The Ad, Chapter 3

          The Ad

            Ch 3

   “No, no.  Not that one, the smaller one, bring the smaller one!” I yelled to the idiot mover, “The one that’s marked to go!”.  As I point to the smallish yellow sticker, right on the front drawer. He peeks around the corner and sees it, rolls his eyes and heaves it up on his massive shoulders, dinging both pieces on its way up.  Good lord, this guy is a gorilla. I give an eye roll of my own to rival his and turn back to disassemble a shelf unit. I still can’t believe I’m doing this…

 Literally two days ago, I met these people and agreed to this crazy illogical, sex-pet thing and had not one but four mind blowing orgasms that night, and a multitude of smaller ones thrown in.  I vaguely remember signing a document with my mouth full of cock and a vibrator stuffed inside my pussy. He won’t actually fuck me until I move in, something about enjoying me being his more… Just thinking about it makes my knees shake and panties damp.  And because I can’t wear any protective undergarments, I’ve settled on a short pair of black denim cutoffs. I’m hoping the wetness won’t be as apparent on dark fabric. Focus, shelf!

 I tape all the parts together and hand it to the Gorilla Mover, who palms it like it’s a walking stick and takes it to the truck.  Seriously, this guy must be part giant. “Hmm, I wonder if his cock is huge too??”, I think, as I tilt my head slightly and watch him lumber over to the kitchen table, picking it up by the decorative rim, holding it like a handle, the base looking like it’s going to break off.  Then, he swiftly tilts and swings it up, so it’s on top of his head, pedestal base in the sky. But as his arms are up, his coveralls are lifted and I see the very impressive bulge he’s packing. Yup, suspicion confirmed. I avert my eyes, but not before mine meet his on the way up, his eyebrows raised in curiosity.  Shit, he’ll squash me like a bug! I turn and head back into the house to hide and my phone blings. Master is wondering where I am, the truck was due back soon. He made me program his and Liz’s numbers in my phone with the names Mr and Mrs, instead of Master and Mistress, I’m still trying to figure out how to explain that away…

 I run through the house, looking for any more yellow dots, any more necessities, anything I didn’t think of in the last twelve hours I’ve had to plan this ‘move’ and come up with nothing.  Liz came and got the animals first thing this morning, felt almost like they were being used as leverage, to guarantee I wouldn’t back out at the last minute. I tried to laugh that feeling off, but it’s still there.  But oddly enough, I’m more excited than anxious, and extremely arroused. The denim is only so absorbent. I think I’m ready hit the road. I grab the keys, phone and travel stuff and head back out to the truck, who’s ramps are loaded and looks like we are ready to roll.  The phone rings in my hand, it’s Mr.

 “You haven’t even gotten here yet, and you’re breaking the rules!?” he practically shouts at me.

 “What are you talking about, umm, sir?” I try to look around to see if anyone is in earshot.

 “I just got a call from Larry, he says you were staring at his ‘junk’!”

 “Who the fu-hell is Larry?!?” I asked.  “Also, what rules?!?”

 “The agreement you signed.  You know, you really should read things before you sign them, Pet”.  He says, condescendingly.

 “Yeah, I’ll try to remember that when your cock is in my mouth again” I spit back him, hackles raised.

 He chuckles.  Oh God, that sound.  I can’t decide if it’s brand new or if I’ve heard it forever,  but it’s almost at an instinctual, vestigial level. My hackles are smoothed slightly, and I’m reminded of what’s to come.

 “You’ll pay for that later, Pet, but in the mean time, read your agreement and get over here so I can play with my new toy”.  The phone disconnected with a click and I was left slightly stunned by this. If this is going to continue, I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle such controlling behavior, even with the promise of amazing sex.  I shake head and get into my car, out of the corner of my eye I see Gorilla Mover, smirking and glaring in my direction. I glare right back and slam my door for good measure.

