with every touch.

I reach her groin, work my way down, and through her jeans I feel a warmth emanating from between her legs. I pull her belt off and throw it. Without hesitation, she reaches for her pants, undoes them while I help her take them off. I literally have to peel her pants off because they’re so tight. Finally taking her pants off, I notice her sexy pink lace thong. Fuck. Her thong hugs her kitty so perfectly that its beautiful. I can see her slit, dripping wet, completely soaking her thong. I’m completely mesmerized, taking a moment to appreciate how perfect her body is. Her hourglass figure laying there on my bed. The girl I’ve been crushing on for months, finally there, naked, in my room. Perfection.

“Do you like it?” She asks.

“Uhh, yeah. You’re perfect. I’m so lucky to have you.”

She gives me a smile, but behind that smile I see something else. I see a certain, desire. Lust. She knows how perfect she is. She should, because she is literally perfect. But more than that, I see her devilish intentions.

“Take your shirt off and get on the bed.”

I do as I’m told. She undoes my pants. My heart skipping beats. And now I notice my member going back to flaccid mode. What the fuck? What’s going on? I should be rock hard right now but instead my dick is just laying there, under my boxers, lymp. Fuck Fuck Fuck. This cannot be happening! I shouldn’t have drank so much.

Over my boxers she plays with my dick, she’s taking her time, slowly rubbing it, caressing my balls. At this point I’m so nervous. Performance anxiety has taken over me and my dick ain’t movin’. She peels off my boxers only to reveal my lymp dick.

“I’m sorry, I think I drank a lot tonight” I stutter.

“It’s okay.. tell me if this feels good.” She replies.

She slowly starts kissing around my groin. Working her way around my dick but not touching it. She kisses down to my thighs and eventually reaches my balls. She takes one in her mouth and sucks on it. Fuck, it felt to fucking good and for a second a feel my dick twitch.. but nothing more. She notices this, and works her way to my dick, kissing it. Lickinging it. It all feels so good, especially seeing her do it. She wraps her lips around my flaccid cock and starts trying to breathe some life into it. I swear… it felt amazing… but my dick just wouldn’t move.

I’m panicking. I feel like a fucking disappointment. Here I was, laying down with my crush handling my meat between her lips, desperately trying to wake it up. I’m a looser. I suck. I think to myself. After a couple of minutes the shame is too much to bear.

“I think I might have whiskey dick, I’m sorry. Let me go to the bathroom quick.” I say, trying to not sound defeated.

“Okay, I’ma go up to my room to charge my phone, ill be down”

I can hear the disappointment in her voice. Part of me thinks she’s using this as an easy getaway. I give her a pair of shorts so she doesn’t have to get dressed again.

I unlock the door and walk to the bathroom. I’m so disappointed. I have my golden chance and my dick won’t work. Fuuuuckk. I reach the bathroom, and go to the urinal to take a piss. I finish and wash my hands. After drying them, I take a good long look in the mirror.

“Don’t be a fucking pussy bro. You’ve got her. Show her you can blow her mind and her back out. Do what you do bro”

I tell myself. I’m a drunk mess. But, I pump some confidence into myself. Somehow, I feel better. I walk out with my head held high. I’m on a mission.

When I get back into my room, Aishlyn is laying on my bed waiting for me. She’s got one of my t-shirts on and her panties are off. Her legs are crossed, but I can see a little bit of her kitty. Seeing her like that was enough. I lock the door, and take my boxers off. I spread her legs to reveal a perfect little pussy. She was still wet. Her kitty cleanly shaven. Her lips were pink and swollen. I kissed her feet, her legs, and made my way to her thighs. I placed my head between her thighs, kissing each one but not touching her kitty.

I could smell her, she smelled so fucking good. She smelled sweet and inviting. I finally work my way to her clit, licking it softly with my tongue. She lets out a small moan. I spread her lips with my hand as I slowly lick on her clit. Up and down, sucking gently on it. My left hand holding her by the waist while my right hand plays with her lips. My fingers enter her.

“Oh baby” She whimpers

I lift her lets onto my shoulders, giving me a perfect view of her kitty and her asshole. My this point I was rock hard. But I wanted to play with her. I wanted her to want me as much as I wanted her. As much as I needed her. I lick her pussy and stick my tongue into it. She tastes so fucking good, it’s driving me wild. She moves her hips with each stroke of my tongue. Grabbing onto the back of my head, pulling me closer to her pussy, showing me what she likes. In a moment of passion and carelessness, I work my way down from her kitty to her ass. I began licking her asshole. I’d never done that before. I lick it and stick my tounge in. She’s going fucking wild. She has one hand massaging her breast while the other rubs her clit. I continue to eat her ass and I’m loving every. fucking. second.

