Day out at the races [M/F]

Just as a prerequisite, I’m British so some of the terms below might seem odd to you but I left them in as a few American’s found them funny. I’ve never posted anything like before so feedback is welcome.

I left school at 18, went on to do a building and construction course at college, i fell into a couple of labouring jobs but nothing solid came along for a while until i started playing rugby again. I hadn't played since school, i discovered booze and birds and rugby just fell to the back of my mind, as it would do for most horny young lads i guess, lol. I started playing for my local team after a mate recommended i start training with them, a great bunch of lads who fast became good mates. It was through one lad who played on the team, Sam, that i got wind of a job with his Dad's building firm, they got a lot of contracts for new housing estates and it seemed to be a good lead, i met with his Dad one Sunday afternoon in the pub and he filled me in with the details and i started the following week. Good money and another good group of lads, plenty of banter flying about. The social aspect was great too, Sams Dad was a bit of a wheeler-dealer and had a lot of contacts, we would go to the pub every Friday after finishing work and we'd hardly pay for a pint because he knew the Landlord, if we went into town we'd get into most of the clubs for free, including lap-dancing clubs, it was fucking great and we all made the most of it. None of us ever asked any questions about how or why, we just had fun.

At the time in my younger days I was what you'd class as a bit "rough around the edges" i guess, cheeky-chappy demeanour with youthful naïve confidence and some laddish good looks (my nickname fast became Handsome Cunt on the building site because i didn’t look like a 50yr beer bellied bald man like many of the others) meant that, apart from a couple of steady girls i had seen in the past, on the whole, it was one nighters and fuck buddies who made sure my needs were being met, if you know what i mean ;)

Anyway, now that the basics have been explained, i'll get on to telling you the story of what happened when Sam's Dad sat us down one afternoon on the site, "Right lads, i've secured us some work for one of the chaps linked with Ascot racecourse, he has some work he needs doing down there, good money if we get in there straight away and get the job done before Royal Ascot kicks off, and, if we manage to complete the work ahead of schedule, we all get tickets to Royal Ascot, free, VIP access, what you reckon?" Well we all jumped at the chance and the next week we started work at Ascot racecourse, it was building a new block of holding stables, we knuckled down and got the job done ahead of schedule, and, as promised, we got our tickets to Royal Ascot.

The ticket stated "formal attire", my experience of which had been a shirt and tie i wore to a mates wedding, so how the fuck was i going to manage full-on formal attire!? Years later, once I graduated I got a job in the City working in Finance and now wearing a suit comes naturally to me. Funny how things change. Anyway, me and a few of the other lads went to a Formal hire shop and asked the guy his thoughts and opinions, he picked us out a blinding morning suit each, matching tails jacket, grey pinstriped trousers and white shirts, then we had different waistcoats and ties, i'm not being funny but having tried it on and checking myself out in the mirror, I felt like I looked the fucking nuts and i couldn't wait to show it off!

The big day arrived, we stayed at a hotel close by the night before and as we all got up and got ready there was the usual hassle surrounding a group of lads getting ready for an important occasion, fumbling about with cufflinks, helping each other with their ties, making sure the knots didn't look stupid or amateurish, we wanted to look the bollocks for the day, and don't even get me started with the tale of trying to fasten braces to my trousers, what a fucking hassle!

As we strutted in to the VIP enclosure there were a few heads turned, namely women i have to say (even in a suit you could tell we were a bit rough round the edges and not your normal group in the Royal Enclosure) but we fucking lapped up the attention, i'd purposefully gone for the "designer stubble" look, i may have been dressed smart but i wasn't going to be something i'm not afterall ;) We headed for the bar and before long the drink was flowing and we were all having a great time, a few of us had broken away and were making polite and in my case, cheeky conversation with some of the women who were there, one in particular had caught my eye, blonde piece wearing a perfectly fitted black dress, the most pretty face i'd ever seen and tits like you wouldn't believe! She looked a bit like the british model Nicola Mclean for those wondering. We'd been been making small talk for a little while, i was trying to avoid talking about the races too much for the simple fact i didn't really know fuck all about them but we were having a good laugh and i'd explained how we'd come to be there that day. She told me her husband was a banker in central London and they came to Royal Ascot every year, he went off and bet and drank and she spent the time with her friends drinking and gossiping, it was then i noticed the wedding and engagement rings on her finger, fucking hell, those bankers get some serious money if they were anything to go by!

I could see she was a little bored, we'd been talking for so long and not once had she gone back to her friends, a couple of who were being chatted up by some of the other lads in our group, the only time i broke contact with her was when i went to the bar to get us drinks or if someone brought me a pint over. I'd sunk a few but wasn't pissed, i was merry, sure. I started to get a bit flirty with her, her name was Denise and she seemed to be loving the attention, i'd brush my hand against her at every opportunity and a few times as she laughed she placed her hand on my arm and squeezed before giving me knowing look. I began to think that if i carried on like this, i could get lucky, well, even luckier for me was that Denise was one step ahead already!

"I can't believe you're a builder, you look so smart in your suit" she said smiling

"I can assure you i look better out of it" i replied, grinning and giving her a cheeky wink

"Well there's not much chance of you stripping off here" she said

"But that doesn't need to stop us" she took my hand and lead me off towards the toilets, she lead me into the gents…wow…even the toilets at Royal Ascot are like something i'd never seen before! She lead me into a cubicle, shutting the big mahogany door behind. She wasted no time in kissing me, i wasn't complaining and soon got in there, my hands running up and down her back, over her arms, hearing her groans lead me to running my hands up her sides and gently caressing her tits through her dress, she responded well ;) By now my cock was growing, it was bursting to get out of my boxers and looking down and seeing the bulge in my smart trousers spurned me on more, this get up i was wearing was making me feel pretty horny! I reached around and just as i was about to unzip her dress…"No" she replied between kissing me, "We haven't got time for all that" and she took my hands, guided them down onto her thighs and then up so they took her dress up with them.

