Sunday Night Football [MMF] [exhibitionism]

My best friend from high school is still my best friend today. He’s married with three daughters. He was over at our house one Sunday night to watch the Sunday Night Football game (and escape the estrogen of two teenage daughters and a tween). That happened from time to time, and was not in and of itself an unusual occurrence. This was the Sunday heading in to Veteran’s Day on Monday. He and I were taking the holiday off, so the beer was flowing a little more freely than usual.

My wife wasn’t taking the holiday, so at halftime she excused herself and went on to bed.

My friend has had a crush on my wife since high school. They went out on one date back then, and she really wasn’t interested in pursuing anything more than that. But he still carries that torch to this day. His wife looked a lot like my wife in college, but the intervening years and three pregnancies have not been kind to her. They’re down to what could best be described as semi-annual sex with blowjobs on special occasions.

With my wife safely in bed and the bedroom door closed, the third quarter and fourth beers got underway.

About halfway through the third quarter, I began to smell the pretty distinctive smell of fried wiring. About the time my friend looked at me and said, “Do you smell that?”, there was a loud POP that signified the death of the TV.

“Well, shit“, he said. “So much for the game.”

“Maybe not”, I said. “We’ve got the TV in the bedroom. By now, she should be hard and fast asleep. And since she started the Ambien, once she’s asleep she’s not waking up. I’ve watched TV with her asleep plenty of times. We’ll just have to be quiet.”

So down the hall we went.

Sure enough, my wife was dead to the world.

We have a chair in the room to the left of the bed that stays there for the expressed purpose of blowjobs (hence the name ‘the blowjob chair’). My friend plopped into the blowjob chair and put his beer on my wife’s nightstand. I took off my jeans and got in bed next to my wife. I found the game on the TV, and we resumed the game. The only light in the room came from the television.

My wife and I sleep nude, and my wife has to have a foot out from under the covers at all times (I call it her [breathing foot]( During a timeout, I looked over to say something to my friend. He was unapologetically staring at my wife’s exposed foot and leg. That was when the alcohol gave me an idea.

I reached over to put my beer on my nightstand, and as I did I flipped on the electric blanket.

After the timeout the game resumed. I sat there quietly and let the electric blanket do its thing. About ten minutes later my wife began to stir. I knew what was about to happen.

She rolled half way over so that she was flat on her back and put her arms over her head to cool off. Nothing was exposed except her breathing foot and a generous portion of her leg. I knew he had a side view all the way up to her ass. I’d be willing to bet he’d not seen but three or four plays on the TV since we had relocated.

I reached over for my beer, and secretly bumped the blanket up a notch.

A few minutes later it happened. Without waking up, my wife reached down with one arm and pushed the covers down to about her waist, fully exposing both breasts and their bright strawberry pink nipples. Then she settled back to sleep.


“Jesus Christ”, was all I heard.

The football game was permanently ignored.

He stood up to get a better look at the tits he’d been crushing over all these years. About that time she started moving again. He froze like a thief who’d heard a noise. She brought her breathing foot up and under the covers, then straightened her leg and pushed them down to her feet.

Now she was fully exposed and slightly glistening with sweat in the light of the television. With the foot replaced to its breathing position off to the side, her pussy was exposed. It opened up like a damp flower.


Not once did he touch her. He brought his face down to her open pussy and took a deep breath of her scent, then turned his head sideways to look up her body, getting her pussy, breasts, and face in one long view. He stayed that way for what seemed like forever before he stood back up.

He reached into his sweats and grabbed his cock, then looked at me. “Can I touch her hair?” he asked.

He was having an almost religious experience. I just nodded.

He took a section of her long blonde hair and wrapped in around his cock. He was done in about four strokes … all in her hair, on her shoulder, and on her neck.

He didn’t go limp at all. Instead, he moved to the foot of the bed and again asked if he could touch her … her foot this time. He rubbed his still hard cock against the soft arch of her left foot and his eyes rolled back as he closed them. This time it took a little longer, but soon her foot was glazed.

As many years ago as that was, he’s never stopped thanking me for it.

* * * * *

I’m pretty sure she was awake for part of it. After he left I played with her pussy and ass pretty aggressively. She was extremely wet and had an orgasm or two (I have made her have orgasms while she sleeps before, even before she started on the Ambien). But she didn’t say a thing about waking up covered in cum the next morning, either. She just hopped out of bed and hit the shower.

And she was maybe a little too happy to be going to work while I got to stay in bed.



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