Once Upon a Life – Part 5 of many [MF] – Matt’s 2nd Week of Classes & How He Met April

**Once Upon a Life**

**Part 5 of Many – Matt’s 2nd week of classes & how he met April in week 3.**

Matthew was still spending each night with Julianna, either in her dorm room or in his. Sadly, the sex was already dwindling and Matt was perplexed. Here they were, out of their parent’s homes, down on campus at college and they weren’t having sex each day, or even every two days. They had sex their first night and the next day upon their arrival on campus, but then Julianna began stomping on the brakes of the old sex bus. Evidently she knew, but Matt failed to grasp that since Julianna was physically sleeping next to and with Matt each night, that was more than enough for Julianna to fend off the tens of thousands of other females that were arriving on campus.

Matt had a different take of course and it was that he needed to begin having sex with other girls pronto.

A quick side note about that. The college and that dorm had a 24 hour visitation rule, meaning a guy could have a girl in his room at 2 a.m., at 4 a.m. etc. No, they weren’t supposed to cohabitate but they could be “studying” with each other at 2 a.m.

Everyone just looked the other way with respect to that. Each floor had a resident assistant who was either a junior or a senior. They were the “cop” on the floor. The RA (resident assistant) who lived on Matt’s floor had his girlfriend spend each and every night with him in his room and they all knew it, saw it etc. Matthew knew right then that there were no issues having Julianna sleep with him in his room and his roommate never said anything about it to him so that was that. The RA had two single beds pushed together in his room to make a “double” bed for his girl and him to sleep on. All of us guys on that floor saw his girlfriend there all the time with him, at all hours, saw the beds in his room etc.

About the 2nd week of classes or so, Matthew hung up a poster on one of the walls of his dorm room. He didn’t know why really other than it was there, he had it. Why did he have it? His mom had purchased it for him and that was weird too as Matthew’s mother had never before purchased a poster for him to hang up on his wall during high school.

The poster was tame. It was a movie poster and the female lead was on the poster. But, she wasn’t a bikini model, she wasn’t in a bikini. She had a sweater on, it wasn’t tight, she wasn’t busty, and she wasn’t some hottie or anything close to it.

Matthew went to class and then returned to his dorm room and Julianna was in there. As soon as Matthew went into his room he could sense that Julianna wasn’t happy. She was standing there with a mean look on her face. Her stance and posture were defensive.

Matthew looked around and noticed that the poster was no longer up on the wall. Julianna had taken it down and ripped it into a million tiny pieces. Those tiny pieces were in the trash can.

The look on Julianna’s face spoke loud and clear to Matthew even though Julianna hadn’t yet said a word. Her body language, her stance, her look all made it abundantly clear to Matthew that he better not say one damn word about that poster as she was ready to go off on him if he did that.

Everything about Julianna’s stance and look screamed at Matthew as if she were saying “go on, I dare you to say one damn word to me about that poster!” Matthew knew what Julianna was like and he wasn’t going to poke the bear.

Uh folks, that wasn’t Julianna’s property. It wasn’t even her dorm room. Julianna had no business taking something down off Matthew’s wall and destroying it, especially when it was so tame. She was clothed, not in something skimpy, not in a bikini. She wasn’t busty, she wasn’t a blonde. It was a poster about a movie that had just been released.

Again, Matthew knew that Julianna had body image issues and that certain women bothered her. Matthew missed the bigger picture about what Julianna had done, that it was wrong etc. He just ignored it and let it go as he didn’t want to confront Julianna when she was so tightly wound up about it.

Hindsight is 20-20 as they say and this was just one of so many instances where Julianna was controlling things, the situation, ensuring that she would get her way.

Just like during high school, there were many times when Matthew was feeling smothered by Julianna.

During that 3rd week of classes that first semester, one afternoon Matthew was leaving Julianna’s dorm room to go back to his dorm room in the guy’s building. Matthew pressed the button for the elevator and he was waiting to see which of the two elevators would arrive first. One did and he got on but only went down one floor and it stopped. Matthew was the only person on the elevator.

When the elevator doors opened one floor down, girls just began pouring into the elevator and they just continued coming into the elevator. For reference, think of crazy college kids trying to see how many people they could fit in a phone booth, or in a VW bug. This was what they were doing. There were a bunch of girls who lived on that floor and they were trying to see how many of them could fit into the elevator. So when the doors opened on that floor, girls just continued pouring into the elevator.

