Sweaty tight pussy

I'm bored and horny. So I made a throwaway and I'm going to share what I often recall in these situations.

10 years ago I was in first year of University. High school had finished. A girl (for the purposes of this, Rebecca) had come up to me at a party one night, placed a grape into my mouth, looked me directly in the eyes and said "if you don't stop being so sexy, I might have to do something about it" before kissing the grape back out if my mouth.

Until this point, I had had no idea Rebecca thought I was attractive. I had a bit if a reputation in high school as being a ladies man. I'm also lucky enough to be very well hung, and in the later years of high school, word had gotten round, so it wasn't exactly a secret. I found out only a year or two ago that girls used to refer to me as the 'rib splitter'. Rebecca and I had been in a few classes together over the years, and had always been friendly. She had dated a friend if mine at one point. I was taken aback when she kissed a grape out of my mouth.

She went upstairs to bed, as she was slightly drunk. I didn't think anything more of it, and went about my night.

Sure enough, September rolled round. University started. Rebecca (along with a few other friends) went to University in Glasgow. I went to another scottish city not far from where we all went to high school. I went through to Glasgow to visit friends one night during my first semester. We went out to a club. Had fun. About an hour in, I'm standing at the bar waiting to be served, when I look over and see Rebecca. She's obviously noticed me before I notice her.

She walks right up to me a plants me with one of the most memorable kisses of my life. I can still feel it to this day. Now, Rebecca is an attractive girl, reddy brown hair, tall, slim, wide hips, long legs, great boobs, soft lips. I kissed back. She pulled away and whispered in my ear "Take me home and fuck me".

I obliged. We left the club and hailed a taxi to take us back to her halls. In the taxi, we could not keep our hands off each other. She took my hand and forced it into her crotch. I put my hand inside her tights and into her pants, she was soaking wet. I fingered her in the back of the taxi. I decided I wanted more, so bent over and pulled her pants away slightly and tongued her clit. To this day, I have no idea why the driver didn't kick us out if his taxi.

We finally arrived back at her halls. We got into her room and I ripped her clothes off. I remember clear as day that she was wearing a purple underwear set. She took her bra off and stood infront of me. We kissed passionately again and fell into her bed.

What followed was what I still class to this day as the best sex of my life. It was about 1am when we arrived back. We fucked all night, until we both needed a rest at 7am. Rebecca had clawed my back to pieces. She told me she needed a rest as her pussy couldn't take any more. We (drunkenly) hadn't used condoms, but as the booze wore off, we didn't care. I will always remember having her legs over my shoulders, pumping my cock into her gorgeous pussy, and her screaming in pleasure, saying " you're touching parts of me no one ever has" and then looking me straight in the eye and asking me to cum in her pussy. By the end of the night she had 7 of my loads in her.

We lay on the bed, exhausted. She straddled me backwards, facing away from me, and began lazily wanking me off. I got rock hard again. She said "wow, you really do have a massive cock". I laughed and threw her back on to bed, before going down on her. I licked her out and made her cum again. Her pussy had a smell of my cum, her cum, and sweat. I loved it.

By 9am I needed some sleep. She went to a pharmacy to get the morning after pill and I returned back to my friends halls. They asked me where I had been all night, as I had been meant to stay with them. I said " Rebecca" and took my tshirt off to show them my back, which was still bloody.

The shower I had that day was bittersweet. Not only did it sting due to the deep scratches on my back, but I didn't want to wash her scent off of me.

This was first year of University. We continued to have amazing sex for about four years, never more than friends with amazing benefits. We were both very dirty, as we discovered. Fucking in public, in her car on a beach, in broad daylight. We tried anal, but my cock just would not fit, so I ate her asshole for 30 mins whilst wanking instead. We did so much that turned each other on.

Unfortunatley, life took us on separate paths. I had been unfaithful to a number of girls during this time span in order to be with Rebecca. She knew this. She had been unfaithful too. It ended on Christmas Eve 2009. She text me asking me to fuck her, and I had to say no. Honestly guilt had caught up with me, not only from other relationships I had ruined in the past, buf I had just met a girl, and things were going well. Rebecca replied with "Never had you as the relationship type". That was it. Since that day we have never texted, called or contacted each other. She removed me as a friend on facebook.

'Rebecca', the best fuck of my life. I still get off to the thought of her cunt, the smell, the taste, the feel.

Sometimes I wonder how things would have panned out if I had gone to meet her on Christmas Eve night.

If she is reading this, she will know this is her. I miss you every day, 'Rebecca'.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/40xed8/sweaty_tight_pussy


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