My (f21) works Christmas party did not end well!

Please bare with me because I'm not good at stories! But I do feel the need to get this off my chest aha.

I have a boyfriend but I may have sortve semi-cheated on him last weekend at my annual works Christmas party. I work in the recruitment side of a medium-sized call centre of about 400 people and the party was at a local restaurant/bar, I had quite a lot to drink, as did most people of course.

At first I wasn't doing anything wrong and was having a good night with my two friends i work with, until I bumped into one of the call centre supervisors I have a bit of a thing for and we started flirting, just harmless messing around at first and having a bit of a dance. The only issue came later when the venue closed and we all slowly went home. He told me he'd ordered a taxi and that we'd share one because I was quite drunk and he wanted to make sure I got home okay. I naturally thought he was being quite nice so we both walked to the nearest taxi rank and it was only about halfway there that he started to get a bit too close but I was far too drunk to care.

I couldn't walk too great so he was supporting me as we took a short cut through a car park and as I stumbled once more he spun me round to face him, he's quite a bit taller than me because I'm only 5 foot 6 and I ended up with my head on his chest. He told me to sit down for a minute and sat me on the little concrete wall of this open air car park. My head was spinning and I couldn't focus when all of a sudden he started kissing me and caressing my back. I was far too drunk to say no at this point.

He slipped one of his hands up my dress and slid my panties to the side while his fingers went to work. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter until he pulled his fingers out of me and I don't know what came over me but I had the sudden urge to pull his hand up to my face and lick his fingers clean.

This must've drove him wild because I didn't even notice that his suit trousers came down! I think I subconsciously knew I couldn't sleep with him so I dropped to my knees and went to work giving him the best head id ever given. I started out slow, teasing him with my tongue but within a few minutes I was sliding his cock all the way down my throat and playing with his balls.

It didn't take long for him to cum and I let him finish in my mouth. I swallowed and stood up to readjust myself while he put his trousers back on and did his belt up. im not 100% sure on what happened after this but I know we didn't do anything else and I woke up at home next to my boyfriend the next morning! Haha



  1. Well, I guess that perspective hinges solely on believing that I didn’t want it to happen which, don’t get me wrong, it wouldn’t have if I was sober, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t consent to it.

  2. It’s not "what I enjoy doing all day". Don’t get me wrong, I love this sub and the stories, but he clearly took advantage of her in her highly intoxicated state. She was drunk enough to not remember how she got home, she couldn’t have given consent.

  3. I’m sorry but if you were so drunk you don’t remember how you got home, you were in no shape to give consent. Men have gone to prison for having "consensual" sex with women less drunk than you were.

  4. she was there, you were not, she seems to have had a good time, please do not try to thought police her and tell her that she’s wrong about what she thinks of an event you were not present for. or, if that’s what you just feel totally compelled to do, do it somewhere else. that’s not what this sub is for.

  5. Surely, if I believe I’ve given consent then I have? It’s pretty subjective really depending on how the individual feels during and after the situation? Personally, I don’t believe in being "too drunk to give consent" if the girls still functioning fully, only unless you’re barely awake or near that really aha.

  6. Thank you! That’s basically what I was trying to get at aha consent is a very subjective and personal concept. Not something someone else can judge for you!

  7. its np, people have been getting drunk and hooking up with questionable people for thousands of years, its something we’ve all done and somehow the world keeps turning. sometimes something you never normally would have done makes a hotter memory too. i liked your story btw.

  8. You may have said "yea do this" but due to your inebriation you literally can not give consent in the eyes of the law.

  9. Also: it is somewhat common for people in your position during those events to experience some form of arousal. That’s part of the reason why some people never report these types of events.

  10. At the end of the day, got drunk, messed around with someone drunk, had regrets in the morning, lived your life. Who hasn’t had this scenario played out?

  11. If she chooses to, she can report the events of the night. /shrug I don’t make up these rules. Fuck mate, I was surprised as you were!

  12. I agree with what you posted here, but we disagree about whether what happened was an assault.

  13. ..A guy started kissing/fondling a wasted girl while she was incapable of saying no. Sure. Sounds okay to me.

  14. Sorry to say this, but either you didn’t consent to that, or you cheated on your boyfriend. I’m gonna get downvoted for this, but oh well.

  15. "incapable of saying no" but capable of a bj. That’s some quality logic you have there. Go be a PC SJW somewhere else.

  16. We used to call that "the Freddy Krueger" cos he’d get you when you couldn’t physically stop him. I hope the other people now get how fucked it was that we had a name for it.

  17. You said yourself that you blacked out and couldn’t remember how you got home. That seems to fall under the "barely awake" category to me.

  18. For the sake of everyone, DON’T peddle your "It’s not rape if she blew me" bullshit elsewhere. (Holy crap. Trying hard not to pigeonhole but you.. just keep coughing feathers)

  19. For the sake of humanity stop, just stop. Both parties drunk. That means he is as much a victim as her. Go peddle your man hate elsewhere, apparently you have a lot of the self hate.

  20. im not denying cheating on him, in fact i know thats a very shitty thing to do. But i disagree with people refusing my ability to consent.

  21. gotta say, i find it hard to disagree with that logic. If a girl willingly gives head, that’s a pretty clear cut sign she might want it aha especially a girl like me, i actively avoid it half the time! haha

  22. If she had driven a car in the same state, she would be responsible for driving drunk. So you are saying she cannot consent to giving a blow-job, legally, but can still consent to operating a car?

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