Kasey – [M/F] Light humiliation, submission, black mail, cheating

Kasey had been pretty blitzed that Friday night by the time she and her friends made it from the bar, to the club, and then to the after party.

She awoke late Saturday with vague memories of hooking up with a hot guy in… a laundry room? Maybe? Though his face, and where they were, was a bit hazy to her she clearly remembered the feeling of his thick cock pounding her as she had leaned against the wall bent over, her panties around her ankles, and he took her from behind.

One thing was certain though, he had *not* been her fiancé Carl, since he had been out of town.

Considering the amount of dried cum on her skirt and thighs, and still seeping out of her when she was in the shower he also took her bareback, as well either fucked her multiple times, or shot a huge load. Kasey spent a huge amount of time scrubbing in the shower, as if people could sense the scent of another man on her, other than Carl.

Once she was cleaned up, comfy in her sweats with no makeup, bra, or panties, she spent the rest of the day recouping, and binging her latest show, trying her best to not seem like she was guilty of murder whenever one of her roommates walked in the room.

No one made any comments, so apparently they had been discreet, or quick enough that no one had even noticed she was gone, never mind hooking up with some random guy.

Other than a few guilty twinges of memory of getting fucked in the laundry room (she remembered now it definitely was the laundry room of her friend’s house) as the week worse on she realized no one knew, and she spent less, and less time thinking of what happened. At work she was back to being her normal, mousy admin self. The girl everyone liked in the office, and no one was threatened by.

Friday rolled around again, at which point she decided she was clear. She made plans to meet up with Carl and some of his friends that night.

As she walked past the crowded bar to where her boyfriend, and his group were already a few drinks into the evening she knew she was fucked. In an instant, just as she made eye contact with Carl, her gaze had swept over the guys he was with and she knew, knew, that the guy sitting right next to her fiancé was Mr. Laundry Room.

On auto-pilot she moved to Carl, leaning in to kiss him lightly on the cheek, even as the color drained from her face.

“You all right babe?” Carl asked, his alcohol warmed smile falling a bit in concern.

“I’m, yes, I’m fine. Sorry.”

“Ah, sorry. This is Jason, babe. The reason we are here tonight!” He said too loudly, and the other guys in the group all gave a mix of stupid cheers, all in good fun.

*Maybe he won’t remember me. ohmygod don’t remember me*. Kasey smiled wanly and nodded to Jason before taking a seat.

“We’ve met.” he said


“What?” Carl said, a bit confused.

“I said: We’ve never met.” Jason said, a glint of humor in his eye as he stared at Kasey. He reached over casually to shake hands, Kasey too panicky to do otherwise returned the shake automatically.

The rest of the night Jason barely even talked to Kasey, and nothing untoward was said or hinted at. Kasey even relaxed enough to laugh a few times, though she happy to find an excuse to leave as soon as she could without rising any suspicions.

As the evening would have it she shouldn’t have been concerned at all. Except for herself, and Jason who had been nursing the same drink for most of the night, the other guys might not even have noticed if Jason fucked her right there on the table in front of them, they were so far gone.

Oddly enough the thought of him fucking her on the table brought back some very not-unpleasant memories of what his cock had felt like inside her, and she found herself blushing at the thought, and squirming a little in her seat.

When she saw her chance to leave she acted quickly, excusing herself quietly, saying she wasn’t feeling all that well.

She’d made it to the door before she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning, her heart sank as she realized who it was.

“Hi, again.” Jason said amiably enough.

“Uh, hi. I was just..”

“Just leaving, I know I heard. Not feeling well?” He said with a smirk.

“Yeah. My stomach..” she trailed off stupidly, her hand belatedly going to her stomach like she was a sick toddler.

Looking up into his eyes she knew how much he believed her.

“I.. need to go.” she said, turning.

“Just wait a second. I need your number first.” He already had his phone out, and was presumably thumbing to his contacts.

