A Favor for a Favor [MF] [Cheating]

I posted this story a while back on another subreddit but deleted it because I chose to use the account for other stuff I’m interested in. This’ll be the account I use for my stories so nothing I post here should be deleted. Any who, lets get to it.

So this story of mine takes place back in 2009, I was 23 and had just started a new job in a phone bank for one of the major financial institutions we all know about. It was a pretty hectic call center job I ultimately ended up hating due to the crazy pressure they’d put on us to reach sales goals. The pay was awesome though and they had a laid back dress code, lots of cool people there and attractive women. I started out in a classroom for six weeks with about 15-20 other new hires, you get to know the ins and outs of your position as well as the people in class. There were two girls I was attracted to immediately, one white and the other Latina. The white girl was much prettier but they were built about the same, short (about 5’5 – 5’3) with thick thighs and big, round butts. Both really personable, and both attached to men at home. This didn’t stop overt flirting though, most guys including myself took passes at the white girl regularly and she ended up being real cozy with one of the other guys in class. The Latina girl, Krystal was a little more reserved she didn’t flirt at all really and was pretty quiet. No one really took shots at her it was strange considering she was somewhat attractive with a banging body, maybe it was the vibe she put off she wasn’t as open as the prettier girl in class.

After the first few days I had made friends with a black dude, Chad. Super cool dude. We had the same sense of humor, were both single & both smoked pot so we had started chilling on our hour lunch breaks. We’d go to the park nearby and smoke then hit up the 7-11 or Burger King, it had become a routine over the weeks. By this time I’d given up hope on talking to the white girl and was waiting to get out onto the call center floor so I could check out the other girls I’d see at work. Chad was having better luck than me though and he had started talking with a mixed breed girl from class half black, half white. She was cute but way too skinny for me, she was however friends with Krystal & this ended up leading to us all taking lunch together to smoke and hang out. It turned into a routine again & I had gotten to know Krystal a lot better. I found out she was in a serious relationship with 3 kids and she was 3 years older than me, she seemed content & still never put off any vibes that she was into me so I had decided (at that point) that I’d respect her relationship & not be my usual forward self with her. Everything was completely plutonic aside from me stealing glances at her ass whenever I could.

Our group smoking sessions went on as usual with nothing significant happening until one Friday at the 7-11 after we had all smoked. We’re all baked and picking up drinks and snacks to take back to class, naturally I let Krystal ahead of me in line to pay for her stuff so I can look at her ass and her debit card declines. The cashier swipes it a few times and you can feel the embarrassment rising in the air as it’s still not going through, eventually Krystal tells the cashier, “it’s ok, I’ll leave it”. I jump in and offer to pay as its literally about $5, Krystal accepts and I pay for our things and we all leave back to class. Krystal gives me a handful of genuine “thank yous” and offers to pay me back when she finds out what the deal was with her card, and I blow it off completely. “Don’t worry about it.” we get to class and she sits next to me, still insisting she’s gonna pay me back so I decided to take a little stab at her and told her, “I won’t take your money but you could let me text you sometime if that’s cool?” she looked at me a second and then tore off the corner of a piece of paper she’d been taking notes on and wrote her number on it and gave it to me without saying a word. I put it in my pocket and class went on, we didn’t talk much at all the rest of that day.

I didn’t wait long to text her since we were already pretty well acquainted and hit up later that night, I sent the standard “hey this is so & so, save my number” and the conversation was pretty dry initially. After a bit of small talk she mentions how she still owes me and that she’s embarrassed about it, again I blow it off with an “lol no it’s fine, really” but she doesn’t let it go and flat out tells me that I don’t have a choice. The wheels in my head start spinning, and my decency is fading as it’s pretty late and I’m interpreting her persistence as something more. So I say fuck it and send her a text that said “Will you not be happy until you suck me off or something? lol” followed by the risky text anxiety, thankfully she replied right away “If that’s what you want, ok.” It all went really quickly after that, the next several texts were hammering out the when and where and we ending up deciding it would happen Monday at my place during our lunch break since she had plans all weekend.

