A Game of Depravity [Part 6]

Very little in Mina Abott had changed. She had wholeheartedly expected her sexual revolution to shift perspective, alter her being. Yet, outside the frequency of her exploring the offerings of their bodies, her life maintained balance.

She continued to plunder through manuscripts, Daniel would often – after they had caught their breath – retrieve his laptop and serenade her with narrative. She would give him pointers, all the while wrapped up in either his sheets or her own.

They continued to share meals together, bicker over dishes being done, alternate through daily household chores, and occasionally carpool into work.

At first, it surprised Mina how effortlessly they carried on with little disturbance to their daily routine, until it finally made sense. They had always bordered on the precipice of sinking into depravity together. Their lives overlapped like the corners of a blanket coming together as it was folded. This was just another layer, though hidden deep between the others. As far as she knew he never spoke of what they did outside of their company, and she dared not mention it to Megan unless she wanted to be picked apart, seams split by ravenous questioning.

It was best they keep these threads to themselves. All knotted up together.

Her wrists were bound by a thick tie, fascinated to Daniel’s headboard. She enjoyed the delicious strain of the material against her flesh as her whole body convulsed under the exploration of his tongue between her thighs.

Daniel kept her legs free. He liked the way her knees would bends and feet would press into his back. They had been sharing each other for nearly a month, she had a sense of what he craved. The first time Daniel finally succumbed to tasting her sex was a Saturday morning where previous engagements had kept Daniel occupied until the very first hours of the day.

She stirred when he gently opened her door and snuck into bed, slipping under her covers and instantly between her thighs. There had been no words between them, only her mewling cries as he brought her to the most sensuous release.

When he finally rose from under the covers his exhaustion was clear. She traced the evident bags under his eyes with her thumb. He nestled beside her, nibbling her ear before whispering, “I needed to taste you,” and promptly fell asleep.

Perhaps she should have left him alone in bed, though she had grown bolder in what she wanted and simply curled against him, falling back to sleep. It had also been the first time they had shared a bed, just another crease in the layers they were folding.

Other’s included the first time he had bound her hands. Now it had become a favorite of his to watch her struggle against the bindings, just as she delighted in the red raised skin after she was released.

Even more, Mina currently took pleasure from the intense flicking of his tongue against her clit until the pain built and he’d help it cross into something more intense as teeth clamped around the base of the bud. She shrieked, arms aching to reach down between her legs and quell the sting with soft rubs. He was rough with her now, and if it became too much she had their safeword. She’d only used it once since its establishment.

Today was not that day. She let him torment her until his mouth yielded to rhythmic sucking and the hand that had been curled around her thigh spread her swollen lips and entered her with two generous fingers. They coaxed an orgasm from her until all the pain was forgotten, or at least had morphed into a different sensation.

At the peak of her orgasm, when her hips lifted from the bed and the walls of her sex tightened around his fingers, he bit down on her clit one more time to interrupt and extend her release. She was limp against the bed, chest heaving in dramatic breaths, by the time he lifted his head.

Daniel kissed up her torso, the soft curve of her stomach, between her breasts, along her jaw and to her lips. Their eyes met and both traveled to her captive hands.

“I’m not done with you yet,” he growled, adjusting his thickly curved cock at her raw and battered entrance. Her muscles were still tight as he pushed in, settling at his deepest.

Willingly she breath, “I’m yours, sir,” without any remorse.

It felt best to give in.

Her tight pussy gripped him as he slid out and then pushed back in, hips knowing how to press against his. In contrast, he took her slowly, tormenting himself as he had to be near release. They had been playing since she returned from work.

“Don’t you want to fill me with your cum,” she antagonised him.

“Don’t make me gag your mouth, princess. I’ll take whatever time I want.”

“Do it then.”

She knew he wouldn’t pull out, she had him bound to her by another force completely. He pushed into her, arms by her head straining to keep himself from settling against her completely. She locked her ankles around his waist, rolling her hips.

“Fuck you…..” He moaned and kissed her as he kept on filling her sodden sex, soon to be dripping with his seed.

Wanting to weave her fingers through his hair, yet not being able to kept the tension ripe. It built and brewed until he grew close and his thrusts became depraved, switching from slow to determined. Loud, wet sounds escaped from between them, then finally he plowed into her with a massive jut of his hips, emptying at the same time he cursed her again for the invisible ties she had wrapped around him.

There was always such a mixture of dominance. Physically she gave into him. Mentally, she toyed with him. It was interesting to hear his fight, and eventual resignation.

With the last of his energy he undid the clasp that held her hands, her sore arms fell from the post. His manhood slipped from her and he settled into bed with a grunt. “You know me too well.”