“My what?”

“Number. Phone number.” He enunciated with humor.

“I, I’m not giving you my number.” She looked around to make sure no one she knew was close. “That was a mistake, a one time thing. I’m engaged to Carl.” she hissed the last part.

“Oh, I know. He’s told me all about you. I still need your number.” The smile was still on his lips, but his eyes had a different, coldness to them now.

“No. It was a mistake..” she repeated.

Jason leaned in, his lips close to her ear.

“You didn’t seem to think that way when you begged me to fuck your.. how did you put it ‘Fuck your tight little cunt like a cheap whore’?”

Stricken, Kasey stared at his chest, eye level for her, feeling trapped.

“Now, “ he straightened, speaking normally now “your number?”

Kasey gave it to him, quietly, then turned on her heels, and almost fled the bar.

Three days later her phone chirped with an incoming text a bit after lunch at work. She’d put the whole ‘Jason thing’ out of her mind once more, so for a second she was confused when only a number showed in her unread texts.

*What time do you get off from work?* Blinked at her.

She paused, then realization clicked. The out of area phone number (Jason had just moved to the area), the night at the bar.

*Who is this?* She still asked, hoping it still was a wrong number.

*Who do you think? – J*

*I don’t want to talk to you Jason.*

There was a short pause, she could see he was typing.

*You will talk to me. Otherwise your fiancé gets pics like this to his phone.*
He then sent a pic, that made Kasey hide her phone instantly, and look guiltily around the office. No one, of course, noticed or cared that she was on her phone at her desk.

The pic was her, it was obviously her. Bent over in the laundry room, her panties down around her ankles, and her skirt hiked up to her waist. She was looking back over her shoulder at the person taking the pic, her pussy dripping a load of cum that had obviously just been deposited in her.

How the fuck did she let him take pics of her like that? She started to breath fast, anxiety and panic rising in her once more. This one night out was going to ruin her life.

*delete those now* she typed furiously

*no. in fact, I might like this one better.*

An instant later a pic of her on her knees appeared on her phone, a big, thick cock pressed to her cheek as she smiled up at the picture taker.

*not sure though. The ones with you bent over are pretty hot. I took video too u wanna see that?*

*no. no. what do you want?*

*What time do you usually get off from work?* He repeated his initial question.

*4:30 or 5. Y?*

*Great! I’ll see you at my place around 5:15 then tomorrow!*

*What? No you wont. Why would I go there?*

*Pics. Fiancé. I thought it was pretty self-explanatory actually, to be honest.*

*No.* She typed vehemently. Tears starting to well in her eyes as she saw the trap close around her, still not wanting to believe it though.

*I’ll make you a deal. You come over, and I’ll delete a pic.*

She stared for a long time at the last message.

*You delete _all_ the pics.*

*LOL no. But I like how you have already moved from ‘never going to happen’ to ‘lets negotiate.’ Shows growth!*

How he could joke, she couldn’t understand, but maybe it was a way out.

*you there still?*

She hadn’t realized how long she had just been staring at the phone, not responding.


*We good then? 5:15?*

another long pause.


The rest of the day crawled by for Kasey. She felt like everyone around her knew what was happening, what she had done, and what she was in denial about going to do. Every time her phone buzzed or chimed she would jump, enough that a few people mentioned it to her, asking if she was okay.

That night was awkwardly strained with Carl, but he didn’t really seem to notice too much was out of sorts. They had sex, and Kasey found her mind wandering to the pictures Jason had sent her, and to the memory of his thick cock fucking her in that tiny laundry room. When she came, she came hard on Carl’s cock. Carl, of course, just assumed he was a sex god. After tussling her sweaty blonde hair, and kissing the back of Kasey’s head, rolled over and fell promptly asleep.

