Trials of the Buxom Trio – Chapter 2 (Fantasy, busty, thicc, hardcore sex, adventure throughout)

Jenessa didn’t tell her mom about the visitor she had in the night. She knew that her mom would just worry or be likely to try to hunt him down. Jenessa knew that it wouldn’t change things anyhow. If he didn’t want to be found than he wouldn’t be found. She had to put her focus back on the task at hand. She spent the early morning finding Merella passed out and covered in cum as she lay half submerged in the pool outside the pub. Jenessa chuckled as she cupped her hand and splashed water onto the raven haired beauty’s head. The mage awoke in an instant and raised her hand out of the water. Jenessa saw the mage’s kneejerk reaction and dodged back quickly before a fireball was hurled up into the sky.

“Merella!” The busty redhead shouted as she put her hands on her hips as the raven haired beauty rubbed a hand over her forehead and finding her hair nearly plastered to her head before she cast a spell to remove all the dried man juice from her hair and skin.

“Wha?!! What happened?” Merella said as she stretched out her arms like silky cat while remaining partially inside of the pool. She looked around and then gave Jenessa a sly grin as she put her hands over her impressive busts.

“Jenessa! You know it’s rude to look without even giving me some attention.” Merella purred and Jenessa rolled her eyes as she looked down over her friend’s body.

“Maybe later. For now I need you to find your clothes and then get packed up. We’re already late.” Jenessa said. It was sometimes quite a chore trying to pull together the group. She was the leader but only just, none of them really had ever led people in battle but she sometimes felt the need to be the driving force because if she didn’t kick them (and by them meaning Merella) around a bit they’d likely never get anything done and she was also Indica’s daughter. It made her feel she should set a good example. Grinning to her friend she turned with a bounce of her shapely ass barely contained in her leather thong and the clink of her blades hitting together before she returned into the interior of the pub.

Inside Marcus was moving out to prepare his own work for the day with his gardening and water pot. He gave a smile to the young adventurer and she nodded back to him as she saw her mother settled behind the bar and serving up some water and hot coffee for some of the early risers. Luckily there weren’t any of the naked denizens in this area like outside and the chairs and tables had returned to their usual post with the exception of the one that Saul had broken over Gundrik’s head. Both of the drunks had been tossed into the jail to cool off by a combination of the off duty guardians and now the Horn Gal’s pub’s returned to its usual business. Jenessa smiled at her mother and then grabbed out her pack from behind the bar.

“You have everything my dear?” Indica asked with a warm smile as she cleaned glasses with a combination of her own hands, a cloth and a few magic spells that levitated other cups and plates to make sure they had a clean stock for the lunch rush. Jenessa chuckled that her mom was still so protective of her.

“Yup. Weapons and gear, maps and herbs. We’ll be fine mom, just like always.” Jenessa said and then when her mom wasn’t looking the redhead snagged a container of cookies from a spot behind the counter. Having grown up in the place the busty redhead beauty always knew where all the treats were and she wanted a treat for the road especially after last night.

“We’ll make it to Amdira in two days and then from then it’s a straight shot to Atlyn Highlands. That’s where Sureeshtan was last reported. Either there or somewhere in the Baan forest. Hopefully the wizard will be smart and come in peacefully. Some of the rangers we’ve talked to have said he’s under someone else’s spell. Wizards controlling wizards apparently. Merella says it’s impossible but then half the time she says that the exact thing happens.” Jenessa said with a heh before she spotted Sylora approaching. The blonde elf was beaming and she appeared quite well rested following her downing of Dwarven firewhiskey.

“Hello everyone.” She greeted them excitedly and hugged Indica when the older but still very attractive sorceress emerged from around the counter. “I am ready to find this Sureeshtan and bring him to swift justice. I don’t know why but I feel like I’ve never slept better in my life.” She said and Jenessa looked over to her mom for a moment; curious if her mother had done something to help the elf shake free of any potential hangover. The last time Jenessa had drank even a quarter as much of the specific brand as Sylora had the redhead had found herself engaged to a Dwarven mining prince along with waking up to the after effects of a Goblin fuckfest with herself as the recipient. It wasn’t all that bad, she still had a few rings and necklaces from the prince and luckily as a parting gift he had shown just how much better one Dwarf lover was compared to a horde of Goblin.

