Please Stop Ruining Stories

This is more of a rant than a story but it is one with a simple message: stop fucking ruining people's stories!

I have just come back to read this story from yesterday only to find it has been taken down because the comments made the OP feel abused. I'm pretty pissed off at this because it was one of the better stories I've seen on this thread and was actually well written for a change.

Why do people feel the need to pass judgement or tell other people how to live their lives and what makes you guys think you have the right to do that in the first place?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course but if it's just going to be a negative one then why not keep it to yourself? A thread like this is bound to have stories of infidelity and cheating etc, if you don't like that then maybe you shouldn't be reading in the first place.

Mods maybe you should update the rules to incorporate some kind of protection for those who post stories so they don't end up feeling so bad that they take their stories down.

Rant over, have a nice day



  1. >Why do people feel the need to pass judgement or tell other people how to live their lives and what makes you guys think you have the right to do that in the first place? I have the right to judge anything I want to, and I’ll gladly tell someone how to live their lives if whatever they’re doing is hurting anyone but themselves. What makes you feel like you have the right to never be judged for your actions? AFAIC, that mentality is just an attempt at dodging responsibility. Now, whether or not the action someone is passing judgement on should have judgement passed on it or not, that’s up in the air, but expecting to not be judged for anything you do is just…pathetic. >if you don’t like that then maybe you shouldn’t be reading in the first place Nah. I’m sorry that I don’t expect the average person to have a history of cheating on their partners. I understand people have cheating kinks, but to say that if I don’t like cheating, I shouldn’t be reading erotic stories…nah. from the sidebar: >Rude and aggressive behavior will not be tolerated and will be immediately banned. I’d suggest reporting the people making rude comments or starting shit with OP…but if you’re coming out with something that you know was a fucked thing to do, don’t be surprised when people say it was a fucked thing to do.

  2. Woooooow and here we have part of the problem, LupinFC aka Mr High and Mighty. I’m pretty sure people post stories here for the pleasure of others, not for you to decide if they are damaging their lives or not. If you don’t like cheating then don’t read the stories! It really is that fucking simple. Infidelity happens pal and some people get a kick out of reading about it, go and find a thread about church if you want to pass judgment

  3. > I have the right to judge anything I want to, and I’ll gladly tell someone how to live their lives if whatever they’re doing is hurting anyone but themselves. What makes you feel like you have the right to never be judged for your actions? Dude, chill the fuck out. You’re free to judge people all you want, but you have *no* right to be a dick about it or lecturing people how to live their lives. If people want to post (probably fictional) stories of them being unfaithful, it’s not our place to openly judge the OP and shaming them for their behaviour. You don’t like it, don’t read it.

  4. Good to hear, the bottom line is we lost a pretty fantastic story because people couldn’t keep their negative opinions of her actions to themselves. I’m all for sharing thoughts but it’s not the first time I’ve seen a story disappear after people have cast their judgements. I like to come here and read the stories, I don’t feel it’s my place to tell someone what they did was wrong, or weird or whatever. Just enjoy the stories and don’t shame people I say

  5. Has anyone else noticed that there seem to be way more negative comments towards women cheating than men cheating in this sub?

  6. That was certainly something I picked up on from my story yesterday, the fact my husband cheated on me first for over a year was brushed aside like it was nothing and I was made to feel terrible because I fucked another guy once as payback. For me its pretty obvious that a fear or some kind of insecurity is projected through many of the negative comments by the men here

  7. Totally agreed, this is a stories sub and not a "judge my life" sub. If people don’t like it, don’t read it surely?

  8. "Rude and aggressive behavior will not be tolerated and will be immediately banned." That’s why people need to use the **report** button to bring this sort of thing to the attention of the *6* mods. And, of course, the mods need to *act* on those reports. As a mod myself, I know that modding can be a distasteful task sometimes: I would suggest that the mods here be *more specific* about what constitutes "rude and aggressive behavior" *so that there’s no question as to what it is.*

  9. Sorry that happened. Lots of us loved your story snd many more would too. I know it’s hard but just ignore those assholes and appreciate the fact that so many of us loved the story as evidenced by the upvotes. I hope this doesn’t dissuade you from writing more because you do have an awesome style.

  10. Thank you, I have had a few PM saying I was wrong to listen to the minority when a lot of people really liked my story which is true, I just didn’t like to be made out to be such a bad person when I am not. I can’t sleep so I’m writing another story about something that happened a few years ago, I will post it when it’s done

  11. It’s the same throughout the rest of the site. Dude fucks up in any way? People might be forgiving. A woman fucks up in any way? "Wow what a cunt bitch, I hope she dies"

  12. Idk about any of you, but when I am ‘batin I don’t really care about whether the people I’m turned on by are even real, never mind their morals

  13. It’s one hundred percent a bunch of insecure people that get turned on by the story, and once they’re done, are reminded about that one person who did them wrong and feel sad/enraged. So then they talk to that person through you. That’s why even the mention of cheating gets the longest comment threads. We pretend cheating is so bad, like it’s the end of the world. Yet it’s pretty common, and more times than not just let’s you know who you don’t want to date.