We don’t text each other at all that weekend, or talk at all the following Monday aside from a few texts confirming that our plan was still in motion. Lunchtime comes and we both make up some errand we have to run so our little crew doesn’t get suspicious and everything goes smoothly. We meet in a parking lot for a warehouse near the call center and Krystal follows me to my place from there. Once we’re inside there’s not much talk we kind of just both nervously sit on the couch in my living room, she sits right in the middle of the couch and I’m off to her left side. Silence and no eye contact for about a minute it seemed like before I let out a nervous chuckle under my breath and said, “sooo do you wanna just get right to it?” she says “yeah” so I start to unfasten my belt and open up my fly while sitting down and I pull my soft dick out of the hole in my boxers and look over at her. She reaches down with her left hand and starts stroking me, carefully inspecting my cock as it’s growing in her cold hand. She does this until I’m about two thirds of the way hard, I can tell she’s thinking it over by the look in her eyes but she eventually took a small scoot over to her right and lowered her head down to my lap and started sucking. It was amazing, pretty standard head but her mouth was hot and she sucked with long, slow deliberate bobs of her head. It wasn’t very long before I was at full mast, she started to work the lower half of me with her hand before she popped her lips off my head. She tightened her grip around the base of my cock and played with it kind of wagging it around “you’re big” she says before she takes me back into her mouth. (I’m 7 inches, slightly thicker than a TP roll). At this point I look over at the clock on the stove I can see from my couch and we still have about 40 minutes to kill, so I take a deep breath & exhale slowly as I lay my head back on the couch & Krystal continues doing her thing. My right hand made it to Krystal’s ass eventually, she was wearing tight jeans so I couldn’t really get my hand too far down them just far enough that my middle finger could press on her butthole. I kept it there a while, I pressed down just hard enough to get the tip of my finger in and she didn’t object. Krystal stopped sucking me several times to play with my dick and admire it, so much so that I felt the need to ask if she wanted to do more. She didn’t answer, instead just taking me back into her mouth for a moment before she stopped again one last time, stroking my dick and looking into its eye she says, “fuck, this isn’t fair…”.

So at that point I take my finger out of her asshole and stand up, and tell her to do the same leading her with my hand. She stands up without saying anything and I turn her around and we dry hump for a moment while I’m getting her pants down. She’s grinding her ass into my crotch the whole time, I manage to get her jeans and panties down to about her mid thigh and I push her gently towards the couch. She hikes one knee up on to the couch and then positions herself before lifting the other on to it. I take a moment to admire her ass and her pussy is glistening, you’d never know she had 3 kids. I step forward and split her lips with my meat for a few strokes and I notice the streak of juices it leaves on me, she’s moaning and wiggling. Then I pull myself up to her entrance and she suddenly reaches back grabbing my dick and asks if I have a condom, I tell her I don’t while I take my dick back from her hand and go back to rubbing her clit from behind with it and ask her what she wants to do. Another brief moment of silence before she says “ok, just don’t cum in me please…” and with that I reposition myself and work my way into her, as wet as she was she was still notably tight. I look back at the clock one more time and see we still have a good 25-30 minutes to fuck and make it back to work on time. I started out slow and enjoyed her tightness before working up to a proper fuck stroke really crashing into her, almost hypnotized by the way her ass fat rippled up into her lower back from the thrusts. She was very loud. After a good 10 minutes or so I was ready to blow, I asked if she was ready for me to finish and she gave me a nod and a ragged “yes” I felt my sack get tight and dick start to twitch I pulled out just a hair too late but not much made it in. The majority of my load shot in and around her ass/asshole as I practically jerked myself off with the head of my dick pressed against her rosebud. Her juices and my cum made it real slippery and she was still bent over so my head popped in almost completely for a split second. It was an amazing, hard pulsing orgasm.

I jerked off and rubbed my dick on her ass cheeks for a short moment after the rush subsided before my head came back to me and I grabbed her a towel to clean up with. Again we didn’t talk much after, she said it was amazing and that we’d definitely be doing it again which we did many times since. We were starting to run short on time so I agreed to let her go back back to class on time first (we didn’t think it was a good idea to show back up together at the same time) so she left and I got there a few minutes late and we went about the rest of the class as normal. We did it a few more times while she worked with me but she ended up failing out of the class. We kept in touch though and fucked even after that several times. We’d probably still fuck on occasion. She never talked about her SO really, and I wouldn’t ask either. We had an arrangement that worked out well for us for a long time but she moved about 3 hours away a couple years ago. Bummer.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9yyzmx/a_favor_for_a_favor_mf_cheating

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