‘Well whatever the reason she’s all set now.’ Jenessa said as she smiled towards her friend and then did one last check of her gear and her twin swords as she saw Merella appear with her robes now covering her body though the cut of the fabric only extended to her shoulders as was the look of nearly all of her outfits. “Alright it’s time to go.” She hugged her mom and received a kiss on her forehead before Indica embraced Merella and offered her a pair of scrolls with black and red binding around them. Finally they were off once again and as the pair walked along the path leading out from the center of town and out to the main gate and the access points for the north and east roads Jenessa smiled back towards the Horn Gal’s pub. She smiled warmly at her home, or at least the most constant home she had known. Part of her wondered if she’d ever be able to be like her mom, to settle down and raise a family, even if was a small one. For a second her thoughts returned to him and then she quickly dismissed them as the trio neared the gates. Gregor was standing guard this time and Sylora inched closer behind Merella who just laughed at the elf’s nervousness.

“Hey Gregor…” Merella purred though Jeness shortly heard the mage yelp; apparently from a pinch to her behind from a deft elfish hand. When Merella snapped back and raised her staff she was confused to find that Sylora had somehow gotten ahead of them and was actually even out past the open gate. Gregor seemed confused as well but simply nodded to Jenessa.

“Stay safe out their girls. We’ve heard reports that Captain Manderson has returned to the region around Whitetree. A merchant says he’s trying to rebuild the damage to his ship and he’s kidnapping folks to finance his next move with ransom payments.” Jenessa smiled at him.

“You’re certainly the most well informed guardian Gregor.” Jenessa told him as she passed through the gate.

“Yeah we should bring him along just to make sure we don’t get lonely out there on those cold dark Yeoouch!” This time Merella cast a fireball back behind her but the blonde and somehow extremely nimble elf was once more back in the lead of the three women column.

Jenessa just chuckled and smack Merella’s ass with the flat of her sword to get them going again. “Thank you Gregor. We’ll see you in a week.”

Three days later they had Sureeshtan cornered in the Baan Forest and the Atyln Highlands. Jenessa was waiting as the bait, tied up to a tree with her top half torn off to the point where one nipple lay exposed while Sylora lay in wait in a tree nearby and Merella was on perimeter watch. The mage’s powerful ward spells could instantly inform her about movement in the region and given that they had spotted Sureeshtan hiding in the forest just a day ago without realizing he was being watched the trio felt pretty good about their plan.

Of course said plan was a lot better in Sylora’s mind before her breasts started to itch badly with her plate in her crouched position on the tree. Her brow lowered as she closed her eyes to try to focus out the itch but she was having little luck. Worse she couldn’t get down from the tree and warn Jenessa that she needed a break. The elfish maiden knew that she should have the resolve to hold back again such a meager thing but the other half of her was realizing that maybe smaller banded armor or even hide might be better to stop this annoyance. Finally she capitulated and unclasped the side locks of her armor which were fashioned to look like small mini elfish shields. The steel locks popped and the blonde let loose a tiny sigh of pleasure as her nipples were no longer ground against fabric and then plate and she slowly moved the breastplate up and over her head before settling it in a nearby tree. Looking down she found that Jenessa was still tied up securely with ropes holding her feet, arms and even being worked in a certain fashion to extenuate her already bodacious assets.

