Girls Nights with Southern Waitresses

Somehow, this actually happened to me. I am not a creative writer, but I feel as if GWStories deserves these facts.

Ten years ago I had a lot of money that I didn't earn, a shitty apartment and a slutty girlfriend who was a waitress at a national restaurant chain you have gotten food at after going to the bar. She worked with several other late teens/early 20s chicks who were in that experimental, newfound freedom phase. Also there was a black gay guy. He was always around. Kissed me once but was for the most part a polite voyeur. Anyway, my slutty girlfriend had worked nights with these girls for quite a while and everyone knew each other well. I would sit in my car in back of the restaurant and get all of the employees high when it was their break time. It was fun. Then slut girlfriend decided that they should all party together. It was diceded that the first Sunday of each month would be girls night. All of the girls and the gay guy would come over to our place and we would party. For the first couple of months, things were pretty tame, relative to what happened later. Since it was my place and I supplied drugs for everyone free of cost all of the time, everyone liked having me around. Then for the last three months, things got out of hand.

It started one night when everyone was in the kitchen playing cards and I was in the living room playing my guitar. The hottest girl in the group was also a pretty serious light weight. She had taken some X and drank and was, as far as anyone could tell, passed out on the couch. I thought I heard her mumble so I stopped playing guitar and listened. Then she said really quiet "I want your cum". I brushed it off and went back to playing guitar. So many possible issues, no use letting some drunken ramblings lead me into stressful situations. A little while later some girls move into the living room including my girlfriend. Everyone is totally fucked up. Hot girl on the couch suddenly sits up a d announces " I want Jesusmuscle's cum in my pussy". Slut girlfriend, being a total fiend for anything sexually interesting, is ecstatic. The other girls follow her lead and before I know it I am trying to ignore the cocaine and sounds of 9 waitresses and a gay guy cheering me on while I pound away on hot girl in the bed. I finally came and was treated like a champion. The next two girls nights were actually orgies. Orgies where my penis was the only available phallic object. There was sex in every corner of the apartment. Most of the time I was on the bed taking orders. Pound it. Let me ride you. Put your cock in my mouth. Stay still inside me while she licks my pussy. Everyone was taking X, girls were cumming left and right, it was humid and smelled like your bedroom after hot sex times ten. I did a good job holding my load and viagra was a huge help. I actually only came for one girl in particular in all of those insane hours. She wasn't the hottest but I liked her the most as a person. After the second of these orgies I dumped slut girlfriend and moved on with my life. I honestly felt disgusting after doing that shit and the way she was cool with it made me hate her. But there is my GWStory. I fucked 9 waitresses from a local restaurant on the same night, twice. Sorry I suck at story telling.



  1. X was still legal for my first couple of years of college… and it was real, pure mdma, not this half meth crap you get these days… man I miss those days.

  2. This is not a bad story. More details would help though. And why you broke up with slutty GF, mankind — well at least all of the men reading this — will likely never completely understand.

  3. i like how short it was because too often i am left not believing half of these stories anyway (cause im a hater) but at the same time i dont care and i want every detail. 9 waitresses? what did they look like? and where did the gay guy go?

  4. Well — that was *interesting*. Enough details to let us create our *own* narrative… but /u/bojog makes a good point: what *of* the gay guy? And /u/phatdoge is right: there *must* be more to the ex-story, no? Anyway, **thanks** for the unique tale!

  5. The mental gymnastics by the posters in these kind of threads are almost as entertaining as the stories themselves.

  6. ya, more details about the drug use, after the orgies started and more details about what everyone was doing. haha and when did you get the kiss? full toungue, just a peck, on the balls? there is so much that could have happened and its unfair to us (reddit allstars) to leave us to fill in the blanks. cause right now in my head the gay guy is up in the mix and you are the only other dude. So…..

  7. Lmao. Ok. You got me with this comment. As a total newb to posting on Reddit what is the SOP for filling in more details? Do I add to my original post or comment here?

  8. I think just going in and editing the post should be fine. Then at the bottom you can just say "EDIT: Added details per Comments request" or something like that.

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