Part 1 if you missed it : [](
The time has finally come for me to write this chapter in my life and it seems like my story has finally come to a conclusion. It has been a roller coaster of emotions rediscovering this journey and i very much enjoyed putting it out into the world while finding a nack for writing in the process. I am extremely surprised at how many of you readers took a major interest and invested so much into my story and i’d like to thank everyone for sticking around this long. The views and up votes decreased gradually which is understandable due to some of the passages not having much nsfw content in it considering the sub i was posting in but i appreciate those greatly who were patient and stuck with me and faithfully read every chapter regardless of what happened in it. I received a ton of messages in regards to how i should play out my next encounter with my sister, some were very sexually driven, some were negative, some were positive, but majority of them were brutally honest and very blunt towards me and to the point and it made me to take a deep look inside myself and do some soul searching as to what i actually was doing with my sister and just what exactly was going on in my head. To everyone that messaged me i thank you and i took every word you guys wrote to me in consideration and i feel like this experience on this sub really helped me grow and heal and better myself. Enjoy the final chapter everyone, some of you will love it, some will hate it, but you cant deny its been a hell of a ride getting here.
The day i had been longing for had finally arrived and i would be seeing my sister for the holidays. I thought about what would happen everyday since my last post leading up to it and constantly dreaming of what might happen. I was still shrouded with a lot of fear and uncertainty as our last interaction went incredibly wrong and left the two of us quite fractured from what we used to be. I had made the decision this time not to force anything and just let things happen naturally between us and in the event things got exciting i would roll with it, but if they didn’t than that would be okay with me and i would accept that. I arrive at my family’s place for Christmas and immediately see my sister looking incredibly beautiful staring at me as i make my entrance through the door. I’m given hugs and hellos from everyone in the room, my sister gets up and gives me a really tight hug and pressed herself quite hard against my chest. At this point i am, i just took the hug as close as it may be as nothing more than that..a hug not trying to overthink things. Me and my brother crack into some beers and spent most of our time playing in the game room together. I didn’t want to bother my sister to much and figured if she wanted to come talk to me than she would do so but i was not about to make her feel uncomfortable by trying to force conversation with her .
Eventually she made her way into the games room and sat with us for awhile much to my surprise. We exchanged small talk about what was new in our life and how our holidays have been so far and that was basically it. She tells me and my brother she will be staying for a week here as she managed to get the time off at work. I asked her if she would be interested in possibly getting together before she leaves. I suggested we go for dinner and drinks and just hang out and catch up. She thought about it in silence for quite sometime before letting me know that she would try and make it work but no promises as she was quite busy while she was visiting. I didn’t press the issue and just agreed and told her to let me know whenever she was free and i could come pick her up. After the conversation she goes back up stairs to visit with the rest of the family. Me and my brother continue playing games while he drunkenly tells me how hot our sister is and that he would do anything to smash her. I just chuckled and agreed and thought in my head if only this poor bastard knew what me and her have been up to it would kill him. The night winded down and people start going home and saying their goodbyes, i felt like i sobered up enough and that i should call it a night and made my way upstairs to leave. My sister and dad greeted me at the door and we wished each other a Merry Christmas and happy new year before i took off outside. My sister poked her head out the door as i made my way to the sidewalk and asked me if Thursday was okay to get together? I didn’t have to work that day so i said it would be perfect and i’ll pick her up than. She smiles and closes the door as i get in my car and wave goodbye. As i make my way back home i try not to let to many wild thoughts get in my head in regards to my sister but i wanted nothing more than to be finally sleep with her and maybe she had given some thought to that offer i pitched her. Everything lined up perfectly as my fiance would be working late that day and after dinner and drinks if things went well i would have the whole place to myself so maybe me and my sister could enjoy each others company a little better.
I text her Wednesday to confirm our plans and was ghosted for the evening. I text her Thursday morning to check if things were on for tonight and was left on read. I pretty much gave up at this point as she was making it very clear she wanted nothing to do with me and it felt like she played the nice girl at the Christmas dinner since we were kind of stuck in the same space together. I just left it at that and accepted my fate which honestly did not hurt as much as i thought it would. I had left some gifts at the house i forgot to bring home and so i decided to pop in on the Friday and grab them. I make my way over and greet my sister upon entering. She looked actually happy that i was there and then i asked her if we were still hanging out before she left back home. She was on the couch looking very done up almost like she was planning to go out and hit the town. She tells me she was actually going to give me a shout tonight as her week got a little busy and out of control and she apologized for not getting back to me. I did not buy it when she told me that but i gave her the benefit of a doubt anyways. I suggest to her again we go out for drinks at a nice place and i’ll buy her dinner and we could just enjoy a nice Friday out of the house. We leave the house and begin deciding on a place to go, i am on pins and needles trying to wrap my head around which way this night would go but something in my heart felt much different from all the other times i was with my sister recently. We had a really nice dinner and just visited with one another all night and got quite wasted. Nothing regarding our deals or current issues were brought up and it was like it never happened and we did a hard reset on our relationship. She was doing amazing in her life, she now landed a job and was paid almost double as to what i make, her relationship had never been better and they were beginning to lay the ground work for a future together. I was so proud to see her doing great and was very happy that this night was going smooth and we were connecting better than ever. We pay our bill and leave the restaurant and decide to walk a bit to the nearest casino and try and sober up and maybe play a few slots.
