The Aborted Threesome [FM]

(Originally on r/stupidslutclub)

Might as well get all of these down, huh? I’ve really enjoyed sharing these stories with you guys, and I hope you’re enjoying me sharing them.

One of the biggest things that I thought about when I was going on these little rendezvous was that anything really COULD happen. That was the thrill. The idea was that I was just along for the ride, really; I was deliberately vague about what I was open to, and I deliberately didn’t ask what the men I was meeting wanted to do. Some of them advertised specific things, but usually I was going into this cold.

So this was the third time. This may very well have been the last time, too, because I made some mistakes that I wouldn’t replicate again. First, I went with a guy much younger than I usually went for. Up until now (and, really, after now) I’d been sure it was men in their late thirties, early forties. And I kind of assumed that if they were SAYING 45, they were probably ACTUALLY 50; I was pushing my age up from 18 to 22, so I figured they were doing something similar.

This guy, he’s late twenties. And he’s not married, he’s not even from out of town, he’s just getting the room so he and I can do this. So we meet in the lobby, we go to the bar, and after we decide this is gonna be a thing he still has to get the room.

At the bar, he’s talking like we’re the same age, because he’s 28 and in his mind I’m 22 and we’re close in age, there’s not the casual condescension that older men naturally have when talking to younger women, there’s not this air of entitlement. I’m a woman roughly his age and we’re gonna fuck.

He was in better shape than most of the guys, though, and he was funny. Funny in a different way, in a more youthful way. And, honestly…he was attractive. Not that the other men weren’t, but he was still young, still had a good body and a nice face and nice clothes, stuff he’d picked out for himself, not stuff his wife had bought for him the last time she went shopping.

I was thinking it was going pretty well while we were on the elevator. We were making out by then, his hand on my ass, under my skirt, having to jump apart when the elevator stopped at a lower floor. He had a nice cologne, a nice look. I was looking forward to this.

We’re in the room and he was big on foreplay. Usually I was the only one who provided foreplay, but he wanted to touch me, he played with my clit, and while he didn’t go down on me it was only because I steered him away from that (I really don’t like receiving pleasure, especially in these situations; I feel like I’m there to provide it, not to get it, and I still to this day am fine with the fact that I’ve never been eaten out).

It’s when I’m sucking his dick that he drops the bombshell. “You know, my friend Jim, he loves Hispanic girls. What do you think about him coming out to meet us?” His dick is in my mouth and he’s trying to set up his friend for the same treatment.

Now, on one hand…I’m flattered. Because he wouldn’t bring a friend out to fuck some girl that wasn’t doing it for him, that was ugly or lousy at sucking him off or whatever. But on the other hand, I’m terrified, because this sounds like a lot. The idea of having two men needing my attention, of sucking one and fucking another, of trying to maintain some semblance of control while two people were working to deliberately subvert that…it scared me. And, really…I don’t know these guys. This guy seems cool but who knows what his friend is like.

I muttered something noncommittal (there was something in my mouth, to be fair) but I see he has his phone in his hand, texting the friend. And now he has me hold up. He has me STOP, because he’s trying to set this up.

He wants to take a few pictures of me, and I manage to tell him not to send my face. But I was on all fours so he could take a shot of my ass, he had me lay arched back in bed (“So your tits look a little bigger, he loves big tits”, my 32As never something that you could call “big”), while he and Jim try to set this up. And I’m both scared and thrilled…because while I recognize this is a bad idea, I ALSO recognize that this is part of what I came her for. To do things that were clearly bad ideas. And this was pretty high on that list.

After he sent my pictures out he wanted to slow down (“I want to fuck you at the same time he is, I can’t cum yet”). So I gave him a lazy handjob to keep him hard while Jim figured out if he was able to get away from whatever it was he was doing. I listened to them talking on the phone about the idea. About the two of them, actualized people, sticking their dicks inside of me, the Cuban whore they’d managed to convince to go along with this. That’s not what they said, but it’s definitely how I felt. Jerking him off and backing away as he got close. His dick rock hard in my hand.

Finally, thankfully, Jim got back with us and said he couldn’t do it. And the rest of the night proceeded from there. More of his dick in my mouth, more of him fucking me, more of sleeping in the bed next to him, his hands claiming me like I was property, touching me as I slept. I never could get used to that, but I took a little comfort in the fact that it was only one set of hands meandering over my body.


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