[FM] nude beach dare to run naked across the parking lot

I’m at a nude beach one summer, a weekday morning. I forgot if I was in between jobs or if I was allowed to work from home, but nonetheless, you gotta take advantage of this free time.

It’s still early in the morning, I just got done doing a few laps, I’m ready to head home and do some work. I’ve already toweled off, but it’s nice to do a final walk around naked. There was a girl across the grass from me, that had arrived about an hour after me, and she was a little preoccupied with her dog.

White skinny brunette in her 20s. Big A or small B cups? Pointyish. Pale smooth skin, but not sickly pale. Hourglass shape…well that’s an automatic if you’re skinny. She had a leashed dog, don’t know what breed, I’m more of a cat person. At least it’s not one of those stereotypically annoying breeds that’s yipping high pitched noises constantly.

We’re going the opposite ways of each other, and as we pass by she does a quick eyebrow raise, her mouth smiling a bit, she mouths a “heyyyy”. I say good morning with a smile, and continue walking. I walk on a bit more and turn back, hoping to catch her checking me out. She’s actually squatting to unleash her dog. I check out her ass. Her white butt cheeks glow in the morning sun. Her bald pussy, hiding in between her legs, just enough showing to send my mind racing a bit. Her cute butthole. The dog is unleashed, she gets up, but she doesn’t stand up in one motion…her butt rises up in the air first, her smooth pussy in full view for a brief second (oh my gaahhhd) before standing up straight, with her shoulders back and hands on her hips. I continue a bit and walk down some stairs to get to my clothes and it’s just as well because I’m starting to get hard. And me going down the stairs does not help at all. Bounce bounce bounce, ya know?

I’m making my way to my clothes and bag. I see this older couple walking hand in hand, mid-40s early 50s, that I had first met 2 summers before at a festivalish event. Healthy marriage, down to earth. Despite the age difference, we’ve hung out a lot, especially during the summers, and they’ve helped me get laid in the past. When I first met them, she was wearing a tight white t-shirt and jean shorts that showed a bit of the bottom of her cheeks. Hmmm…what’s the male equivalent of “happy wife, happy life”?

The husband looks to his left, in the direction the girl is, then looks forward. He does that thing where he breathes in hard though your nose, pauses, and then does a long exhale. He’s mimics the motion where you’re wearing a shirt and it’s hot and you grab the collar and fluff it a bit to cool yourself off. Heh, glad we’re on the same page. The wife turns to her husband a bit, gets on her tip toes, closer to her husband’s face, says “she’s quite a firecracker isn’t she?” and then looks at me. The husband laughs and says “I think it, she says it.” She then suddenly goes from having straight upright posture to pretending to stroke a dick in between her legs, before going back to normal, saying “prime jackoff material”. I find it hilarious, the husband rolls his eys and chuckles.

Some small talk about the weather, and then we hear a small scream from the girl. We all go up the stairs a bit, and we see that the dog is now starting to make its way from the front of the nude beach, which is a grassy field, and up through the parking lot, the girl a good 10? feet behind. She is butt naked. The beach is in a suburban neighborhood, with houses on both sides. The sight of a girl, out naked in open suburbia, yeah, wowww. She hesitates a bit, looking back where her clothes would be, before she continues on. She isn’t even attempting to cover her pussy with a hand (oh my God). She holds her boobs with a forearm for a bit, but I think it was just to keep her boobs from bouncing, not to hide them. But then she drops her arm and runs after her dog, disappearing around the left corner.

We all look at each other and laugh. She eventually comes back around the corner, dog leashed up. She’s on the opposite side of the field, but she comes towards our way, smiling, a little red in the cheeks. I step forward saying “that’s quite the show you put on for us”.

Some teasing, some small talk between the 4 of us, a little flirting. I say “if I were to do that…well, I don’t think anyone’s trying see a naked man running through their neighborhood at 11AM in the morning”! We all laugh, she smirks a little bit.

**”I bet you can’t touch that…hmmm…light pole naked”**, pointing to the pole that’s next to the road, next to the parking lot, next to the field, next to the beach.

“And if I do? I’d rather not get caught!”

She smirks, her eyes go up a bit, her cheeks still flushed. Her hands are clasped, she shrugs, her boobs push together…hnghhhhhhh. I don’t have to look down, I can already know my dick is making its way to full erection. In general, on a public nude beach, you should keep your dick calm. But all the times I’ve fucked a girls tits come rushing back. Whether it’s her on her back and your thrusting between them, or you on the edge of the bed, her on her knees, parting her hair to the side to reveal her engulfing your dick with her tits and taking you in her mouth…

My wild thoughts are somehow pushed to the side, because now she is turning around, doing the binocular hands thing around her eyes, teasing all 3 of us…

“Oh, it can’t be more than…”

And she bends forward at her waist, as if to take a closer look. Her butt cheeks spread open, her pussy just right there. RIGHT THERE. I wanted to stare so badly, but it was hard to see, I was getting nervous and some sweat was going in my eyes. Her butt hole is quivering, and I can hear her breathing a little harder.

