So, I (Julie) guess I sort of need to unpack what’s going on in my title bit by bit haha… but thank you Reddit, for giving me the space to confess this.
My boyfriend (Jay) has been in and out of AA for a while now, mostly because, duh, he has an alcohol abuse problem. It’s not that he gets drunk or violent or anything like that – actually, he stays the same sweet doofus I love him for – but it’s that 1) he makes stupid decisions, 2) he mostly just drinks at home too much and doesn’t go out when he’s in one of his spells, and 3) we just don’t have any intimacy. For 1), case in point, he got a DUI after he left a party we were at, after I yelled at him for 15 minutes to take a fucking Uber. For 2), I’m a social gal and love going out with my friends, so I fucking hate him just sitting around the house drinking beer after beer. And 3) he lacks any sex drive when he drinks and basically can’t get it up.
So he goes to AA and tries hard for about a couple of months, and then falls off the wagon for an even longer period, rinse and repeat. We’ve been dating for 2 years, and honestly we’re young enough (both in our mid 20s) that it doesn’t really make me want to dump him… it just means that I’m not really looking to get serious (marriage, kids, etc.) with him until he commits to this. And with all the lack of intimacy and sex, and given that I’m kind of a nympho (haha kidding, at least a little bit… there is probably some truth to that), but also given that I love going out and having fun, I just find that the relationship gets super stale and boring and unexciting when he’s in one of his drinking phases.
I used to blame AA, since his former sponsor was kind of a dud and wasn’t inspirational. He was actually kind of a loser, in my view, but I’ll leave that judgment aside. About four months ago, right before he decided to go back to AA, I asked him to find another sponsor, and he agreed. In walks Tim. Now, Tim is an awesome guy: owns his business, has been sober for 15 years, is much older than us and has so many hilarious stories, is kinda handsome in a bald Texan dad kind of way. And he’s kind of taken both of us under his wing, giving us guidance whenever we wanted it, etc. etc.
For the first month, everything was great. Tim and Jay totally bonded over sobriety, with Tim acting like a father figure. We’d have him over for dinner a lot, and I’d cook (no wine! no beer!). We’d go to the movies or a museum together. It was really fun. But then Jay started drinking again a month in, and Tim and I spent more time together one on one, commiserating and trying to figure out strategies for keeping Jay on the wagon.
Lo and behold, after a few weeks of that, when Jay was at his folks’ house for the week of Thanksgiving, I had Tim over one night, and we ended up fucking. A lot. All night. In a lot of positions. Honestly, it was probably the hottest thing ever, but also the worst thing ever… I’d never felt guiltier. But Tim assured me that it was a good thing, that Jay was ignoring me and that I needed some happiness of my own, especially during another one of Jay’s drinking periods. And so it continued, and still continues to this day. Tim fucks me 10 times better than Jay ever could, even when he was sober: Tim is taller, Tim is stronger, has bigger hands, a much thicker and longer dick. I cum hard when I ride him. But at the end of the day, I’ve gotten myself into one of the worst situations ever… and honestly, I’m kind of fine with it.
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I’m not judging anyone here, but if your boyfriend wants to get any actual benefit out of AA he needs to find a new sponsor.
Your kind of shit lady. We aren’t supposed to judge behavior itself here but you are taking actions that could seriously ruin this mand life beyond the discovery of your cheating. Stop being a shit.
Why not ditch Jay and make it official with Tim?…
You’re not helping anyone. Tim is a shit sponsor and of he had any real balls he’d volunteer out of sponsoring Jay. The fact that he is able to face Jay and try to help him after this means he’s probably a piece of shit sociopath. Have fun with that.
I am judging. This Jim is a piece of shit, and you are no better.
> But Tim assured me that it was a good thing, that Jay was ignoring me and that I needed some happiness of my own, especially during another one of Jay’s drinking periods.
Lol, well of course Tim says it’s a good thing, and that thought process comes from his cock being balls deep in your pussy and wanting to remain there.
I mean, I’m not judging you. You say you’re fine with it, so okay. All in all, though, this is not a great situation.
fuck all these holler than though comments, you don’t owe jay to be his savior sounds to me like your already going the extra mile and staying with him through his foul behavior. IF HE really cared about anyone but his self he would try harder to get off the booze or drink more moderately and responsibly. better not to tell him because he will act like a little baby instead of manning up and seeing whats really going on and deciding how he is gonna handle his life. Tim is kinda of a selfish fuck for sneaking behind hi so called friends back but thats on him , do what is best for you and satisfy your needs your young have fun and don’t live your life for other peoples approval just your own.
If this was just some dude…oh well, you’re just a cheater. The fact that this fleabag is your BF’s sponsor for AA? Well, that makes you a scumbag whore. I hope you die slow of some horrid cancer you fuck.
Can you give more details (play by play) of the first time?
You’re ruining this poor man’s life, he needs a new sponsor.
Isn’t this a conflict of interest on Tim’s part. He is probably buying booze for your BF so that he can keep fucking you. But seriously, he is just being considerate of your needs.
Gives a new meaning to AA… Assholes Anonymous. If you are not happy in your current relationship, then end it first before hooking up with another guy.
This is really sad to read, Tim has every incentive to keep your bf drinking not help him. And he manipulated you into thinking cheating on your bf is healthy and good.
He needs a new sponsor and you probably need to ask yourself how comfortable you are ruining your boyfriends life so you can have sex…. and what kind if person that makes you.