Once Upon a Life – Part 3 of Many [MF] – Matt’s First Night with Julianna & How He Met Stephanie

**Once Upon a Life**

**Part 3 of Many – Matt’s 1st night with Julianna & how Matt met Stephanie**

Matt was excited as he’d been with Julianna all four years of high school and he’d never been able to spend the night with her, alone.

Matt and Julianna had sex, but it was the regular old plain sex. Matt was a bit surprised. Somehow, in his mind this was going to be the swinging from the chandelier type of sex, although there wasn’t a chandelier in his dorm room, but you get the point. They were going to be all alone all night, no classes the next day, no roommates yet, no parent’s as they were many hours away etc.

Matt wanted to have round two, but Julianna was having none of that. She did want to snuggle and cuddle though and that wasn’t bad as Matt wanted to do those things too… just after having another romp in the hay was all.

It was OK. Matt went to sleep spooning Julianna for the first time ever and he was thinking about having sex with her again during the middle of the night when they woke up. They were sleeping together in a twin bed as the dorm room only had two twin beds. Matt rented a wooden bunk bed to save floor space in the small room and his bed was the top bunk as his roommate wasn’t there to call dibs.

Matt woke up and so did Julianna. Matt wanted sex but Julianna said no. Matt went back to sleep cuddling Julianna and thought about having sex with her in the a.m. when they woke up, but that was another hard no and Matt was taking it hard, literally.

The next morning Julianna and Matt took off to wander and walk around the campus. It was right about 2,000 acres in size and it was larger in terms of population than most cities and towns just with college students. Just the number of students at that school, on that campus would have placed it about the 20th largest city in that state had the campus itself been a city. In pretty much all respects, the campus was a city unto itself and they just wandered around taking it all in.

After lunch they went back to Matt’s room and Matt was successful in getting Julianna to agree to have sex. Even though Julianna wasn’t aware of it, Matt was going to do his best to get her to squirt. Julianna never had and the two of them never had even discussed it. Julianna wasn’t even aware that squirting existed. Matt knew about it from a lady he had sex with at his part time grocery store job the past two summers before beginning college. That lady was the one who told Matt about squirting. She squirted, told him how to get her to squirt and Matt assumed it would work for/on Julianna as well.

Julianna ended up squirting, a lot. The mattress was soaked in a big area, all over, not to mention the mattress pad and sheets. Matt and Julianna took them off to wash them, they got warm soapy water to wipe the mattress, after having blotted it with a bath towel first.

Then they put a small oscillating fan on it to help it dry. Julianna was apologizing for the mess, the mattress and Matthew was having NONE of it. He was glad she’d squirted. He wanted her to and he wanted her to squirt again, many more times in the future.

Julianna apologized about the mattress and Matt said it was fine, he’d just turn it over, upside down when it had dried and put it on the other bed, his incoming roommate’s bed as he’d never know. They were both old mattress that were plain when he went into the room.

Matthew and Julianna didn’t talk about this, about the sleeping arrangements. Matthew thought that when his roommate arrived and when Julianna’s roommate arrived, they would no longer spend the night with each other.

Julianna had other ideas. When their roommates arrived, Julianna continued spending the night with Matthew, either in his dorm room or in her dorm room. In retrospect, it was kind of rude for Julianna and Matthew to do this. Neither asked their roommates if it was OK and thankfully neither of their roommates objected.

Matthew thought that once classes began, Julianna would no longer spend the night with him. But, classes began and Julianna was still sleeping with Matthew in his room or the two of them would sleep in her room.

Matthew was berating himself for being such a chicken shit about not having broken up with Julianna during the summer instead waiting until they got down on campus. They were now on campus & things were going from bad to worse. Had he not been too chicken shit to break up with before going down to college, he wouldn’t be in the boat he was currently in, which was a sinking boat, with rats on it no less.

It was time for classes to begin and in his very first class that day, Matthew looked over and saw a stunningly beautiful brunette. She was willowy, slender, nicely dressed in a nice floral printed sundress, with nice accessories. Her hair was long, down to around her shoulder blades. When Matthew looked at her, he thought to himself “happy birthday to me”.

Class ended and Matthew was too afraid to walk up to that young lady and say hello. As he began walking to his dorm, he could see that she was ahead of him on the sidewalk, a good 30 feet or so ahead of him. She was walking his direction. It turned out she lived in an all girl’s dorm next to his own dorm.

Matthew was hopeful that he’d get the courage to go up to the stunningly beautiful brunette at some point.

**End Part 3**

Part 4 will be about Matt “breaking” up with Julianna & how he met Michelle.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/a76sn1/once_upon_a_life_part_3_of_many_mf_matts_first