Getting dressed for work the next morning Kasey made a few, discreet decisions on her outfit. As her inner monolog beat the ‘I’m not going over there to have sex with _that_ man’ drum loudly she made sure to pick a cute thong to wear that she knew from experience could be pulled aside easily, but wouldn’t be too upset if she had to throw it out. She also delicately stuffed another pair of panties in her purse. Her skirt was above the knee, but loose enough that she could pull it up over her waist if needs be. Something that absolutely would not be happening of course.

Her short walk to work, and the entire work day was consumed with more and more thoughts of what she had already done. She found herself going to her phone to look at the pics he had sent a few times, realizing each time that she of course had deleted them already. She admitted she looked pretty damn hot in them actually.

4:30 came around, and she grabbed her bag and left, waving good night to a few acquaintances on the way out. Her boss got in the office usually around 6am to beat traffic, so her own day was over fairly early, always a bonus.

She swore to herself that she was going to threaten him with the police, with lawyers, with a violent death the entire way to the address he had given. She pressed the call button next to Apartment 8, seething with anger.

“It’s me.” She ground out.

“A bit early, great. I’ll buzz you up. “ The door buzzed briefly, and with a soft ‘think’ the electric lock was undone.

Kasey pushed the door open, the heavy door swinging lightly on its hinges, and made her way to Apartment 8, on the fifth floor according to the buttons on the elevator.

When the doors swooshed quietly open she corrected that assessment. Apartment 8 was the fifth floor. The apartment was gorgeous, with huge windows letting in ample late afternoon light. The open floor plan made the already large space seem cavernous, at least by the city’s standards.

Jason was walking towards her from the kitchen area, wearing jeans and a tight fitting short sleeved polo shirt, a smirk on his face.

“I wasn’t sure if you’d actually show up.” he said once he pulled even with her.

“I am here” she said haughtily “ to tell you that whatever you think this is, it isn’t. Like I said before it was a one time mistake, I was drunk, and I am asking you like a civilized person to just delete the pics you have. Please.”

He looked at her with some amusement. “And the videos.”

“What? Oh, yes, the videos too.”

There were a few heartbeats of silence where Kasey almost thought he was going to do it as he pulled out his phone. He thumbed through some things it looked like, then smiled, finding what he wanted.

A low voice came from the phone. Her phone she realized.

“Ohmygawd.. yes. Holy shit right there. Please. PLEASE! Oh fuck!”

he turned the phone to her so she could see the screen. On the phone she could clearly see herself, bent over, trying to keep herself upright against the wall while a man which she assumed was Jason, filmed himself railing her from behind.

“But this is some good stuff here, Kasey. I’d hate for it to go to waste.”

The video kept playing, Kasey found herself staring at it, almost mesmerized. She watched for a few seconds longer than she knew she should have, watching as his bare cock slammed into her from behind, as she beg him to fuck her harder. She felt herself blush, the heat rising to her cheeks, and felt an involuntary, corresponding heat building in the pit of her stomach.

“I.. uh.”

“I know, it’s great right?” Jason smiled, turning the phone back to himself for a few seconds so he could enjoy it as well. “I bet Carl would love it too.” He said finally, letting the obvious ace drop that he was holding.

“what do you want.” She said in a small voice. Knowing she was backed into a corner.

“It’s pretty simple, Kasey.” He moved close to her, running one finger along her jaw line lightly, then tipping her head up to meet his eyes. “I propose a deal.”

“What deal. Just get on with it.” She said, beaten.

“For every time you come visit me after work, I will delete a picture.”

“What about the videos?”

“Hrm.. I like those a lot. I think those would be worth three visits each.”

“and what do you expect during a ‘visit’?” she knew of course, but needed it said.

“Just your obedience, and..” his hand dropped from her chin down her side, until he rested it possessively on her hip “whatever holes I want to use.”

Kasey felt his touch like electricity on her hip, her face was still turned up towards his, much closer now as he had moved closer yet again to her. She knew she should be shocked, angered, disgusted by the presumptions way he was speaking to her, and touching her, but instead she felt her pulse hammering in her chest, and her breath coming lightly.