  14. I think there’s a false perception that women don’t cheat as often as men. So when a guy chests he’s just one of the weak, and when a woman cheats it’s out of spite.

  15. You have the right to judge of course. However if you know it might get a story removed, it might be more polite to the sub that you seem to enjoy…. To not attack and or shame the writers.

  16. Just a bunch of insecure shitheads, hun. Please know there are many more of us who read stories such as yours with great interest and many times with our hands on our dicks. Keep posting.

  17. But by liking it you are giving the green light that it’s okay. It’s already judging it that it’s okay to do and may encourage the OP to do more of that behaviour because people on the big internet like it and say it’s okay

  18. Meh I’ve disliked some good stories because the guy was cheating on his loving girlfriend (from how he posed it in the story). Hurting someone else emotionally for your sexual gain just doesn’t turn me on and I think it’s wrong.

  19. Surely this is sarcasm. Nothing people do in a comment section on the Internet is going to induce someone to do something they weren’t already inclined to do, and openly discouraging someone for posting a story makes you look like a judgmental asshat.

  20. I am perfectly fine with coming across as a "judgemental asshat" to people who see no fault in cheating on their SO. Unless it’s a situation where the cheater has been in a horrible relationship, I identify and feel sorry for the SO every time. And that ruins an otherwise well written story. The internet doesn’t have to be some moral-less wasteland.

  21. Welcome to the internet….where women are sluts for cheating while men are just being men when they do so

  22. I’m here to read hot stories so I can get off. I will never meet any person directly or indirectly involved in any of them. Good stories get an up vote, bad ones get a down vote. Period, the end. Most cheating stories have a title that lets the reader know if it’s a cheating story. If you don’t like those stories, don’t click them and don’t down vote them. Treat it the same way as if it was a story involving a type of sex you don’t like. Just move on. Don’t waste your time downvoting or harassing the OP and don’t ruin our experience on the sub.

  23. It’s ridiculous. This isn’t r/relationships. Keep your moralising (funny how you’re here reading dirty stories btw) to yourselves. At the end of the day, we’re here to be aroused. If there’s an M/M story or a story that just involves blowjobs, I’m not going to click on it as it does nothing for me. This is the 5th time i’m writing this and i’ve pretty much had it, so i’m going to report every bit of nonconstructive criticism I see here. You fucks have made me that person.

  24. While I agree, OPs need to have a thick skin too. When you’re posting a sex story online for other people to jerk it to, one has to expect that less than savory people will find their way in. This isn’t a sub about tales from Puppy Daycare. Some people read and then comment negatively because that’s how they get off. The only foolproof way to stop that is to lock every post after it’s submitted, effectively prohibiting comments. Is that better or worse?

  25. you’re reading erotic stories!!! you wouldn’t let your kid read these would you? this doesn’t fit into any conventional ‘moral’ frameworks. (and I’m fine with that.)

  26. I didn’t leave a comment in either direction on the story or a vote, but two things: 1. The fact that I thought she was making terrible life decisions and the fact that she was picking a terrible way to try to overcome some emotional trauma took away from an otherwise hot story for me. 2. If you’re going to put stories about your sex life on the internet, you need a thicker skin. Who gives a shit what random people on the internet think?

  27. It wasn’t brushed aside. You, him, and everybody here knows he made a terrible decision in cheating. There’s no point in bring it up. You on the other hand seem to think you are making a good decision when deciding to cheat on him as revenge.

  28. It’s ridiculous and has really ruined the sub for me. A bunch of kids that are still butthurt over mommy and daddy’s divorce lurking around and using this as a platform for their vengeance. I’ve seen SEVERAL posts ruined by these trolls. This isn’t the best place for the morality police to hang out.

  29. It’s ridiculous and has really ruined the sub for me. A bunch of kids that are still butthurt over mommy and daddy’s divorce lurking around and using this as a platform for their vengeance. I’ve seen SEVERAL posts ruined by these trolls. This isn’t the best place for the morality police to hang out.

  30. It’s ridiculous and has really ruined the sub for me. A bunch of kids that are still butthurt over mommy and daddy’s divorce lurking around and using this as a platform for their vengeance. I’ve seen SEVERAL posts ruined by these trolls. This isn’t the best place for the morality police to hang out.

