Freshman Adventures: Spring Break, Part 2

I wasn’t in to Dirk’s plan. So that night, I ignored him. I got trashed at a bar further downtown in Miami and hit on several groups of girls. None of them were interested. I vaguely remember some big dude stepping between me and and one chick and yelling in my face. I swung at him. He socked me in the face. I remember throwing a chair. We were restrained by bouncers and I was thrown to the pavement. I woke up in our hotel room the next morning with a white hospital bracelet on my wrist and a bandage on my cheek. I didn’t recall anything. I had a bandage on my head. I peeled it off and didn't have to look at my head to know the shiner looked badass. I could feel it gleam in the light.

Dirk was, once again, not there. I checked my phone and saw a ton of texts from Anjali. I only knew it was her because the first message said; “Hey this is Anjali.” I drank coffee and rehearsed a plan. I would go to her room and we’d have a quick pity fuck. Thinking about the pity fuck made me hard but I was determined not to jerk off. I wasn’t sure how functional my cock would be after the previous night. I'd have to make sure that she sucked me off for at least five minutes. I don’t leave these sore-cock situations without having gotten lip treatment.

After we fucked, I’d tell her I didn’t think she was my type, get dressed and go.

I was glad I'd removed the bandage before I left; though she radiated daddy issues, I didn’t think she'd would want to fuck a mummy.

I arrived at her room and rang the bell. Nothing happened. I rang it again. I thought she probably wasn’t there. As I turned to go, she opened the door and stood with her arms crossed, once again wearing a t-shirt and her underwear. She wore a jaded look I hadn't seen her try out yet. “Hi Dennis,” she said, matter of a fact. “'Sup?” I said. “What!?” "Been listening to 'Lil Jon?" There was a pause. “What,” she said, “is wrong with you? You promise me we’ll hang out again, and you don’t answer my texts. ‘It’s okay, Anjali, you’re such a special person. Your Mom just doesn’t realize it.’” She pointed a finger at me. “Bullshit. You just wanted to have sex with me. You’re a shithead male stereotype, do you know that? Well, guess what? Two can play at the game you’re playing. How old are you, anyway?” "The real question you should be asking is, is it still statutory rape if my mind was blown?" She backed up. “Anjali, relax. I'm nineteen." She looked kind of surprised. “Nineteen,” she said. "Is this a regular thing you do with women?" "No comment," I shrugged. "Did that older guy show you the ropes?" "Hey my grandpa's dead, show some respect." She looked away. She almost laughed. She brushed her hair out of her face in that distressed actress type of way. I wanted her again.

“Well I don’t know how many women you play these games with, but I hope you get AIDS before your twenty-fifth birthday.” I stifled a laugh. “Thanks for granting me that six-year window,” I said. She was still standing in the door. I took a step towards her. Then another step. I pulled her close to me and kissed her long and hard. Anjali let me hold her for about three seconds. Then she shoved me. I backed up out the door. "Stay away from me," she said.

This is going to sound fucked up, but as the door shut on me I felt like smacking her. I walked away. The door opened behind me and I heard Dirk call, “We’re still on buddy.” I bought a coke from the machine downstairs. I took a long swig and thought of how two would, indeed, play at that game.

It took a lot of searching but I found Adrienne sitting on the beach, alone, talking on her cell phone. Freedom, by Jonathan Franzen, lay beside her on a towel. I pretended not to notice her. I removed my shirt and went in the water. It was the second time I’d been in the water, and the first time I’d been in the water sober, and it was really, really cold. I dealt with it. Finally, Adrienne finished her call and just blankly stared at me. I glanced at her out of my peripherals. After a minute of that, she called out, “Hey. You.”

I turned to look at her. She wasn't smiling under those sunglasses. But she was looking right at me. Her legs were bare and still pale under all the sun. I gazed up from her toenails with cracked pink paint on them, across her thighs, over her green bikini and up in to her eyes, which were still looking. I very slowly turned and walked toward her.

