College Road Trip (m18/f19)(m18/f18) part 2 (or part 6 if you followed comments)

So there we were, naked on the back deck, watching the sunset.

Leanne slowly turned in my arms to face me.

"I feel like I'm taking advantage of you."

"Becasue you are. I'm just taking it as payment for all the shit you have put me through."

"That makes me fee so much better…" She brought her arm up and pushed me off, then tried to walk back in the house. I let my thought process continue verbally.

"This doesn't have to mean anything, once we get back to school."

She spun around, her face somewhere between anger and sadness. I continued. "I've come to terms with it. 2 outta 3 ain't bad."


"The meatloaf song? Have you ever actually listened to the lyrics? I get that I'm not mr. Right. For you, or anyone for that matter. But we can have our fun and just relax. We'll talk about it when we get back to school, but for now, just let me pretend I matter."

Her face fell "Luke…. I… wow, we are really fucked in the head, aren't we?"

"I prefer my fucking in the bed, thanks. And the shower, obviously." That got a smile out of her. She walked the few steps back to my arms and hugged me tightly.

"Thanks. Shall we get dressed before Jen's grandmother gets back and has a heart attack?"

I followed her back into the house and got dressed just in time to hear a car pull into the gravel driveway. Jens grandmother had returned. Jen hugged her "how's Aunt Helen?"

"Just fine. Had a bad fall but she's all sorted out now. Her son is with her."

"Good good. Oh, these are my friends. Luke, Leanne, and you remember me talking about David?"

"Ooh, he IS handsome."


"What? Girl, I'm old, not dead."

"And on that creepifying note, what do we want to do about dinner?

"I'll order a pizza and leave you young folks to it. I'm going to bed. You know how,exhausting Helen can be at the best of times."

She left the room to call in the pizza but yelled back "and you can have some beer if you want just don't leave!"

We retired to the living room to wait out the pizza, each of us nursing a new beer. After a few minutes I stood up. "Gonna grab a smoke."

I walked back throug the house to the back deck, lighting up once I was outside. Leanne followed me out, taking the clove from me and taking a long drag, coughing. "I don't know how you guys can smoke these all the time."

"Call it nostalgia. A good clove cigarette tastes like Christmas and smells like death. Like you stabbed Santa with a pine tree, threw him in a woodchipper, rolled it up, and smoked it."

"Right." She took a swig from her beer and set it on the rail before kneeling in front of me, taking my belt in her hands and undoing my pants.

"Whatcha doin down there?"

My dick sprung loose. "That should be fairly obvious. Just keep doing your thing."

I took a long drag off the cigarette followed by a quick drink as Leannes mouth engulfed me. For anyone out there who's a smoker and a drinker, this was one of the greatest moments of my young life.

After she finished me off, she stood back up, took a long drink, chugging down the rest of her beer, and ran back into the house. I stayed and finished my cigarette then followed a few minutes later.



  1. Sorry about the relative rush on this one. Supervisor is here today so I couldn’t type up the whole shebang

  2. I didnt. The only contact Jen and I had on this trip was a little bit of kissing, the aforementioned biting, and me on the other side Iof whoever was,with her.

  3. PART 2: We killed most of the rest of the night playing Jen’s old Sega Genesis and scarfing down pizza, polishing off the rest of the beer in the process. By the time we decided to turn in for the night we were all effectively sloshed, so what little inhibition we had left was thrown to the wind. We all fell into the bed together, hands and lips attacking whatever and whoever was closest. I would close my eyes while kissing Lee and open them to see David coming towards me, capturing my lips with his own,to switch to Jen before coming up for air. I groped Jen’s ass as she made out with Leanne, while David kissed his way up my chest only to divert and begin sucking on Leannes collarbone. I kissed my way across the other side of Leannes neck, causing her to moan and shudder. We continued this way for the rest of the night, resting and resuming with renewed ferocity until we all drifted to sleep relaxed and spent.

  4. Really enjoying your story. How many more parts do you plan on writing?

  5. Don’t really know. It depends on how much time I can get to do it. I basically just write when I have time and cut it off when I have to get back to work

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