  31. It’s ridiculous and has really ruined the sub for me. A bunch of kids that are still butthurt over mommy and daddy’s divorce lurking around and using this as a platform for their vengeance. I’ve seen SEVERAL posts ruined by these trolls. This isn’t the best place for the morality police to hang out.

  32. It’s ridiculous and has really ruined the sub for me. A bunch of kids that are still butthurt over mommy and daddy’s divorce lurking around and using this as a platform for their vengeance. I’ve seen SEVERAL posts ruined by these trolls. This isn’t the best place for the morality police to hang out.

  33. Definitely. This subreddit is a haven for insecure, broken men to safely belittle women who share some semblance to someone who hurt or ignored them. They can’t stand to see people have fun. Losers. Sorry that happened to you. Your story was hot. So was your ass.

  34. Definitely. This subreddit is a haven for insecure, broken men to safely belittle women who share some semblance to someone who hurt or ignored them. They can’t stand to see people have fun. Losers. Sorry that happened to you. Your story was hot. So was your ass.

  35. Definitely. This subreddit is a haven for insecure, broken men to safely belittle women who share some semblance to someone who hurt or ignored them. They can’t stand to see people have fun. Losers. Sorry that happened to you. Your story was hot. So was your ass.

  36. Definitely. This subreddit is a haven for insecure, broken men to safely belittle women who share some semblance to someone who hurt or ignored them. They can’t stand to see people have fun. Losers. Sorry that happened to you. Your story was hot. So was your ass.

  37. Definitely. This subreddit is a haven for insecure, broken men to safely belittle women who share some semblance to someone who hurt or ignored them. They can’t stand to see people have fun. Losers. Sorry that happened to you. Your story was hot. So was your ass.

  38. You should read Kate Chopin’s short story, "The Storm". A classic about the positive effects sexual infidelity has on individuals and relationships. Most people here should read it. It’s kinky.

  39. You should read Kate Chopin’s short story, "The Storm". A classic about the positive effects sexual infidelity has on individuals and relationships. Most people here should read it. It’s kinky.

  40. You should read Kate Chopin’s short story, "The Storm". A classic about the positive effects sexual infidelity has on individuals and relationships. Most people here should read it. It’s kinky.

  41. You should read Kate Chopin’s short story, "The Storm". A classic about the positive effects sexual infidelity has on individuals and relationships. Most people here should read it. It’s kinky.

  42. You should read Kate Chopin’s short story, "The Storm". A classic about the positive effects sexual infidelity has on individuals and relationships. Most people here should read it. It’s kinky.

  43. I won’t be reposting the story or the pictures but I have wrote about another experience of mine if you want to read it

  44. I feel exactly the same, I find it funny yet annoying that they also only ever comment on the stories that are actually good which I’m sure will deter authors from posting more for us to enjoy

  45. >This subreddit is a haven for insecure, broken men to safely belittle women who share some semblance to someone who hurt or ignored them. Interestingly, I’ve been lurking for a while, and I haven’t really seen that but oh well, projections for everybody. OP, yes, your story was hot, but the implications put both you and your husband in the wrong. Was your husband’s infidelity an informed and calculated decision? From your story, yes. Doesn’t make *your* informed and calculated decision to cheat as "payback" any better. This was compounded on the fact that you decided to share the story with the internet. Now, because people called you out on your fuckery, you claim to be a victim because people on the internet said mean things to you. **Cue the white knights** Listen, I’m not one to judge, I get my jollies from reading erotica, and I won’t lie, you’ve got a nice ass. What I *have* issue with is you and this sub complaining that you got negative feedback over you and your (probably soon to be ex)husband’s poor life choices. Anyway, that’s my two cents, if you and your husband really want to make it work, see a counselor, or better yet, start talking with each other. If not, well, there’s always divorce.

  46. There are plenty of things that still fit on a scale of morality that you wouldn’t let your kid do. Of course it still fits into a moral framework

  47. Don’t let the assholes keep you down. A repost would be appreciated by the adults.

  48. > A classic about the positive effects sexual infidelity has on individuals and relationships. YMMV… A lot

  49. I dont agree with having a rule about comments and what they can/cant comment on. If you people are being negative and it is attacking the person directly, then everyone should downvote it. That is what the system is for. Censoring or removing comments is just not a good idea in my opinion unless they violate the major taboos (personal information, hate speech, threats, etc…)

  50. You know, I remember reading that story and really liking it (I always get turned on by confident women in control of their sexuality) but I remember at the end thinking "she’s going to get so much shit for this." Lo and behold… And you are right – it comes from a place of ridiculous insecurity. How else could someone do something so stupid? What am I going to do? Fix your fucking marriage because I know what’s wrong from reading one hot story? Do people even think before they post? I’m sorry that my prediction came true to a level that you felt like withdrawing the post, but I understand. I used to write tons of sex stories and I can’t do it any more because I see the backlash before I even start. What matters is that you had the experience. It was good and it was yours.