Jenessa for her part didn’t mind. She just hated the wait almost as much as Sylora and she was just about to call off the plan when she heard movement. “Mmmrmm.. Please someone help!. Be careful there are bandits around.” The redhead knew it wasn’t the most original plan or the smartest but she had found that the plea generally received at least a few onlookers if only to investigate the look of the girl who was calling out for help. With any luck Sureeshtan was taking a gander at her from some hidden vantage point to figure out just how exposed she might be. If he was truly close by that would also meant that Merlla was close at hand too which reassured the warrior. Suresshtan looked average enough on most wanted posters with a long budding beard and smart alert looking eyes and a weak chin but Jenessa knew that any wizard wanted for 40 counts of arson, 100 counts of murder and multiple counts of mind control and other insidious uses of magic was to be taken seriously. She would be happy to have both her friends on hand if the wizard appeared.
Unbeknownst to both Jenessa and Sylora was the fact that a quarter mile away Merella was at that moment being tied up to a tree herself and not in the good way. Well not in the good way for the rest of the group, Merella was beside herself with the hidden thrill as her breasts were squeezed between ropes as Sureeshtan’s men secured her. She had lost her staff and her robes only moments after she had detected trouble from her wards. The instant the magical signal was sent to her was the same moment that something hard had hit her on the head. When she’d awoken to find herself surrounded by four brutes and the green robed mage himself he had informed her that his power far exceeded hers and it was cute of her to think she had managed to hide her wards well enough that someone of his skill and renown couldn’t detect them. With that he and two of his men had moved further into the forest, hunting down the other girls that Sureeshtan’s majestic skill of power had been able to detect.

So it left Merella nicely exposed to two horny highwaymen who at that very moment had already abandoned their clothes and were now approaching the captive mage. Her hair was still tied neatly in a bun however and she stared at them defiantly until one grabbed her throat and pressed his hard rough mouth against the skin of her neck and eventually her lips. Her resistance started to ebb at the kiss but the true dagger came as the other brute wedged two sausage like fingers inside of her pussy. She squirmed and tried to kick but her legs were locked securely and all she could do was feel her breath cut out at the invasion of her lions as the two digits spread her open. Her eyes rolled back slightly and she fought off the small notes of embarrassment as she felt her juices flowing freely.

This continued for some time and the mage finally gave in to the man kissing her found that the mage was kissing back though her eyes dared him to try penetrating her mouth with his tongue or worse but he seemed to have other ideas. The man finger fucking her pussy laughed at how slutty this supposed heroine had turned in short order and the moved back to adjust the ropes to give them a little more leeway. Soon enough her arms were still tied behind her back but her legs were free from the big oak tree she had been pinned too and now she was being roughly positioned onto the goon who had kissed her first. His rough hands spread her legs wide before the brute behind her pushed her down onto the thugs mountainous cock. As the much larger and much wider penetration occurred Merella screamed out but there was no one but the forest and the critters around to hear her before she felt a finger being pushed inside of her back door.

With this newest insertion a dark thrill pulsed up her spine as her hips started to bounce, forcing the cock in her pussy even deeper while the second goon’s finger started squirreling around in her asshole. Part of her was disgusted and repulsed that someone not of her choosing was even daring to touch her there and yet she couldn’t help but revel in the hot blast of stretching pain she was getting as his finger wagged back and forth while the goliath cock speared up deep and punched against her cervix each time she was bounced up and down on the goon below her.

“Marrwaaaghh.. nunnnghh you fuckers …. you fuckers are going to wish you’d ran… nagguh when you had… mmmrghh the chance.. Ohhh fuck right there… don’t stop… neiighaa!” She screamed out as she was assaulted from both her front and back door as her mouth opened in rapturous delight. The man below her slapped her ass while the man at her ass added even another finger for a while before he suddenly pulled back and replaced his fingers with a big wide cockhead. Merella tried to look back but suddenly she was tugged even further down and the man below her shoved his fingers right into her slutty mouth. She gagged at first and then closed her eyes as she sucked on his fingers and moaned out as his cock savagely spread open her labia and penetrated deep and against every inch of her recess. The mage could barely hear the man behind her spitting onto his cock to barely lube her up before he started pushing away into her tiny rosebud.

