Tracy – [M/F] Mild humiliation

My first post here. I have some stories I wrote for my tumblr that has been terminated without warning :/ Luckily I had copies of most of the stories. I’d love to hear any feedback you might want to share here, or via DM.


How long had it been? Dave noticed that he was bouncing his knee again, a bad habit he had when being impatient since he was a kid. He quieted his leg mentally, then looked up from the game he was playing on his phone, trying hard to push down the annoyed look he knew was on his face.

Susan wasn’t anywhere to be seen, so at least she was in the changing room. The store was busy, but at least there wasn’t a line for the dressing rooms, yet.

The first few times he had been inside the lingerie store with his wife, then his girlfriend, he had gotten whiplash from watching all of the women browsing through sexy outfits, picking items to try on and heading into the back where his imagination would take over. Now though, he barely paid any attention to the clothes, or the patrons of the shop.

Dave leaned back in the chair, glanced at his watch. It had been only ten minutes since she had disappeared into one of the closet like cubicles with seven items to try on. Why seven? That was the max allowed at a time, she had to put things back just to be allowed in. This was going to be a long day.

As he sulked inwardly about the fate of his Sunday afternoon a few women came and went from various dressing rooms. None his wife though of course. She would take forever, and he knew it would take multiple trips for her to find whatever it was she was looking for.

The store hummed around him as he went back to his game, only occasionally lifting his head when someone left a room, in the vain hope of his wife surprising him and finishing quickly. He would squint down the long hallway of changing rooms (his eyes taking a bit longer to adjust from the close up game to looking at a longer distance), frown slightly when it inevitably wasn’t Susan, then go back to killing little animated figures on his phone.

He did some mental math; Susan would take a minimum of three minutes he estimated per item, add another five minutes to get undressed, dressed, two for ‘miscellaneous’, and he was looking at around half an hour turn around for each trip she made into the dressing room.

“Great.” He muttered.

“What’s that babe?” Susan was right in front of him, having deposited most of the items she had brought into the dressing room with her into what Dave referred to as the ‘recycling bin’ at the entrance of the changing area.

“I, uh, great! You’re done already!” *and a full 7 minutes faster than I estimated*..

He went to stand but was halted when Susan thrust a blue bra, at him, the ‘*hold this’* implied but not stated.

“Ah, just out for another round I take it?”

“Yup, I think, *think*, that will do for the bra I need for Amy’s wedding, still need to find stockings for that, but I still need to..” She kept talking as she walked away, Dave did not follow.
Dave held the bra up, twisted it back and forth, and decided that at least he would have fun taking it off Susan after Amy’s wedding. He smiled at the thought. He might not be excited after ten years of marriage with shopping with Susan, but other aspects of their relationship he still enjoyed a great deal.

“umm.. I’m not sure that is really your color.”

Startled, and feeling a little guilty about where his mind had been, Dave quickly lowered the bra to focus on the source of the voice.

Tracy, one of the girls from sales at work, stood a few feet in front of him, a number of clothing items lay across one arm as she had obviously been heading towards the dressing rooms.

“oh. Oh, yes, well” Dave, a little embarrassed admittedly “.. I thought it might bring out the blue in my eyes?”

Tracy laughed “umm, sure, Mr. Clark. And hello.”

“Hello yourself.”

Tracy had started working at his company two, maybe three years before. Dave, as an executive, didn’t have a lot of direct contact with her, but it was a small company and most people were pretty friendly towards one another.

“I’m just here, with the wife…” he trailed off, for a second realizing from the amused raised eye brow look she was giving him that no explanation was really needed, but she was enjoying his attempts anyway. He cleared his throat instead of finishing the sentence, his eyes falling on the items Tracy held, a nearly sheer lace bra and panty set, also blue in color.

Seeing his gaze shift, then realizing that she was standing in front of her boss’ boss holding lacy underware it was Tracy’s turn to get a bit flustered, some color hitting her cheeks almost immediately.

“Well, I better, get.. “ she nodded towards the changing rooms.

“yes, of course, have a good day.”

“You too, see you Monday.” She finished, lamely, as she walked away down the line of dressing room doors, kicking herself mentally for the awkward situation.

Dave watched her as she walked down the hallway, admiring her ass and hips, mentally dressing her in the lingerie they both knew she was about to try on.

He leaned back into the chair, a thin smile on his lips as he enjoyed the mental image more than he knew he should.

“Be back in a few.”