  51. Candidly, this behavior is why I don’t write any more – but it’s not just here. People are like this everywhere. No matter what I write, someone always finds the negative in it. Always. Why share a story I love to have it crapped on?

  52. What a shame. I just read your threesome story and was blown away by how hot it was. I wish I could have read your story you pulled down and seen the pics. Would you PM them to me? You are clearly an amazing, sexually confident woman, which I absolutely love. Fuck the minority of losers on here who only come online to bash people and pass judgement.

  53. You could also start a private subreddit and share there for those of us who appreciate you and enjoy your writing/hot experiences.

  54. If you put a story about cheating on the internet, you need to be prepared for people to say "cheating is bad, you are bad" in response. Nobody should be attacking people to the degree that they feel shitty enough to let it affect them that much, but that’s what downvotes are for. I don’t think posting stories entitles you to a magical immunity to criticism.

  55. Maybe check reddiquette again. Specifically, this point: Moderate based on quality, not opinion. Well written and interesting content can be worthwhile, even if you disagree with it.

  56. It’s not the "internet" though is it, it was posted on a sub made for "Gonewildstories". I honestly don’t give a fuck what people think of me or my decisions, especially people online I will never meet. I took my story down because I’m not going to go to the effort of writing just so people can attack me with their unwanted opinions

  57. Then I don’t think this subreddit is for you. The forbidden makes things hotter and there will be more stories about cheating. It’s not the dominant setting, but it’s going to happen again,and people will upvote it.

  58. Well said. I put a free story on reddit once that has made me a small fortune in sales via my website so far, and for which dozens of people sent me fan mail. Guess what happened. Reddit people suck ass. It’s the garbage pail of the internet. If you have a decent story, post it on or literotica. (Though they won’t take ultra short stories, as these often are.)

  59. Your Mileage May Vary. I think they’re saying that different people walk away from the story with different perspectives.

  60. > The forbidden makes things hotter Being proud enough of emotionally harming someone, someone who thinks you love them no less, to post it up as a long story on the internet too? I love the stories on this subreddit but I feel so sorry for the people on the other side of the cheating stories. They have no idea that their SO not only cheated on them but was proud enough to brag about it with thousands of people. I can’t stand it. Maybe if there was a flair for cheating stories so I can avoid them, I would feel a bit better

  61. I have a feeling the issue is demographics (and I have no data to back me up, but since 85% of all statistics are made up on the spot — here I go!). I think there are a lot more men reading than women. It is easier for men to sympathize with another man than a woman (not all, lets not go there. Yes, I am generalizing — get over it). Sorry. Next throw in some people who have been cheat on and you basically triggered them (holy shit "triggered" is over used, and I just did it myself). Hard to tell them from trolls tho. Finally, you just have trolls, and oh are there trolls in here, on EVERY.SINGLE.THREAD! They are easy to find, just look for comments with -65 points. They really don’t give a shit, the troll just wants to make you angry. It is like a religious experience to them, the closest they get to "fun" in their sorry little lives (spent in their parents basement). There are two types around here, one will call you a horrible person, the other will tell you your story is fake. Both are trolls. (unless the person is a mod, then they are just doing their God-given duty — please don’t ban me!)

  62. > If there’s an M/M story or a story that just involves blowjobs, I’m not going to click on it as it does nothing for me. Often you don’t know that it’s going to include cheating until you’ve started reading. Great mood killer for people who don’t agree with it. Like if you clicked on a story and realised half way through that it was M/M. You can’t apply "just don’t read it then" to things where you don’t know before hand. Maybe the mods could create a flair for cheating stories? Edit: On a separate note: > Keep your moralising (funny how you’re here reading dirty stories btw) Are you saying that you can’t be a moral person and like dirty stories? You know they aren’t mutually exclusive, right? Not all the stories are equal, I don’t think you’d hold that point of view ("Keep your moralising (funny how you’re here reading dirty stories btw)") if someone posted a story about child molestation [I know it’s an extreme escalation of the point but it proves the point nevertheless]

  63. Never underestimate the power of the denial that the Reddit "White Knights" have.

  64. Given that I picture the average Redditor as Kevin Smith from that one "Die Hard" movie, the evident misogyny is patently unsurprising.

  65. BEING moral and being a moralizing prick are two different things. If your "morals" can’t keep you from being a jerk, maybe you shouldn’t be reading GWS.

  66. > moralizing prick Where the fuck am I being a moralising prick? Absolute keyboard warrior.

