27 [M]arried business man [f]un with tinder part 4 – receptionist at hotel

Per the usual, I was on a work trip to Denver. I am in Denver often for work and I always stay at the same hotel and go out to the same favorite places when I am in town but this time work put me in a different area so I opted to stay closer to the job location. The hotel was in a very nice area of Denver and I was pleased by the location and the feel of the place. I pulled up to the valet gave the driver my key, grabbed my suitcase, and went inside for check in. As I walked up to the front desk the first thing I noticed was this big eyed 21ish looking dark haired beauty. She was quite short probably 5'1 or 5'2 with a petite frame. I could tell she had a nice body even though she was wearing a black polo and black work pants. Neither of which are ever flattering but she had a gorgeous smile that made me catch myself smiling for no reason.

I approached the desk and I said hello and called her by the name on her nametag. I gave her my name and reservation and she quickly gave me my room key and told me where the room was located. I made a bit of small talk and told her I was in for work and asked her about things to do in the area. She told me her favorite spots and I thanked her and went on my way.

I went on up to the room got settled in, showered, changed clothes and started swiping on tinder. Fortune would have it, I saw a girl on tinder that looked much like the young lady downstairs and with the same name. I wasn't sure so I didn't swipe her yes or not. Instead I checked myself in the mirror and went down to the front desk and chatted for a second with her then pulled out my phone and said "is this you?" She laughed and blushed and said "that is so embarrassing." I told her it wasn't a big deal and I thought she was cute and swiped her yes right in front of her. "You have a ring on your finger." She said accusingly but with a joking tone. "I travel too much to not need a little fun in my life." I said.

The conversation shifted to a little bit about each other, she was a student, lived with her twin sister, and studied graphic design. She seemed interested so I asked her if she wanted to meet up when she got off work. She told me she didn't get off work until about midnight but she wouldn't mind one beer. I told her I needed a nap anyway after my flight and would come down and meet her at 12. She agreed.

I went upstairs pretty excited but I did manage a nap. I woke up went down and grabbed dinner at the hotel restaurant and wandered around the area for a few hours. I went to the lobby a little after 12. She was there changed with a bag in hand. I assume she changed into work clothes after her classes and had them with her. "What do you wanna do?" She asked. I told her to take me wherever and I followed as she walked me down the street to place with some dudes outside and a john Mayer type guitarist playing on the corner. It was fairly crowded and loud so I sat beside her at a table feigning I was watching the musician who was decent but nothing special. We talked about boring stuff mostly, I started to worry nothing was going anywhere when she asked "so what do you do on tinder?" I told her my whole story. Some of my experiences. I could tell she loved it. Turning her chair towards me, listening closely, leaving on, her cheeks getting red, her brushing her leg against mine. I told her I write about it on reddit, and she asked "will I be on there?" And I said "that depends where this goes." She smiled and said well we can go back to the hotel if you want. I upped my glasses paid the tab and grabbed her hand and we walked together back to the hotel.

When we got upstairs we started kissing pretty heavily. A bit sloppy, lots of tongue, hands in the hair, pushing up against the wall. When I started to go for her leggings she asked "can I use your shower?" I assumed she'd been out all day with class and work and I agreed. I was so turned on though, so I laid on the bad as the shower kicked on and stroked my cock thinking about what was about to happen. She left the door open and from the mirror in the bathroom I could see her cleaning herself, her hand lingering a bit on her pussy. It was turning me on just watching and waiting. It was intense. I didn't bother putting my dick away as she came out of the bathroom. Hair still wet she walked over to the bed slid my pants off the rest of the way and climbed on top of me kneeling over me and kissed me. She reached between her legs and was stroking my dick as we made out for several minutes. I was getting frustrated just kissing and I think she noticed because she turned around and stuck her pussy on top of my face and leaves over and began sucking my dick from the 69 position.

She had a cute little pussy with a nice little taste and I was glad to lick circles on her clit. She came quick her thighs squeezing my head and legs quivering as she moaning and began sucking moving up and down on my cock faster as she came but i didn't stop. She lost concentration and just stopped to enjoy what I was doing as she came again. This time I felt her get more wet, cum pouring down her thighs.

After the second orgasm she moved down my body and squared over top of my dick and turned to face me. She grabbed me and put me inside of her and she began to move up and down slowly pausing extra long with just the head of my dick in her grinning from ear to ear as she watched my face. It felt amazing. I barely remember the condom. She had obviously forgotten but walked over to my bag and grabbed one for me. I slid it on and she got back in the same position but this time bouncing up and down much faster and faster. She began to moan and came again hard. I could see her cum dropping out of her over my dick and it turned me on so much i put s hand under her ass and flipped her over and pulled her to the edge of the bed as I stood and fucked her. Her legs were up by her head and she started screaming pretty loud. I love this position bc I love using my thumb to play with her clit while fucking her. She was so loud I covered her mouth and she bit the fuck out of my fingers and the started licking them. Again so hot and I stuffed them down in her mouth. Before long I felt my cock throb and I told her i wanted to cum in her mouth. She slid off the bed pulled the condom off knelt in front of me and sucked all the cum out of my dick as it started pumping and I man moaned and groaned as so worked her mouth and hand over the shaft. Afterward she swallowed she stood up and kissed me flopping back on the bed. I flopped down beside her shirt on with no pants and we had a good laugh. The kind that follows good sex.

We fucked again that night and every night of my 5 day trip. Best Colorado trip I have had so far.