“Mrrrnmoo…. Plrrragghh.. noooughhh!” She moaned around the fingers being pressed into her mouth before the cock pushed even further, finally opening up her asshole for the much larger penetration. The black haired mage’s eyes rolled back in her head as she screamed around the fingers choking her mouth as another big cock lanced into her anal cavity.

“You had best be careful to guard your voice. The bandits who locked you up here may return if you continue to shout.” Sureeshtan said as he appeared before Jenessa. The redhead warrior was slightly surprised by his sudden appearance and her breasts bounced slightly from the small startled gasp that admitted from her throat. Soon after however she remembered her role in the ploy. She brought her voice to a low whisper.

“Oh great sir I’m so glad someone found me. I’m so terribly exposed. I shiver at the thought of what may have happened if the bandits returned.” Her eyes looked up at her target with feigned worry that slowly melted to warmth; she knew that to have any luck Sureeshtan had to at least fall for her charms for a few moments to allow Sylora time to strike.

“Oh of course. There are some truly nefarious men out in these parts. The mage said with a chuckle. At the instant she saw the glimmer in his yellow green eyes Jenessa knew it was too late. The wizard spun around and arched his staff towards Sylora’s hiding place. The tree erupted in flames just as the half naked elf barreled forth from the inferno that had recently been her hiding spot. Sylora glared at the man and raised her shield to deflect a ghastly green spell that was shot at her. She turned quickly and still moved forward ready to burst into a sprint and try to kill the bastard mage. The elf warrior did not get close however. When she prepared to sprint a bare of steel arms locked under her arms and secured her in her place.

“Nooo!” Sylora shouted as she struggled against the heavy hold. Her nimbleness and agility did her no good as the steely arms held her tightly. She heard a deep laughter filling her ears and a warm breath spilling over her neck. “Let me go this instant.” She said and Jenessa could only stand by and watch as she struggled against the bonds holding her against the tree. When she struggled to join her friend Sureeshtan strode forward and placed a hand on the redhead’s throat.

“Did you really think that little black haired bitch could keep you safe from me? From Sureeshtan? The greatest Green Mage ever to come forth from Orell!” He said as he lifted a hand sending crippling pain through Jenessa’s body. She writhed in pain against her bonds even as the bindings started digging into the rich peach color of her breasts as she moved. The feeling of the burning friction building across her body like a ember growing into a full fire. Her bare nipple was grabbed by the dark wizard and he chuckled at her as the other man with him moved in front of Sylora and squeezed her large breasts together. The blonde’s eyes squeezed shut and her eyes were flush with embarrassment. Sylora’s golden locks whipped back and forth as she shook her head.

“No no no no no!” Sylora screamed as the remnant of her armor was ripped open and removed from her back before the the man at her back locked both her arms with one powerful arm and then she felt his hand running her hips and pulling aside her tabard. The elf’s eyes widened when she felt something prodding her body and she whimpered in disgust.

“Leave her alone!” Jenessa shouted before she gasped when Sureeshtan’s eyes glowed the same ghastly green as his spells. Her body was seized by pleasure as the green magic imbued her with incredible sensitivity. The ropes tightened over her body causing her nipples to harden and the wizard chuckled as his hands squeezed her already bulging breast. With the increased contact with the rope and now the rough texture of his long fingers Jenessa had to bite her lip to fight back a moan bubbling up in her throat.

“Oh we shall leave you both alone in time. For now me and my men are weary of running. And now that we have the Buxom Trio safely in our grasp well I think it’s time to enjoy some relaxation. Don’t you think boys?” He said and he sent another wave of pleasure boiling through Jenessa’s nether regions. The redhead closed her eyes as she felt her labia open slightly. A warm trickle of juices burned down her inner thigh as Sureeshtan moved close against her. Unable to strike him and barely able to move she recalled the feeling of hopelessness she had encountered at the pub the night before they set out. But this loss of control was different and scratched at something deep and fearful in her mind as she saw the two thugs continue to molest Sylora. ‘Where the hell is Merella?’ she thought before letting another moan go as more energy flash through her body as the mage yanked hard on her nipple.


