Driving home for Christmas… and arriving too early

The Christmas break means returning home to spend a couple of weeks with my family, which can be pretty nice but also makes things rather cramped – as well as having to put up with parents, I'm also left sharing a room with my younger sister (who is just a few years younger than me), and as she has a boyfriend now it was made pretty clear to me that she wasn't exactly thrilled to have me around all day every day.

With that in mind I should have taken the hint when I decided to step out for some late Christmas shopping earlier this week – my parents were both working, and I didn't think anything of my sister asking pointedly how long I'd be out for, dismissively telling her I'd be back in a few hours.

As it turned out, my trip was a relatively brief one, and I picked up the gifts I wanted easily even in the packed high street and headed home out of the rain and wind within an hour. As one of the gifts I'd picked up was for my sister, I hoped I'd be able to sneak into the house and find somewhere to stash it without her noticing so that I could wrap it later, so as I quietly let myself in I was pleased to note that she was upstairs with the radio on, letting me find a suitable cupboard to deposit the items within.

That done, I headed to the stairs to let my sister know I was back, and that's when I heard voices, barely audible beneath the song playing on the radio… the kind of low, half-whispered voices that I instantly recognised as those that tend to come from intimate moments. I paused on the bottom step and considered going out again, then simply planting myself in the living room for a while instead, but as an incredibly nosey person that all gave way to my instincts and a desire to creep up the stairs.

Half-way up, I knew there was a gap in the bannister that let me look into my sister's room, and I fully expected to reach there and find the door closed so that I could tell myself off for trying to sneak a look at what she was up to and go downstairs. Unfortunately for my conscience that wasn't what I saw – instead, the door was half open, and upon the bed next to that open door I could see a boy laid out, his jeans and boxers around his ankles and his erect penis standing proud. Bobbing up and down on that penis was my sister's mouth, her hand frequently pushing her hair back behind her ear as she sucked on him.

Faced with this vision, I was aroused at what I was seeing, ashamed that I was peeking at all, and terrified that I'd give myself away and be caught. My legs and hands were trembling and my mouth dry, but I couldn't tear myself away and continued to peer in on this scene open-mouthed. This must have gone on for a good five minutes, me watching this act take place and straining but failing to hear the brief snippets of conversation that punctuated it – one time, my sister stopped and giggled at something her boyfriend said, and I heard what seemed like other moans or exclamations from him as she went about pleasuring him.

Eventually he said something and she stopped sucking on him, sitting up to reveal that she was wearing just a sweater and underwear, her own jeans probably discarded on the floor somewhere. For a while they talked, my sister shaking her head here and giggling there, and at one point her boyfriend sat up and they spent some time kissing, breaking off to carry on the conversation as I considered how best to move downstairs without giving myself away.

As I looked away and was about to slip down the stairs back to safety, I heard movement from my sisters room and instinctively looked back, ready to dart away. I saw my sister now moving to lay back on the bed, while her boyfriend pushed his jeans and underwear off his legs, leaving him naked but for a pair of socks and allowing me to see his toned body and erect cock more easily. He then fiddled with his jeans for a bit, and as I saw him produce something from a pocket I realised it was a condom he'd reached for. I watched intently, unable to tear myself away as he opened the packet and rolled on the condom, and as he moved up the bed I saw my sister had now removed her knickers and was lying in wait for him.

When he moved between her parted legs I craned my neck a little, but didn't have a good view of what he was doing here – I couldn't mistake the sigh I heard when he penetrated her though. It wasn't long before he began to move rhythmically against her, and what followed was a few minutes of the sounds of the bed rocking, quiet sighs and occasional moans from my sister, and grunts and groans of pleasure in response from him. Eventually he picked up the pace and speed of his movements, and I heard some louder moans over the drone of the radio as he build up to a large groan of his own as he came.

That was my signal to depart before I got caught, and I quietly hurried downstairs and quietly let myself out the back door. I opted to walk around the block a little unsteadily at this point, hoping that the cold wind and drizzle would extinguish my flushed face and hopefully dampen my arousal a bit too. Around 20 minutes later, I returned to the house, this time letting myself in noisily. I was a little worried that I'd walk straight in on them going at it again, but thankfully they were both fully dressed and getting ready to go out. What followed was an awkward introduction all around – my sister somewhat shyly introduced my boyfriend, he greeted me with a grin, and I hoped to god that I didn't look guilty as I said hi to him and made small talk.

That out of the way, they headed off, leaving the house to myself. No prizes for guessing what I did next once I was sure they were gone and well on their way, although I made doubly sure that I had the bedroom door firmly shut just in case…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3y2o2y/driving_home_for_christmas_and_arriving_too_early


  1. Out of all the stories you’ve wrote I think this one is my favorite. Maybe it’s cause it’s different. Or maybe I just like watching too.

  2. "…my sister somewhat shyly introduced my boyfriend…" – may want to edit to say her boyfriend? "No prizes for guessing what I did next once I was sure they were gone …" – wrapped her present?

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