  67. > Being proud enough of emotionally harming someone When did he say he likes emotionally harming someone? He said he likes the forbidden nature of it, much like Romeo and Juliet or the hundreds of other movies, television shows, and books, that have come out with a "forbidden" romance. You don’t get to come in, say what is wrong or right, especially when they are not asking for your asinine opinion. There is no faster way for someone to know you are insecure than for you to immediately put judgement on someone else’s life without being asked for your opinion. Now shut up, click the unsubscribe button, and never come back to this sub.

  68. The scorned dicks in the room just have to troll someone. Insert eye roll.

  69. This is essentially what I do. I don’t find cheating stories to be hot, no matter how good the writing is. But that doesn’t mean that I bash the poster for their story, instead I just go on down the list and find something that does it for me. Why would people actively read something they don’t want to read or hear about?

  70. I just avoid the cheating stories in this sub, on both sides of the gender gap. It doesn’t do anything for me, but I don’t downvote or bash the person posting their story. Just read what you like and avoid what you don’t, I say.

  71. That was your story? It was hot. I have to admit though and I’m just being honest. I have a hard time reading cheat stories because I was cheated on. I didn’t comment or anything though. I just cringe a little when I read them.

  72. Agreed. Ever since I was cheated on I usually don’t read the stories with cheating that wasn’t agreed upon beforehand. It makes me feel uncomfortable, but I won’t comment on it, I’ll just stop reading once I realize it’s that kind of story.

  73. > Nothing people do in a comment section on the Internet is going to induce someone to do something they weren’t already inclined to do This is a little bit of a tangent, and I personally don’t care when people post cheating stories, I usually just don’t read. However, in some cases comment sections of the internet do give people validation and increase the likelyhood of doing bad things after reliving the incident. This isn’t true in the context of cheating, but more in the context of rape. This was a big issue back when the ask-a-rapist thread was posted years ago on askreddit.

  74. Thing is, she did cheat out of spite. Her intent was for him to suffer and hurt like she did. Her reasoning was ‘he stabbed me so I stabbed him back.’ This is petty and vengeful and while vengence can be satisfying, it is rarely constructive.

  75. I don’t read it, and I don’t comment on it. Which is why I said to report the people who are causing issues.

  76. If you can find me one example of me shaming someone on this sub for cheating, I’ll accept the title of "high and mighty." Otherwise, I offered a solution. Just because I don’t think "no one can judge me" is an acceptable excuse for it doesn’t mean I sit here and bitch at people for their decisions on posts.

  77. I got a lotta shit for something I submitted. Saw a dude who did the same thing, he was literally internet high-fived.

  78. I don’t bloody well get it. "Oh wow, this is a hot story on a sub for stories about all damn kinds of sex. I’m gonna make this person feel shitty for giving me something to wank to." Way to ensure we keep getting content, fellas.

  79. Ive never attacked anyone on here per say. Cheating is a sensitive subject for many people even those who come on here. I try my hardest to avoid those kinds of stories because they make me feel bad not good. Let me tell you, it is not easy not to say something when you see a story about a person bragging how they cheat over and over again on their poor unsuspecting husband or wife. I do like reading some of the stories on here but it seems to be mostly about cheating. So i will just avoid coming here because it’s not worth it. That’s not my scene. Bye everyone have fun :)

  80. I can’t believe they took their story down over some negative comments. What a spineless little shit.

  81. Last thing, I do notice that the women get more shit on here for it then the men do. Double standards at its finest.

  82. Spineless? As I have explained I removed my story because I wrote it to be enjoyed by people not so I could be chastised and scorned at. I’m not obliged to provide material and if people are going to be abusive then yes I will remove it

  83. I would imagine lots of people reading these stories are resentful because they don’t get laid in real life.

  84. Sure, you can do whatever you want with your own content, I just think you’re a coward for doing it.

  85. Lol define coward and explain to me how it fits this scenario, I’m curious to see

  86. >a person who lacks courage, esp. one who is shamefully unable to control fear and so shrinks from danger or trouble. Your feeling got hurt by a bunch of people leaving oh so mean comments on your story so you got butthurt and took it down cause you couldn’t deal with it.

  87. Lol so Reddit requires courage? My feelings didn’t get hurt one bit, please see an earlier comment: "I honestly don’t give a fuck what people think of me or my decisions, especially people online I will never meet. I took my story down because I’m not going to go to the effort of writing just so people can attack me with their unwanted opinions"

  88. I didn’t read the story, but not every action has to be constructive. Short term satisfaction is perfectly valid depending on your goals.

  89. It is, but you should also be prepared that, should you tell a story in a public forum where you go against social (and in some places legal) norms, to expect some level of criticism for your actions.

