Not erotic just me being an idiot

It all started last year at work the flirty comments, the checking her out without her noticing, nothing could happen as we both were with other people, but I would see her walk into work and my face would light up, I would learn everything I could about her whilst I could, staff don’t generally last too long at our place so I savoured every moment I could. 

Late on last year we both finally admitted that there was something between us but nothing was acted upon, though there was many a time that I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her passionately, something I longed to do. But out of nowhere our shift pattern changed and we didn’t get to see each other, I spent that time wondering if she still had that little spark for me. 

I got the answer to that question at the beginning of this year when fates intertwined and we both split from our respective partners, thus began a few days of a whirlwind of passion, looking into each others eyes, holding her in my arms, kissing those lips I’d longed to kiss, little touches every moment during those few days was amazing and better than anything I could of thought of. Until I got scared and ran, leaving her confused, hurt and blaming herself when in reality it’s all my fault, this woman is beautiful, amazing, fun, considerate everything you could possibly want in a partner, and I threw it all away because I was scared that I couldn’t give her what she wanted and needed. 

The last week I haven’t spoken to her or seen much of her, I understand she may hate me now and not want to see anything of me, IV not only lost a potential loving partner but I’ve lost a very good friend in the process. I have told her a lot of things and every thing I have said we’re true and still are to this day. She may not see this but I’m sorry I wasnt the man you thought I was, I wish we could start again.

The moral story here people is before anything happens make sure it’s something your ready for before you hurt the other person because you can lose someone amazing in the process and regret it. The potential to have a person in your life as good as she is doesn’t come very often don’t lose it when it does!



  1. If to much time hasn’t passed you should tell her or send her a link to this post if you’re really regretful you should try to fix it but what do I know I’m just a stranger on the internet I hope you’re able to fix this and even if you fall and she really hats you-you’ll be able to say you tried to fix it

  2. If you get scared and run away again she is guaranteed to kick you in the cock ;) and face.

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