 We load up and caravan down the road, me leading the moving truck and Mr Gorilla following, a little too close for comfort.  It’s a quick trip, with my crotch getting wetter and wetter by the mile, in anticipation of what’s to come. I glance in my rear view mirror and Gorilla Mover is staring directly at me, the truck swaying slightly and I see his right shoulder move slightly.  Soon, his eyes close, his mouth agape and the truck begins to veer off the blacktop, gravel spitting up on the sides. He quickly rights the vehicle, meets my eyes again and smiles contentedly. Oh, gross!! I think he was jacking off while he was driving!! While he was watching me!  

 While he was watching me?  Why did that turn me on a little?  Maybe more than a little, as I squirmed in my seat.  Not far anyway, as I turn down the lovely manicured drive, I’ll get to cum again, soon…  I may have driven too fast down the drive, but I needed to get everything unloaded so I could get rid of Gorilla Mover and fuck my brains out.  Liz and Wes, I mean Master and Mistress were standing on the front porch, Orion leaning adoringly on her knee, arms around each other, waving happily as the gate opened and I guided the truck back to the guest house.

 As I climb out to direct Gorilla Mover to the tidy garage, he’s already backed straight to it, not even needing directing, very practiced even.  It’s an oddly shaped driveway/patio area right next to the house and he was able to back the twenty foot moving truck thru it expertly without guidance??  I stood there, hands on my hips, dumbstruck and he steps down from the truck, gloating in my general direction, and I can see a small wet spot on his overalls.  This guy is gross, absolutely disgusting. I shake my head and grab my things from the car, opening up all the doors to my new house. Very soon Orion comes bounding in through the open doors and begins his happy weave around my feet.

 “Hi buddy!!  I missed you too!!” I coo to him, rubbing his back the way he loves.  I can hear Lucifer yowling from the study, where Liz, er, Mistress, had set him up temporarily.  “And I hear you Luce, I’ll get there in a minute!” I yell down the hall. I’m smiling as I turn to go back out, and very suddenly I’m in shadow.  Gorilla Mover was taking up all the space in my hallway, leering down at me menacingly. I startle slightly at the intrusion.

 “Oh, excuse me, I was headed back out, are you unloading the truck or am I?” I asked, pointedly, meeting his nasty stare.  He didn’t move.

 “I said, excuse me” I tried again, this time stepping forward.  I was so close I could smell him now, and he was pungent. Yet he did not move.  I finally ducked between his arm and the wall and quickly walked back outside, where a straightfaced We-Master was waiting.

 “Thank God, can you get rid of this gorilla, he’s freaking me out!” I ask him, nearly pleading, as I grab his arm and turn to look behind me.  Gorilla Mover is standing in the doorway, taking up most of it, just looking at Master, questioningly.

 “Let’s do this in the big house” Master says eventually, and guides me back up to the main house, Gorilla Mover lumbering along behind.

 “What’s going on, why is he following, shouldn’t he be unloading the truck?” I try to calmly but urgently whisper to him.  He ignores me, clamps down harder on my arm, sets his mouth and fixes his gaze on the patio doors. I can see Mistress waiting at the kitchen window, and Orion has found his way back into the big house, he’s wagging at the door.

 “Seriously, what is going on?  I have a right to know!” As I try to pull out of his grasp, he just snorts and pulls me in closer.  I can smell Gorilla Mover behind us and now I am legitimately afraid of what’s about to happen. The door opens and Mistress is drying her hands on a towel.

 “Just make it quick, Wes, don’t prolong it” Mistress says, looking worried.  She kisses my cheek and looks me in the eye for a moment, then looks as if she’s going to say more, but instead squeezes Masters arm and walks down the hall to the bedroom, closing the door behind her and Orion.  I feel abandoned, shocked even.

 Master stops in the living room, sits me on a stool in the middle of the room and turns to face me.  Gorilla Mover standing behind him, looking proud of himself and has a smirk I’d like to slap off his face.  

 His expression is unreadable as he looks at me.  Up and down, as if he’s memorizing my features, his eyes drag over me and he circles me slowly.  I can’t keep the fear from creeping into my eyes as I try and meet his, questioning. He will not meet my gaze.  Finally, on his third round, he stops and faces me, determination in his crystalline eyes and steel set jaw.