Dave looked up guiltily as his wife, with another arm load of items, walked past and down the hall towards a changing room. He threw a fleeting smile at her back before contemplating if staring at the wall was more interesting than his phone.

Tracy emerged a few minutes later, smiled as she passed, then went back to browsing, and Dave went back to his phone, the phone winning his attention once more. Some time passed before Tracy again passed in front of him, going back towards to changing rooms.

“Still here?” Her tone conveyed both genuine surprise, as well as sympathy.

“Sadly, I worked it out, it takes Susan 27 minutes on average per trip into the changing rooms, and she always make at least four trips.”

Tracy laughed politely. “And what number are we on now?”

“Only number two.” Dave signed dramatically. He glanced at the new items Tracy was holding.

Noticing his attention she held the bra, panty, and garter set up so he could see better “This time I went more traditional.” The ensemble was a pattern of small flowers and delicate purple lace. Quite striking actually, and Dave nodded his approval.

“I see, very nice.” Noticing Tracy blush Dave smiled and decided to press on a bit “… this for a special occasion?”

Tracy lay the garments over her arm again “Nothing specific, just a surprise for someone.” She headed down the hall once more “I hope you aren’t here when I get out.” She smiled.

“Me too.”

By this point the store had gone up a few notches from busy. The music playing and noise of the shoppers had grown to a low, constant droning noise. Dave really hated shopping.

After some time his phone vibrated briefly, making him fail level seventeen of his game as he looked to see who had texted him.

***Can u bring in the bra I left with u***

He grunted as he stood, taking a second to stretch, the bra held out slightly away from him like it was a mildly toxic material he didn’t want actually touching him.

As he moved down the banks of doors, there must have been twenty of them, he realized that he probably should have paid more attention to which one Susan had gone into. He knew it was one of the last ones on theeeee.. left?
Dave gently tried the knob and found it locked. Not that one. Moving down one he tried the door and found it loosely latched, opening at his touch. Proud of his ability to find the right door he pushed it open, stepping into the changing room.

The rooms were larger on the inside than he would have thought, with mirrors on all sides, and a bench against the far, outside wall.

Unfortunately, he found out quickly as he closed the door and turned around, it was not his wife that he was holding the bra out towards in the room.

Tracy gasped, and gave a little yelp as he entered, quickly letting go of her jeans to cover her chest. Eyes wide she turned her back to him in an attempt to save what little modesty she might have left, only to quickly realize with all of the mirrors it was a futile effort.

“I brought.. ah..” the words trailed off as he held the garment still in front of him as realization dawned. Tracy, stood still, completely in shock.

Her jeans took that fraction of a second time lapse when neither of them moved or said anything, to fall to her knees.

Tracy closed her eyes. Dave, still holding the bra out, now a bit like a shield, let his gaze wander. Tracy came up to his shoulder, her shoulder length brown hair mussed from changing clothes, her bare back a mere foot or so away from him. In the mirror he could see her arms valiantly trying to cover her ample breasts, and failing in a delightful manner, and the thong she was wearing hung lightly on her hips, tantalizingly disappearing between her cheeks.

“” Was all Dave managed.

There was another pause that seemed to go on for much longer than the few heartbeats that it actually was.

“Wow?” Tracy said at last. “Wow. Can I help you??”

Dave, shaken from his obvious appraisal of the mostly naked woman in front of him, looked back up, meeting her eyes in the mirror.

“Oh! I.. you see, I had.. this” he lifted the bra on the hanger again “for , wife…”

Dave was trying very hard to look only at her eyes in the mirror, but he failed miserably at it. It was also obvious to Tracy that he liked what he saw, judging by the bulge growing in his khakis.

Tracy, feeling some heat rising within herself as well, turned to face him, uncrossing her arms at the same time and placing her hands on her hips, confronting him. Dave’s eyes completely surrender despite his best efforts and were immediately drawn to her tits, and her hardening prominent nipples.

“Do I look like your wife, Mr. Clark?”

“No. No, you do not.” Dave stood still, one hand on the door knob still, the other still proffing the bra.

“Well?” Tracy cocked a hip impatiently, enjoying Dave’s discomfort.

“Well?” he parroted

“Well..” Tracy took a breath, and decided to go for it “..are you going to stay or leave?”


“You have two choices Mr. Clark…” She stepped out of her jeans as she spoke, then moved closer, her breasts pushing against the bra he held out. “you can leave, because obviously you have the wrong changing room, or, since no one has come knocking on the door apparently no one noticed that you entered.. “ She leaned as if to look past him into the corridor “.. you could lock the door *properly* behind you, and I can help you with that..” she nodded towards the now obvious bulge in his pants.

