Sister in law(part 6)[spanking]

We see each other casually (and in company) a few times over the course of a week or so, each time the pent up feelings get pushed down further and further and I can sense we are both ready to explode.

I spent the first few days looking online for some small little treat for her, but find it difficult to know what size she might be, so opt for something besides another thong.

I do believe she has no intention of trying to make me her “sugar daddy”, so I find just a cute, but inexpensive, anklet, with the “WW” (WonderWoman) symbol on it, which has a double meaning: My initials are “MM”.

I also find a riding crop, but decide to wait awhile before bringing that into the game.

The following weekend is another sisters gathering, and I grumble my way out of having to go, but assume Princess would be forced to….to my surprise I was mistaken.

That afternoon, I am exciting to find her knocking on my door!

I stumble over myself as I motion her inside (again, not speaking first) and follow behind her as she leads me into the living room.

She sits again on the same chair, crosses her legs and stares at me.

She is finally wearing something better than jeans (which do make her ass look amazing) or slacks (for work). She did wear yoga pants once, but that seems like a life time ago.

No, today she dressed on purpose: sandals, which expose her still red (but fading) pretty little toes; what I’ll describe as a “summer dress”, as I really don’t know womens fashion, and very surprisingly, a baseball hat.

The dress (though out of season now so she had to wear a heavy coat) is flowery, and very “flowy”, for lack of better description.

The top is rather high to my dismay, and has wide shoulder straps.

Her hat, though you would think it was out of place, makes her whole ensemble look that much cuter, somewhere between tomboy and straight up sexy.

Sitting there waiting, she flips her hat off, and shakes her hair down, although it isn’t much past shoulder length (the longest she’s ever worn it actually).

“Do you have something for me?”

“I do. May I go get it for you? I wasn’t expecting Princess to be here today.”

“Yes, but hurry. I grow impatient with you already”…her poise is new, collected and in charge. I assume (and hope) she has been doing some reading!

Racing out of the room I grab the gift from it’s hiding spot, eye the riding crop, carefully and quietly hit the bathroom before returning to her in a flurry.

“Give that to me. Sit, here”, as she points to the floor beside her.

Handing her the box, I sneak in a chance to once again kiss her hand. She makes no mention of it.

“Oh…this is not what I thought it would be. It is quite lovely”, and she means it, rolling it over in her petite hand for a while and noticing the “WW”.

“Put it on me?”

Patiently I take it from her, turn a bit to her dangling foot and clasp it around her so that the “WW” is facing away (but the “MM” faces her!).

“Now. What was my last task for you?”

“I was to text you every hour the next day to tell you how much I was thinking about you, although I was thinking about you all day!”

“And? And what did you do, exactly?”

Not guessing her game, and answer honestly: “I texted every hour. During my commute, and meetings and even at lunch, I texted Princess with a little something. Just like she wanted.”

“And how many times did you text me that day?”

Adding up in my head, from the time I woke up until my last text….”16….?”

“And how many hours in a day?”

Oh my god! Not only had she caught me, she had thought this out pretty thoroughly and knowing that she was now seriously invested, I grinned once again like the idiot I am.

“24, Princess”, I squeek out knowing I’ve done wrong.

“Indeed. And what do you think we should do about that, do you suppose?”

“Princess should punish me, of course”, I’m no fool.

“Oh, I insist. Now, lay across my lap like the bad little boy you are. And wipe that grin off your face. You are being punished!”

“Yes, Princess. Thank you, Princess.”

I don’t think she thought this through too much, as I am quite larger than her lap, but we manage to get me across her lap, my crotch between her thighs, my feet still on the floor, and the rest of me splade across the chairs arm.

“No, how many texts did you forget to send me?”

“8, Princess.”

“Do you think 8 will be enough for you to remember this?”

“If you make them hard enough, Princess”…luckily she can’t see the giant smile that has crossed my face.

“Hmmm….I guess we will find out now, wont we?”


Damn that was actually pretty hard!


“If you don’t start counting we will never get to 8.”



“Oh no…that is not how this works.”



“Thank your Princess.”

“Thank you Princess for punishing me. Please, please teach me!”


“There. That should do it”, she says as she starts rubbing the spot she smacked.

“Thank you Princess. I will try harder from now on.”

“Good boy, now….get up. No, stand up, here in front of me.

You look nice today. Were you expecting me?”

“Sadly, no Princess. I thought you’d be at the party.”

“I am heading there shortly, after I have dealt with you.”

Her tone is spot on, and I actually quiver a little in anticipation with what she means by that.
