Met a model from Instagram [MF]

Apologies if this sucks. It’s my first time posting something like this.

I am in my forties. I came into some money 3 years ago. I don’t want to get into specifics but it was 8 figures.

I recently read and heard about how rich guys find models and other women on Instagram and other places then set up meetings with them for sex.

Those stories sounded hot to me. One night after more than a few drinks I decided to go for it. I have an Instagram account for whack off purposes. I never post anything. I follow models and porn stars mostly. I used the list of women I follow as a starting point. I identified the ones that live in the US. I focused on girls currently between 19-25.

I started messaging them. For some reason I thought it seemed more legitimate if I pretend to be someone working for me. It made sense in the moment.

I would send a message that said something like “I represent a wealthy client who has expressed interest in meeting with you on his next business trip to XXXXX. He would like to arrange for you to fly out and stay in a 5 star hotel of your choosing for three nights. He would compensate you for your time. Please let me know if you’d be interested in pursuing this opportunity.”

I sent this message to a bunch of different women. Probably 30+ women total. I didn’t sign back in for a couple of days. When I did, I had replies from a few women. A couple were rejections calling me an asshole. A few were asking for more info.

The offer I made was I would pay for their plane ticket, hotel and meals/entertainment. I would pay them $2500 for the first night and if we both decided to meet the other nights, they would get $2500 for each of those. If they were still interested, I offered to provide them some basic info on me. We also discussed what types of things I was into in terms of sex and what they were open to.

Eventually I found a girl who was interested. She actually sounded very excited by the idea. I am not going to reveal her identity or give any hints beyond this. She is an alternative model (tattoos and piercings). She has a fantastic toned body. She is between 19-21 years old.

I arranged to meet her about 2 weeks after she agreed. I was traveling to a major city to meet with the leaders of a business that I might invest in. I got two connecting suites at one of the best regarded hotel in the city. I made dinner reservations for two of the nights. I also got some tickets to a show.

I asked her to bring something nice to wear for dinner. She said she wasn’t sure she had anything. I went online and found a couple dresses at a store in her city and told her to pick them up and get them fitted. I also got her some lingerie.

On the first night, we met in the hotel bar. She looked stunning. I had picked out a dress that showed her arms and back which had big tattoos. I loved the contrast with the formal dress. It was a bit awkward at first. I considered bailing on the whole thing. Luckily after some drinks, we got more comfortable. The conversation was pleasant. She was funny and flirty. She seemed impressed by the restaurant. I don’t think she had ever been somewhere that nice.

After dinner we went to my suite and ordered champagne. We started kissing. I told her to go to the middle of the room and strip for me. I sat in a chair and watched. She really knew how to move. I got off on seeing her in the lingerie I bought her. I told her to crawl to me. I told her to open my pants and suck my cock. She did so. It was super hot. She knew her way around a cock.

I told her to go to the bed. There was a big height difference so I had her get on all fours on the bed. I took her doggy style while I stood. I pulled her hair and called her a slut (we discussed this before we met). She really put on a show and got into it.

After that I had her ride me while I choked her. That made her cum. I had her suck me until I came in her mouth and on her face.

She cleaned up and came back to bed. We chatted a bit and then got started again. I took it much slower this time. I really explored her great body. I sucked her tits. I ate her out before we fucked again.

We agreed to meet the other nights. I worked during the day then we did more or less that same stuff during the nights. I really enjoyed and she seemed to as well. She asked if we could do it again sometime. I said maybe.

So there it is. I’d say that the experience was better than I expected. I will probably do it again. Maybe with her or someone else.



  1. Wow…I like your style.

    Sick that you came into that kind of money (dayum).

    life’s about enjoying and you def did.

    Good luck in the future!

  2. Congratulations on your good fortune coming into that kind of wealth. I’d have wound up buying an island and importing them if I didn’t already have a very hot wife :)

  3. Hey wanna sponsor me to read your stories??? Lol jkjkjk. I would recommend going into more detail on your experience while you two go at it. What she tastes like, the smells, the sounds, her movements, the feeling of her, and movements of your twos bodies. You sound like a clear cut guy that doesn’t BS but take the time to really go indepth with your experiences. Helps us as an audience relive it thru you and helps you relive it yourself once again.

  4. Congrats on the good fortune financially. You’re in a better spot than I amp. Also in the other department too

  5. With all that money, I’d be willing to have you fly me out to Vegas and be part of your Wolfpack for a weekend.

  6. Great story. Very civilized. I love the fact that you treated her to outfits for the event. Throwing in a mani/pedi and a massage might have kicked it up a notch or two.

  7. 8 figures. Whew. Congrats on that.

    You should do a reddit post series with this. Could be interesting.

  8. That is what I dream about. Finding an alternative type and she being good with the whole scenario. Well written. What a way to live your fantasy!

    Good on you, sir.

  9. Bro 2500$ are you kidding me ? a legitimate pornstar don’t even get 2500$ nowadays for one shoot shut this bs

  10. Thanks for sharing the fantasy. I’ll dream of being rich right after I finish filing this bankruptcy, lol. All the best to you, and I hope you find real happiness with your fortune.

  11. wow. well played. i dont kniw if i wd be bold enough to send dresses and lingerie but nice touches of class and wealth.

    the sex sounds like it was awesome. very nice w the dirty talk and the multiple sessions

  12. This is off topic but, what advice do you have for a 17 year old who wants to make 7-8 figures?

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