  90. Depends on what the forum is doesn’t it? My tale was posted in a porn sub for naughty stories, not the church thread, not the relationship thread, not the what would you do thread. No, it was the porn thread. Beat your meat and enjoy or fuck off. They should be the two options really when it comes to this place

  91. But this is a jerk off den, not the people’s court. It’s more appropriate to not judge posters as it might get us less stories. It’s like if you call a girl you don’t find attractive on gonewild an ugly pig monster, you might not only make her post less, but also another girl who read her comment post less. I don’t think this sub is the right place to vent your anger at people making mistakes or being immoral. Especially if it isn’t some crime or something.

  92. Yeah man. I know cheating is a kink, I have no issues with people getting off on it. I just don’t like OP’s "only God can judge me" attitude.

  93. Definitely, I pretty much follow by that too. Just felt like giving the alternate side to the debate, considering everyone was just mindless ranting about it without thinking *why* some people were opposed

  94. Yeah judge people all you want, but just call them a monster in your head and downvote in the comment section. Everybody wins.

  95. Nothing exists in a vacuum: just because it’s the naughty story forums doesn’t mean what you wrote can’t make people feel offended or outraged. Just like you had the right to post an explicit story about your affair here, they have just as much of a right (within what the mods allow, I guess) to post their replies to your story. I’m not saying I don’t agree with you, just that you being offended at being judged on a site that lets any user vote on any post seems a little naive. Personally, I beat my meat. It was sexy and well written and it’s a shame we lost good content. But to tell people to ‘fuck off’ when the site you posted to is basically a giant popularity contest seems kind of… Silly. Anyways, thank you for the writing, I do hope you contribute more.

  96. It actually IS the People’s court: we’ve got upvotes and downvotes and the ability to comment or reply to any comment. Reddit is a big popularity contest, every post is judged, every comment is judged. To assume people on Reddit won’t judge something (and be outspoken with that judgement) is naive. My personal judgement? I found the story in question hot and well-written. But I am surprised she seemed surprised that a story about revenge cheating would be controversial? Someone hurt her, so she hurt them back in the same way? Most people like to assume (or pretend) that they are better than petty vengeance. And those holier than thou people will shout so at people who admit to being human.

  97. Yeah the flair idea sounds good. I don’t find dirty stories moral. I think about the most moral person I know, and I don’t think I would be proud to show them the stories. I like them and it doesn’t make me a bad person for liking them, but I don’t think I have a moral leg to stand on in this case. I’m here with a semi reading people’s tales of filth with a half glazed look of lust in my eyes, where do I get off thinking I’m better than them. Unless we live under Sharia law, cheating isn’t against the law. It’s a civil matter usually between two consenting adults. Child molestation isn’t. Yes, it’s sad if you’ve been cheated on and yeah maybe people might need a trigger warning or something, but I mean keep the moralising out of here, it’s useless. What, you think they don’t feel guilty? Or that they don’t know the implications? Or do you think your disapproving tutting will erase what happened?

  98. Good point. From now on, any comments that try a cast judgement on on the author for cheating, lack of safe sex, etc will immediately get reported by me. Hopefully the mods can start banning these users so the rest of us can enjoy the stories for what they are.

  99. i think the problem people had is they see that while your husband is a cheating piece of shit he didnt do it with the sole intent of causing harm to you. he did it to get his rocks off, and he got what was coming to him in that you found out, kicked him out and you both tried to salvage what you had. you, on the other hand, cheated on him with the sole intent of causing him harm as payback. rather than being the bigger person, and separating from him like you more than likely should have, you purposefully went out and sucked/fucked your trainer and took pictures so your husband will find out as some sort of retribution. whether or not that made you feel good doesnt matter to a lot of people. to them it was still wrong, and just as wrong as what he did to you. actually, probably worse depending on how you look at it. dont take what im saying as me trying to shame you or pick on your or anything. i dont think ive ever commented in this sub before even though ive been reading stories since i joined reddit. this is merely what i see/think when i read the relies that were in your stories comments. kind of an outside opinion/2 cents thing rather than trying to pass judgement on you.

  100. Can I suggest that everyone goes back over the comments in the recent stories and report all the negative comments that are rude towards the author. Lets start to clean this place up which will then lead to more potential authors sharing their own hot stories without fear of being judged!

  101. Only a bunch of losers go to this forum so they can read smut and jerk off because they can’t get laid in real life!

  102. I can say whatever the fuck I want. It’s a free country. Y’all a bunch of fapping losers.

  103. Your story was great, but stop arguing with these trolls. No matter what kind of content anyone posts on the internet, some immature child will try and make that person feel bad. By trying to have a meaningful conversation with these people, you’re setting yourself up for frustration. They will not contribute to a meaningful conversation in any way. I’m one of the lucky ones to have read your story and saw the pics. As a guy who has never cheated, but been cheated on a couple of times… I still found it hot and a great read with good writing. I’m not here to judge you, just thank you for sharing.