“…20 feet.”

BULL. SHIT. Haha. What a tease. I checked later…it’s at least 200 feet.

I’m not too shy about nudity. But it’s the fact that…I dunno, I do want to show respect to the people living in the adjacent houses, I guess? I’d be off the beach and crossing into suburbia. Technically the nude beach is not an official nude beach also. A cop will sometimes come and tell everyone to put their clothes back on…I think more because of not the neighbors, but random unaware first time visitors who make their way to the beach and don’t want to be around naked people.

And even if I didn’t give a fuck about getting caught by police or I didn’t give a fuck about pissing off the neighbors…there’s still the fact that I am rock hard, and it will not down any time soon. A naked but flaccid guy running around to chase after his dog? Not something you wanna see early in the morning, but it happens. A naked flaccid guy doing a dare, at the jeers of a hot girl and couple? Hey we were all young once! But yeahhh, didn’t wanna be walking around with a hard dick.

I know. I was overthinking this. Well in my defense most of my blood was not in my brain :) It would literally be a 10 second run. I’m just trying to show you my exact thought process.

I look over to, oh let’s call the couple John and Emma. John’s dick is pulsing, I think he is trying not to get to maximum hardness, probably I guess to minimize possibly weirding out the girl, and out of respect for Emma. I look over at Emma. One hand slowly made its way over her thigh, now on her stomach. She holds it there for a second before it slowly inches down to stop right above where her pubic hair is starting to grow back. Her other hand….wow. She is holding hands with John, their fingers intertwined, her thumb pulsing in a circle on the top of John’s hand, as if beckoning him to rub her clit and give her some release from all the sexual tension in the air.

They’re on the same page as me, they wanna see this happen but yeah, walking around in this state is not a good look. John and Emma are an amazing wingman/wingwoman. Emma jokes ” Run naked to that light pole? Ahhh, that’s it? That’s a Tuesday morning for <me>. He’s swam naked for farther than that!” Emma playfully smacks my ass, and the thought of another woman, a married one at that, touching me like a piece of meat sends me to a state of daringness. I guess they were also too hit and bothered to just recognize that it would be a quick 10 second sprint to do the dare. I know they’re trying to hatch up a plan to try and help me to do the dare without getting caught. It’s not like it’s a huge ordeal…a quick run to and from the pole. But we three know that the cop has come around at this time before to tell everyone to put back on their clothes…I’d just rather not make this day any more complicated that it has to be, ya know? I still did have work to do back home…ahhh adulthood.

She starts doing hip circles while looking at me. I take a deep inhale, I start walking forward, girl starts cheering “go go go!”, I look back, see their naked bodies glistening in the sun, keep walking forward, I reach the edge of the parking lot, I hear Emma scream “whoo” and then…

I grabbed my car key out of my special wrist band with a zippered pocket that I wear when I’m swimming naked. I then unlock and hop into my car, drive up to the light pole, nervous but exhilarated, put my hazards on. I roll down both windows so that they can see me. I unbuckle, start to slide across to the passenger side to touch the pole from the safety of my car…but for some reason I get out my door, still naked haha, still hard as a rock and walk up to the light pole. By this time, the three of them had come up past the front of the parking lot to get a better view. I look straight at the girl, her hands up on her hips, smirking like that McKalya Maroney meme lol. I hold up my hand and wave to them, John and Emma wave back smiling, point to the pole, and then right as I’m about to touch the pole…I pull away and touch the pole with my dick. The three of them just burst out laughing. :)

Hopefully the driving-instead-of-walking part wasn’t too anticlimactic? :)

As I’m driving back down, girl is shaking her head mouthing “you. mother. fucker.” I park the car, get out, she’s saying “you motherf-” before I put both of my hands on her hips and kiss her. She pushes her lips back onto mine, then puts her hands around my back. Her embrace is fireworks through my body. John and Emma are just laughing. John is holding the leash.

“Help me get my stuff?” And we walk to get her clothes and bag, hand in hand.

We get in my car, me, the girl, and the dog. I look in the rear view mirror as we’re leaving for her place. John is behind Emma, both waving, with Emma’s other hand behind her back. We definitely gave them a show haha. I wave back. Girl now has a bikini. We make our way out the lot, back to her place…but not before making a u-turn, driving into the opposing lane, and touching the light pole with my hand.

TLDR: Naked girl loses her dog on official-but-not-official nude beach, finally retrieves dog after running past some houses. Me and a couple that I’m friends with see this spectacle, are entertained. We flirt, I get dared to run naked to about where she had to run to, and touch a light pole, to entertain her back. I’m hesitant, out of a combination of it not being an official nude beach, out of respect for the neighbors, out of fear that a cop might come by, and oh yea, my erect dick will not be going down any time soon. I finesse her by driving up to the light pole instead of walking, but man up a bit at the last second and run out and touch the pole buck naked.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/a8eog5/fm_nude_beach_dare_to_run_naked_across_the