The response to the last chapter has been overwhelming so i have decided that i would see my story through to the end. I am glad that i could finally give you readers what was quite possibly my favorite part of my story for obvious reasons and im happy everyone was satisfied with the result i achieved with my sister. Im pleased the comparison pictures worked out well and achieved the goal of giving you an idea of what her body looked like, i am no longer getting my inbox blown up with people wanting pics of my sister so that’s a bonus haha. I would like to ask a question to you readers..If you were put in my shoes would you do the exact same thing i did? If so would you have done anything differently in the situation? I love reading everyone’s messages so feel free to reach out to me or leave a comment i would really like to hear everyone’s answers or story’s in general similar to mine. Enjoy part 5 everybody.
I pick my camera up off her dresser and eagerly made my way to the bathroom. I open the door stepping into the steamy mist before my sister pulls back the curtain slightly and pokes her head out and says finally..that took you forever. We both laugh at how i overstayed quite a lot here for my visit and just what my poor brother was up to and thinking about. I had not received any texts or calls from him so i assumed he was just doing fine. She moves the curtain open completely now and tells me to stand back a bit as she didn’t want to get any water on my camera. I ask her what she wanted me to do and she told me to just take as many pictures as i could. She told me she wanted me to get a specific shot of her as she was flipping her hair back. I told her that would be a very hot shot and we began trying to get the perfect photo. It took quite a while but i had no issues watching her in the shower moving her body so sexually while the water flowed so perfectly over her. Every time she would throw her hair back those beautiful tits would get quite a jiggle and i just remember thinking to myself how i could watch this all day. We finally nailed the shot that she was looking for and told me she wanted to keep a few of them for herself, i told her i didn’t blame her and that she looked stunning and the pics themselves were actually very tasteful looked professional. She asked if i could put them in black and white for her and i said no problem and was actually really stoked that she wanted to keep something i shot of her from this wild day.
The shower in her place was fairly small and was basically just big enough for one, i assumed that both of us were never going to fit in there and even if we did try we would be basically on top of each other again so i lost the immediate thought of us showering together. I leave the bathroom to go put my camera back in her room as i did not want to risk any water or moisture damage and then i made my way back into the bathroom to wait my turn. I stand there patiently waiting for her to finish her shower so i may have a turn. I began stroking my penis while i waited as i was still hard and figured that maybe i could get myself close to cumming and than drop my load while in the shower. My sister finally finishes her shower and steps out leaving the water on for me. She was so silent getting out i really didn’t have time to notice or stop stroking myself before she seen what i was up to. I figured i was already caught so why bother stopping and i started telling her what my plans were. She laughed and said how ridiculous i was and questioned me how often i jerk off in my own time. I told her it was usually like 3 times a week and that i would have sex with my girlfriend the rest of the time. She admitted that she was a little jealous of my girlfriend and she would maybe get laid once a week if lucky if she was being truthful. I told her again how awful her boyfriend was towards a catch like her and that any man would kill to have her everyday. We both talk about how she doesn’t get what his problem and whats going on in his head and she laughed how this whole experience with me and the attention and praise i give her has made her feel more wanted than ever recently as it was something missing in her life.
I then told her how ever since i got those pictures from her i basically started jerking off twice a day to her and how i would still find time to fuck my girlfriend as well. She said she was amazed by the fact i was willingly cumming multiple times a day and joked about my penis falling off from the constant abuse i put it through. I said it was worth it and how i was having some of the best orgasms i have ever had in years because of how worked up i get over all this. The whole time we were conversing i was still slowly stroking and gliding my fingers over the tip gently bringing myself closer to the edge each time. My sister takes me off guard and asks me if i was close to finishing, just hearing those words come out of her mouth was almost enough for me to loose it and shoot one at her, but instead i just smiled and said just very close. She asked if it was going to be as much as last time considering how overkill the last one was, i laughed and said you never know and that he was feeling quite big and my balls honestly almost felt full again. She playfully suggested how she wouldn’t mind watching me finish him off and was curious as to how much i could pump out a second time. I played my cards right again and acted cool about it and jokingly said your messing with me and asked when it was my time in the shower. She laughed and said anytime i’d like as she gestured with her hands me to come in, i tell her how this wouldn’t possibly work as we both cant fit. She tells me i had a point and that we would never know unless we tried but she figured it was time for her to get out anyways. I decide that this was my chance and i figured she was playfully coy and almost baiting me to get in with her. I said she also had a great point in regards to not knowing unless we try and began entering the shower with her.