“Fuck me, please, please just fuck me. I need you inside of me right now!!” She demands.

“Okay baby, should I get a cond..”

Before I could finish, she grabs my dick and guides it to the promised land. I’m too drunk to argue, and to be honest, I didn’t want to use a condom anway.

The head of my dick is spreading her pussy apart. She’s so tight. As I enter her, we both let out a moan of satisfaction.

I begin to slowly thrust into her. I feel her kitty wrap my cock up tightly. I wouldn’t say my cock is long, its probably above average but nothing crazy. But it is thick. And she was loving it.

“I love this kitty baby, its so tight.”

I kiss her neck, making my way down to her breasts to suck on her nipples. With each stroke her hips match mine. We’re in perfect unison. She’s moaning and biting my neck. Her hands on my back scratching it. It’s almost painful but I’m loving it.

“Turn me around, fuck me from behind.”

Okay, no problem. I put her on all fours and enter her from behind. I put my hands on her hips and pull into her. I’m so fucking deep in her kitty.

“Pull my hair!” She says between moans

Your wish is my command. I take a handful of her beautiful black hair and pull on it, picking up the speed of my strokes.

“You like that baby, you like that dick?”

“Yes daddy, please fuck me daddy”

Fuck, hearing her call me daddy I almost came instantly. This had to be a dream.

I’m fucking her hard and fast now, with each stroke she pushes her ass into me. Driving my dick deep into her, spreading her pussy lips apart. I feel them stretching apart for me. I’m in nirvana. This is absolutely amazing. Just watching ass clap around my dick is enough to make me cum. But I push on, I want to satisfy her. I want her to come.

We switch positions so she can ride me, cowgirl. She gets on stop and slips y dick in. She starts bouncing up and down my cock. I have a perfect view of her breasts moving with the cadence of her hips. I see her pussy, wrapped tightly around my cock, stretching every time she goes down. She’s moaning, going faster and faster. She’s fucking me like this is the last time she will ever fuck. I pull her close to me. I grab the back of her neck and kiss her while my other hand holds her tightly. I match her rhythim with my strokes.

“Don’t stop! I’m cumming!!” She exclaimed.

“Come for daddy baby, I want you to cum.” I commanded her.

Right then, I feel her kitty squeeze around my cock. I feelt a wave of wetness drip onto my cock as she lets out a long, loud moan and collapsed onto me.

“Fuuck, that was soo good!” She said. “Did you cum?” She asked.

“No baby, but thats okay. I’m glad you did.” I replied. “I love your kitty.”

“I love your cock, I hadn’t cum from sex in a while. You’re so thick”

My dick twitched. I loved hearing that.

“Okay, give me a second to catch my breath”

She moved to lay on the bed, and spread her legs for me. My cock was harder now than before. I take another moment to appreciate her body, before entering her again. I start stroking slowly, deeply. I’m fucking her. But more than that, I’m sharing myself with her. I want her. I’ve wanted her all this time. I’ve pleased her, and now I want to take my time with her. I want to feel her under me. We’re kissing again, passionately.

She begins matching my rhythm. We go faster, and faster. With each stroke I feel the orgasm building up. But this time, I’m completely relaxed. I have nothing to prove, she already came. Now it’s my turn. I grab her ass with one hand, and wrap my other hand around her neck. Gently squeezing. I look at her as im fucking her, and she gives me the naughties smile possible. A smile full of satisfaction and lust. My cock is throbbing. I feel the pressure building up. My movements get faster and faster. I squeeze her throat as she moans for me.

“Cum for me baby, please cum for me daddy.”

“I’m so close baby, where do you want me to cum?” I reply.

With each stroke I get closer. With each stroke I feel my cock grow harder and harder for her, ready to spill my load. With one hand on her neck and the other on her breast, I prepare myself to pull out and shower her with my load.

“Cum in me baby, fill me up. Please fill me up.” She whispers in my ear. “I’m on the pill, just fill me up.”

Hearing that sent shivers down my spine. Before I could even think, I thrust into her one last time. I give her one last stroke before I blow my entire load. There was so much cum. I felt her pussy tighten around my cock. We both came at the same time. I filled her up with my warm load as she let out a moan.

Afterwards, we both layed there. Exhausted. We cuddled for a bit, then she put on one of my t-shirts, kissed me goodnight, and went back to her floor. I layed there, in bed, completely and utterly satisfied. I experienced complete bliss.

We fucked all of that semester. It was always great, but that first time stands out the most.

I hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry it’s so long!! Let me know if ya’ll want more.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/al90ve/fucking_my_dorm_crush_f


  1. Great story, really enjoyed it! If you have any other good stories of her, please share!

  2. Post more!
    This is such a satisfying story filled with intrigue and lust, we want more! (Thx?)

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