New Toy Time

Spending a measly 48hrs together is not fun.

Not when I know in 30 minutes I have to leave her again. Another dark and wet drive home, I can hear the rain hammering the roof of the porch.

I let out a quiet sigh, but she feels it and caresses my hand. I look down and can see the light catching her face, dancing on the curves of her cheek, her eyes transfixed on the moving idiot-box. Whatever’s been said, her lips curl into a smile which changes the shape of the cheek, which in turn changes the light.

Her eyebrows lift and with my right arm resting on her stomach, I pull her into me and kiss the top of her head.

I excuse myself, she leans forward so I can get up off the sofa to grab my bits and prepare for the journey ahead.

“Do you want me to come with you?” she asks. I smile and offer my hand to help her up too, “You can do”, I reply.

As I’m walking up those stairs, which alert all in the house where we are as they creak under our weight, I remember the box.

Damn! I didn’t give her that present. I smile to myself as I continue climbing, facing the closed door to her room, “I’ve got something for us” I whisper to her.

Her face becomes animated as she asks what it is. Me being me, I bat the question away with “You’ll see”, stepping into the room I can see the corner of the box within my bag.

How did I forget that all weekend?

As she settles beside me on the bed, the light silhouetting her from the hallway, I bend over to my bag and as it starts to expose itself more she catches what it is, I hear her inhale quickly. I knew mistress would love this.

The box is white with pink writing and the image of the item within, no longer a secret, I smile to myself.

“I’ve charged it already, but figured you’d want to try it as soon as possible?” I assume.

I look at her, and she’s biting her bottom lip as she nods. Her eyes wide.

I lean across her and push the door closed, darkness fills the room.

“Lay back then”, as I move my ass to the floor, my hands reaching for the waist of her jeans, fingers feeling the band of her panties beneath them. She lifts her ass enough to let them move and as they reach her ankles I can already tell she’s turned on. That hint of her. She doesn’t bother letting me take the jeans off her, but lifts her legs and traps my head between the rolled clothing and her ankles, she lifts her shoulders as her hand tries to grab my hair, normally left loose but today it’s in a ponytail, she elbows herself higher and grabs the tail pulling me in.

She knows I’ll comply, but didn’t need my hair to be pulled.

As my head moves down, her other hand comes into reach and removes the bobble holding my hair back. My shoulder length hair drops around her naked thighs I see her shiver at the multiple strands softly touching her.

The thighs widen as her hand pulls me more and the clothes-trap moves on my shoulders.

I see the sweet wetness, spiderweb-like strands thinly pulling from one exposed lip to the other, almost trying to close her from me.

I use my hands to open the box, blindly feeling it on the floor below as I extend my tongue, my lips closing around the soft fur she keeps in check.

I hear her softly moan, her fingers closing into my hair. I moan into her as I press my tongue into her.

I can feel her body shivering at my tongue movements as I start to penetrate her with the tip. Teasing her every now and again, but her hand keeps my head fixed.

I tilt my head slightly so my nose presses against her clit.

I know it’s hidden from the point of my nose, but I don’t care. I drop my head to breathe through my mouth, forcing my tongue inside her as I tilt back up, my lungs filled deep and exhale against her, moving my whole head from side to side as my lungs expell quickly.

Childish I know, but the blown raspberry against her, has the effect I wanted. Her legs close around my ears making me deaf.

She pulls me into her more as she fills my mouth with her cum. I suck and swallow everything filling my mouth.

Just as I finish swallowing she loosens her grip of my hair and I continue teasing her.

My hands have been resting on the mattress, the soft toy in my left hand.

I move my head up and start to lick the hooded clit. Softly moaning between breaths, I know the vibrations will drive her crazy soon, so I take the opportunity to start to tease the toy against her.

Letting as much of the toy get wet from her, I keep teasing.

Gently pushing it against her and then allowing her to push it away again, and again, until it eventually enters her.

As it goes in, she moans. Knowing the widest part is at the top, I feel it disappear beneath my chin, the tail slowly disappearing inside until it settles inside her.

I use my now free, and wet hand, to be able to lift the hood to her cute little clit.

With it now exposed, I use my tongue to rub, wrap my lips around her and suck, sucking and licking, just abusing her most sensitive part while my right hand fumbles to remove my phone from my pocket.

Thank fuck I changed phone cases, I think to myself. I move the magnetic band so the wallet portion opens and I move the phone so I can see what I’m doing.

Her thighs still making me deaf, I carefully lift the phone to unlock it, I think I can make out her eyes are closed, a hand covering her mouth.

The bright light rudely disturbs the darkened room, it confirms the hand on her mouth, but I hadn’t noticed the hand under her jumper, playing with her boob no doubt.

I open the app and hurridly press one of the first options.

The toy and she respond almost synchronised, I can feel it vibrating within her, the tail lightly wagging against my chin.

I feel the trickle and moan against her, regretting not moving, but I allow it to continue past my chin to soak into the bed. Some rogue trickles move onto my chin and move down my neck. More beads of that sweet juice join the rogues, following the pathed trail and it goes into my cleavage eventually soaking into the band.

That’ll be an interesting drive home, smelling her while that patch dries.

I leave the toy vibrating for a bit more, allowing her orgasm to subside.