We are extremely squished together and im not going to lie it was very uncomfortable. I begin stroking again as the hot water pours down both of our body. My cock is pointing straight up and is basically rubbing up against her belly button, at this point i asked her considering the fact we were pressed against each other if that meant she was cool with me cumming on her again. She laughed and answered back i guess its inevitable but i would rather you not do it in my belly button that’s just odd. The playful sarcasm and the tongue in cheek answers and questions were extremely hot and i knew this was my sisters way of asking for another load without really asking for it. I agree and tell her i’ll give her another good show and she laughed and said we will see about that, after what i witnessed earlier its going to be hard to top that. We fumble around the shower all smiles and giggling trying to get in a somewhat comfortable position. We try our best but nothing really worked for the both of us. I tell her its hopeless and i’ll just pop on her belly button, she told me she supposed that would be okay but felt that my cum might run down between her legs in the shower and that was something she had no intent with happening. I suggest her turning around and i could pop on her lower back and i wouldn’t mind seeing her ass to help me finish. She told me that would work but the only problem she had with it was how she actually wanted to watch me finish again.
We both try to work it out more before she comes up with a great idea. She tells me she has a plan she knows i’ll enjoy, i ask her whats up and she tells me to sit down on the edge of the tub. I move the curtain and sit myself down on the edge . She grabs a bottle of shower body lotion and applies it all over her breasts and than she began to drizzle some on my penis. She begins telling me how she listened to me earlier in regards to me wanting to cum so bad during my tit job but held back. I asked her if she was positive she wanted to do this and asked how much money this was going to cost me. She smiled and said this will be free of charge and that she was treating it as more of a personal test for herself. This day kept getting better and better and seeing my sister evolve over the hours i spent there today from her being the submissive order following type and strictly doing this for cash to deciding to take charge and explore her wild side more with her brother and give me my desires for free was a huge turn on. I like to think that maybe after talking about her boyfriend issues that she wanted to fill that empty hole in her sex life and get back at him with me and to me was an insane thought but honestly made sense and i was going to take advantage of this. I ask her what kind of personal test she was talking about and she than tells me how much she knows i worship her perfect tits and how she felt a little down that she wasn’t able to get them to make me bust and she felt like her tits had failed her and me and would like to fix that. I felt like i was creating a monster with all of this, this girl did not want my to hear me mention my cum for months let alone get it on her without a lot of money and now she was practically trying to extract every last drop from me but at no charge this time and was initiating everything we were concerned with doing originally. I tell her i’ll except her offer and she can do as she pleases.
She promptly gets down on her knees and places my cock between her tits again. The lotion felt amazing and her breast were glistening in the water and getting more and more soapy as she bounced her tits on my cock. There still wasn’t a lot of room for her down on the tub floor so i put my hands on her shoulders and stopped her. She asked what was wrong and i said she didn’t look super comfortable, she agreed and laughed how she was hoping this would be done quickly. I bring up the point about how we didn’t even need to be in the shower and that it was over complicating things. She laughed and said what was the point of all this and suggested we finish this back in the bedroom. I agree and we both get up and make our way back to the bed where i had that oh so powerful orgasm earlier. I lay down on her bed in the same position i was last time for my tit job, my sister than requested me to lay the other way and hang my legs off the side. I get into the position she asked me to and before i could say i was ready i feel her wrapping her tits back around my cock. I prop my head up with a pillow so i can watch her do her thing. Most of the body wash was gone off our bodies but my sisters tits still felt incredible soft and smooth and my penis glided effortlessly through them. She asks me how im enjoying it and told me to let her know when i was going to cum, i replied with how amazing it felt and that i was basically almost there. She begins going faster and faster and i could feel my load rising to the top of my tip and was ready to escape any moment. I stare at her and will never forget the look she had on her face, she knew she was in complete control and was loving every second of her brother worshiping her while she bounced up and down on a taken cock that didn’t belong to her. She catches my gaze and give me a smile and a wink before drooling a big gob of spit all over my cock. She knew something like that put me over the edge last time and made me loose my mind and that was exactly her intention and knew damn well what that did to me. Watching her saliva drip down my penis was probably the closest i would ever get to putting myself in her mouth and within seconds of her doing that i tell her im about to cum.