We begin our walk still laughing and having a great time and just enjoying our evening. We pass by a little park and she asks if we could stop and sit down at the bench there for a bit. I said sure and we went and took a seat together. My sister who sat quietly for sometime finally turns to me and flat out asks me if i regret what we did together. Taking everything into consideration and all the soul searching writing this story had done for me without a doubt in my mind i looked at her back and told her that i shared the same feeling regarding our situation. I got so caught up in all this and stopped caring about my actions or anyone’s feelings that i truly felt like i was becoming a monster and a different person. I got so caught up in this sick fantasy that i began seeing my sister as nothing more than an object for me and it was very clear i was spiraling out of control and losing touch with myself. Throwing around tons of cash, not talking my fiance into consideration, being just a deceitful slimy person… wasn’t me. I felt like i lost touch with a lot of the morals and beliefs i had prior and surely lost a ton of respect for myself in the process. She told me she hesitated contacting this week me cause she knew she was going to do something she would regret tonight. I asked her if that meant me and her were actually going to fuck and she nodded her head yes. She opens up begins to tell me that she always shared the similar feelings towards me that i had for her. I drilled her for some more answers now that we were opening up to each other and asked her about that night she asked me to sleep in her bed. She tells me she did want to hook up that night as a way to get back and move on from her boyfriend who she suspected of cheating on her but i bailed and it never happened and left her feeling that missed chance like i felt. I told her how a lot of my recent actions towards her stem from that night and how much regret i had for not going through with it. She says during our earlier deals she considered throwing herself at me a few times even though on the outside she kept it strictly business and played it real cool but on the inside she was really curious and turned on by the whole scenario. I am floored at this point and once again see my missed opportunity’s fly past me. She explains how she did not go through with it due to the potential backlash and consequences something like that would have on us considering both of us being in long term committed relationships not to mention family. I ask her if we were both single would it be a different story? She replied with absolutely as we would have less guilt and regret considering we would just be two adults having some fun without hurting anyone in the process and it wouldn’t be decided by money. I am blown away at this point by what she was saying to me and how much she was opening up about everything.
I ask her if this was going anywhere tonight and if we were going to scratch that itch the two of us had been harboring. She looks at me and tells me there is no coming back from this and that she would be willing to take this final deal one last time but there would be a lot of rules we had to cover and really get ourselves in check for what was about to happen. At this point i decided to make one of the most important decisions in my life. I just felt wrong and dirty about all this. Enjoying the night with my sister and getting another chance to start fresh actually meant a lot more to me than i night of sex with her. I already had got away with so much and any man in my position with a hot sister who would be envious of what my sister let me do with her. After reading messages and comments from the readers something i knew was true but always tried to deny was the fact that i am never truly happy and will always want that next step and to achieve more. My story should have ended with me getting her nudes as that’s all i ever wanted and figured was the only thing i could maybe get from her but as we know that just progressed and progressed and spiraled out of control to the point of me damn near ruining mine and my sister life. I look into my sisters eyes and i just pulled her in for a long embrace, i told her that i feel it would be best if we put all this behind us and just be thankful we have each other and the people that love us that we selfishly did dirty during this whole mess of events. She let out a deep sigh and told me she wanted nothing more than to have our close bond back and go back to the way things used to be and put it behind us. I asked if she was dissapointed in my decision and she told me that she knew i still wanted it and she also wanted to finally seal the deal with me but it was only going to create more problems and probably ruin the both of us emotionally. She told me how proud she was and how highly she thought of me now and said she really noticed a change from how i was treating her before. I said we had some fun together and we both pretty much cheated on our spouses and there was no sense in doing more damage to ourselves emotionally and that after how fun and awesome tonight went i think it would be for the best we just focus on the positives and forget and correct the negatives.
I felt like a new man, i figured not fucking my sister and delivering in the end would take a toll on me after i have came so close to it and never reached it numerous times but i felt peace of mind in the moment. I wanted to please some of the readers and give everyone what they and my perverted side wanted but in the end i was really happy to have my sister back in my life and doing things we loved doing together. We laughed that night, we cried that night, we mended a broken bond, but more importantly we talked heart to heart and put a lot of things that should have never awoken to rest forever. My sister mentions she had one more thing for me. She reaches into her purse and pulls out a wad of cash and presents it to me. I ask what this was for and she tells me how she wanted to reimburse me for all the photos i took, she laughed about how it would be impossible to pay me back for all the other favors she for me did but she felt that the money would be enough to cover some of that and the photos. I tell her she doesn’t have to do this and that i made the decision to pay and i had no regrets helping her out. She tells me that she wants to eventually start a family and just the thought of those pictures existing in the world kind of freaked her out a bit. She told me she trusted me with them and i told her i honored her word in regards to keeping them private. I asked if that meant this payment would be for the deletion of the pictures and she said she would appreciate that a lot and was not leaving til i accepted. Without hesitation i said you got a deal and that she can come witness me do it just so she has some ease of mind. We make it to the casino and do some gambling for an hour or so and had a great night with each other. We make it back to my car and i drive her back to my place so we can finish our final transaction. I remove the flash drive with all of her pictures from my hiding spot in the house and put it into my computer. We review the contents together and i found a few tasteful bra and pantie pictures and i asked if i could keep them and she said it would be fine but everything explicit had to go. She let me keep a few pictures i chose and i then formatted the flash drive in front of her. I remember last time i deleted her pics i simply just recovered them later so instead of keeping the drive and tempting myself i offered her to keep it and do as she wishes with it. She asked if she could smash it so that there was never a chance of these coming back. The money was more than enough to get me a new drive so i said sure, we were having this night of closure and repair and i told her i wanted to make sure that she got closure as did i. We took the drive outside and beat it with a hammer til it was ruined completely before we decide to call it a night and laughed how dumb we must have looked doing it.