Merella moaned through the forest as she had both her pussy and ass plundered by a pair of foreign cocks. Her hair had become undone again and it flashed and weaved as her body was wrecked by a continual sense of being stuffed. Part of her loved it but this was so wrong. These men were the enemy, simple brigands who hurt and raped as they pleased. They were not her friends or lovers from town and yet she couldn’t ignore the pleasure building inside of her body as they ramped her up to orgasm once more. Her juices leaked freely as the man below her sucked on her left tit while the large right one bounced freely as the man on her back squeezed the smooth curves of her pale ass.

“Mraaawwhh! Right there! Naaaighh don’t… don’t stop!” She screamed as she felt both men pushing in deeper and harder into her body. Her eyes were losing focus once more and the forest became one constant blur of greens and browns as her body was used and abused as the two thugs prepared to empty their seed in her holes. Her arms were still secured with rope to her back as the man below her kissed her neck before howling out in pleasure. She could feel his body losing control as his big long cock punched deep inside of her before releasing his cum inside of her. The man in her ass was stretching her more than any other man had before him and the pain had long subdued inside of the raven haired beauty to be replaced by an exquisite bliss as her tight hole tightened and squeezed his juices freely of his fleshy chambers.

As she felt her entire body being flooded with the hot fiery seed she felt the man inside of her ass pull out none too gently. “Yeooowwahh!” She cried out and her head lolled forward as the thug beneath her held her head and chuckled.

“Dumb slut. After we switch you’ll be begging me to tear into your little ass again eh Lothric.” He said and spanked her ass. She glared at him but could do little else. The busty nude mage had tried again and again to turn the tantric energy into a spell to fend off her attackers but she was relatively new to anal and having a big thick pulsing phallus punishing each hole had left little concentration for actually converting the energy. It had left her a sweaty mess with her mouth drooping open half the time that she even got close to coming up with a spell. Now however she was trying to collect the residual force from her last release. If she could just concentrate, maybe close her eyes for a second and … *slap!*
Pain flared across Merella’s face and she yelped again.

“I don’t think so pretty little mage. The boss told us all about what tricks you might have. Don’t think we don’t know a thing or two about pleasure magic. Ain’t that right Lothric?” The man’s grins turned to worry… “Lothric?” With a grunt he tossed Merella off his cock. The mage crashed to the ground, her pussy and asshole still dripping white mansauce as she tried to catch her breath. Her vision was still blurry and she had to focus on hearing the sound of movement around her. Inside her mind she tried to paint a mental picture as she heard boots crunching over leaves and then stepping onto roots.

“Lothric where are yah mate? Boss told us to stay together.” He was far from her now, near something. Maybe a tree. “Lothric no fooling now you need to ….yulllp…” The thug’s voice was suddenly cut off. Suddenly Merella heard another set of feet entering into the equation. The sound was unlike any bootfall she had heard. Instead it sounded as if roots of a tree were being uprooted and then falling back into the ground in slow deliberate paces. She closed her eyes and chanted a spell as she slowly used the energy from her early sex and transforming it into a rejuvenating spell. Looking up she started seeing a figure resolve into a clearer image as the spell healed her sight. The figure before her looked to be a series of hundreds of interwoven branches and roots. A pair of grey brown eyes looked down at her. Then she gasped as she saw more smaller branches appear seemingly to fill up the gaps in the larger branches as the limbs and body of the figure turned from bare to full, almost humanlike.

The figure’s wooden skin was a healthy earthy brown and his hair was made of green leaves that fell just to his ears. Ears that made Merella think of Sylora’s sharp ones; only this strange tree man’s were curved and less sharply pronounced. Standing up Merella turned to the right and summoned her staff. She wouldn’t allow this strange to hurt her though she did not that that was his intention.

“Who are you?” she asked him with a shaky breath. The creature smiled at her, its lips a set of horizontal branchworks that opened to form the basis of any normal human’s mouth as they would speak.

“I am Treock, one of the last wood elf’s of the Baan forest. And I am here to help you.”