“and what if I resist, or call rape?” She said weakly, loud enough that even if the apartment had been packed with people no one would have heard her.

“I know you, Kasey.” He took one of her hands in his, then slowly pressed her palm against the sizeable , hot bulge in his jeans. He took his hand away, but she kept hers against him.

“You want this.” He leaned in and kissed her neck. “You need this.” He kissed her throat, bending down to reach her. “and you don’t want to be treated like a good girl.” He stood smiling.

“okay.” She said when she found her voice. Amazed she could speak, more amazed that she just agreed with him. But he was right. She did need it. She needed to feel that thick cock drilling inside her, she needed to be treated like a slut. Carl was a nice guy but the most adventurous he’d been since she met him was fucking her at her parents that one time.

“Good girl.” He said, with obvious irony. “Follow me.” Jason turned without waiting to see if she followed, and walked across the open space towards one of the doors against the back far wall, a bedroom she assumed.

Once inside he turned to her.


“I, uh..” she tentatively moved her purse off her shoulder.

A soft, but firm slap stung her cheek. Much more confused than hurt she stumbled back from Jason.

“I said: ‘Strip’.”

“Yes, okay!” Kasey stumbled as she tried too fast to take her heels off. Collecting herself she slowed down, and quickly disrobed, placing her clothes neatly on a chair by the bed.

“Good. Once you understand your place when you are here Kasey, this will be a lot easier for you.”

“My.. my place?” She stood, half covering herself, unsure what she was supposed to be doing, confused by his conversational tone of voice compared to the subject matter.

“Well, what are you?”

“What am I?”

Another, lightning fast slap stung her cheek. Her hand went automatically to sooth her cheek, and tears started to well in her eyes.

“Don’t answer my questions with the same question. You are many things Kasey, but you are not a parrot. What. Are. You.” Keeping a steady, calm eye on her, Jason began shedding his own clothes. As his jeans fell away, freeing his thick, already erect cock, she saw they he hadn’t been wearing any underwear.

“I’m.. I’m a girl?” It was lame, and wrong, she knew instantly, but at least she didn’t feel another sting of a slap.

“True. You are a girl. Get up on the bed, ass high, head low, facing the foot of the bed. What else are you?”

“I’m.. I’m a cheater?” She moved slowly, getting into position and feeling amazingly vulnerable, her pussy and ass poised at the perfect height for Jason who, now moving to the bed, was behind her.

“Good. Knowing yourself, and owning it are very important things for a healthy mind Kasey.”

She felt his strong, cool hands run along her ass cheeks playfully, pulling them apart a bit with each circular rub.

He slid a finger between her pussy lips and laughed at how wet she was already. “I see, I guess you are not too upset about this arrangement after all?” He slide two fingers into Kasey easily, pressing them slowly deep inside her. She couldn’t help the moan she let out.

“Good, that’s it.” His fingers pulled out, and before she could more than just register the disappointment that they were gone she felt a much larger, hotter mass press against her. With little fanfare, one hand guiding his cock, Jason mounted her from behind, pushing his thick cock deeper inside her with small, gradual thrusts.

“ohmygod! Oof!” Kasey let out before she could bite her lip. “Warn a girl will ya?” She panted, looking behind her for the first time. Jason, his lean, muscular torso rising above her, grinned back at her. He placed both hands on her waist as he continued to find the bottom of her pussy.

“Now where would the fun in that be?” He kept up the pressure until he was bottomed out inside her, Kasey making small adjustments to take him all the way to the root. By the time she had accommodated him fully she was dripping wet, and could think of little more than he fucking her for all he was worth.

Instead he stayed as he was for a bit.

“So, now, tell me what are you?”

“What?” She gasped back, as she tried to push back against Jason, to get that cock deeper inside her even though she could already feel his balls pressing against her clit. A hard, open handed smack against her ass brought her attention back.