“Or just well enough,” she labored.

It took a few moments, Daniel with his hand on his stomach, chest hair dampened by sweat, for him to ask, “You good? Wrist alright?”

“I’m good. Wrist are good. I think my pussy could use a break, good thing you’ll be gone a few days.”

Mina rolled onto her side, with one leg bent to keep cool air soothing her bested sex. She lost count of how many times he made her orgasm since she walked through the front door. He had joked he was trying to fit them in before he departed to a convention. It was the first big hit of a tour leading up to the release of book four.

The final draft of book five had been submitted and she had, so far, been the only one privileged to sneak peeks at the final book of the series. Outside of his editor, of course.

“Good thing? You sick of me already?” He questioned.

He rolled to his side, mirroring her, eyes unable to cease wandering her body. It made her feel liquid inside, molton. She had even stopped hiding her figure from him after, mostly because it led to touching, the grazing of her nipples by his skilled fingers, the caress of her round hips. How he pulled her into him as if what they did was an event from start to finish – and he wasn’t finished with her yet.

“Why don’t you leave so I have a chance to see if I miss you.”

“This is my bed, you can’t tell me to get out of my own bed.”

“Actually I was telling you to get out of the state,” she shrugged, deciding based on the hour and their independent responsibilities it was time for them to get out of bed. She rolled onto her feet. “You should pack.”

“I should, shouldn’t I?”

“By all means, don’t, but I don’t think Laney will care much for what you’re wearing now.”

“Absolutely nothing,” he flashed her a grin. “She might.”

“Let me know how that goes,” Mina said dryly.

There hadn’t been any discussion between them in regards to exclusivity. At this point Mina didn’t want to ask, the assumptions were sure to permeate their casual experience. She knew she was being safe, and equally, Daniel was religiously well groomed. The topic of him frequently entering her without protection had come up once and the issue was placated quickly. They were both precocious and she had a feeling he would tell her if her had taken to another’s bed.

She just hoped it wasn’t Laney’s.

After a shower she dressed comfortably in a maroon dress, slipping on a pair of wedge heels and suffering through Daniel cat-calling her on her way out. There was nothing different about her leaving, no kiss goodbye, no declarations. Everything simply carried on.

Daniel’s flight didn’t depart until later though she would return to an empty house, after dinner and drinks with Megan. It was rare to find Meg in any structured workplace, offices were no more comfortable to her as selling fresh squeezed lemonade was to Mina. Currently, Megan always smelled of citrus. Tonight was no exception.

They met on the patio of a restaurant downtown, where the menu was limited to speciality cocktails and tapas. Megan managed to look amazing in a pale blue sundress she’d most likely worn working the booth at the boardwalk. Mina had always wanted that effortless beauty, though this evening she was still feeling the residual confidence a session with Daniel left her.

Hugging, they waited at the bar to be seated, each ordering something fizzy and sweet. Their conversation savory, covering work and Megan’s weekend home with her mother. Eventually, after they ended up at a table, the conversation rolled around to Megan asking, “So I take it whatever fight you and Daniel were having is over?”

“What fight?” Mina wished she had not taken the last sip of cocktail just moments before. It would have given her a reason to belabor an answer. *Damn you empty cup.*

“I don’t know, a few weeks ago you spent so much time at my place that I thought I was getting a fifth roommate.”

“I told you it was a plumbing problem.”


Mina glowered, “Don’t right me, missy, you stayed at my place for three months last time your lease ended.”

“Which is how I know Daniel is an interesting creature to live with. What did he do, bring over one of his toys and set up in the den.”

“No, god no,” Mina balked and suffered through knowing she was his most current toy. Now aware there was more to it than she had first assumed, the word ‘toy’ became slightly offending. It was a mutual using, filled with just as much give and take as any other coupling. She got defensive. “Besides, it isn’t like that.”

“Oh really?” She pried.

“I mean, like I would care. He could set up shop in the living room. Maybe I’d make popcorn and watch.”

“Kinky!” Megan flagged a waiter over with her laugh and ordered two more drinks. “So, it was really nothing?”

“Really, it was nothing.” She was eager to tuck the topic away, quickly asking, “So, your roommate’s play is coming up. How is that going. She still holding rehearsals in your living room? Because, that, I would actually make popcorn for and watch.”

“It is going good. They moved to a real space, and they are actually going to open their doors for their first performance in a few weeks. You should come. Maybe even drag Daniel with you.”

“Doubt he I’ll be available, he is going to be heading on tour soon. And then there is the premier, which he swears he isn’t going to but Laney will drag him.”

