I (22f) had a great time at a high school reunion [group, m/f]

I graduated from high school about five years ago. A few months ago one of my old friends who I hadn't really talked to since graduating reached out to me, inviting me to a big reunion party just to catch up with everyone. I thought it would be pretty fun, so I agreed to go. I go to college a few hours away from my high school so it wasn't too much of a bother for me to drive there anyway.

I had, to say the least, an interesting time in high school, which is my polite way of saying I was "that" girl, which is everyone's way of saying I was a slut. My main group of friends was this group where all of us thought we were so much cooler than we were, hanging out at this one gas station drinking cheap beer I (and a couple of my friends) would "convince" older guys to get for us. I was the "pass-around" girl for the group, and I basically was shared between the guys in the friend group almost on a daily basis after school.

Like I said, it was an interesting, but fun, time!

I "cleaned up" a bit once I went to college, grew up, and slutted down. So when I was invited to the reunion, I figured if I saw any of those guys again, all of that past would be behind us and it would just be a quiet evening of chatting and catching up.

….but old habits die hard, I guess.

The reunion party was on Saturday night at a guy's house who I barely knew. His house was huge (how he afforded this kind of place I have no idea, but my friends said his parents are just stupid rich, which I believe), but even so there was a pretty good turnout and pretty soon it was loud and crazy. Our high school was pretty small, but the turnout was impressive.

I wore a pitch-black, tight dress. I'm a dirty blonde, petite (5'3), and a 30B chest. I was even smaller five years ago, but I look fairly similar to how I did back then. I guess my face was rounder back then.

Between all the guys I hung out with, one guy, Devin, was my favorite. I think he had a thing for me too, beyond just the typical high school horniness. He was the only guy back then that would shave his cock, which I liked (still do). He's pretty tall and lanky with this weird surfer-esque look.

The fact that he cleaned up a lot didn't surprise me when I saw him (since I Facebook stalk him sometimes), but I pretended to act surprised when he greeted me near the door. We got some drinks and started to chat on our own, but then one by one our old friends came by, joined the conversation. I knew two of my closest girl friends wouldn't be coming, but I got to catch up with a couple others.

Eventually, the "what have you been doing" conversation did die as expected and we began our little dip into the realm of reminiscing. Oddly enough, it felt like the guys in the group felt guilty about things, though I didn't really feel they needed to. One friend of mine, Nick, asked if I was still single. I told him I was. Turned out most of us were still single, though a couple of them weren't.

It was around then when I started to get turned on, the reminiscing. The conversation quickly turned into a series of "Remember when X did Y to Z?". Many of that stuff centered around that gas station we all hung out around, so we thought, hell, why not go there for old times' sake?

A few of our friends took that as the natural time to leave, and pretty soon it was just me, Devin, and Nick. We all drove to our spot at the gas station, on this barren intersection far away from the city. Since it's so far away from the city, I realized I hadn't stopped by this place in a long, long time.

We parked in front of the little convenience store, went in, bought some drinks, and walked over to a little lake area a little bit behind the gas station. This was the "fingerbang and head" area for us. We sat down, started to drink, and this electric silence fell over all of us. Like we knew what we wanted to do, but who would make the first move? Nick did.

He slid his arm around me, and suddenly every bit of strength I had just left me. I was just immediately back in that mindset back then, unable to control myself. Call it revertigo or whatever, but as soon as he slid his arm around me, I just instinctively shoved my hand down his pants and grabbed his cock. I had to give it a few strokes before I properly unbuckled and unzipped him free.

Back in the day, we had one rule (which was only violated once) – I (or any other girl/guy) was always had alone. So we kinda screwed over Devin, who was just there for a second not knowing what to do as I jerked Nick off.

"Devin, come here" I moaned as Nick began fingering me. He obliged, and I fumbled around in the dark, feeling for his cock, pulling his pants down, and shoving it in my mouth.

He tasted as good as I remembered. I knew he liked it messy, so I deepthroated him as best I could, gagging on his cock, overplaying the gagging sound, covering his cock in spit. I heard him moan, and I could tell by Nick's aggressive fingers in my pussy that he wanted some too.

I popped Devin's cock out of my mouth and switched hands, then bent forward to put Nick's cock in my mouth and blow him for a while. I felt Devin pull his cock away and I asked him where he was going. "Condom," he muttered. I smiled as I put my head back in Nick's lap, stretching myself out on the itchy lawn to get more comfortable as I blew him.