I know some of you will think i am dumb for doing what i did and said that night but i experienced a strange feeling that i have not felt many times in my life. I felt really happy for myself and had a sense of pride for thinking with my heart and doing what was right. What my sister did for me will live on in my brain forever and i am grateful i got to share that experience with her and also share it with you readers. We both smiled all night and just had a blast, there was no stress, no guilt, no bullshit, just two people reconciling and working on themselves to be better and get over all of this. I did a lot of growing through this writing and a lot of you helped me deal with some deep issues i had and i thank you guys for that. I informed my sister of my writings on here, she was a little taken back by it and scared but after explaining to her how therapeutic it was and how genuinely decent the community as been with me she understood and after reading part 1 and part 2 she realized there was no harm done and that i kept things pretty under wraps and anonymous. I asked her if she would consider writing her end of the story from her viewpoint and she said she would consider it, she said she is not one for writing but i told her you guys would love to see it from her end as it has been suggested on a few occasions. I drove her back home and she gave me the cash and thanked me for doing that, we exchanged hugs and goodbyes. I thanked her for everything and told her how happy i was to have us back on track. She agreed and we both said we would make plans next time either of us visit and do it all again. Before she left i was so caught up in the moment i figured i would ask her something i wondered for the past few years we have been off the market. I asked her if we were single would it be a different story. She laughed and joked again about how i am always dropping a bomb last minute and a cliffhanger like i did in my posts. I told her i knew how terrible it is when i do it each time but i was just really curious and wanted to know.
She gets up out of the car and smiles at me before proclaiming she would be the one getting the last word in. She laughs and says here’s a bomb for you, “if sometime down the line me and you both find ourselves single than absolutely we are going to smash at least once……but lets not dwell or focus and aim for that lets both try and live the best lives we can and do right by our partners and be each others shoulders to lean on again. I am shook and i ask her if she was joking about that to mess with me and she replied back with i guess we will see what our futures hold. She waves goodbye and tells me she loves me before closing the door and making her way into the house….
In the end who knows if i will ever get to be with her. I really feel like i made the right decision that night and i feel if we did ever hook up in the future it would be on more stable ground and actually would feel okay and consensual doing it. I’m happy i got the share all this with you guys and i think the ending point of all this and the moral of my story is that everything that happened with my sister should have just been left a fantasy. I was in love with the dream and i chased it for everything it was worth, now that i have some closure to all this i am thrilled me and her got through it and will just be something we will both learn and grow from. Thank you again for reading and i will be back with an update for everyone if she ever decides to pen her experience for the forum. Thank you again would love to hear from all of you again, Take Care and have a good 2019 :)
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MP3: [](
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Happy for you. But nooooooooooo
I happy for you both man. I think that the guilt might have messed one or both of you up if you went through with it. But on the bright side the door is still open for future experiences with her. So if the stars align(you’re both single) you will still have a chance. I think that way of doing it is better for the both of you at the end of the day.
Great job, both with the writing and the decisions. I think you’re right, you seem to have grown from the experience of writing all this out and sharing it. Have a great year!
I think finding out she had similar feelings gave you the closure to not need to have sex with her.
I think you made the right decision. I had a slightly similar experience years ago, in that a girl I wanted badly for yeeeaaaars asked if I wanted to have sex, and as much as I wanted to, I knew it wasn’t a good idea (she was drunk, I was sober) so I didn’t do it. She and I are still good friends today and who knows if we still would be had we fucked that night.
The redemption arc resonated with my very soul. Good on you, OP
Good for you. Takes a lot for a person not to dwell into their lusts. I’m happy we read a good end to your story.
And I get how this story was in real time and everything. But there’s a reason why your story lost so many followers in the beginning, it was because you purposely pushed it longer and left too many cliffhangers. This is reddit, and people wanna read stories, not multiple parts that have no nsfw. Even though I enjoyed the whole series. And hope there’s more.
It’s pretty cool how fast you grew mentally within the past few months, and we got to experience it with you in real time. Happy new year man and thanks for the series.
Thanks for sharing this story, it was a very good read.
great work man! i’ve loved the stories and i must admit that it’s a little sad that the story ends here. good work reaching common ground with your sister again and i wish you the best for everything.