“Book four. Big stuff. A movie, bigger stuff. Bigger than anything I’ll ever be a part of.”

“You know you can always submit something through me.” Mina felt very safe on this particular subject.

Megan wrinkled her nose and accepted the new drink, sipping it from a straw. “My stuff isn’t your company’s style.”

“But I have connections to other companies.”

“You mean Daniel has connections to other companies.”

“If I’d ask anyone it would be Jason.”

Megan wiggled her behind in the chair and settled down with her elbows on the table. “Yum, a subject I like.”

“He is married.”

“Doesn’t mean I can’t look.”

Megan had been Jason and Kat’s nanny before Mina. They met through the fateful, and often forgotten, giraffe Abby carried with her, now even to school in her backpack. The first week of Mina’s employment had been fine, then suddenly the giraffe’s lack of existence devastated Abby. Eventually it was tracked down as being in Megan’s possession by accident.

Technically, she had known the Reed brother’s longer than Mina. Two years longer.

Mina had never asked but slowly the words came to her lips. “How is it you find Jason attractive and not Dan? Did you two ever….you know?”

Megan’s eyes went wide. “You would know if I did.”

“Okay, then how come?”

“Well, uh, I….” Megan rarely became flustered. Immediately Mina perked up, curious as to what she had to say. “Well, it doesn’t feel right. Like he is… it would be like me talking about your brother.”

“You do talk about my brother.” Mina cringed. Was that what Megan saw the two of them as?

“Different than that then. Like how you would never say that you thought Neil was cute when I was dating him. Like that.”

That was worse – even if it was actually better – it was worse because Mina’s face flushed red as her mouth floundered. “What…no, it’s not like that. Totally not like that. You can talk about him however you want.”

“Alright….” She dragged out, twirling the straw around her tulip glass. “He is cute.”

It only made her blush harder and a knot formed in her throat. She croaked, “See, there you go.”

Megan relaxed back into her chair. “There I go. He is cute, but very weird. Jason is more domestic.”

“You hate domestic.”

“I wouldn’t mind trying it on. Or him. Or his wife.”

“Megan!” Mina felt the blush recede as the conversation turned devilishly toward Megan’s fantasies from years ago, but not once did Mina admit that recently all hers had become realities.

The two of them moved from the restaurant, up the boardwalk and to a bar called Neons, favored by Megan who stole them free shots from the bartender. It took two shots in combination with the drinks from earlier for Megan to finally ask Mina over the blaring music, “So, do you think he is attractive?”


“Daniel. Or Jason. Or both. Does it really matter?” She looked expectantly to Mina.

It didn’t matter under this lighting what her face looked like. The walls were adorned with neon signs, glowing green and red and orange. Pinks and blues hung from the ceiling. Around her was a kaleidoscope and inside of her was the same.

“He’s cute. He’s cute.” She admitted.

“Which one?”

“I answered twice. He and he,” she giggled a bit. Was she really going to talk about Daniel now?

The nearly incoherent words prompted Megan to laugh, a few eyes shifted her way but neither of them noticed, too clustered together around this nerving subject.

“So you think he is cute! I knew it, I knew it. I always knew it!”

“He has always been, well, no, not cute. He isn’t cute he is….like art. At first glance it is complicated, he is complicated and older and I didn’t know what I was looking at and sometimes I still don’t because everything seems so normal and then he kisses me -”

“What!” Megan slammed her shot glass down on the table. “Daniel kissed you?”

Mina licked her lips and tasted liquor, and if secrets had a flavor she would taste those too. “Yeah, he kissed me and I hid out at your house for a week.”

“That is the opposite of fighting.”

“Very opposite.”

“How opposite?” Megan probbed once she caught onto how Mina was trying to hide her face. “Mina, I need to know how opposite, it is killing me.”

Folding, literally and against reason, Mina pressed her forehead to the sticky countertop of the bar. “I slept with him. Am, am sleeping with him.”

The squeal which left Megan’s throat could be head down ever block and avenue. She slid from the stool and twirled around Mina, chirping, “I knew it! I knew it!”

“No you didn’t. No one did. No one does and it is going to stay that way.”

“Fine, didn’t know it for sure but everyone is thinking it.”

“Everyone can fuck off,” Mina groaned and properly brought her sagging head to rest against her palm. The lights danced before her eyes and Megan swam in her vision. “Please don’t tell anyone. It’ll get weird if you do. People will start expecting things and you know how I get under pressure.”

“Lips crossed, fingers sealed!”

“Other way, sweetheart,” the bartender interrupted, leaning over the counter and handing Megan two shots.