“I’ll make it easy for you” she smiled at him “I’ll turn around while you make up your mind.” Tracy turned, fully kicking her jeans to one side, putting her back to him once more. She hooked her thumbs under the sides of her thong and, bending at the waist only, slowly peeled them down to her ankles.

Dave watched as she moved, his gaze locked on to her ass, as she bent over, stepping one leg out from her panties. Tracy heard a soft ‘click’ as the door was locked.

“I see.” She said turning her head slightly, catching his eye in the mirror. “You probably have a good fifteen minutes still, Mr. Clark, and I..” she leaned forward, placing her palms on the mirror to support herself “.. I can be very quiet when I need to be.”

Dave hesitated long enough that Tracy started to have second thoughts. Did she just mess up her job? Was he about to chastise her for being a slut? Then her fears evaporated as, some internal battle apparently being over decisively, he reached out and ran his hand slowly down her back, his strong hand feeling slightly cool against her warm skin as he moved down to her waist, then over her cheek.

The hanger rattled a little as he hung the bra on the door behind him. He checked the lock once more, then he placed both hands on her waist, pulling her back against his crotch. Even through the fabric of his slacks she could feel the heat of his cock pressing against her.

Tracy sighed, and pressed back against him. She locked eyes with him in the mirror again.

“I promise, I can be quiet.” She said, so low that he could hardly hear her. “No one will know, Sir.”

One hand still on her waist, Dave reached down and unzipped his slacks, pulling out his still growing cock. Due to the mirrors even though Tracy was facing away from him she could maintain eye contact completely, and she found herself biting her lip hungrily as his eyes bore into hers. He stroked his cock for a few seconds, enjoying teaching both her, and himself, before he let go of Tracy’s hip and quickly undid his pants fully.

Unlike Tracy, Dave didn’t bother to step out of his clothing, his pants and boxers falling to his ankles still around his feet. Tracy admired his thick, strong legs and once again pushed back towards Dave, trying to feel his cock against her bare skin.

Dave , now unfettered, gipped her waist again with one hand, and ran a finger down her asscrack, then across her already wet lips. She smiled at him as his finger came away wet.

“I think, Ms. Daniels” his voice carried low to her, but still held authority, he pressed his cock against her exposed pussy “we might need to further discuss this in the office on Monday.”

With that he pushed inside her. Caught by surprise Tracy gasped loudly, as he worked his thick cock into her embarrassingly wet pussy.

“Oh, oh my god!” Forgetting that she could see everything, even better, in the mirrors she half twisted back to watch as Dave gripped her hips with both hands and went to work fucking her with strong strokes, each thrust bringing him deeper inside her as she opened up for him.

Her outburst, though probably no more than conversational in volume, caused Dave to grip her hips tightly, bordering on painful as he dug his fingers into her.

“Shut up, you stupid slut.” He hissed at her, though he kept stroking, ever deeper.

His cock felt so good inside her, and he was much thicker than she was used to. At that point Dave could have said almost anything and she would have gladly agreed to it. Being called a stupid slut just made perfect sense at the moment, and she just bobbed her head in agreement.

“I’m.. sorry.. Sir… sorry.. mmmmm” she bit off another moan as she finally felt his balls slap against her.

Tracy concentrated on being quiet, and lowered her head between her outstretched arms, still bracing herself against the mirror.

Dave’s thrusts were strong and deep, bottoming out with every stroke. His grip on her hips loosened some, but he still kept her ass end rock still as he fucked her, locked in his strong grip.

The smell of sex was getting stronger as he worked. There had been no foreplay, no time wasted, just an offer, and him accepting. Now the two of them worked in silence, only the occasional soft, wet slapping noise accompanying their actions.

Tracy soon felt herself building to climax. His cock felt so damn good inside her, she felt full with every thrust inside her, and as he would withdraw she imagined she could feel the thick veins on his cock against the inside of her, then he would plunge back balls deep inside her. She really did her best to be quiet, biting her lip hard enough to bring a salty taste inside her mouth, but she was starting to lose some of her control.

Tracy made the mistake of going back to watching in the mirrors, as Dave, his shirt almost comically stuffed back into itself to keep it out of the way so he wouldn’t get pussy juice on it, his muscular legs flexing with each thrust into her, and the sight of his shaft, covered with her wetness, jack hammering into her pussy from behind.

“mmmm ohhhh” she gasped out, not quietly. Almost instantly she felt his hand clamp down over her mouth as he leaned into her more, though his thrusts never slowed.