Her eyes widen and her gaze becomes affixed on my penis in anticipation for the prize she worked so hard for. She angles my penis to aim in her direction more and starts demanding me to give my sister another thick load on her tits and she knew i couldn’t resist, when she said those words she didn’t even have time to finish her statement before i shot once again another thick rope of my cum on my sister. My life was complete when i noticed that i pretty sure blasted some of my cum far enough that some landed in her mouth as she was speaking those words to me. She continues to pump out the rest of my load with her tits and gets up right after squeezing the last drop from me then making a quick exit to the bathroom. I hear the taps turn on and listen in as i hear her spit something in the sink confirming what i already knew was my cum in her mouth. Something i never thought would be possibly but i managed to accidentally do it made me so happy inside and i felt like i got away with something that would have costed me a fortune. She was in the bathroom for quite some time and i sat in silence debating on maybe jokingly bringing up my cum landing in the wrong spot and say my sorry s when she came out but i figured she was probably thinking of the same thoughts i was in regards to this scenario. About 20 minutes pass and there was still no sign of her coming out. I decide that this was not a good sign and decided to throw my clothes on and pack my stuff quickly as i had partaken in enough fun for the evening. After i was all set to leave i decided to knock on the door, i asked if she was okay and she replied with yeah she was fine and i replied back with how i should probably head out. She said to give her a minute and that she would come out and say goodbye to me and send me on my way.
I wait awhile for her in her living room before she finally emerges fully clothed and acting really strange. She goes into her bedroom and speaks to me from there asking if we were going to go through the shots and decide which ones i was going to keep before i left. I said i totally forget about that and started unpacking my laptop and hooking up my card reader. she comes out of her room and tells me to stop and not worry about it for today. I tell her that it shouldn’t take to long than we can call it a night. She said again not to worry and told me the pictures probably meant nothing now and would be useless to me considering everything that happened today. Her voice cracked as she was saying that so that’s when i decided to get up to approach her considering i felt something was very wrong. When i got close to her she hid her face with her hair from me and gave me a hug and told me in a unsettling voice she had fun today and that she hoped i did to. I ask her again to be honest with me and tell me if something was up. She moves her hair from her face and tears streaming down her cheeks. My heart plummeted through the ground at this moment seeing her like this and i knew that me and her made some huge mistakes today. My face goes white and she starts crying even more i try to console her but she became hysterical. I could feel that immense guilt building up in me again watching my sister who i loved very much be put in a situation like this because of me and the events of today. She sits down on her bed with her head in her hands and i join her and place my arm around her shoulder. She continues sobbing before finally embracing me a hug. She was still crying on my shoulder and i heard her let out a deep sigh before she mutters to me in my ear in a heartbreaking voice i will never forget, What have we done?
Dang. I wasn’t expecting that ending. I hope things didn’t end like that.
What a dang plottwist.
Ouch damn dude that’s a rough turn
Oof. What a twist… I hope your relationship gets better in chapter 6!
I’m now only into it for the storyline
Remember the last installment when I said this was fucked up and wrong?
All that, and you dident even fuck her…. damn…
OMG !! So hot, and so concern on the last part, hope everything is ok between you two! Hopping to know hot it ends. ..
I’m sorry, but your stepsister seems to have some emotional issues that keep her from seeing this as purely sex between two consenting adults. It would have helped immensely if you have gotten her to cum somehow, as that kind of euphoric release tends to settle people down a bit and assist with bonding.
!remindme 2 days
Is this the end story?
You need to keep pressing bredda. Watch her actions, not her words. You think she would stare at your dick, jerk you off, let you in the shower with her if she didn’t wanna fuck you? Stop being a fucking nice guy and fuck her. Take control in a non-rude way.
She’s gonna end up sucking your dick and then you’re going to fuck her anyway. You might as well take control.
OP you might as well seal the deal and have sex with her, both of you practically cheated your partners already… I don’t see why you shouldn’t at this point tbh.
Waiting for part 6 now
oh no
Am I the only one humoured by the fact that she only gets worried about cheating once cum accidentally gets in her mouth?
Great stories, you got me hooked.
From furiously shlicking to feels in the snap of the fingers! I’m hooked! When’s the next chapter!!!
I’m not at all into sister and brother but Damn the story is good shit gets me hooked and like I don’t even care about the sexy stuff shit son keep going
Wow. Just love this story.
This tension between each other which is slowly building up. I probably would have acted the same way. When this eternal fantasy finally comes within reach… I would not hold myself back anymore. You have both already cheated and the line has been crossed. I would be disappointed if this last final step did not happen.
!remindme 2 days
Well this got very sad, it needs a happy ending in more ways than one.
This is some compelling stuff!!!