Matthew moved back a bit, then he moved all the way back to one of the corners of the elevator and girls continued pouring into the elevator. Soon, a few girls were right next to him. As more girls began piling in, this one girl was right up against him and she was being pressed against him. She was embarrassed and Matthew was beyond happy with the situation. She was gorgeous.

Oh yeah, she was busty too and she was literally pressed up against Matt’s chest and Matt was “happy” about this of course and she knew he was “happy” as well.

This was back in the 1980’s. The buttons on the elevators were big round buttons that stuck out a good bit. Due to how many people were on the elevator, parts of them (their shoulders, arms) had hit all of the buttons meaning they were going to stop on each floor on our way down. But, before they could begin going down, the elevator doors had to close and that was problematic as they tried to close but they were bumping up against a girls shoulder or another girls hip. Finally, after several tries, the elevator doors closed and they went down just one floor and stopped, the doors opened and eventually they tried to close again and it took several tries again as when the doors opened, the girls standing up against the doors fell out a bit. It took several tries on each floor for the elevator doors to close.

This was repeated on each floor all the way down. What this did was turn the elevator trip into about a five or six minute trip down. Matthew was happy with that as a really pretty girl was literally pressed right up against him. She smiled and eventually put her head on his shoulder as it was only about two inches away from his shoulder anyway as they were all pressed in there like sardines.

It was a surreal 5 to 6 minute elevator trip. One doesn’t expect for something like that to happen when they get onto an elevator. This young lady was gorgeous and she was literally pressed right up against Matt for the duration of that 5 to 6 minute elevator trip. She laid her head down against his upper chest, against his upper left chest/shoulder area. They didn’t talk to each other. The elevator was loud with talking and chatter from the many other girls. At first, the girl pressed up against Matt was looking at her girlfriends on the elevator and they were making noises and faces but soon that girl just looked at Matt and put her head on his upper chest. Again, she only needed to move her head like two inches to do that based on how they were all squished into the elevator.

It was an interesting time, experience during that time on the elevator. It’s not something that happens often, or at all to people and Matt wasn’t expecting anything like that to happen when he got onto the elevator. His body was charged with excitement. I mean imagine a guy seeing a gorgeous lady and then within seconds having her literally pressed up against him for the next 5 or 6 minutes.

Matt was amazed by it all, the entire experience, it having come out of left field, the lady being so beautiful, having her pressed up against him, having it last for more than 20 or 30 seconds, having her put her head down on his upper chest. All of Matt’s senses were heightened, his entire body was in a state of bliss, in a state of happiness.

They finally reached the bottom floor and the girls began to file out. Matthew was back in one of the corner’s so he was going to be last to go out. Finally, there was just the girl who was pressed up against Matthew and Matthew left in the elevator. The girl began to walk out and after taking a step or two, she turned around and she told him what her room number was and told him to stop in and see her sometime. She then turned to leave and she again took a step or two and then turned around to face Matthew. She said “I’m April” and then she gave Matthew a kiss on his cheek and then she turned and walked out of the elevator. Matthew stood there, almost in a trance. The elevator doors closed with him still in the elevator and he began riding up again but he wasn’t quite with it as he was only thinking about that beautiful lady named April. Matt hadn’t said anything to her when she told him her name. Matt didn’t say hi, bye, or my name is Matt. He stood there dumbfounded about what had transpired.

About three hours later, Matthew made his way up to April’s room, knocked and luckily she was there, in her dorm room. She smiled and invited Matthew into the room. There was a bit of awkward silence at first. Mostly it was because the two of them were attracted to each other and they both just wanted to begin having sex but they realized that they should probably talk with each other first. That is what the awkward moment was about.

Matthew introduced himself to April as she still didn’t know his name yet. Matthew stood in silence, dumbfounded when April had told him her room number, to come and see her some time and then when she told him her named and kissed him on the cheek. So Matthew told April his name and they made small talk for a moment or two and then they began to kiss each other and they had sex.

The sex with this lady was slow, caring, loving, tender, sweet, romantic etc. She took her time, she looked into Matt’s eyes for long period of times. She had Matt lie flat on his back while she got on top and then put her hands on Matt’s shoulders and she put her head down close to Matt’s face and just looked at him while she was riding him.

Matt was feeling just like he’d felt next to her in the elevator. He was full of bliss, full of happiness, peace, joy, contentment etc. It wasn’t a wild, swing from the chandelier type of sex they had. It was slow, romantic as they were making love, not just fucking.

April asked Matthew if he had a girlfriend and Matthew went through the same spiel he’d given to Michelle. He told April that he had broken up with Julianna, or tried to and that they were still trying to figure things out.