"FUCK" I said "You've got stockings and suspenders on!!! Fuckin great!!!" i grinned and kissed her harder, my hands running between her stockings and her bare flesh, i couldn't wait any longer and i puller her thong to one side and slipped a finger in, oh man, she was loving it, my fingers were soaked in no time!

I was aware i didn't want to be too forceful so i pulled back, "How do you wanna? You know…do this?"

She turned me round so she now had her back to the door and i was facing her, she unzipped my trousers and reached in, she fumbled for a bit and with a little help she pulled my cock out of the fly, "Mmmm" she moaned "Your cock is huge!" i grinned and kissed her again, pushing her back against the door, i winked at her "Give it a suck then"

As she crouched in the toilet floor sucking my cock, i reached into my inside jacket pocket and pulled out a condom, i didn't want to presume anything by taking one with me but i'll always be prepared, i unwrapped it and gently guided her head off my cock, as she stood up i rolled the condom down my shaft, i smiled to myself, here i was, a cheeky builder lad, standing in the toilets in the VIP area of Royal Ascot, in the finest looking suit, shirt and tie i'd ever seen, putting a condom on ready to fuck some saucy posh bitch! She couldn't help herself and assisted in making sure the condom was on properly, using that as an excuse to slide her hands over my cock.

I hitched up her skirt and lifted her, being a builder i had good strength so it was nothing to me, i pushed her back against the toilet door and with one swift move i lowered her right onto my tool, fuck she felt good, tight as fuck and the perfect fit! She gasped and buried her head into my neck and grasped at my broad shoulders and back as i began fucking her, long hard moves, pushing right in there before pulling almost completely out and sinking back in again, she was a horny fuck and i was loving every second of it, holding her legs firmly, my hands half on her stockings and half on her naked thighs, just ploughing her. Before long she whispered "put me down" so i pulled out and placed her back onto her feet, she unbuttoned my trousers and tried to drop them, but, fuck, the braces!

"I knew i shouldn't have work fucking braces!" i said frustrated

"It's fine" she smiled as she reached round and unfastened the braces from my trousers, leaving them on under my waistcoat, my trousers fell to the floor, she pushed me back and sat me on the toilet seat before straddling me and taking my throbbing cock into her soaking wet pussy again

"Ohhhhhh fuuuuck" i grunted as her bouncing got harder, i gripped her arse cheeks and helped her ride me, it felt amazing, i was sweating but didn't have a care in the world! She rode me for a good 5 minutes or so, her pussy juice soaked into my boxers which still had my cock poking out of them, he bouncing got slower as she unbuttoned my waistcoat, running her hands over me she undid my tie and then undid my shirt, running her hands over my body she smiled and gritted her teeth slightly

"You handsome man!" she said in her posh voice, i chuckled as i recalled my nickname of "Handsome Cunt" and thought that handsome man didn't have the same ring to it. As her bouncing picked up again i reached that point that a lad sometimes gets to when he's really in the moment, when it's not about just sex, it's about fucking…proper hard FUCKING…so i stood up with Denise still impaled on my cock, turned her round so she was bent over in front of me, lifted one of her legs and REALLY went to town on her pussy, slamming into her hard, she put her hands on the toilet door to steady herself but i knew it wasn't going to be long before i was ready to shoot.

Almost on cue i felt my balls tighten and the unmistakable feeling of cum spurting out of my japs eye, i grunted and groaned as i pumped what felt like a pretty substantial load into the condom, she caught her breath as i pulled out, gripping the condom on my cock as i did, i watched as my cockhead came out…minus the teat of the condom…"What the fuck!?" i thought, my bell-end was totally exposed, the condom had obviously broke at some point during the fuck and the huge load i'd just shot was, well, inside Denise. I pulled off the condom and quickly threw it in the toilet before she saw anything, she turned around and sucked my cock clean, my body jerked and spasmed as she cleaned it all with her tongue, she stood up and puller her dress down as i pushed my cock back into my boxers and pulled up my trousers. She gently buttoned up my shirt, pulling my sleeves down so the cuffs and cufflinks could be seen from under my suit jacket, then she fastened my tie, clearly something she had learnt from doing do to her husband, she fastened the smart knot snuggly up to my collar and then did up my waistcoat before reaching around and fastening my braces back to my trousers.

She looked up at me, smiling, i smiled back still wondering what to do about the broken condom, should i tell her or just say nothing? As i was pondering what to do she stooped down to pick something off the floor, she showed me what it was, it was the tip of the condom, "Errr oh shit, did it break?" i said trying to look genuinely shocked "No" she said, "It didn't break, i tore it off" she pinched it between her manicured nails which could probably cut steel!

"Why did you do that? What about me, you know, cumming inside you?"

"My Husband spends all his time at work or playing golf or away at meetings, i've wanted children for years but he wasn't going to give me them, i saw a golden opportunity with you to get what i want, i mean, look at you, you're from good stock! I'm not going to ask anything of you, in fact, i'll never see you again no doubt"

Part of me felt used but there was a large but of me that thought "Mark, you FUCKING STUD!"

We kissed before she opened the door and walked out of the toilets, i caught my breath and composed myself before walking out of the cubicle, standing in front of the mirror i checked myself out, running my hands down my suit, tweaking my tie knot and cufflinks before breaking out into a huge cheeky-boy grin and saying out loud to myself

"You Handsome Cunt"



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