 “Under normal circumstances, all new Pets must usually be grilled by Larry here, as part of a payment plan.  He moves all our Pets belongings, valuables, knick knacks etc etc, and keeps our lifestyle a secret in this small town and in return he gets to play with them, however he chooses, for one hour.”

 Horror must have registered on my face as the realization hit me, and what that meant.  I look at Gorilla Mover and he’s licking his lips, his yellowed teeth still containing bits of food from lunch.  No, no no no. I begin shaking my head and standing, but Master places a calming hand on my shoulder and sets me back down.

 “Relax, I’m not finished yet” he assures me, his eyes softer now.

 “Usually, it’s not until end of their term that he gets to use, I mean play, with them, but in circumstances of a Pet willfully disobeying the rules and regulations, he gets to take his prize first.”  Disgust crosses Masters face and he swallows slightly. He doesn’t like it any more than I do! I can see Gorilla Mover swelling up and beginning to come claim his prize out of the corner of my eye, but I’m watching Him.  His intense blue eyes are staring into my soul, reading every insecurity, every fear, every sadness and every single dark little desire in my heart.

 Without breaking my gaze, and with a small smile, he states, “However, under these circumstances, as said Pet hadn’t yet had a chance to read the documentation and comprehend it fully, I’m going to forego the usual punishment for willful misconduct and instead inflict the punishment myself.  Larry, you shall receive your usual payment upon completion of the term.”

 Gorilla Mover begins to grunt and swell and move toward us, eyes furious.

 “Larry, you can’t do anything about it, I’ll call your father!”

 Amazingly, the giant backed off and glowered his way out of the house and lumbered back to the truck.  I began to breathe again. In short, panicked breathes.

 “What the fuck was that?!?  I mean, what the hell was happening, how did this happen to me, what’s going on, how could you SELL me to that fucking Gorilla?!?” I started, yelling at first, angry tears beginning to roll down my cheeks as I finished.

 “Ssshhhhhhhhh, Pet, it’s alright” he soothes as he pulls me into an embrace, his cheek pressed into the side of my head, making his voice resonate in my skull.

 “I couldn’t bear the thought of him getting you first, he’s disgusting.  But you had to go and be bad, he thought he had finally won one and couldn’t wait to call me”.  He clucks and croons at me while stroking my shoulder, my breathing starting to slow a bit.

 “I had to pull out the big guns to get rid of him, I hope you appreciate that.  His father is chief of police, about to retire, and has no clue about his sons penchant for theft”.

 His voice was soothing my frayed nerves, he saved me from being used by that thing, he didn’t want it to happen either.  My shudders begin to subside and I can take deep breaths again.

 “I never thought I’d be glad to have a Pet NOT read the paperwork before” he says, with a gleam in his eye.  “That was a feeble clause, but my wording is vague enough that I can do that sometimes!”. He keeps his arms around me and we walk down the hallway together, toward the bedroom.  He opens the door, Mistress is sitting up against the head of the bed, and clutching Orion. She has big headphones on with noise coming out of them and she is weeping quietly. I can’t help it, I bolt across the room to her and throw my arms around her and my brown dog.  It startles her and she cries out before she realizes what’s happened. She throws the screeching headphones across the bed and smiles and embraces me back, laughing with surprise.

 “What happened??” She asks Master, her eyes searching him for answers.

 “I thought it was supposed to be an hour!”

 “He told Gorilla Mover no, that because I wasn’t informed, I’m not obligated to fulfill the punishment” I explained, “or some bullshit like that”.  They both looked at me in shock. “Crap! Sorry, crap like that”. I tried to look bashful. After a brief pause, “You call him Gorilla Mover?” He asks, a grin forming.  

 “Yeah, that guy is a monster, I’ve been referring to him as Gorilla Mover all day” I explained.  “I see a lot of faces on a daily basis, so I started referring to people based on who they remind me of or somehow look like.  It helps me put faces with names. Now the name Larry will forever be associated with every Gorilla I see”. I shake my head to clear it and stop to hear then both snorting.  I look up and they are both trying very hard to contain the laughter.