"What can I help you with Ms. NoisyPants?" I said. She blushed. "Or maybe I should say No Pants." I went to her. I stood over her. I was dripping. "Shut up," she finally said.

It took longer to seduce Adrienne. Not to say she didn’t want it, just that she deliberately played harder to get. I didn’t give her any lines about Dave Matthews, because I knew she was smarter than that. By the time we sat on the patio at the bar, I’d realized I would just have to start insulting her for her to really want me. I made her recite one of her poems to me and told her it was garbage. When her hair fell in front of her face—she had long blonde hair—she would constantly whisk it back, briskly, as if it were a fly. I told her that she looked much sexier as Cousin It. She thought that was hysterical. I watched her laugh and tried to guess her O Face. I wondered how red her thighs might get if my face was between them. Maybe I should have consulted Dirk about that. But I felt like I hadn't seen him in forever.

Adrienne and I started making out on that patio. I massaged her bare legs, covered only at the top by cheap-looking green shorts and didn’t even try to resist fingering her in public. She let me slip two fingers under her shorts and panties and I located the folds of her vagina. She let me rub around the surface of her clit for a minute while we listened to the breeze blowing and glasses clinking just feet away from us. She pulled my hand away and said, “Okay, not here.”

She looked at me with her head tilted down, wondering if she should, in fact, take this guy upstairs. “Do you ever do blow?” she asked. “Huh?” “Cocaine…” she said in a lower voice. I thought about it. “There’s a time and a place for everything,” I said.

Up in her room, she cut the lines on a makeup mirror. She changed in to a pair of shorts and a blouse as if this was a formal outing. She snorted one, I snorted one. She did another, I did another. I had never done coke before, but I felt this jolt in my brain that said suddenly, everything I wanted to happen would happen. I already believe everything is possible; the obscene amount of sex I get at my age is a testament to that belief. But this tipped the scales; anything was now going to happen. End of story. No questions. Also, I felt like I’d drank five red bulls at once.

Adrienne did one more line. I begged off. She sat back in her chair, her head tilted, looking at the ceiling and rubbing her nose. She wheeled her head down so it was level and stared at me for some moments, studying my face. “Just so you know,” she said, “I’m just having fun. This is a one-time thing. Okay?” I didn’t bother to nod. I took her by the shoulders, hoisted her up and kissed her while backing her against the wall. I pulled off her blouse, yanked her shorts down and slid two fingers inside her clit. I went in deep and found a fold of wetness and worked on that fold until it expanded. She stroked my cock and tilted her head back against the wall. The way she gasped may have sounded louder because I was high, or she may have been more in to it because she was high. I elevatored down to my knees and didn't even study her cunt before flinging my tongue at it. I could feel from my tongue that she was tight and clean-shaven, unlike Anjali. I swiped from thigh to thigh and she threaded several fingers through my hair. She was breathing and moving her hands around me. That was all.

Still crouching, I backed her up to the bed and guided her down on to her back. I went to the mirror with the coke, picked up the dollar bill she was using, scooped up about a line and took it to her, lying there and peering at me. I knelt down and dumped the coke on her stomach just above her pussy and with my fingers formed it in to a line. Some of it stuck to my fingers which were wet from fingering her and I just wiped it on her sheets. “Dennis,” she said. “Oh my God. Seriously.” I placed both my hands on her cheeks and bent over her so our noses were touching. "No, jokingly," I said. My tongue skied along her clit, I inhaled, I breathed in one of her remaining pubes, I licked a bit of coke, I flicked away my tongue, I inhaled harder and felt the powder shoot in to my nose and felt her thighs spazz out against my shoulders while the bed creaked and she inhaled a lot of air, very sharply.

I found one of her nipples and sucked on it. I found her mouth and kissed it. I pulled away and looked down at her. I was super charged.

"Just so you know," I said, "I'm just having a good time."

At that point, on the other side of the hall, I heard the sounds of two people getting busy…





1 comment

  1. no offense, but these are reading too much like erotica and not alot like a real event. Perhaps a different sub would be more suitable?

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