Bad Girl[f]riend.

Not long ago, back in August, I did something stupid: I started dating another woman.

We'd been friends for a long time and I knew she was a lesbian. She knew I was straight. We had this sort of unspoken agreement that she could tease me about the outfits I wear (I dress provocatively for my job) and that I could tease her back for her taste in women (usually the more "butch" type). Then, one stupid night, I drank more than usual and ended up asking if we could kiss.

Keep in mind that Leah is three years older than me and has been with girls exclusively sine middle school. I'm not saying she took advantage of me but she was literally the designated driver that night and, well, looking back on it she sort of encouraged me to drink.

We got back to her place and one thing led to another after another glass of wine I just full out asked if she'd kiss me. She didn't hesitate. And then things escalated rather quickly.

Back when I was younger I would fool around with girls sometimes but it was only ever to shock boys at parties. This was different. No audience. Just me and her on her sofa, my head swimming, her tongue in my mouth. It felt so real. So strange.

A few minutes later my dress was off and she was telling me to relax because I was panting so hard. And then she had her knee between my legs and she was suckling on my breast as she gently, yet expertly, rubbed her leg against my sex.

I came almost immediately. Then we just curled up together on her sofa. When I woke up she was making pancakes. Over breakfast she finally asked if I had enjoyed the night. I said yes. She just smiled and brought me another cup of orange juice. She drove me to work a bit later without saying another word about what had happened.

That night, however, she called me to ask if I could make our relationship "Facebook Official". Not knowing what else to do, I said yes. And for the next few weeks she acted like I was her girlfriend. But outside of the bedroom I never felt the urge to be with her like that. Eventually she flat out asked if I was "into" her and I bluntly stated, "no".

She cried. I did, too. But we ended things that night once and for all because she deserves a girlfriend who isn't just "experimenting". While I love her as a friend I just don't see her as anything more. Part of me wishes that wasn't true but, alas, it is.



  1. Great story! While you should have been straightforward with her when she asked you to begin a relationship (although just bluntly stating make our relationship facebook official seems a little pushy) I think you did the right thing and I don’t think that made you a bad girlfriend for it.

  2. I love this story. I am always hoping that there will be more stories on this sub that are just literal recounting of a sexual experience without all the frou-frou.

  3. Truth is she was a little pushy about the whole thing. Part of me does feel like I was manipulated and guilt-tripped into the whole thing. But I shouldn’t have pretended to be something that I am not. I actually lied to her at one point after we "got together" and said I wasn’t attracted to men. When of our last arguments as a couple involved the fact that the porn I usually watch is straight and I have a particular fetish for gangbangs (multiple guys, one girl) and D/s (male Dom, female submissive). She said that proved I was lying about not liking men… and she was right. :(

  4. True. And it does sound you were pursuaded and she was persistant. And I’m sure you were curious and at least a little interested in order to go along with it. But you opended up about it eventually, and although it ended rough it’s good that you did.

  5. "Persistent" is probably the perfect word for her! I mean, when we were just becoming friends she would constantly ask me why I wasn’t interested in women. That was a constant theme in our friendship right from the start. It’s almost like she felt that by talking about it all the time would make me question my sexuality. And what’s worse? It sort of worked. I mean, I don’t totally blame her for that night when I asked to kiss her. Yes, she got me drunk but I chose to get drunk but it’s not like she kissed me; I asked to kiss her! She never forced me to do anything. But we fooled around that one night she sort of had it in her mind that I was a lesbian and sometimes I fooled myself into agreeing with that assumption. Anyway, I don’t totally regret the relationship but the more I think about it the more I feel like I was really used… and even just last night she sent me a text of her and this new girl she’s seeing kissing at a Christmas party. Why would she send that? With no comment or explanation? Again, I think she’s trying to manipulate me. I didn’t reply to the text, by the way.

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