 “We have been dealing with Larry for almost 8 years now and we have been calling him Kong behind his back for about 5 of those years.  I think you are much more inventive than we are!” Master exclaims, laughing out loud. Her laughter follows suit and soon it’s joined by happy dog whines and panting and suddenly I feel that all is right with the world.  A calm settles over all of us as we snuggle up on the bed, one big happy dog pile, hands touching, feeling, learning the newness. Of course, at least one those hands must be on Rion, or he intrudes with a carefully placed paw.  Soon, fingers begin pulling at clothing and lips begin finding skin and suddenly there were plenty of hands all over me, soft lips planting soft kisses up the length of my spine, ending at my clavicle then moving up to my lips, then pulling me in to his arms to complete the embrace.  I can feel Mistress moving behind me, her soft breasts pressed up against my hot skin, and as I am sandwiched between them I have never felt safer. They each take turns whispering things in my ear, things they want to do to me, things I’ll be begging for before long and with each one I can feel myself getting more and more swept away, my clothing is now gone, I can feel my wetness beginning to drip down my thighs and my heart is racing.  

 “Do you want us to do all of these things to you, my Pet?” He murmurs in my ear, almost purring.

 “Yes, oh God yes I do”, I answer, breathless.

 “Then read”, he kisses my shoulder, “the damn”, he kisses my neck, “papers”.  He grabs my chin and forces me to focus on his intense blue eyes. “After you have read and agreed to the terms, I can give you what you need, what you want, what you crave”.

 He suddenly pulls away, slaps my ass and points to my new little house.

 “Go get it, right now.” He looks stern again.

 “OK, just let me put on…” I start to grab my clothes and his hand swats mine away.

 “No, as part of your punishment you shall go naked until I say otherwise”.  

 I start to object, then realize I can’t, so I just get up from the bed, brush my hair back a little and set off across the yard with Rion to go get my papers.  I can see Gorilla Mover has managed to unload most of my things into the garage, but quite a bit of it has overflowed onto the patio. The truck suddenly shifts and there’s a grunt as my bedroom suite walks out, as if it’s grown it’s own tree trunk sized legs.  I pause and let him take a look. He nearly drops my headboard as he realizes I’ve got no clothing on anymore and his nasty tongue begins it’s rotation again, circling over plaque ridden teeth.

 “Just don’t break anything, please?” I try to smile, but can’t quite work my way up to that.  I turn and walk into my house, straight to my phone, keys, wallet and folder that were on the bar.  My phone has several missed calls from my supervisor and about ten missed emails and alerts from work.  Of course they can’t function without me… As I open the first one, Gorilla Mover meanders through the house, going down the short hall to the bedroom, his eyes never leaving my body.  As disgusted by him as I was, I couldn’t help but feel extremely arroused by cool air on my skin, the feeling of freedom and the fact that I was the center of attention. Oh, good, an easily solved problem.  I type a quick response outlining what she can do to fix it and move on to the next message. Shit. That one I can’t fix. There’s an issue with my flight arrangements and someone had apparently entered the wrong dates, so now I’m expected to fly out tomorrow afternoon instead of this weekend.  I get on the phone to my supervisor and she’s losing her mind with panic over the flight mix up. She’s only been a super for a short while and her juggling skills could use some work, but she means well and is a very understanding person.

 “Please, Kathy, I’m watching the truck get unloaded right now, there’s no way I could be on a flight tomorrow afternoon!” I tried.

 “I’ve already called the airlines fourteen times, been hung up on three times and transferred to every department they have, there’s nothing they can do.  And that storm that’s supposed to hit the ground in Kansas is making it impossible to get a seat at any other airline”. She sounded frazzled and exhausted, I believed her.

 “Alright, alright, send me the details, I have to clear it with my new, umm, landlords.  Since they are watching the pets and all, but I’m sure they will understand”. I say my goodbyes and grab the file and my phone and head back up to the big house to break the news.  Gorilla Mover is still taking his sweet damn time getting everything by me, just ogling me every step. And I can’t hide the fact that my thighs are slippery.