  104. >Lol so Reddit requires courage? It shouldn’t >"I honestly don’t give a fuck what people think of me or my decisions, especially people online I will never meet. I took my story down because I’m not going to go to the effort of writing just so people can attack me with their unwanted opinions" Bullshit

  105. Keep on fapping til your dick falls off. Don’t forget the death grip!

  106. Oooooh cheating is so hot more.. more. I’m ready to cum ahhhhhhh lol!

  107. Cheating is very illicit. Can’t stop fapping to it. Makes me cum hard. Because I’m a loser baby.

  108. You did give a fuck my dear. I see you put it back up there for the death grippers. What a considerate slut! You make me proud. Muah

  109. It is very odd that people go to read something called "gonewildstories" and then tisk-tisk people for being wild. Sexuality is interesting and varied, if you aren’t interested in some aspects of sexuality, then don’t read the stories.

  110. But it’s ok to judge people with morals. Yup that makes a lot of sense! My god if someone has an opinion different from the rest. Let’s all gain up on them and bully them.yeah yeah

  111. Don’t listen to these dickheads. It’s a never ending battle trying to reason with deviants.

  112. I do a majority of the banning/removal/spam duties. Reporting is great but gets tedious. Especially if it’s a comment because it’s easier to look over. Message the mods when you can for aggressive behavior. Like a comment below this has a bunch if down votes and someone reported it, but it’s but it’s not inherently wrong.

  113. It’s pervasive on Reddit. I’ve heard that the next Reddit update will add a new button between Upvote and Downvote labeled "Slut Shame". *Please note that the button label can be changed in the options menu to instead read "Brigade the SJW", "Flag the Feminist", or "Women Are Bitches & Whores Because They Confuse & Terrify Me"* Seriously, I came here to masturbate, not to agree with the moral compass of every real or made up person in every real or made up story.

  114. The fear is that their own wife will cheat on them. And the high number of cheaters in the sub, supports it

  115. PEOPLE! If you don’t like the comments from people who don’t like cheating and post about it. Ignore it. It’s that simple. Can’t we all just get along and fap together?

  116. please repost the story fuck the haters i wanted to read it but it was gone :(

  117. sorry the assholes made you feel bad sounds like i missed the first good story of the year

  118. You can choose to ignore people. Obviously you care what people think, otherwise you wouldn’t have removed your post.

  119. You’re right about that, but you can’t post a title (I didn’t get to read the story) like that and not expect to get ugly looks from the community. It’s not that you cheated, I’ve seen other people post stories about cheating (most felt bad about it), It’s that you did it to hurt your husband. From what I read, you didn’t use protection either.

  120. That sucks! I look forward to reading your stories. Especially the revenge fuck one mentioned above.

  121. Is this a moral free zone, I don’t know. I’m sure some people will still be bothered by her behavior. She did what she did to destroy her husband, after they tried to work things out. Why not just end the relationship if you can’t forgive and forget? If you want to it to be fair, go fuck someone else. Don’t get all vindictive about it. Also, they have a child. Think about how it is for a child when both parents hate each other.

  122. im sorry that had to happen!! i personally loved ur story and i dont think u should listen to anyone! the pics and the story was soo hott and i dont think ppl understand why we would post things ..they should move on!

  123. What I think is that it is very fucking weird that a person would read a porn story and then think you know what this needs, an essay on marriage. Nobody gives a fuck, that is my point. If people don’t like cheating then don’t read the story.

  124. this is all just noise and distraction. 146 comments discussing whether or not individuals have a right to reply with their opinion? ridiculous. the moment you post something on the internet in a forum that allows comment, you are opening the door to comments, good and bad. if i read a story and it turns me on and i want to say it turns me on, that’s my right. if i read a story and it pisses me off or offends me, i get to post that too. that’s the beauty of free speech. anyone who is posting anything here suggesting that people shouldn’t have the right to express themselves is missing the point of free speech. if you post a story and not 100% of the people like it, support it, agree with it, etc…who cares? you still lived it right? you still have your perspective right? so why does it matter if a few people think you’re immoral? or dirty? or sad? or embarrassing? have we really gotten to the point where the only acceptable reply in this forum is thumbs up and standing ovations? wake up people. what other people think shouldn’t be the focus. post a story, and let go of trying to control the outcome. some will like it, some won’t. some will judge it, some won’t. welcome to the real world. i disagree with OP that posting an opinion, good or bad, "ruins" the story. the only thing that ruins things is this holier than thou "how dare you judge me" type crap. I can read your negative view of a story and still decide to enjoy it. and you can read my positive review of a story and still decide to judge it. free will is an amazing thing. to the men and women who feel discouraged from posting because they feel attacked, judged, shamed. you are in charge of what you feel. the moment you decide a random stranger’s opinion of your story doesn’t matter, you’ll stop feeling all those feelings that make you want to run away. let them think what they want. it’s their right. you think what you want, that’s your right. and everyone wins.