I stop licking, sucking and generally winding her up, taking another deep breath as I move back down slightly. My nose taking my tongues place on her clit and exhale again.

As I exhale, I tug the tail of the toy, thrusting my tongue inside her.

A tsunami hits me, the legs tighten and I hear her scream through her own body.

A hand taps my head, quickly going elsewhere, then fingers grab my hair, then gone. I’m sure she patted the bed, did she beat the pillow?

My squeezed face makes out she’s covering her face.

I smile to myself as I wait for her grip to loosen.


I try to breathe.


My nose sucks air, but some of her juices shoot up it.



The legs slowly drop away.

The silence is deafening, as I lift my head away and straighten myself up.

I pull on the wagging tail and hear the pillow moan.

My thumb finds the unlock button on my phone again, like a beacon it lights up and changes from the background photo of us smiling, to the open app within.

I turn the toy “off”, allowing her shaking body to recover.

I lean forward and kiss her calf, licking the crease of her knee. It jerks in response.

I keep moving up, kissing and licking her thigh until I reach her soaking pussy again.

This time I don’t bury myself, but softly suck and lick the excess juice away.

My chin soaked, tongue tired, jaw aching, hearing still deafeningly loud with silence, but it was worth it.

I reverse the process on her other leg, thigh, knee crease and calf.

Her legs shakingly lift off me.

“Turn on the light” is whispered from the pillow. I obey, and the room fills with light.

I can see her whole body shaking, so being the wind up, I stroke her inner thighs with my thumb and small finger. Running softly up until my forefinger reaches her lips.

I continue and rub the hidden spot again.

“Sss” a shudder, “ssstt” it tries to continue as her hand tries to bat mine.

I watch as another clear flow escapes her and soaks into the already soaked mattress.

“Ssttop” comes from the pillow, as she tries to sit up. Her hand grabbing my wrist.

I do as I’m told and stop, taking her hand and helping her sit up, the pillow bumps my head as gravity does its work, landing on her lap, eventually falling to the floor.

Her hair is tussled, her cheeks flushed, her mouth open in exhausted awe. I use my drying hand and caress her cheek, trying to brush strands of hair back but they stick to my fingers.

“Was that good?” as I smile before her, seeing the sheet soaked behind her.

Wow, she really did cum. How much didn’t I swallow, I wonder.

She tries to smile, looking down at me. Her thumb strokes my cheek as she places the hand on my shoulder to stablise herself.

“That, was, amazing!” she manages to breathe out.

I smile back at her, knowing we’re not finished yet.

“Well, I have to go, but you’re not to take the toy out” I say, looking concerned as I fear she’ll remove it once I’ve left.

She nods her response, her eyes fixed on mine, but eventually drop and search the floor and bed around us.

“What is it?”, a smile forms on her lips. I smile back, “It’s the Lovense one we wanted” as I grab the box and show her.

“After my silly Apple Watch buy, I thought it only fair to get you something.”

I grab my bag, starting to stand I unbalance her so I move to the bed, pulling her into me.

“I can’t believe you bought it. After how long we’ve wanted it.

Did you buy the one for you too?” The words come from her exhausted lips, so softly spoken, as she tilts her head a little so she can see my eyes.

I kiss her forehead before replying, “Yes I did. But I still don’t want this one removed just yet.

But that reminds me.” I look around for her phone, “Did you bring your phone with you?”

Her fingers slowly stretch down, pointing at her jeans. I bend and find the phone nearly falling onto the floor. I pick it up and put her pin in, finding the App Store to download the app.

Her head still resting on me, I feel her eyes watching what I’m doing.

“This will allow you to control mine, but I need to finish it when I’m home.” I feel her nod back.

“Do you want a hand going back downstairs?” I ask. Knowing she’ll still need to be downstairs with her family for the next few hours.

She nods her reply again, almost falling asleep on me. I kiss her forehead again and look at her. Those lips pull into a smile, her eyes look up at me, “yes please” she whispers.

I stand up and start to help her up. Pulling her jeans and panties up, her hand resting on my shoulder again, as I stand back to face her, I kiss her lips softly. Her tongue darts across my lips, as the lips then move down my neck, licking the rogue trail off me.

I giggle and step back. “You’re not taking all of that. The smell and taste will remind me of what I want to do while driving!”

She does her false sulk face, but soon smiles again as she does a little skip “Yay! I can’t wait” she says.

I grab the bag again as she opens the bedroom door. The room smelling sweetly of her, I look down at the bed and smile at how much she’d covered on the bed.

The poor memory foam needs replaced.

We walk to the top of the stairs, and I notice she’s walking a little differently. She must be getting used to the placement inside, or moving it into a comfortable spot, I’m thinking to myself as she turns, holding two fingers up to my lips. My lips part as they enter my mouth and I can taste her again. Now I’m ready for the drive home.

I step back, the door closed behind me, I lift my skirt and my hand enters my own knickers. In return, I offer two fingers back with my juices clinging to the fingers. Her lips part enough to allow them entry, her tongue flitting over them, forcing them apart and together as she sucks them clean, closing her eyes as she enjoys my taste in return.

The drive home that night, my knickers stayed wet. Getting worse as my destination grew closer, knowing we can finally both play with each other while not there ourselves.



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