the time I befriended an escort [MF]

Throughout my life, I’ve visited escorts. My first time was actually with one, when I was 22. I’m 29 now and while I don’t go as often as I used to, I like to here and there. To be honest I find it exciting, for many reasons. This story is my most recent time.

After the dissolving of sites like backpage, I stumbled upon a forum where escorts still post. I browsed and i stumbled upon a trio of ads displaying 3 different latinas. Lately, it’s all I seem to be attracted to. I began setting up an appointment with one of them and off I went. When I arrived at the door, I was very satisfied with who I saw (her face had been hidden in the ad). A beautiful, curly-haired, voluptuous latina in her 30s. I realized I had been speaking with an agency since this woman knew no English. I began speaking in spanish, which delighted her. We had some great conversation and then some great sex. She mentioned how long it had been since she was with a latino and forgot how much she loved it. Despite the nature of our meeting, I felt a genuine connection because I felt she was a genuine person. I mentioned how I was heading to her home country soon for vacation. She said I’d love it and gave me her watsapp in case I had any questions on where to go and what to do.

The next day, she messaged me just to say hello and how happy she was to meet me. She ended with saying that she hoped to see me again soon. I felt the same way, thinking she met another business transaction for time spent. A few weeks past and I decided to message her again. I asked if she’d like to go out for dinner sometime and she was down. However, day of, she’s unresponsive and the dinner was cancelled. The following week, she messages apologizing, saying she’d love to see me that night and explain. I pick her up from her hotel and we head to a restaurant. She mentions how she had an illness in her family and was very stressed, but that all is fine now. She told me about her life, how back in her country she was a lawyer. How heartbreak pushed her into being an escort. How she learned to love and enjoy the profession and it’s perks. I found her incredibly interesting, sweet, beautiful, and overall great company. We head back, thinking that all we’d do was grab dinner. She ends up inviting me upstairs. We fuck that night, and constantly throughout the weeks leading up to my trip.

It was really exciting. It was like she’d see men she was supposed to throughout the day, and crave me at night. She mentioned how I helped her sleep at night, and would be sad days she didn’t see me. When I went on my trip, she checked up on me throughout. She returned to her country while I was still there, but to another city far from me. Sadly we lost touch my final day. I’m not sure what happened, but it seems like she blocked me (without any apparent reason). I met her back in October and we last spoke November 15. She mentioned she’d be returning in March, maybe then is my chance to reconnect. Thanks for reading.



  1. Expected a porn type story but instead this got a little emotional, I’m rooting for you dude! Hopefully you guys can reconnect

  2. I would probably have felt just like you. You have a heart and that’s great. Honestly, I think an actual relationship with this lady would be too much trouble. For many reasons. You probably already know this. Save yourself a lot of mental anguish and move on. (No offense)

  3. I made friends with a few working girls. It was an interesting study of human behavior. I don’t think many males could handle doing what these girls do. Guys like to think they are fearless but how many can actually walk up to a stranger’s door and knock, or invite a stranger in and then perform convincingly?
    Anyway, I appreciate your genuine connection with your friend here. Maybe she felt like she had to walk away because she developed feelings? That happened to me with someone I really enjoyed spending time with. The last time I saw her she told me she would be changing her number and asked me not to try to find her. She was crying. It was tough.

    I still think about her from time to time. I hope she’s happy and secure somewhere.

  4. I wonder if she blocked you because she probably has a significant other in her country who is likely oblivious to what she does for a living here?

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