Even if Mina knew she shouldn’t drink too much, she knocked the shot back and felt it burn down the way. Desperately she hoped it undid the growing tightness in her stomach, already with Megan knowing – or just having spoken about it – she knew she should have talked with Daniel before he left. She didn’t want him for herself, but she didn’t want him with anyone else either.

Muddled. Everything was muddled.

Slipping her phone from her pocket, while Megan was distracted making eyes, she sent a hastey text to Daniel which simply read: *You’re cute, you know that.*

After sending it, and after Megan dialoguing about romance and fate, and after a few more unwarranted shots, they got into a cab with the bartender after closing and Mina was dropped off at the isolated house on a private beach drive.

“Wicked cool digs,” the the bartender said. “How the hell can you afford to live out here.”

“Family house. Well not my family, roommate’s family.” She fought with the seatbelt, and eventually won just as Megan added. “Her roommate is Daniel Reed.”

“Name’s familiar-ish.”

“Author. Wrote the book based on the movie coming out?”

“That’s the dude!”

“Yes, that is the dude,” Mina slurred and got out of the car, fumbling for her keys. She gave them a wave, stomach churning and sealed herself inside the house. It was a hassle to get out of her dress, but eventually, she was free to sink into her bed and agonize over the brash text as sanity returned to her spinning mind with every passing second.

Those words weren’t continuing on, those words were the start of a conversation. Especially when she couldn’t blamed them on her fevered craving for him physically. It wasn’t in the moment. It was the moment manifested at her will.

He should have landed by now. Which meant he saw the text. And hadn’t replied. Her gut wrenched. What if he never replied? What if the only conversation was how to end this and keep continuing on?

The screen of her phone jumped to life, her heart slamming into her chest and trying to pry out from her throat. Daniel was calling her.

Even if she hadn’t been inebriated her voice still would have cracked. “H-hey. Hi.”

“Hello to you too. Where are you?”

“Home. Where are you?”

“Hotel. No crashing at Megan’s?”

“She found a boy.”

“Did you find a boy too?” Daniel asked and Mina wished she could take observation of his face. Was he teasing? Was he serious?


There was silence before Daniel replied. “So, you think I’m cute.”

Mina rolled over and moaned into the pillow, phone trapped against her ear and cheek.

“Let’s use those words you’re so good with,” he coaxed.

Begrudgingly she replied, “Yes.”

“I don’t think anyone has ever called me cute.”

“Your mom still does.”

“Ah, I take it you are drunk, drunk enough to try for ‘your mom’ jokes.”

“Not a joke. Last week on the phone she called you a cutie-pie.”

“Stop talking to my mother.” There was a smile in his voice.

“Make me.”

“I want you,” he growled. He breathed deeply. “I want to hear you say what you messaged me.”

Mina bit into her lower lip as she pulled her face from the pillow so he could hear her clearly. There was no denying that voice of his. “I think you’re cute, Dan. There, I said it.”

He hummed. “I think you’re cute too. Tell me what you’re wearing?”

And just like that the knot was gone, a warm peace flooding her. “Not much. Peach panties and that lavender bra you like.”

“I do love that that bra on you, but take it off.”

“You take it off.” She blushed when she realized where this was going.

“I would if I could, darling, now take it off.”

She put the phone on speaker and did as he instructed, peeling the soft material over her head. Her full breasts fell free, nipples still soft, but slowly awakening to the tener in Daniel’s voice. She asked, “Where are you?”

“In bed. Looking out at the city. It’s hot here, I have a white Tee on and boxers. Some might even say I look cute.”

She giggled. “Stop that.”

“Make me.” He adjusted himself. Mina could hear the bed shift. “Before you get comfortable, go into my room. I got you something. I was going to wait until I left for the tour to give it to you, but it is on my bookshelf wrapped like a present. You’ll notice it.”

Doing as as instructed she padded softly to his room and found the present and opened it to find a ridged dildo prestinely packaged. “I can’t believe you wrapped this up.”

“I almost put a bow on it. Go wash it off and get into bed. My bed. I want to picture you there.”

Washed and ready for use she set it at her side, already slick between her legs by the simple thrill of what was to happen.

“I’m in bed.”

“Good. I want you to use both your hands, start at your neck with a light touch and run your hands down to your breasts, over your nipples. Feel them get hard, brush them lightly, feel how it arouses you. Keep doing that.”


“Yes what?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good girl, now, pinch your nipples, press down as hard as you can and don’t stop until I let you. Now.”

Her fingers had been following his commands, rosey buds now swollen and aching. When she clamped down with her fingers, abiding by his ruling, she let out a shrill cry and arched her back. She heard Daniel counting on the other end of the phone and at one, she released. Her nipples thobbed and he commanded her to sooth them using her palms.