  125. Well since I wrote this "essay over marriage" which it isn’t if you had read it, I want to remind you that this was an response to your comment where attacked me because I somehow gave you the feeling that your husband was right and you are not. And because that’s not even close to what I meant, I elaborated. I don’t want to guilt trip you. I don’t even care about you and your husbands relationship. I just knew how your daughter could feel. And to all those people that say this comes from fear that my wifes cheats on my: No it doesn’t. IT COMES FROM FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE HOW A CHILD FEELS WHEN THEIR PARENTS ARE AT WAR!

  126. That’s all very well in real life, free speech is vitally important. But this is a porn sub, if people are posting stories and then getting slated for their wild story (the whole point of this sub) then they aren’t going to come back and they aren’t going to post again are they. Who wins then? The whole point of my post was the fact I went to read a hot story that I liked but it was gone because a bunch of keyboard counsellors and marriage experts spouted there unwanted views

  127. Next time you read a porn story try and just enjoy it buddy without over analysing. I can assure you my daughter will be just fine no matter what happens, sorry if I touched upon a past trauma of yours

  128. Mostly I enjoy those stories. The ones I don’t like get ignored. Mostly not even a downvote. You did not trigger a trauma. But if you see someone playing with a grenade and you know from experience that grenades hurt, won’t you say something? Even if it is something like "what you do is dangerous"? You wrote in your story something about that your daughter missed daddy and that’s why you let him back. If she is sad about that, what would you think she feels when her parents are at war? If seen this a lot of times. The only real issue i have/had is that your daughter might get thrown under the bus. And the only thing you do is belittleing me. And this makes me believe that I am right in the first place.

  129. doesn’t matter who you are or what is your history, if you cheat you deserve the worst things in life

  130. > I can assure you my daughter will be just fine no matter what happens Well that’s just not true. If she ever finds out what went on, which is more likely than you probably think, you don’t think that will affect her? You sound like a really terrible parent. Maybe you’re not in a lot of ways, but in terms of being a good person and role model, you clearly are.

  131. My point is unconstructive criticism of stories doesn’t enrich this sub’s content. Go build your own gonemild subreddit. Anyone can understand why the word wild Is in the name of this sub. Obviously no one is here for moral lectures.

  132. "You sound like a terrible parent" You read a story I wrote on Reddit, you know nothing about me or my parenting skills so gtfo

  133. I understand your point. I’m suggesting that just because someone has a negative opinion of you or something you’ve written doesn’t make it true, nor do you need to let it make you feel badly. Ignore the lecturers and moralizers.

  134. And you’re a terrible person. What the hell are you doing reading an erotica story about infidelity if it upsets you so much? Are you just looking for a fight? Get fucked. And to assume that some infidelity will affect every child who has parents walk that path is absurd. You’re not omniscient; don’t assume so much. There are those of us who aren’t bothered by it, and never really were. It doesn’t make us bad people because it doesn’t bother us to have parents cheat, it just means we’re mature enough to accept the FACT that they were and are adults who were capable of making their own decisions. Don’t let someone else’s actions ruin your life. It’ll have no more power over you when you stop giving it power. Tl;dr You need to get a life and stop attacking people for writing an erotica story containing a topic that upsets you. Stop reading sex stories about infidelity and worry about your own life. Get fucked.

  135. Dude, that’s something that you’ll find on EVERY written erotica site. Literotica is plagued with guys ranting about ‘cheating sluts’ if the story includes female infidelity. But switch the gender doing the cheating and you’ll see little outcry. Just compare the average ratings between infidelity stories and you’ll see my point. It’s a ridiculous double standard and it pisses me off, frankly.

  136. I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment. This sub has a very specific purpose: it’s a forum for posters to recount their sexual experiences for the sexual gratification of the readers. It’s not a forum for the general discussion of sex. There are other subs for that, including /r/sex. Criticisms of posters’ sexual choices–whether valid or not–detract from the purpose of the forum and discourage others from posting new content, to the detriment of the vast majority of readers who just want to enjoy the content. Frankly, this a problem on too many of the NSFW subs, including gonewild and the like. I’ve never understood why the same people who seemingly enjoy the content would undermine it by posting abusive responses that drives good posters away.

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