Feel free to PM me your stories, I love to hear feel people who read my stories and find them sexy.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/411ilm/27_married_business_man_fun_with_tinder_part_4


  1. Well written, and a good story. Hotels are one of our common fantasy locales, and when you check in and there is a good looking woman at reception, it’s hard not to think about where it can go. Glad to hear someone went there.

  2. I’m so shocked this is on here and you got downvoted for calling it. Happy to take the downvotes because that’s bullshit. I hope OP’s wife finds out and gets the chance to find someone who will actually respect her. Be a slut OP, just have the decency to save your wife from thinking she has something that you’re not giving her.

  3. Yeah op is not a good guy. If he wants to have fun, sure go ahead, but he should leave his wife. She doesn’t deserve this. Scumbag OP.

  4. What’s hilarious is you taking a tongue in cheek comment as an opportunity to demean an actual career path that has led to colorful bras, leggings, and bedspreads. Don’t be a snob.

  5. Thanks for the comments guys, I appreciate it. I simply know what I want and am Straight forward with people. I told the girl to keep an eye out for the story and maybe she will post something to confirm with a picture.

  6. Guys, let’s be real for a minute. How do you know the wife doesn’t know? Why do you automatically assume I’m a scumbag? You don’t know me or my specific situation. I simply share my stories for people who are interested to read. If you don’t like it don’t read it. If you disagree with my married lifestyle do you Think a comment on a reddit thread will change me? Please feel free to find something you enjoy to read.

  7. Damn, this also almost happened to me yesterday… cute girl working the desk with an "in training" badge under her name. I complimented her on job well done. Too bad I can’t request a code from tinder to verify my phone for some reason

  8. It would have been a good story without the cheating. If you aren’t, apologies. You certainly didn’t mention it in the story talking to her, and made it sound like you were doing something naughty. In all honesty the story would have been enjoyable without mentioning you had a wife. See no reason it had to be mentioned.

  9. It’s mentioned bc that is the scenario. Thank you for reading but some people find that bit of info more enjoyable than otherwise. To each their own. We all have our own preferences and habits, yours are just different. And that’s ok. I’d never read something you posted that I didn’t like and the tell you so.

  10. It would be really nice if the morality police would fuck right off and leave this sub alone. Seriously nobody gives a shit how offended you are.

  11. Bc you’ll get caught that’s why haha. You’ll forget to turn off locations one day then all your friends see you have a tinder with some weird name.

  12. This is just my advice to you, if you can swing it go for it, it’s just dangerous. My situation is a bit different so it’s up to you

  13. Cheaters in games get banned, its so sad that you get eternal punishment in the virtual world and you dont in real life…

  14. Captain Morality ladies and gentlemen. It’s simple really, if you don’t like the content of the story, don’t comment on it. Better yet, don’t even read it.

  15. Also don’t presume about my personal life. Whether the wife knows or not is not relevant to the story. Welcome to reddit, where people post the most horrible shit and this person is concerned with where my dick goes.

  16. This guy only posts on threads about cheating. Secretly he tugs on himself while crying.

  17. Also, he talks about everyone here having a life revolving around sex, but his ONLY comments are on threads about sex. And they are ALL negative. Jesus Christ man, go fuck someone and you will see it is actually fun.

  18. > know what I want and am Straight forward with people not very straight forward to your wife mind

  19. That kind of vehement anti-infidelity comment is common elsewhere on the Internet, e.g., on erotica websites. I find it interesting that stories about infidelity generate much more negative response than stories about incest or non-consensual sex. It seems to come mostly from men, and I wonder how much of their anger stems from having a girlfriend or wife who had sex with another man.

  20. I wish all these stories came with pics. Always nice to put a face to the story but someday I guess. It’s not we don’t live in a society where we’re always on our phones..

  21. It’s for anonymity. The last thing I want to do is post some random girls face and body all over a public forum for everyone to see. If I ever get permission I’ll post.

  22. You’re asking a lot. A downvoted and moving on is toooooo much! But, lemme write out this paragraph to complain about it, though… /s

  23. My ex cheated on me. I’m not the type to cheat, either. I can still appreciate the story for what it is. All of the people who want to toss around their morals are just a tad bit douchey.

  24. Ah. I’m not married, but I only activate it when I’m in a new city. You’re right, it would be weird if friends saw my account haha

  25. don’t worry I’ll take care of your wife really good while your gone doing your thing.

  26. Good luck sir. But I imagine you may be in competition with some other deserving fellows as well.

  27. You guys are disgusting! You cheer on this asshole cheater but give shit to the women on here who do the same. Wtf

  28. I agree you shouldn’t cheer on the men and punish the women. Makes complete sense. Before you call me an asshole though, perhaps give me the benefit of the doubt and assume I have a prearranged agreement?

  29. It doesn’t sound like it. You say it’s irrelevant but it’s really not. What’s wrong to say if you have an open marriage? You travel a lot it makes sense.

  30. My suggestion, just enjoy the story. Reserve judgement for things that actually matter. Not a reddit thread.

  31. I DON’T enjoy cheating stories! I had to say what I said because I see it so much on here. That is all.

  32. Like I’ve said a few times, you are assuming. And no, you didn’t have to say anything. This one thread isn’t fixing anything for any actual cheaters. So get off of your high horse and read threads you enjoy and stop reading ones you don’t.

  33. Also, if anyone is open to meeting on my travels PM me. Always love to meet new people.

  34. Double wrap that shit up ladies. And make sure you get a penicillin shot afterwards.

  35. Haha so you’re telling me an agreement with an open relationship is wrong? Fuck your lifestyle too buddy :)

  36. What does it matter in terms of the story? Why do the specifics of my personal life in relation to my wife matter so much to you?

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