“Shhh!” he whispered low “You stupid little whore.” He hissed close to her ear.

Tracy came then, his words pushing her over the edge. No longer able, or trying, to hold back her body sagged as she lost control, her pussy clamping down hard on Dave.

Dave moved his hand that was still on her hip to her chest, grabbing her tit roughly, while supporting Tracy’s torso still with the hand clamped on her mouth. Tracy struggled to get enough air through her nose as she felt herself release on his cock. Dots swam in her vision as he continued to fuck her, even while supporting her mostly now. She leaned back some, arching her back, in an attempt to get him deeper while still staying standing.

The result of this brought her ear close to his lips once more.

“You came? You came from me calling you a whore?” He whispered raggedly, obviously building to his own orgasm from the way his cock was thickening inside her. “You did, didn’t you, you filthy little cum dump.”

His thrusts in this position almost lifted her toes off the floor, as she was already on her tippy toes. If he could make her feel like this he could call her whatever he wanted she thought, but only managed was a nod of the head.

“I’m going to cum. You want my cum you little bitch?” He rasped.

Tracy nodded, more vigorously. She reached up and covered the hand on her mouth with hers, and reached back and placed her hand on his thigh, as if to try and pull him deeper inside her.

“Fucking cum slut. Fucking little whore. I bet you let all your teachers in high school fuck you, filled your tight little cunt after school.” Dave was off somewhere else it almost seemed. She didn’t care, she just knew she needed his cum inside her, that’s all she wanted, it was the most important thing in the world at the moment. Tracy just nodded as he spoke, everything he said was true, even if it hadn’t happened she would agree to it and claim it was true at this moment.
Dave’s balls tightened almost painfully as he stroked into the girl. Her pussy was clamping down hard enough on him that it felt like his cock was in a vice, and he still stroked her as he degraded her. Some part of him was amazed at the things he was saying, the things that just flowed forth without effort. The more he insulted her though, the tighter and hotter her cunt got. The more he insulted her the more she begged him with her body to continue.

With a rush he came at last, acid words still dripping from his lips to her ear as he held her against himself on her tiptoes. He came, hard. It felt like he was passing a literal nut as his balls pumped his seed inside her. Still gripping her tit and mouth Dave switched to pulling her down on his cock more so than thrusting inside her, almost fucking himself with her, using her like a sextoy.

Greedily Tracy tried to work with him, her body instinctively trying to milk every drop of cum from his balls. With low grunts he kept shooting thick, ropy jets inside her. Each pulse greeted with a soft ‘mmph’ from Tracy as she simultaneously rode him, and held on to him through his orgasm.

Finally the spasms subsided, and Dave, heart racing and breathing hard, let go of her chest and mouth. Tracy fell forward again, resting against her bent arm on the mirror, her breathing matching Dave’s.

Dave withdrew his cock from her, still mostly hard, and leaned back against the door of the changing room, his wife’s forgotten bra against his shoulder. Tracy, looking in the mirror, saw his still stiff cock bouncing to his heart beat, cum and pussy juice still glistening on his shaft.

With effort Tracy straightened up and turned to face Dave. Pressing him back against the wall with one hand she sank silently to her knees, and made quick work cleaning up his cock and balls with her tongue and mouth, licking and sucking him clean. Dave didn’t say a word while she worked, simply watched.

Satisfied with her work she stood back up, a small spot on the carpet marking where his cum had dripped form her well fucked, stuffed full pussy while she attended to his needs.

“Better now, Mr. Clark?” She said in a whisper.

“Indeed. But..” he pulled his slacks up, stuffing his finally softening cock inside his boxers as he went “I will definitely need to see you in my office, first thing Monday morning.”

Tracy smiled, sitting down on the bench, her face and breasts still flush from sex.

“Absolutely, Sir.”

Dave nodded then, made sure he was presentable in the mirror, then turned to leave, unlocking the door.

“Uh, sir?”

He paused, half turning “Yes?”

“You, uh, don’t forget that..” she pointed to the bra still hanging on the door. “I think your wife probably still wants it.” She winked at him as he grabbed it.

“Until Monday then.” He said, then was gone, the door clicking shut behind him.

A few seconds later from the hallway Tracy heard someone call a bit loudly looking for Susan. As Tracy slowly got dressed, pulling her jeans up over her ass and fastening them, she took a second to admire herself in the mirror.

“I may not have done half the things he accused me of…” she said to herself out loud “but I would now.”


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