Two days later, after having met April in the elevator and having had sex with her about three hours later, Matthew was returning to the dorm after a class and he walked over to the girls building. Julianna was laying out in the sun on a towel in the grass outside of the girls building. This was still September and it was in the upper 80’s outside, sunny and perfect.

Keep in mind that since this was the 1980’s, there were no cellphones, no texting etc. Folks didn’t know where the others were all the time, how to reach them as they didn’t carry phones with them etc.

Matthew saw Julianna lying outside in the sun so he walked up to her. When Julianna saw that Matthew was there, back from class, she got up to pack up her things, her towel, her beach bag, her lotion (suntan oil), her spray bottle with water etc.

It was then, while Julianna was gathering her things that Matthew noticed that April was getting up and gathering her things. April had been lying out in the sun too. There were actually many girls lying out in the sun due to how nice it was, hot and sunny. Matthew hadn’t noticed that April was out there as she was quite a bit away from where Julianna was lying out.

The three of them, Julianna, Matthew and April all went inside the girls building and were waiting for the elevator. Just the three of them got onto an elevator to ride up. The only thing that was uncomfortable was the fact that Julianna was uncomfortable with April, with her body, with her looks. April was busty, around a 40 F or G chest as folks go up and down a bit with a bit of weight gain, weight loss etc. April was 5’ 6” and she only weighed 115lbs. Being 18 years old certainly helped in that regard.

April’s bikini top was small and a lot of her breasts were spilling out of the small triangle thing that didn’t come close to covering each of her breasts.

Matthew knew that Julianna had body image issues, worries of those things etc. Keep in mind that Matthew thought Julianna was beautiful. It was Julianna’s looks that first attracted Julianna to Matthew and then he got to know her and eventually fell in love with her. Juliana’s older sister was anorexic and she was about ten years older than Julianna. Due to this, when Julianna was only nine years old, she thought she was fat due to her older sister, her being anorexic etc.

Julianna was a runner, she was 5’ 3” and weighed 115lbs. Julianna was flat chested, but that didn’t matter to Matthew. Julianna was very pretty and her boobs, while small, were perfect in terms of shape, color, the areolas, the nipples were just perfect etc. But, Julianna had always been worried about other women. Julianna’s stomach was amazingly flat and tone.

The next day, when Matthew went over to meet up with April, he asked her about what she had done, when she got up from lying gout in the sun and rode up in the elevator. April was calm, honest and simply said that she was wondering if that girl was his girlfriend, if she was Julianna so that’s why April stood up and went inside with them. When she saw Matt by that other girl and that girl got up, April did too. Matthew told April that was Julianna, the girl he was dating, or trying to break up with, but not doing a good job of it. April told Matthew that she figured she was Julianna so that’s why she’d gotten up too.

True to form, a few days after that elevator trip where Julianna, April and Matthew all rode up together, Julianna responded to Matthew about it.

Julianna made up (she lied) a story. Julianna told Matthew that a reporter from the student newspaper had come by to do a story when she was lying out in the sun that day and he told her that she had the best body out there. Matthew, knowing and loving Julianna told her of course, she was beautiful. Matthew did not know that Julianna was lying and making this story up because she was worried about that April girl, about her body, her looks as she was pretty in additional to having a perfect body. Matthew didn’t find out for a few months that the story Julianna told him was a lie.

As the weeks went by, Julianna told Matthew that April’s boobs were too big for her body. This came up because from time to time they (Julianna and Matthew) would physically see April there around the dorm, as they were walking in or out of the girls building, in the cafeteria etc. Another time Julianna told Matthew that April was pretty.

Again, Julianna had body image issues and even though Matthew knew that, he had no idea to what degree Julianna was bothered by them. Keep in mind that Matthew was just 18 years old and he was a male, meaning he wasn’t a female who worried about his looks, his body, what clothes he wore and on and on. Matthew was a guy, just a dude and he didn’t give much thoughts to those kinds of things. Besides, to him, Julianna was beautiful, it was her looks that attracted her to him in the first place. Also, Matthew thought and felt that Julianna was better looking than he was. She was a prettier female than he was for a male. The point was that while Matthew knew Julianna had body image issues, he really didn’t know to what extent they bothered her.

**End Part 5**

Part 6 Matt finally speaks to Stephanie & his surprise of seeing Cindy on campus.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/a77mzr/once_upon_a_life_part_5_of_many_mf_matts_2nd_week