“Did you feel that reach between your legs? Do you feel how your clit throbs when you do that?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Do you want to touch your clit?” He asked.

“Yes, please.”

“I’ll let you. Only if you’re willing to pinch it as hard as you just did your nipples.” She agreed and he instructed, “Trail your fingers down your stomach, feel every delicious curve as I do when I touch you. Run your fingers through the hair above your cunt. Have I ever told you I like that you don’t shave. Don’t start.”

“I won’t.”

“Use one finger to trace your lips, up and down. Up and down. You haven’t removed your panties, right?”

“No, sir.”

“Perfect.Now along your slit, don’t you dare part it.”

The tip of her finger became moist, her breath caught and Daniel joined it with a moan of his own, hand shoved against the damp stretchy material of her panties. “Are – are you touching yourself?”

“Yes. You’ve made me very hard, princess.”

She shuddered and only kept shaking as Daniel told her to use two fingers to spread her lips, messaging them, working toward her clit. He warned her not to touch it. Not yet. Simply place a finger on either side and rub.

Finally he rasped, “You can touch it now. Feel how swollen it is. How badly it wants attention. You’re going to give it some. Pinch your little attention whore of a nub, when I finish counting down you can let go. Now…five.”

Mina clamped her thumb and forefinger around it, digging in attempts to get the best hold on her slippery skin. When she pinched she saw stars or might have even become a celestial body, only returning to earth when Daniel reach his countdown.

Her breathing was hard and he told her to nurse the pain. Which she eagerly did by pressing her palm against her battered nub.

“I can hear the change in your breathing. You are so hot, you know that. How you sound, how you look, that pretty little mouth of yours. I can’t believe I finally get to fuck it with my cock.” What he said sounded dirtier over the phone.

She hadn’t stopped touching herself.

“You like fucking my mouth?”

“Mhm, and your pussy. Get the toy, put the phone on speaker.”

“It is on speaker.”

“Put it near your cunt. I want to hear your fuck yourself.” She placed it on her abdomen and reached for the toy. It was warm from having rolled near her side. Her panties were pushed to the side. She had the toy flush to her entrance, then pushed between the thick lips of her pussy.

“Yes, sir.”

His voice was deep, shaking. “Tell me you want me to fuck you. Tell me.”

“I want you to fuck me, sir,” she whispered, room spinning slightly so she closed her eyes.

“Use my name.”

“I want you to fuck me, Dan,” she said without hesitation, truly wanting it. He told her to push the toy in deep, just like he would take her.

Her walls stretched to accommodate the girth, the ridges making her gasp. It took only a few thrusts for wet sounds to emanate from between her legs. Juices ran between the cheeks of her ass and dripped to the bed.

“Yeah, keep going. Keeping going. Just like that,” he said. She imagined his hand working his thick cock while he thought about her. She imagine he was here, pleasing her.

“You feel so good,” Mina moaned.

“So do you.”

The build up toward release was fast, the pants growing most clustered as she worked the toy in and out, the base growing slipping and her fingers having to grasp tighter. Her knees were up and legs far apart, imaging Daniel between them.

“I’m getting close.”

“Don’t cum until I tell you to, don’t you dare.”

“Please, Dan.”

“Don’t cum.”

“Please,” her voice buckled and body trembled as she held back, legs wanting to close and pin this intensity within her forever. “Please….please….”

“Cum for me, Mina. Do it. Cum for me!”

Mina exploded, slamming the toy deep into her and clamping her legs together with such velocity the cell phone dropped over her hip and into the bed. Daniel could still hear how she moaned, how she gasped. She could still hear his grunts as he released.

Curling onto her side she eased the toy from her tightly clamped muscles, feeling empty once as it was free. Her hand, damp and smelling of her, reached for the phone and brought it close to her. The combined exertion from being drunk and the intensity of her orgasm made her sleepy.

They caught their breathing together, and for a while she might have even faded into near sleep when Daniel murmured, “It is really late out there. You should get some sleep. Go drink water and go to bed.”

“Water, hmm, good. Good idea.”

“I’m not getting off the phone until you go get water. Up. Up. Listen, see, I’m getting up too.” She heard him shuffle and the water turn on as he cleaned up his mess. She followed and went to get water, gulping it down.

“Happy now,” she asked, so bleary she barely made it to bed. Not hers, but his.

“Very happy. Goodnight, Mina.”


Daniel hung up the phone and Mina let the screen go dark. Her eyes were already closed and when sleep finally took her, she was very, very happy.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/a6pihw/a_game_of_depravity_part_6