“I’m.. uh.. a cheater?”

“We already established that, you stupid cunt.” Jason said harshly, slapping the back of her head not gently. The movement cause him to stroke in and out of her once though, so instead of being annoyed at the pain or the words he spoke she moaned.

“What else are you?” She could feel his cock twitch inside her. He wanted to fuck her just as much as she wanted it. She could tell. What did he want to hear??

“I’m.. I’m a slut.”

“mmmmm good. Yes.” He started, mercifully, to stroke in and out of Kasey now.

“Ohgodyes. Thank you, thank you thank you.” She babbled as he picked up speed, pulling his cock out until just the tip was in, before pulling himself balls deep again inside her with his hands on her hips.

“More. Tell me more about yourself.” He panted as he rode her steadily now, soft, wet noises accompanying each of his thrusts.

“I’m a dirty little slut.” She said, barely hearing herself now.

“Yes, you are. Fucking one of your fiancé’s best friends.”

“yes. Yes. I am. A fucking whore.”

“A dirty little cum dump for men to use, yes?”

As he talked, and got her to talk more, Kasey realized dimly she was building to an orgasm already. Often with Carl she didn’t even cum, here, with Jason, she was close after only a few minutes of his cock inside her.

“Yes. Ohmygod yes. Whatever you say Jason. I’ll be whatever you say. I’ll be whatever you want me to be.”

“Good girl.” He dropped a few savage thrusts in a row into her, strong enough to press her face into the bedding as he used his much larger weight to dig deeper inside her.

“When you’re here I own you, you dumb cum dump. Do you understand?”

“Yes.. yes I do. Anything!” She felt the wave approaching, and grabbing the bedding with both hands, tried to keep in place while Jason continued to hammer her pussy hard from behind as she came.

The orgasm was strong enough that she saw spots, and had stopped breathing for a while. Jason never stopped stroking of course, he even held her down with both hands on the small of her back as he built towards his own orgasm.

It was all she could do to keep in place for him when he final came. She’d been with mean who moaned when the came of course, or made weird noises etc. Jason growled, a deep, throaty, animalistic noise that she felt through their body contact. He pinned her down hard when he came, making it so she couldn’t even move as she felt him unleash inside her.

“You fucking stupid cow.” He murmured, his balls still unleashing jet after jet of hot cum deep inside her. “you stupid whore cunt.” The verbal abuses just rolled off his tongue as he came, his strokes slowing until finally, spent, he pulled out of Kasey and collapsed on the bed. Kasey found herself agreeing with every name he called her, begging him to keep fucking her, and to dump more cum insider her.

For a few minutes they just caught their breath, neither said a word. Then finally Kasey moved, casting about for something to clean herself up with. She found a towel in the master bath, and started to wipe her thighs, and bare, though raw fucked pussy clean.

Considering the amount of semen she was cleaning off herself, and from insider herself, Kasey at least now knew she’d only had the one round with him in the laundry room apparently. She giggled softly to herself at the image again.

Jason watched quietly from the bed as she cleaned up, then got dressed.

“Tomorrow, same time?”

“I, uh. Well my work schedule is not always exactly the same each day.”

He quirked an eye brow at her, as if saying ‘choose your next words wisely’.

“I’ll know once I get to work in the morning. I’ll text you.”

As she left his apartment the glow of what she had just done turned to guilt fairly rapidly. What _had_ she been thinking? She was a horrible person. By the time she walked into her own apartment that she shared with Carl she had decided to tell him everything, and come clean.

Once the door closed behind her, however, she decided that she should take a proper shower before talking to Carl. Then perhaps do it after dinner. Once the dishes were done she thought after relaxing for a bit would be a more proper time. At bed that night. After they had sex. When they had breakfast in the morning..

At 10:30am she texted Jason simply: *Be there 5:15*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/aje8ar/kasey_mf_light_humiliation_submission_black_mail