Devin returned soon after with two condoms. We fumbled in the dark to open them, Nick dropped his, and Devin had no more. Nick didn't want to use a dirty condom so we had to go inside the gas station to get some more. We thought it would be hot for all of us to walk in and buy it, and it was. My panties were left out on the grassy area, so there I was walking in with messy hair, grool almost visibly dripping down my thighs, and the two guys next to me with obvious grass stains on their shirts and jackets. The guy behind the counter didn't give us quite the reaction we wanted, but whatever.

We made sure to open the condoms with the light of the station, then almost ran back to the lake. Devin almost threw me on my back, and he thrust inside me so hard I let out a yelp of pleasure-pain before being shushed by the guys.

Devin fucked me missionary for a while, my dress hiked up to my hips, while I stroked and blew Nick kneeling by my face. It got too itchy being on the grass, though, and as much of a prima donna I felt like I got up and offered to ride them for a bit so I didn't have to be so itchy. I bounced on Devin's cock for a little bit, but I could tell it wasn't his most comfortable position either. Nick took off his shirt and laid it on the grass and told me to lie down on that, and it made a big difference.

I laid there as Devin took a break to not cum as Nick began to fuck me. He was a lot better than he used to be. The guy who used to cum in three, four (okay, maybe a little more) thrusts was legitimately fucking me. It wasn't the little small dips in and out fucks – it was a deep pounding, his balls slapping against my skin, his cock pulsating inside my pussy.

He pulled my legs over my head and began to fuck me harder, and I grabbed at thin air, trying to find something to hold on to for the pleasure. I must have been moaning pretty loud because Devin came over and muffled me with his hand. That turned me on even more, feeling his hands on my face.

I felt my orgasm building. I whimpered for Nick to continue, to keep going. I felt him slow down, probably to keep from cumming, and I almost bit Devin's hand as I whisper-shouted to him to keep fucking me until he came. I began to come also, feeling the electric orgasm go through my hips, legs, and then my whole body. I moved my hips aggressively closer to him too, helping him get deep in me, fuck me harder, and then I felt that unmistakeable feeling of warmth in my core as Nick came into his condom. I was shivering too after having my orgasm.

I felt bad for Devin, not being able to fuck me to orgasm, so I had him take off his condom and I blew him as best as I could, guiding him to orgasm. He pulled out and I felt a hot blast on the bottom of my chin and my neck, his cum pooling on my cleavage. (For the record, the stain is very, very hard to get rid of..) His aim needed work, but for the darkness, it was all right.

I tried to clean up as much as I could with my fingers and licking them up. We all laid there, panting for a few seconds. We got a little tidied up, and for the next hour or so we just chatted, sharing Devin's drink (both mine and Nick's had tipped over during our little fun-fest). I idly jerked off both of them as we chatted.

It was a fun night.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/41n2zs/i_22f_had_a_great_time_at_a_high_school_reunion


  1. Wow! I have to admire how in between all the sluttiness I can feel the mutual respect among the three of you.

  2. Awesome! I want to hear all of the stories from High school, starting with your first experience to your last! I love slutty stories!

  3. *cue the DJ Snake thing* Though to answer your question I slutted down a bit mostly because it wasn’t exactly the easiest situation to replicate with finding that right group of people. Also the judgment from people got a liiiitle old, and having that kind of reputation leads to a lot of annoying, awkward situations. When you have a lady ask you if you’ll sleep with her son to "just show him he can do it and then he can get a real girlfriend" it’s time to calm down, I think.

  4. You know I think that’s why it worked out and why those memories aren’t just some locked away secret that I hide from. They were fun times.

  5. I might write more then! This was kind of my first time dipping into writing anything sexy beyond text messages so I was worried I may not like it but it was a lot of fun!

  6. hahaha, never had a lady ask me that….and clearly, you weren’t in a sorority. ;) I def manwhored up when I got to college….and then realized that my charm got me anything i wanted….being a latin man with charm does wonders….turn down for what?!?!? *cue DJ SNAKE*

  7. Hot story, you definetly need to post more from when you were in high school

  8. Yeah she wasn’t exactly the most pleasant person to be around for sure

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